214901 tn?1227567555

Amour Thyroid

Why are so many doctors against Rxing Amour Thyroid for hypothyroid. If there is even a slight possibility it may help me to feel better I want to try it. What loss is it to them to just let someone do a trial run....I bet if they felt half of what I feel like with the same condition they would exhaust every option.

It obviously works for some people...

Has anyone had trouble with their doctors and eventually convinced them?
28 Responses
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214901 tn?1227567555
I just wanted to say my doctor is a regular MD that has taking training holistic/naturopathic approches to medicine. She is a little mean with some very poor bed side manner, but she really knows what she is talking about. I have seen 3 endocrinologist and talk to many others that have told me the samething: when my TSH is at 3, my symptoms are from another source, because that is in the " normal range". My family doctor(spoken of above) said "we want you to be closer to 1 with you TSH, not 3". She is a fantastic doctor when she is in a good mood, when I catch her on a bad day and she usually makes me cry :~)

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393685 tn?1425812522
I am not going to go on and on regarding the issue on diseased animals.

That is NOT my cat on my icon for what is is worth.

CANADA’S “THYROID” contains: dried Thyroid.. from what - animals - It is like an Armour product - just without the "A" on the pill.

If we picked at every article out there on what's bad to eat - what's good - what is full of bacteria and hormones and additives and everything else we would starve to death.  BUT

are we trying to remain informed on this ...........YES. It's all about choices as you well know.

No body said YOU said anything about dying on the med - It was a metafor.

I totally see your point. and I see you are - as me  - quite the animal lover and protector. I would not want to see anything inhuman happen to any animal. Is it happening - Yes I believe so -

is it for thyroid medication - well I don't think that is the case.

I hope you find answers to your hypothyroidism questions here and I hope if you make the choice with Thyrolar it is works well for you. I also hope your chemo has ended and your condition has improved

I never had chemo - I have not needed it -  I also can't imagine what you went though and still may have. I care very much for the welfare of people as I do an animal and I truly hope what ever battle you are in ends.

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443974 tn?1224589328
Thank you C~  
I understand, and agree completely.  We are all here for much needed support...I guess that was why I was surprized at the initial responses. I didn't get the answers about what I was concerned and  asked about LOL... the Hypothyroidism and my wacky levels!!  LOL  :)  
As I said I am learning as I am going, just like I would imagine everyone here was when they first heard the news.

It is quite frightening to find out your life is going to change in any way. I thought when I was finished with Chemo I would get my life back ,,,then this bomb fell on me yesterday... I feel like it's back to the drawing board!  But friends and family get us through those times. I am on a great support group for Chemo Thank you, and they have all been my rock of Gibralter!

I hope you have the day you need to have!!!
Thanks again
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443974 tn?1224589328
WelI I   thought this is exactly what I did say in my second post..."we are not all cut from the same cloth.... and we all have to find what works for us."
In fact that is exactly what I said. And added I should have said what works for "some"  doesn't for others and vice versa.  I guess you did not read my whole post.

I am on Chemo and most likely got Hypothyroidism from my meds...as it is a side effect. I JUST found out I have Hypo yesterday and I came here for support certainly not controversy. I have not even started treatment,  so I was  looking  into all of the possibilities and  I was merely answering Julianne's first  question "Why she was having trouble getting it". As she said, it is banned in Canada..... I would think You should be asking why the Canadians banned it???? Not why The FDA allows it?  That certainly IS  controversy no ???

I was simply sharing with Jullianne (btw) what I have read, been told by my Docs and Endo and friends have experienced...I thought I made myself quite clear of that and I NEVER said anyone died from it!!  It works for some and not for others...  like my Chemo works (so far for me and not others) simple as that. I am a firm believer in individualism...we are not all the same. I know some folks who swear by Synthroid others who could not even last 2 weks on it. I am just starting the journey to find out what is going to work for me!  I "thought" this was a good start.

I really don't even want to go here.... as far as the FDA is concerned but since you brought the issue up with your questions....  HERE is where the real controversy is:  it is the most inept institution that allowed Chinese pet food into this country and marked it SAFE and thousands upon thousands of our pets were killed by it!  ( I notice you have a picture of your cat as your logo).... I would think that careless blunder made you furious, along with the thousands who lost their pets,  because of the same FDA you are defending.    Now we are finding they are allowing and have allowed   tainted food into this country on a daily basis....Melenin has been found in some of our milk products...(not many YET thank God) funny how we don't here much about it, just the little blurbs here and there...while Chinese babies are dying and getting sick by the thousands!  The FDA refuses to mark our food GMO grown, as they do in Europe...in fact the rest of the world has so little confidence in the American  FDA and our system our Beef and other food is banned in many countries!  That is quite reasuring when even 3rd world countries like Somalia, will not take our food because they don't trust it! And they are starving! Our beef has been banned in Europe for years because of the hormones antibiotics and general **** we put into our beef.

I can't begin to list how many drugs were given the big stamp of approval by the FDA  saying they  were safe... Vioxx just came to mind because it has recently been pulled if Iam not mistaken ( I think it was Viox fogive me if I am wrong it could have been celebrex or nexium one of them any way)   now they are changing there tune on that as well because some people have died! And the list will go on and on unless something changes soon.  

I hope this answers some of your questions on the whys things are still on the market in this country, when they should not be. So when I found out I had Hypothyroidism Yesterday you bet I went on an all out hunt for the truth about every drug. Thyrolar has it's issues as well. I am not saying it is perfect. Right now I don't know what I am going to take for sure all I do know is I have to take something and I am going to be darn sure it is the safest drug on the market and NOT because the FDA says so!

And to further clarify myself, as I see that is very neccessary, I in no way am saying nor did I say Armour should be taken off the market.    If it works for some Wonderful!!  If it doesn't they do need to move on. My heart went out to the woman who wrote about alternatives who has had no succsess her frustration was deep and understandable. Having to be on Chemo for 6 months of my life and deal with the side effects every day I know her frustration believe me!

As far as my Hypothyroid tx...I choose not to take anything that has anything to do with animal protein or could in any way mean that animal is being harmed by the process. That is MY choice. You have yours.  Some doctors concern was the  possibility of contamination if the pig or cow they used was sick to begin with. That makes sense to me. We get salmanella from chickens...one reason is  factory farms treat them so inhumanely...the other we cook it and prepare it unproperly.

If fact be told... There was a time they thought some of the natural animal (bovine)based Thyroid drugs could give you Mad Cow disease....and they (the FDA) were thinking of taking it off the market. Read up on that, it is all over the net.  But that was swept under the rug by who???  Of  course the almighty
Pharmeceutical lobbyists in Washington as well. They don't want to lose the billions they are making from any of these drugs. My chemo drugs are 2,000 a month! I have insurance thankfully...but look at the side effects! I get Hypothyroidism and will probably be on medication the rest of my life because of it.

So again I was merely answering the first question by Julianne...Why was her doctor so reluctant to give her Armour.... I read the threads and noone brought up the animal protein issue which has been a concern for years. So I added what I knew what I researched and experienced from friends. The info is all out there for anyone who wants to look.
I thought that was what this forums was about...sharing support...we don't have to agree...we all have opinions but support for those going through frustrating times, seems to be the main reason we should be here.  That is why I joined when I found out yesterday.  Certainly not for controversary.   To each her/his own!
Be well!
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393685 tn?1425812522
One question on the Armour "dangers" If your doctor  Dr Weil has "decided " that Armour is unsafe due to animal protein concerns?!?!?"

- why is the FDA still allowing it to be produced? Why is it still being manufactured? Why are people not dying on the med and it isn't in the news?

There was just a huge recall of beef byproducts here  Don't eat hamburger remember?

- Why is Westroid still in exsistance?

It's not accurate information -  Please research more before throwing this out there.

It would be black listed so quick if it was a danger to anyone. As well --- would using animal hearts - veins and muscles for operations.

Please - read more on the medication.(s)

Thyrolar is also a good choice - different - but good IF you want to try a T3/T4 med and make a "choice" not to take dessicated thyroid medication.

One golden rule to consider before common thyroid patients start a controversial post like this- is :

If a medication is not working for you AS A PERSON - as you feel a change might be helpful - then research and learn how you can improve your life.

Whether on Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid , Euthroid, Thyrolar,  Armour - Westroid Cytomel and on and on through out the world

Find what works best for you.

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443974 tn?1224589328
To AR-10
As I stated in my first post the site is Dr. Weil.com which discusses the animal protien concerns...   and there have been other studies done showing the combo seems to work better for SOME (I guess I should have put the word SOME in there, as it is true we are not all cut from the same cloth) I was merely stating some info I have researched and received.  I personally know people who had no results with the one hormone approach, and when they switched to the combo approach their lives turned around for the better. Again for "them"    A friend who was trying to get pregnant for years had no idea what the problem was...she was only on the one Hormone tx for 8 years with no results...when she switched to the combo, within 6 months she was pregnant after trying for 8 years.  Sure it could have been a fluke. But she says she feels 100% better now than with the one hormone tx.   As I said I am only adding some info I have personally experienced and have read and heard from  prominent docs I respect here in the states. My own doctor just yesterday told me he only uses the combo Thyrolar now because of the higher rate of his own success with HIS patients.   I never meant to inferre it works better for "EVERYONE"... as the Chemo I am taking does not work for everyone....but it is working for me.   I am sorry you read it that way...that was not my intention.

I was simply stating why it has lost favour with many doctors here, as that was the initial question on the thread...   why are some doctors reluctant to prescribe Armour ? According to SOME doctors it is the the animal protein risks and factors.   But I hope it is working for many no matter what is in it. We all need to make our own decisions on how we choose our tx. The more informed we are the better chances we have. Just my humble opinion.  Here in the states (not sure if you are in the states) It is easy enough to google all this on Thyrolar and the difference between combo versus one hormon therapy, as well....there will be a myriad of info there...  Proof??   Well that is always in the pudding anyway!   Good Luck.

To Sisuhealer...   I too am a massage therapist and certified Nutritionist/ Alternative therapist...but since the chemo I have taken a hiatus from that (no energy to be on my feet all day like that) and needed REAL insurance to cover all the chemo costs. So I am back teaching again.  

I hear you sister!  It is frustrating. When I started the chemo my doc had me stop all my supplements, except the Omega 3's...he is big on those and very open to alternatives BUT not while I am on tx. because they were too risky to mess up my tx and tax my liver etc. I have to stay clear of iron and many supplements have iron in them.  So I try to eat as healthy as possible and get my nutrients from good ORGANIC food.  I have 2 more months of Chemo...and my labs have been good in that regard, except this bomb of hypothyroidism just dropped on me the other day which my doc warned from day one is a big side effect of the kind of Chemo I am taking, along with other sx.. But I had no choice. Some people get hyper/othyroidism from Interferone some don't and get other sx. It is like Russian roulet. I have yet to get the antibodies test back...I am curious what they will show...if I had a predisposition or is it all from the chemo.

Like finding a good doc...sounds like you are really passionet and frustrated about the one you have now and it is certainly your right to find someone you are comfortable with if what you are doing now simply is not working for you.

Are you in an area that you have many choices? You are seeing an Endocronoligist right? Not just a regular doctor. That is key. You mentioned Doc not Endo that is why ask.
I don't know of any purely alternative treatments for it. We woman really need to get those Hormones in balance especally in pre menopause. Which is around the corner for you and I ...Unless I hear something really contrary than I have, I am just going with the Thyrolar combo therapy....I really trust my Doc and Dr. Weil.
Dr. Christine Northrope is another wonderful reference for woman...if you have not allready read any of her books like "Womens Bodies Womens Wisdom"  She is on line and often on PBS Television as well.

I know it is frustraing...I was a health nut for years...never had a disease or anything except a broken arm at 6!  When out of the blue on a routine physical test i found out I have  this disease...came  out of no where no symptoms nothing...and had to go on Interferone, which to me is poison to the max, after trying to stick to the alternatives as much as possible, it killes me every time I take that shot and take those pills. I know what they are doing to my body and immune system. BUT they are killing the Dis-ease as well. So something to be positive about!

Hang in there sister!  I hope you find a better endo...sounds like it is time!
I am here for you! These support groups are truly life savers!
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