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seeing things at night ? spiders and insects and people oh my !!

i posted this response in another forum , and am re posting them alone because i feel there are some aspects that are different from the other cases , such as the tremors ,and the length in which this is happening to me ... not only in how long these attacks last , but also in the amount of time in my life they have been happening .

there are also some other symptoms i would like to add . such as a low heart rate , that is increasingly lowered during sleep time . and arm and leg pains that only happen at night . ive had an mri , ekg, cat scan , worn a heart monitor , slept at a sleep study clinic , taken vitamins  , gone to routine check ups . and there is nothing "wrong" with me . i am a healthly 26 year old female .

i think that its strange that every case i have read about everyone is seeing the same images , this leads me to believe and im not a doctor that these things are possible stemming form a part of the brain that would trigger these images . hundreds of people from all over the world that see spiders when trying to sleep . just seems odd that people wouldnt be seeing different things depending on the individual

i have been experiencing this since i was a child . when i was young i believed that there were people in my room at night standing over my bed watching me sleep . sometimes they would grab at me , i felt it as though it was really . my mother would tell me that i would wake up screaming in the middle of the night . but the funny thing was i wasnt asleep . i was only laying there ,sometimes i would wake up with strange scratches or marks on my body . the doctor said i was just a restless sleeper and  it quickly got brushed under the table so to speak as night terrors , and i learned to live with it , as time went on and i got older the "visions" changed . i would see what you guys are calling spiders or insects crawling on the walls , only i think your brain is choosing to see it that way because its something its firmiliar with . i believe that its actually more like a ball of electricity (like those balls in science class you touch and the electric charges shoot to where your fingers are )..... the more i focused on them the more it would look like spiders or something i would naturally see crawling on walls . i also still see people standing in corners . sitting on my bed standing next to the bed . always the same things .and unlike when your eyes play tricks on you i find that when i look away from the image instead of it moving to where i look it stays in one place . my "visions" have started to last longer instead of seeing them for 10 seconds and closing my eyes and having them disappear , its lasting 30 seconds or more . giving me time to actually ponder what im seeing . i am also experiencing a different symptom non of you have mentioned . i sake , sometimes either before or after the visions happen my body trembles i thought it was fear , but now i think its as if its decompressing . its hard to explain . ive seen many doctors , had every test you can think of preformed ,done more then one sleep study . and the diagnoses is all over the place ive heard diet , mild narcolepsy ,sleep paralysis , and my favorite that im stressed . non of which i feel is correct im not excessively tired , i eat healthy , and dont consider my self suffering for any extra stress . i think its strange that we are all seeing the same things , the same 5 images , and that there is no study being done that this could be a completely isolated experience / disorder . i would love to have some answers
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I have always seen things, a lot when I was younger, but the visions went away for a few years, or I had learned to just disregard them somehow.  They first happened again to me when I came down with a progressed stage of Lyme Disease.  The first thing I saw were bugs flying all over my face biting and stinging and crawling into my nose and mouth, but I was able to sweep the vision away.  I began to see flittings of shadows randomly, then one night, while wide awake, siting in bed I looked up at my doorway and a huge armoured figure came in my room and stabbed my chest with a spear.  I quickly disregarded the vision and the pain and blood and everything went away.  I recently began trying pot and it showed me the visions everytime I got high.  I was able to observe and try so many things with this new "world" I had learned to open up.  Normally, this might sound crazy to people, but considering we have all be experiencing the same thing allow me to relate my thoughts.
I believe that all people can potentially experience this "world" while some, us here, to list a few of the minority, have a natural ability to access this "world".  I honestly believe that it is the spirit world.  We only catch shadows or a few individuals from the spirit world for many reasons.  One is that our mind would not be able to comprehend the collective local history of the area we are in, the spirits inhabiting the area, and the flow of the universe.  It would make us crazy.  Which brings me to schizophrenia.  I think that schizophrenic people are wrongfully diagnosed.  Not everything is known about the disorder, but I believe that people with schizophrenia are actually existing between our physical world and the spiritual world.  
These things that we see are spirits. For most of us we will only allow ourselves to see things that are familiar to us, such as bugs, even if we do not like them.  Its a coping mechanism to keep us sane instead of making us see whatever it could actually be, usually just the essence of some spirit(s).  There is a whole lot more that goes into this, but one can obtain a measure of control with the energy from this realm, such as I have been able to explode a bottle of soda by holding it, as well as, other non-tangible acts.
Long story short, in our ancestry, or perhaps just being us, ourselves, I believe there is some shamanic linkage or ancient wellspring of forgotten knowledge locked deep in our psyche that has somehow trickled out to our conscious mind and allows us to see these things.  I ask you all to explore what you see, and think on some of what I've said.  Find some measure of control over the visions so that you can always find yourself back in this physical realm, and once you have accomplished that, works towards discovering these visions.  Travel with caution until you have reached a level of familiarity with the visions.  
Mayhaps we will meet one day on the paths of the spirit. Travel well.
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1526503 tn?1291630461
hi!im 21 and i have also seen the same spiders and shadow figures from a young age were i used to either wake up and scream or run out of bed  and when i tried to explain it to family and friends they used to think i was crazy thank god im not and im greatful iv read this forum
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Hi you are definitely not alone on this, I posted  some of my experiences on the "Wake up seeing things???" thread, in my case, my night visions are getting creepier than ever... remember the girl from the Grudge movie? I saw this woman with long black hair covering her face, coming out of my closet, towards me, then I focused my attention and she went back in, this other night I saw I shadowy figure on one corner of my room, I yelled at it and it jumped( once again back into my closet).  The most terrifying experience which could've been a nightmare because it was so real  was when I sensed a person right next to me on my bed..., this time I saw her face, it was a woman(dead looking) staring at me, I kept telling me "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid" until I went back to sleep. Then the visions stopped... atleast for a while...  last week I woke up in the middle of the night and I could swear I saw a cloud made of semi-transparent white fabrics floating on top of me.
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Wow,  I thought i was stupid typing in the words seeing spiders at night into Bing.  I've been seeing spiders and people in my room since i was very young, at least three, I'm 30 now with an eight  year career in the military.  I've seen these things every where I've gone, in several coutries, in any living space from a ship to a tent.
Your stories sound so much like mine, the fear is horrifing and embarrassing when I'm sleeping next to someone (especially when its a tent, berthing or room full of females that are all peacefully sleeping)  I can't beleive the relief i feel at seeing that I am not alone with  these night time scares. We all try to put a scientific twist to this, but what if there isn't one?  The people I see at night are very realistic looking.  I've begun to accept that perhaps I (we) may be seeing someone that has passed on.  The spiders?  I don't know, perhaps something that our brain can recognize. Just food for thought. Thank you all for sharing, and to the first person that wrote 2 years ago...thank you for being so brave.  
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1191491 tn?1264791269
This sounds like my exact same story! I do sleep with the light on and it helps a lot. But a night light is not bright enough to keep the visions at bay. I have to have a t.v. or an actual lamp on. I am not sure what this is but I graduated from seeing spiders and flying bugs to people in door ways. Some times I go years without seeing anything then all of a sudden it is every night for a few weeks! My heart is racing so fast I feel like I am going to have a heart attack! I guess some might say they are night terrors and you are not fully awake. I am not sure what it is but it is scary!!!
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1490252 tn?1288314978
hay my name is stefanie, im 19 years old and will be 20 next month. iv been seeing spiders in my sleep for almost 2 years now. i dont kno if im  dreaming or not since my eyes are open and i actually kno what im doing. these episodes happen to me off and on, but lately its been happening almost every other night. i wake up literally seeing spiders. i will see them on my dresser, floating in the air, on my walls, pillows, or coming off my ceiling from a web. immedialty when i see them i freak out, ill scream, jump out of bed and run out of my room. the other night i was so freaked out at these spiders that were coming towards my face very fast, i ran out of bed and out of my room, down the hall into  my parents room crying, shakey, and breathless. i couldnt go back to sleep. also last night there was a big black spider crawling up my dresser across the room, i grabbed my baby boy(who sleeps in my bed) and i ran out of the room into the hall then i snapped out of it but i was stilll terrified, i turned on my light and looked for it.. im very worried tho cus now im involving my son into this. i even wake up with alot of spiders spread out in my room floating and i wake up dodging them trying to get out of my room. i dont understand why this has been happening to me. im scared to close my eyes and go to sleep now, its gotten to the point where i sleep with my tv on or my light /: but im relived that im not the only one having this problem..
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