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313193 tn?1194192298

teen needs help..

Ive been watching gay porn for about 3 or 4 years now and i really want to fond with another male, however, when the chance comes, something tells me not to. I have ALWAYS been a guy who the females are attracted to, and therefore have had alot of girlfriends, however, when it came to having sexual intercorse with a person of the opposite sex, i couldnt erect, whether it was nerves or what, it just wouldnt happen. I so want kids, marriage and happiness, WITH A FEMALE. I want to be normal and live a normal life, i dont want to be gay or bi, i want to be straight. Is there a possibility i am still straight? After 3 or 4 years of liking men?
20 Responses
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329844 tn?1194803850
hey ive read the whole thing ive watched gay porn but stopped its wasteless and dont worry i feel the same way you do im 16 and still not decided if straight or by so yeah like april said porn is bad well hope you sorted problems out hope everything is going ok well yeah wat ever you do dont go suacidal have a freind just like that in the ernd you just regret everything  have fun and enjoy life
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Your young you choose who you want to be, if you want o be with girls be with girls maybe your just to young to be having sex
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203342 tn?1328737207
If he's a good principal he won't. He shouldn't be taking any sides. At least he knows, now and if the bully tries anything then the bully knows now that he is being watched and can get suspended or expelled or whatever they would do in this type of situation.
Are you sure he even saw this email? I'm just surprised that he hasn't tried to do anything yet. Even if he did, he may have just been blowing some steam off and he's cooled off now. It may have all just been talk about him getting you. Who knows?
One thing I did want to ask you, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm just wondering if you really did write the email or whatever it was? The whole thing just seemed kind of odd. Well, like I said, you don't have to answer that. Just be more careful in the future what you do write on email, or myspace or whatever. You may think it's private, but it's not! People can see what you don't want them to see as you're finding out now. So just be more careful in the future what you put in cyberspace.
I'd say just give this time. Like most things, it should just blow over with a little time. Good luck!
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313193 tn?1194192298
Been to the principle.
He said even if i did say it then i shouldnt be getting threatened.
He said he'll get the bully in and sort it out, however, hes a person who gets along with the lads of my year very well and therefore im thinking he will take sides with the bully?
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313193 tn?1194192298
Im going to see my principle at 10:30am today, so ill let you all know how it goes.
Im just worrying that if he see's the chatlog he'll think its me
Theres a bit in the chatlog after reading it myself which says
"see, my face is ugly, you can even see it on webcam"?
that's obviously the bit that's convinced the bully that it's me?
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203342 tn?1328737207
No, I don't think you should just go and let yourself be beat on. Did you talk to your principal yet? Is this bully still even interested in you? Usually after awhile they lose interest and move on to someone or something else.
In the meantime, I'd make sure I'd walk home with a friend. There's safety in numbers.
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313193 tn?1194192298
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313193 tn?1194192298
Hey Guys
I havent yet spoken to my principle
but in the meanwhile, i told my mom
Shes beginning to show emotion now
and worrying i may try suicide as i have done before
half term hasnt yet ended and the school dont even seem interested
seen as my mom rang them and asked to speak to my head of year.
i think im going to go in during the half term and speak to him my self
but im worried he'll get me on the way home from school, that way he'll be waiting for me outside the school gates.This is now going to affect my concentration in lessons and i'll most probably fall behind on coursework.

Also, thanks for the advice on the whole Gay thing, ive learnt whoever i am, i am and i'll have to deal with that, and so will my parents even though they are huge homophobes, in the meanwhile im not worrying as much on that, and im trying to get the whole bullying thing sorted out before it leads to far.

One more thing before i let you guys reply...
Should i just go out and let the bully hit me? that way it'll be over and done with and he wont bother me again.

Thanks, Dan x
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Dan there are people here for you.
Get adult help with the bullying. It must be stopped right now.
Get that sorted out first, then you will be in a happier frame of mind to sort out your other problem xx
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203342 tn?1328737207
You didn't read all the way thrrough this post! We moved past the whole gay porn thing.

If you guys want to help, then read through the whole post. He moved on from the original question and was saying that he was worried about a bully at school and wanted advice on how to deal with that.

But I agree. I don't think any 15 year old is ready to have sex anyway. That could be part of the not able to perform. Even my 19 year old son says teenagers aren't ready to have sex because their brains aren't fully developed. He's taking Psychology right now in college, can you tell?!

Btw, squee27, there's no proof that homosexuality is biological at all, none. But I'm not going to get into that here.

Dan, have you talked to your principal yet? How are things going? Is that kid leaving you alone? I hope this all just blows over for you. It usually does after awhile. Just be safe.
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Of course you may be straight. But of course, you may be gay. You say that's not what you want, but what you want does not change who you are biologically.

If you were 20 and said you've been watching gay porn for 4 years, I would say you may very well be gay. However, being 15 and hence watching porn of any kind at the age of 11 signifies that there may be some other issues here. If there is chaos in your family, this may be affecting your confusion.

As for the lack of erection in intercourse, this could be a lot of things - but at 15, I would say that "nerves" are the main culprit, especially if you are getting a normal erection during masturbation.
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203342 tn?1328737207
Sometimes kids can be so cruel especially at this age. I don't know why that is. Perhaps because they feel so insecure themselves?
Have you tried looking for friends outside of school like maybe a church youth group? At least there they'd probably be nicer! (One would hope!)
As I tell my daughter, a true friend wants the best for you. They don't put you down. They lift you up. They don't treat you badly just to make themselves look better. I told her that a lot last year because I was worried about a friend she had. I think she's finally getting it.
Keep your chin up! I hope things turn for you real soon.
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313193 tn?1194192298
Thank you so much
Ive recently realised that mates arnt mates and never will be.
Alot of my "friends" have said im a stuck up attention seeker when i break out to them in tears
and a few have said they wouldnt do anything if he hurt me.
I think im going to go up to the school and talk to my head about it before half term ends.
thanks again

If there is anyone else with any advice
PLEASE help.
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203342 tn?1328737207
Do you have any idea who stole your password? Did you give it to anyone?
I think you're going to have to involve your parents and maybe even the police. I had the same situation happen with my daughter a year ago when she was 14. She had a MySpace account that we monitered. Well, she was grounded from it for a week and so hadn't checked it for awhile (us either) and when she went to school kids were coming up to her and laughing and telling her that they didn't know she was "like that". She had no clue what they were talking about. When she got home she told me that it looked like someone had stolen her password and was spreading lies about her. She asked if she could check. We both got on there and looked at it. I become immediately concerned and sick to my stomach. Someone had gone on her MySpace and changed her age to 21 from 14 (it was a pivate account). This opened it up for anyone to be able to see it. Then this person pretended to be her and broadcasted that she was wanting sex with anyone who was willing. They had conversations with people and it got pretty graphic. I was alarmed. I felt she was in danger because pedaphiles could get on there and find her. I called the cops to come to our house and look at it. At first I got a little upset with the cop because he thought it was her and that she was just pulling something over on us. Then while he was there this person came on her MySpace again which proved it wasn't her. We asked her if she had given out her password. Finally after a little thought she said she had given it out to two people, but insisted that they were her friends and would never do something like that. The one person I didn't think so, but the other person I didn't know. We started putting two and two together and realized who was probably doing this. I asked the cop to go to his house and talk to him and his dad. I wanted to scare the kid, sure, because I didn't want him to ever do something like this again, but I also wanted to show him how serious this was. I wanted him to understand that he had actually put my daughter in danger. The cop went to his house and talked to the kid and his dad and the kid confessed everything. He was just being stupid and playing around and didn't realize the ramifications of what he had done. This was a real eye opener to my daughter. I told her she was to never give out her password. This also was an eye opener to me too. I actually asked her to shut down her MySpace even though she didn't do anything wrong. I told her when she was a little older, she could have it again.

I don't know if it helped sharing my story or not. However, I do think this is serious enough that you should share with your parents. And see if you can narrow down who might have gotten ahold of your password.

Please talk to your parents, especially if you are feeling suicidal. They can help you. Don't try to handle all of this on your own. They may even decide it might be in your best interest to put you in another school. But give them a chance to help. Let them know how serious this has gotten. And write back and let me know how you are doing. I care, and I don't want to see you hurt yourself or anyone else hurt you!
I'm praying for you, Sweetie. Take care of yourself.
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313193 tn?1194192298
Im living in england which is a really bad bullying place. Someone took my password for my messenger account and then logged on pretending to be me, then they started flirting with his brother so he told his younger brother who then read the messages sent from my computer to his. Now this younger brother of his is threatening to hurt me inside or out of school, none of my mates will stick up for me, they'll watch him hit me and hit me. Im actually at a suicidle stand atm because of this.
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203342 tn?1328737207
I'm not sure I understand. You have someone at school who is threatening to hurt you? How did you get him in trouble? You may need to get your parents involved or the principal. In the meantime, always make sure you are surounded by people. Never be alone. It doesn't hurt to have big friends either! I'm not saying that jokingly. My son is 19 and not real big for his age. He's 5'8, but he has two really good friends who are 6'4 and 6'5. I know it's a little silly, but I always felt a little better when he was with one or both of them because they are so big nobody would mess with them.  
Tell me a little more about your situation and I'll see if I can help.
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313193 tn?1194192298
ok, the thing is, i have girl mates, and very few male friends. To be honest, im going to cut masturbation out all together and concentrate on school work. However, seen as your good with advice, how would i go about stopping some lad from badly hurting me? I got hacked on MSN and someone chatted his brother up and he read the chat log. He said the more i get him in trouble the more he'll hurt me, Im extremley worried and scared to go to school? He also might get me outside of school
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203342 tn?1328737207
Yes of course it's possible. Do you find yourself attracted to girls at school and around you? That should clue you in. Have you ever had a girlfriend?
Sometimes we get turned on by something that seems forbidden, like the porn (or gay porn). I'm not saying that's the case with you, I'm just saying sometimes that's the case.
You're still young. You're trying to figure out who you are in many ways I'm sure. This is a time in life where we are trying to figure who we are and what we want out of life.
Try not to think so much (or worry so much!) The more we think on things or worry about things, the more it will stay in our minds! Just try and relax and focus on school, sports or whatever else you enjoy. Just relax and enjoy life. You'll know you're in the right place when you feel peace about it. Take care.
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313193 tn?1194192298
I took the advice and its helped alot.
Im 15, Are you sure its still possible for me to be straight after masturbating after 3 or 4 years to men?
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203342 tn?1328737207
You don't say how old you are, but of course it's possible you're straight. I think you're just trying to figure out who you are. The fact that you want to get married and have kids some day "with a female" (your words) tells me that you are straight.

And I'd stay away from the porn, gay or straight. It's just garbage you're putting in your mind. It doesn't represent how sex really should be, something beautiful and personal between two people who love each other, not people just using each others bodies for gratification with no thought to the other person (as in porn).
I've known too many people caught in the trap of porn addictions and had it destroy or nearly destroy their marraiges or lives. Let me tell you, if you really are wanting a healthy relationship with a woman and to marry and have kids, stay away from the porn. I don't know any females who accept or like their men watching porn. Just my thoughts and advice. You can take it or leave it.
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