1272624 tn?1395434357

Where are all my woman over 40?

Ok was just wondering where we all went.  I'm still trying to conceive and I'm 44....still not sure how I'm going to get PG. I have my TR date, Sept. 17th. I also called Shady Grove( thanks Mel, u know who u are!  Lol) maybe the donor shared risk program, for any of you out there, I have researched donor eggs, really crazy expensive, but Shady Grove has a program that includeds meds, donor fees, you share the donor with 2 other couples, 1 try is 14,000.00 and no refund, but 29,000.00 for 6 fresh tries and unlimited frozen and its100% back if u don't bring home a baby...Super Sticky baby Dust to All Of Us
118 Responses
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1272624 tn?1395434357
Thank you so much, I did IVF in May at 43, I made 18 follicles, 11 fertilized. We transferred 3 ( I was told we would transfer 4, but when I went for the transfer the "on call" RE said only 2 were called in and they only hatched 2, I was so mad that they gave me 2 hatched and 1 not. I didn't understand that I was 43 and how did 4go down to 2, I found out my RE was afraid, she never thought I would be so fertile, but I'm still 43! So with my big heart ache, we managed to freeze 7, I felt a little better, so now in July on to FET, waited til my legs were up to tell me 1 survived....I was crushed, pissed and thought maybe they just took my $.
  So August we decided that if we had out tubes untied and with a CBE monitor we could keep trying, the TR was $7800.00. So total we spent about $25,000.00 our life savings, we did look into Shady Grove, they have a shared program with a refund with donor eggs,but the dr. Kinda made me mad when I told him I was considering a TR, he said don't waste your money, it's not going to work....boy he really knew how to make me feel bad, he didn't know anything about me, just that I was 44. My FSH is 7.0 and my AMH is 5.6, I just have to find that good egg! I pray that I do!
I am 12dpiui and so far bfn...my beta is Monday!  I pray this works
Thank you Breezy, i pray you get some clarity on what path you need to follow!
Hugs and SSBD
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1217293 tn?1467354344
Hi Breezy,
I always enjoy reading your post when you pop in every so often.  I agree acupuncture and herbs are great! Since starting herbs and acupuncture my period has gone for 3 days, one med two light to five days, two heavy, two med, and one light. I know the blood flow has increased back like when I was young!  I decide to do a medicated cycle this cycle, but am still taking lots of good vitamins and acupuncture weekly!!! I am lucky to have found someone that is not that pricey and easy to work with. She is also like a counselor, she listens and is encouraging every cycle.  I think she is helping me emotional too.

I wish you luck as you search for your new plan.  I started thyroid meds in Aug since my tsh was at 3.6.  Feeling like that was a good move.  People have said cough medicine does help around ovulation, so you are right on that one.  Keep us posted on what you decide to do next!

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509879 tn?1259338951
Congrats on getting your tubes untied! Why is IVF out for you? I was never "allowed" to try IVF due to my high FHS levels, although I was seriously considering natural cycle IVF when we discovered (discovered? It had been there all along) the uterine fibroid. I'm still toying with the idea of retrieving the single egg my body releases for a few cycles, just to know for sure that they really are of poor quality. If I go that route and if I get lucky enough to get a good egg, I would then consider the surgeries and hypothyroid meds and possibly have the fertilized egg implanted back inside me. But I would also consider going with a surrogate who's successfully given birth before. The problem is the cost of all this stuff, which is why we keep returning to the idea of a donor egg and surrogate in India. If we had enough money for it, I would suck it up and try natural cycle IVF every month!

Melanie, it's really difficult to know how many times you should try IUI. I tried IUI once, clomid once (not at all good for my body--caused lots of bleeding and other problems) and follistim twice. None of it resulted in pregnancy. The two times I did get pregnant, we simply had good old-fashioned sex when the CBE fertility monitor said it was time! The second time I got pregnant, I was sick with a bad cold but tried anyway. I've always suspected the cough medicine helped in that case but b/c one tube is totally blocked and the other is only partially open, it's likely that the egg couldn't make it all the way through.

I have a close friend who also did all the fertility clinic stuff to no avail. She too got fed up, cast it aside, started doing acupuncture and herbs and wound up with a healthy pregnancy at age 41. When that daughter was 1, they decided to try for another and successfully got pregnant soon after, only to miscarry. Well, the very SAME CYCLE she miscarried, she got pregnant again and now has two healthy daughters (second was born when she was 43).

I also have another friend who ACCIDENTALLY got pregnant at 42! She too has a healthy baby girl.

And perhaps the most encouraging story I have is of the friend of my coworker/friend. This woman and her husband tried to have a baby in their late 30s and early 40s. They tried all the fertility treatments to no avail and after much disappointment finally made the decision to give up. As the years passed, they took care of their ailing parents and lived their lives. Then at 49, the woman believed she was going through the beginnings of menopause when she didn't get her period. They were so shocked when they learned that she was actually pregnant!! They actually talked about aborting, but in the end they decided to go forward with it. Well, the woman gave birth to a healthy-in-every-way baby girl at age 50!!!!! That little girl is now 4 years old. Unfortunately the husband of this woman/father of their daughter was diagnosed with stomach cancer last year and soon after passed away, so this woman is now raising her daughter by herself, but she is so grateful that she has her. When I told this story to an RE, he said it sounded like an urban myth, which was infuriating. My friend/coworker is CLOSE FRIENDS with this woman.

Anyway, the point is that we DO still have good eggs--it's just a matter of catching the right one. And for me personally, acupuncture, herbs, supplements, exercise, enough sleep and laughter is the best medicine. The meds I took via the clinics did more harm to my body than good--I think they worked to make my hormonal balances worse than they were. But they have been good for many women, so everyone has to make their own choice as to how to proceed.

As I said last time, I'm getting tired of fighting the good fight. I feel like every time I make a decision to move forward on something, there's a new obstacle. It's one thing to say, "Okay, I'll try these meds," or "I'll change my diet." It's another to get pregnant, miscarry and THEN find out you have a hypothyroidism, even though you were tested 18 months before. It's hard because you wonder if that hypothyroidism is what caused the miscarriage. But then you suck it up and keep going. And then you learn that due to a doctor and nurse's incompetence, you now have one fully blocked tube and another partially blocked tube. So then you sort of overcome that bit of devastating news and make the decision to try natural cycle IVF--let's bypass the now-blocked tubes. But then you bleed for 18 days and learn that you have a uterine fibroid that the doctors NOW say you have to get surgically removed before you can proceed. So you go to the surgeon and she tells you that fibroids are slow growing and that yours had to be there for some time. Actually, the doctors did always say you had a fibroid but that it wasn't in a place that would interfere with pregnancy. Well, the bleeding resulted in an ultrasound that says otherwise. It says, "Yes, the fibroid would ABSOLUTELY interfere with not only your ability to stay pregnant but your ability to get pregnant in the first place."

All of this is so frustrating to me. After my second miscarriage, I spent thousands of dollars on acupuncture and herbs and now I learn there's been a fibroid there the entire time? What is wrong with these doctors??? They're so dismissive and they really don't pay attention to what might be the problem because they're SO MARRIED to the idea that if your FSH levels are high, you simply can't get pregnant.

Whew, okay, I have to calm down. I apologize for my insane rant. Obviously I have a lot of frustration/anger, which is why I'm now looking into a donor egg with surrogate. The doctors have failed me at every turn while simultaneously convincing me that my body is not "good enough" to conceive/carry a pregnancy. But writing all this has renewed my strength a little bit. Maybe I will get the damn surgeries and try the natural cycle IVF. It's just that funds are limited so if that doesn't work, I'm not sure we'd have enough money to move on to surrogate and donor egg in India. We've never decided though that we'd definitely do that--have just been researching it as of late.

Melanie, if you can afford it, I strongly recommend acupuncture and herbs. I really believe it works, but be sure you find a fertility acupuncturist.

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1272624 tn?1395434357
Hi breezy, I will also be 45 in June. I had my tubes untied in September, did the ivf and fet thing prior to the reversal. I'm so sad today, I thought I might have a positive 12 d past trigger, but today, it was neg. So either instill have a chance or not, how many iui's do I go through, ivf is out. I seem to be fertile although my EGGS are OLD....
Good luck on your journey
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509879 tn?1259338951
Hi April and everyone,

I live in NYC and when I began this journey, Dr. Brandeis was the first doctor I went to, mainly because his office is located near where I live. While he is a friendly person, he was not a doctor I wanted to see a second time. His office was empty (bad sign); he was rather late for our appt; without even examining me beyond a verbal discussion, he wanted me to schedule laproscopic surgery with him to make sure everything was ok, yet he didn't seem concerned about doing semen analysis on my boyfriend; he did draw blood to check my FSH levels (I coincidentally was there on day 3 of my cycle), but instead of calling me back that evening with the results as he promised, he took DAYS to get back to me, with me calling several times myself in an attempt to get my results. Finally, he is very difficult to understand because he has this mumbling/low talker thing going on. I'm not discounting any positive experience you had, but wanted to share my own experience as well.

Far and away, I've found the REs in NYC to be exceedingly discouraging and most of the fertility clinics here make you feel like you're on an assembly belt in a factory (including--nay, ESPECIALLY--the ones with the highest ratings). Worse, if you're not a candidate for their specific protocol, they pretty much toss you aside ("your only bet is to use donor eggs.") The REs here made me feel like a 70-year-old woman (at the time I was 42) by constantly telling me how old I was and how it was too late for me and how I had only a 1% chance of ever conceiving with my own eggs. After awhile I stopped going to them, bought the CBE fertility monitor and just started trying on my own but in a halfhearted sort of way.

Well, nobody was more shocked than I when I became pregnant au naturale at 43! Unfortunately, I had an early miscarriage and during that period went to a high-risk ob/gyn (I'd made the appt while I was still pregnant and a friend convinced me to keep it once I was miscarrying so that I could establish a relationship with the doctor for the "next time" I became pregnant.) Well, apparently I chose the one day out of the year that they had an entirely incompetent nurse in the office (sent over from an agency). It is a nightmare story, so I'll skip the details and cut to the chase by telling you that I wound up with an infection that left one of my tubes completely blocked and the other partially blocked. I was told by the office that the nurse was fired the very next day for "endangering their patients." I was DEVASTATED, sickened, angry, depressed--wanted to sue but didn't have the wherewithal/energy to research and contact attorneys. At this same time, I had started going to yet another RE, who promptly told me that I had a subclinical hypothyroidism that could've been responsible for the miscarriage and could've been interfering with my ability to get pregnant all along. Most disconcerting was that my blood work showed, going all the way back to Columbia 18 months before(!), that I'd had the hypothyroidism then, that my numbers were even worse then! But Columbia had never mentioned to to me, probably because they figured I was "too old" to be trying anyway (in conjunction with my high FSH levels).

Let me tell you all something: the RE who diagnosed the hypothyroidism and hydrosalpinx (blocked tube) told me that "barring a miracle," I would never get pregnant again. I was 43 with high FSH (highest was in the 60s!), a hypothyroidism AND one fully blocked tube and one partially blocked tube. He, like everyone else, told me to turn to donor eggs. I came home and cried my eyes out. Felt really depressed and defeated. One month later (3 months after the first pregnancy), I got pregnant au naturale for a SECOND TIME. I walked in to that doctor's office and said, "Well, here I am--your walking, talking miracle."

I did miscarry again, but the point is that even with super high FSH levels and one partially open tube AND with a hypothyroidism and being 43, I was able to get pregnant. Doctors will tell us that we miscarry because our eggs are "old," but they can't know that for sure. I might've miscarried because a perfectly healthy egg was stuck in my partially open tube. I might've miscarried because of the hypothyroidism. Who knows?

Well, my bad news is that since then I've also learned that I have a fibroid in my uterus (can you believe all this?) that's also most likely been there this entire time. So NOW if I want to keep trying, I need to get surgery to shave down the fibroid, I need surgery to remove the blocked tube and I need to take the meds for the hypothyroidism (been looking into other ways of fixing that). I'm now 44 and sooooo sick of doctors and all their errors and their crappy attitudes (mostly). Of all the REs I went to, the one who diagnosed the hypothyroidism is the best as his office is smaller, you get more attention, he listens to what you have to say, but even he puts too much emphasis on age. His name, if anyone's interested, is Dr. Hugh Melnick, located on the Upper East Side.

I'm now not only considering a donor egg but also a surrogate (in India). We are at a place of really weighing our options and we want to choose carefully since everything now seems to cost about $30,000 (or more) and we want to make the choice that will most likely result in a baby for us. It has been extremely difficult for me to let go of the idea of having my own biological child--especially since my mother died 10 years ago, my father is sick and my brother will most likely not have his own children--but I'll be 45 this summer and I have to ask myself if it's a family I'm after or simply own child. If I can't have my own child, do I give up on the idea of parenting? And how long to I wait before I say, "Time to move forward"? Do I want to be 50 with a newborn or is it time to look at alternative ways of creating a family?

When considering donor eggs, I initially thought I'd carry the baby myself but that puts me back in a place of needing the surgeries, meds, etc. And there have been so many missed or ignored medical issues by the doctors that I'm not sure I trust them to accurately give me a clean bill of health, if I do undergo the surgeries.

Anyway, I'm digressing. My point is that I think many of you DO have a good chance of having your own baby, in spite of what the doctors say. In my particular case, it was when I got away from the doctors and the meds that I became pregnant twice. The second time, for the record, I'd been doing acupuncture and taking herbs, though not religiously. I certainly wish everyone lots of luck!!


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There is  a doctor in NYC and he is very affordable
VINCENT BRANDEIS, Board Certified in Reproductive and Endocrinology ...

good luck!
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Thank You. That was inspiring. I am preparing myself for a negative Beta test on the 19th and also preparing myself for a 2nd cycle of IVF with Donor Eggs. Like you, I too detoxed and exercised before ET. The desire for motherhood makes me live a healthier life.
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Thank You. That was inspiring. I am preparing myself for a negative Beta test on the 19th and also preparing myself for a 2nd cycle of IVF with Donor Eggs. I too detoxed and exercised before ET.
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1217293 tn?1467354344
I actually did better on fermara than injectables.  I only did one cycle of injectables, and this cycle I had to be natural since I was out of town and I ovulated super early!  Since I have been temping, I knew once I saw 98 I probably ovulated, and I had my dr run a progesterone test and it confirmed it. So, my monitor didn't catch the surge this cycle, but I knew it!

So, in the 2ww already! I like my new RE dr so I do have a plan for next cycle if needed. Fermara and possibly IVF or IUI depends on how I respond.  
Sending baby dust!
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1443324 tn?1297766280
You guys are so great.......each time I think to myself whether i should give up, I read the posts and get more determined....

like what babydreamr says, its just a matter of time - finding the good eggs......the more I try, the better results I get in terms of fertilisation and embryo quality....maybe I am getting closer :)

Hugs and SSBD to all!
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Thank you for your warm welcome!  My CD3 estradiol level was 50 and my CD10 was 965.  My RE said everything was good, but of course, the most important number is my age.  I know it's just a number, but I also know that it means I have a fair amount of bad eggs mixed in with some healthy ones.  People ARE getting pregnant naturally in their 40's, and so, if they can do it - so can we!

We all obviously have lots in common.  Not only are we all TTC, but we are all determined to do so, despite the fact that Doctor's continually state that anyone over 40 has little chance.  Thank goodness we are all rebels :o)
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Thanks, Risa, I'm so glad I found you all!   FSH is an important hormone, but when it's elevated, its because it's telling our ovaries they need to work harder than they used to.  We all already know that!  I feel like, if we are getting our periods and ovulating every month, then our bodies are trying to get pregnant.  We know our fertility slows as we get older, so for all of us, it just means we wait until the right healthy egg comes around.  We know there are still plenty of good ones in there, and it will come out sooner or later!  

How was your response with injectables? Sounds like your moving in the right directing!  Good luck and sending baby dust to you!

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1096856 tn?1333119985
Welcome to our group babydreamr!!  This is a wonderful group of ladies with great advice and no.... ttc over 40 is NOT for wimps!  I don't have insurance that covers any infertility, so I'm pretty much on my own.  My ob/gyn has given me clomid for the first time this cycle.  I am now on cd15 and no sign of ovulation, so don't think it is working, we'll see.  Your fsh is very good, but you didn't say what your estradiol level is.  When I had my tested last, my fsh was 5.4, which is excellent but..... estradiol was over 160, bad, bad, bad.  I found out that when estradiol is high, it lowers your fsh, but it is really just a mask.  If I were in your shoes and my estradiol level was also very good, I would probably try a couple cycles of iui, however.... if your insurance runs out in 5 months, I would be inclined to do IVF right away to gather as many eggs as possible, fertilize them and at least freeze them so that if you're not preggo by the time insurance is up, it won't be as expensive to have your embies put back in later if necessary.

I don't know.... just some thoughts.  I do know they say on average it takes 3 iui's to become pregnant.

Best of luck to you and again... welcome!
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1217293 tn?1467354344
OH I know, those pre-test took me several months too and I just wanted to get started!!   I also thought I would get pregnant as soon as I went off the pill and when nothing happened for 9 months, I started the tests.  By the time I started treatment, it was six months later!  Now I have been going to RE office for 2.5 years and I am still ttc after many failed IUI's with meds and without.  

Your FSH is great, so you will probably just need some meds to help and will be pregnant soon!

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Hi ladies, new to this forum, but feel like I can only talk to people who are going through the same thing as me.  I am 43 and TTC for about 6 months.  I was completely delusional and thought that all I had to do was try - so much for that. Went to RE and was told I needed to pass some tests before Insurance would cover infertility treatment.  I passed (FSH 6.3), but only have 5 months of coverage. This Thursday I will have my LAST diagnostic test (hysteroscopy to see if I have a small fibroid in my uterus).  I think of the 2-3 months wasted with all this testing - so frustrating.  I hate this feeling like I am battling time, but I know that I am.  

I do have children, youngest is 5, and all but gave up the idea of having another.  Then, much to my amazement, someone I know got pregnant at 44 and 10 months (She is almost 6 mos now).  I said to myself "if SHE can do it....."  So here I am, and finding out very quickly that TTC over 40 is not for wimps.

If the hysteroscopy this Thursday identifies a fibroid, I will have it treated and will start TTC at the end of Jan.  My RE has given me the option of gonalf w/IUI or gonalf w/IVF.  I thought I would start with IUI, but since I only have 5 mos of insurance coverage, maybe I should go right to IVF?  I dunno, this is so hard! Any words of wisdom out there from you ladies??  Baby (((Hugs))) to all.
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1272624 tn?1395434357
Hello, I bought a CBE monitor, also I've used opk's. The truth is I got my bfn today, we tried iui with gonal-f and ovidrel. I'm waiting for AF to start all over again!
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hi melanie,
I know that you are trying natural TTC, how do you check for time of Ovulation?
SSBD to you
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1272624 tn?1395434357
Hello, did your dr give you instructions? Mine told me to wait 6 weeks, I o'ed 3days before that and he said it was ok. Good luck and SSBD to All of Us!
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Hello Melanie,
I talked to you once before . I had to have laparoscopy for my blocked tubes. Now I had it done but unfortunately they were able to open only one of the tubes. My question to you is how long after your TR you started TTC. I have first AF today after my tube surgery. do you think i can do ttc this month. any other suggestions from anyone else for positive results. Oh and I am 45 years OLD and no kids so far, have tried 3 IUI, 3 IVF all failure...my RE is the most discouraging DR on the face of this earth....so I had to go out of country to have my tubes open.... BD to all
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1217293 tn?1467354344
What is nice about temping is we can see AF coming before she is on the way!  See temps start going up after ovulation (over 98) and they stay up if pregnant.  If you see temps starting to drop, AF is on the way in a day or two.  It just gives us some more information.  Your temp should be up since you are taking progesterone.

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1106767 tn?1315050974
Hi ladies hope we al have good luck in the new year and all our wishes come true Bev xx
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1272624 tn?1395434357
Hi Honey, I have a tracker, should I be temping? I thought that was for o'ing. Let me know what I'm supposed to do...this is so confusing!
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1096856 tn?1333119985
Oh my gosh Melanie, I am so excited for you!!!  Do you have a tracker??  Are you temping?  I'm going to go check.... I hope so because I want to watch your progress.  I wish you all the best and hope so much that you get your BFP before the new year!!  What a blessing that would be!!

Love, hugs and huge Baby Dust back to you!!
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1272624 tn?1395434357
Hello again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Just wanted to let you know we decided not to wait and this cycle used Gonal-f and iui with trigger. We are currently 2dpiui.  I pray all of us get our wish for this joyous NewYear.
Love hugs and Baby Dust,
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