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Who has more than one auto immune disease?

So far, I just have Hashi. I was wondering the odds of getting another auto-immune disease somewhere down the line. Also, would you please share with us your other auto-immune ailments? How are you coping with more than one?

14 Responses
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I don't know the reason for being hypo- I will have new testing done and find out.  I am though, a severe asthmatic, with a IGe that is sky-high.  Am on Xolair for 2 years now.  A severe neck and back injury (broke both at same time), causes so much pain and stress that doc says it contributes to my screwed up immune system.
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I only have 1 which is Hashimotos but to say "only" is putting it mildly so I couldn't imagine what you all with multiple immune disorders go thru. "just" Hashimotos has caused such an interruption in the quality of my life for the last 3 years due to the symptoms it causes from undertreatment by unskilled, closed minded and unprofessional doctors that i have to deal with due to geographical location and insurance limitations.
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I only have Graves.  They thought I was showing signs of diabetes a few weeks ago, as my dad and grandparents had diabetes.  Thankfully the test came back normal.
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Barb, I know that I have low vitamins, but from my understanding, most of us thyroid sufferers can take supplements to raise the levels. I'm sorry about your B12. How awful that your body doesn't respond to the supplements.

My mom had injections every two weeks. I did, too, as a child. I am going to call her right now and ask her why. I wonder if the doctor told her I was low. This was 30 years ago. I don't even think they tested for that then.

Take care...
:) Tamra
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Since I went on the gluten/soy free diet, I've had more energy. Although, I'm really wanting a nap and I just woke up! Why, oh, why does my endo want to wait so long to up my meds???

Take care...
:) Tamra
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Wow! And here I am whining about just Hashi. Thanks so much for sharing.

Take care...
:) Tamra
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649848 tn?1534633700
I have Hashi's and pernicious anemia (b12 deficiency).  I don't have complete control of the Hashi yet, but am working on it.  For the pernicious anemia, I self-inject b12 every 2 weeks and if I zap out before the next shot, as I often do, I supplement with a sublingual b12 that helps a tiny bit to get through to the next shot - orals do me no good, since I can't absorb it through my stomach.  

My son has had type 1 diabetes since he was 10 yrs old (he's now 37), my 34 yr old dau was dx'd with lupus last year right about the time I was dx'd with Hashi ------- Diabetes runs rampant in my family, but aside from my son and one nephew, it's all type II, which I understand is not autoimmune -- so far, I've been able to sidestep that, but often wonder if I'm playing with insulin resistance/prediabetes now!!  My pcp says NOT, but as some of you know, I have very little faith in him.
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219241 tn?1413537765
Hi! I have Hashi's and gluten intolerance. My mother's sister, has Diabetes and I hope to avoid that!  Seems that many people get more than one auto-immune disease. Just some get them worse than others.
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1017253 tn?1252260452
Hi there.

I liked the poll, thanks for posting it.  I have Hashi's, Ulcerative Colitis, Chronic Neutropenia, Diabetes 1 and toss predisposition to Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)  into the mix.  Tested for Ciliac and came back negative.  The colitis is well under control these days since I retired from a very stressful/stress-filled career.  Also various types of arthritis, lupus and even possibly related bipolar on both sides of my parent's families.

Two years ago I suffered Sudden Senroineaural Hearing Loss resulting in permanent deafness in my right ear, chronic vertigo, major balance problems and tinnitus.  I am on permanent disability and forced into a medical retirement.  The cause?  ENTs are not sure but could be caused by (1) a benign virus attacking the inner ear and vestibular nerve or (2) autoimmune attack on the inner ear and vestibular never.  CT scans did not show stroke or other damage to cranial nerves.  I recently had a labrynthectomy in the right ear to totally kill any nerve activity.  I am currently in Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, intense Physical Therapy, to train the left side/left ear to compensate for the loss of the right inner ear's function.  This is not a common disorder but is considered a medical emergency.  Symptoms:  full feeling in the ear; ear ringing or popping; vertigo; intense vomiting and difficulty in walking.  I did not get the standard treatment of steroids and antibiotics within 72 hours of onset of symptoms.  I was mistakenly treated in the ER for a ear infection.~~Weird thing:  Zero pain at onset or since onset in affected ear.

Alot of negatives to adjust to during my life, but I am thankful to wake up every day ready to take on whatever comes my way!

Hugs. . . .DenMother84122  
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Hello ,
I have Hashimoto Encephalopathy, which is neuroendocrine disorder !
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Thanks! You know, I don't have Celiac, but I'm following the diet and feeling much better. My thyroid is thanking me.

:) Tamra
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798555 tn?1292787551
Good question / poll. It was also brought up a few months ago. A few people also had Celiac.

I have Vitaligo, not really a big deal for me. It is technically an auto immune skin pigment disorder. I wouldn't call it a disease. I am Caucasian and some blotchy skin areas just don't tan in the summer. People think I have burn scars on my hands.

This, of all things and fatigue is why my doc did a Thyroid test ten years ago. He saw the connection.
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Yay! That's good to know. I've had a cousin with diabetes. She was born with it. I remember many years ago she had to get shots in her legs.

Thanks for taking my poll.

:) Tamra
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To my knowledge and after many needle pricks , I have Graves only.
I am at the stage where if I do have another one, I dont want to know about it lol.
Although I do know I dont have diabetes as check my levels every morning.
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