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Have been taking SYNTHROID 50 micrograms for 3 weeks . Mostly the experience has been positive EXCEPT the severe constipation
My endocrinologist said this is not the side effect of SYNTHROID .
Is there a better alternative ?
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What symptoms do you have?  What are your thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report?  
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Please post your thyroid related test results, and reference ranges shown on the lab report,  from before and after the dosage reduction.  Do you have any other symptoms besides the weight gain?
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I have a new endo (thyroid specialist) that has lowered my synthroid from 300 mcg to 125 mcg and yes,  I have gained 30 pounds in 3 months, never been so constipated.  I walk/run 3 to 4 miles a day and I'm eating low carb/ no sugar and can not get the weight off.  I can not think properly and I'm just not myself.  I had a bone density test that came back normal after being on this high amount (300) for 25 years.  He won't even talk to me about going back up on synthroid.  I leave their in tears every time.  He says "we don't use synthroid to lose weight".  I don't know what else to do.  But I feel that I was healthier before he lowered it.  I fear that the cancer could come back but he says after being totally suppressed for 25 years that it won't.  
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I don't have a copy of my labs, sorry. I'm new to this. My levothyroxin bottle says 100mcg on it? My mom has thyroid disease, she's had it forever and she has to fast before her blood tests but I didn't. I thought that was weird. I just got labs done again last Tuesday and my doctor said to keep the same dose of levothyroxin. She said my proalactin (sorry if I spelled that wrong) Is higher than last time which is why I'm now taking the bromocriptine. I don't know much about any of this stuff. I just want to go to the bathroom. All I know is that I wasn't having trouble going before and now suddenly I am. I'm supposed to get labs again in Dec.
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649848 tn?1534633700
What's your dosage of levothyroxine?  Do you have thyroid labs you can post for us so we can see what your actual hormone levels are?  Please be sure to include reference ranges, as well, since ranges vary lab to lab and have to come from your own report.

Sometimes exercise can help ease constipation, too and make sure you eat plenty of fibrous foods, such as vegetables.
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Anyone who can help me! I was not feeling good so I went to my dr. and she did some blood test and told me my thyroid was messed up. I was also having headaches so had an mri done and I have a small tumor in my pituitary gland. I've been taking levothyroxin for 2 months and 3 days ago I started taking bromocriptine for the tumor . For the past 3 weeks I've been having trouble going number 2. Now I've only gone once in the last 9 days and that was because I used a laxative.I don't want to use one again. I drink lots of water and I have been taking metamucil for weeks and I still can't go. I eat lots of spinach. I just want to go to the bathroom.How do I fix this?
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Try the natural thyroid if you can, Rosie, and see if it helps. As a possible alternative (or supplement), prunes and prune juice can be very effective. 6 or 7 prunes a day helps me solve any little problem - only it didn't help nearly as much when I was taking Synthroid or levox.
Constipation is a common problem with hypothyroidism.  If still having the problem when taking thyroid med it is an indication of inadequate dosage.   The med dosage should be increased as needed to relieve hypothyroid symptoms, while monitoring both Free T4 and Free t3.  Along with that you need to have Vitamin D at least 50, B12 in the upper part of its range, and ferritin at least 100.  If you want to confirm what I have said, have a look at our paper in this link.  

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If I increase my Thyroid  Erfa dose, and particularly if I add a little T4 to Erfa I get constipation, bloating and water retention.

I am taking about 2 60-mg tablets Erfa per day. My FT3 is 5.5 (ref.  3.5-6.5).

I am thinking whether increase of thyroid medication causes increase of Ca and that causes constipation. Note that I have primary hyperparathyroidism!
I cannot realize any other cause to reacting so. Or do some people have hypo symptoms when they are becoming hyper?
I do have odd reactions to some medicines.
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649848 tn?1534633700
How long are you trying each suggestion for?  It does take time for things to work; it doesn't just happen immediately when you start taking something because your body has to re-balance and get used to a different routine.  It took a couple of months of me taking the digestive enzymes and probiotics before they really made a difference.  With probiotics, you're actually rebuilding gut flora, so depending on your current gut health and what you eat on a daily basis, that can take a while. Plus if you're taking antibiotics, you're constantly killing off good bacteria as well as bad, and you have to get back those good bacteria again, as well.  

Additionally, you've never posted your actual thyroid hormone (Free T3 and Free T4) levels, so we don't know if they are optimal or not.  If your thyroid hormone levels are not optimal, it will be much harder to get the rest of your body functions balanced out.  

If you have the results of your latest tests, please post them, along with reference ranges, which vary lab to lab and have to come from your own report. Once we see your actual levels, we can better determine whether your issue may be caused from the med, being hypo or from something else.
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3095849 tn?1406994906
You weren't mistaken...thyroid meds CAN certainly cause or make constipation worse.  Mine was manageable before I had to start synthroid, etc., but not any more.  Doctors and professionals need to start listening to us..the patients.  We aren't all alike and we aren't robots and we aren't ignorant.
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3095849 tn?1406994906
I have NOT tried the betaine HCI; thanks for that.  Will research it and see what comes up.  I will try anything at this point.  
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3095849 tn?1406994906
hey Barb... I still at the same place I was last year.  Have tried all the above that you mentioned by mail order or locally.  NOTHING.  Saw my gastro guy Monday of this week; he gave me samples (yet again) of Linzess and Amitiza to take together.  Did that and got nothing.  He told me...if this doesn't work..I have nothing else for you.  He's a specialist.  And he has nothing else for me.  From research I've done, he's crazy.  OR..he's uneducated in his field and only does colonoscopies.  I found the Mayo Clinic site and all kinds of things were listed that a person could have, along with treatments.   There's no place close to me that has what Mayo has...so I'm on my own.  When and if the laxatives stop working, I hace no idea what I'll do.  The only thing  I can hope for is a thyroid med that won't cause constipation.  And a doctor who gives a damn who will find one.  

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I went thru all of the same.  Spent a lot of time, money, effort and pain trying to resolve.  Turned out to be the generic brand caused the issues; not the brand-name Synthroid.  Very angry about all this as these side effects are not listed by the manufacturer.  Is there another levothyroxine lawsuit that would cover issues like all of ours?  Thank you! smd53
649848 tn?1534633700
You might want to try taking a probiotic, with digestive enzymes.  I've had chronic constipation for a good share of my life (even before becoming hypo, though that made it much worse).  I've tried the extra fiber and if you aren't used to that, you have to be very careful and ease into increasing it slowly because a fast increase can unwanted bloating, as well.  Opt for fresh vegetables as the main source of fiber.  

I, first, started taking digestive enzymes a few years ago, because I do have absorption issues, as well.  They helped, some, with the constipation, but not as much as I'd hoped, so I kept researching until I came across the probiotics.  Too often, I think we're very unkind to the good bacteria in our guts, so digestion ends up suffering.  Eating fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, etc also helps replace good bacteria and helps with digestion, which in turn helps alleviate the constipation.   I also find that taking Betaine HCl, with meals, helps with nutrient (particularly protein) absorption and the constipation issue. These are all things to discuss with your doctor, but they aren't harmful (the Betaine HCl may give you acid reflux if you don't need it, so you'll know not to take it), if you just want to try them.

Of course, nothing is going to help, if your thyroid levels aren't optimal "for you", not just within the reference ranges.  
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3095849 tn?1406994906
How are  you doing????
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3095849 tn?1406994906
thanks.... I may have to ask for something else...again.  Tried  NatureThroid and Armour.  Same problem.  I'm wondering about the others mentioned here and may have a good talk with my pharmacist.  NOBODY knows this stuff better than they do!!
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3095849 tn?1406994906
Sorry to have been away so long.  I have now been on levothyroxine for two years; tried two others with my doc's approval and all of them made the constipation really bad.  My pharmacist assures me the  levothyroxine I'm on contains no gluten/starches; what else could thyroid meds contain that would cause this problem??  Have tried Linzess and Amitiza; no luck after a couple of weeks.  Zelnorm is no longer available.

I had six-month blood work done yesterday by my regular doc and do not see my endo guy anymore....he is yioung and had no ideas about what's going on with me and thyroid meds...as if it's all news to him.  In the meantime, I had a really bad case of diverticulitis last october;  the only advice I got..."EAT MORE FIBER", from my gasttro doc's partner as he was making rounds.  He has no info on my situation so I let him babble but will not go back to that particular group of docs. I kept a diary of foods and my fiber intake apparently got too high, along with trying a dose of Miralax again... after it had stopped working way earlier in the year.  I'm pretty sure that's why I ended up in the ER and was admitted in October.  Now, I know which foods i can't tolerate; gluten isn't dangerous for me but it is hard to digest in some foods.  No tests for Celiacs in the works. Since Levothyroxine has no gluten...I'm stumped as to why it made things worse for me.

Right now, my situation is  barely manageable.  Every three days....laxitives.  Or...I can stop taking my synthroid.  And my symptoms get worse.   I can find no answers nor is there a professional in the system my health care is under who can think outside the box and fix me.  Which means I'm still researching on my own.  It's REALLY hard to trust physicians.  They don't think you understand your own body; if I hear one more person tell me to eat more fiber....I seriously think I'll have to slap someone.  I'm still drinking my prunce juice twice a day along with lots of water, eating the fibers I can handle and exercising as often as I possibly can.  NO LUCK.  I hope the rest of you are faring better.    
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My opinion is, take the Armour thyroid. It has no side effects, as far as I know, unless your dosage is too high, in which case you'd have side effects of hyperthyroidism, and hopefully know to cut your dose - or else your doctor will do this after testing your thyroid levels. If your dosage is too low, of course, you're apt to still have symptoms of hypothyroidism. I've been taking 3/4 of a 90 strength, since my levels were low on a 60 and a little high on a 90!

I've taken Armour thyroid for years with no side effects; when I took Synthroid, the digestive effects were unbearable. So I'd say, definitely go with the Armour thyroid if you have trouble with the other. If you're taking Synthroid or another levothyroxine with no problems, I don't know that there's any reason to switch, and if you're a strict vegetarian (or Jewish or Muslim), I definitely think you'd be better off with the Synthroid/levothyroxine UNLESS you have problems with it. I told my orthodox Jewish doctor my thyroid medicine was un-kosher, and he smiled and said "That's OK."
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I just want to tell you, it's not so much a symptom of being hypo for  me - when I run out of (natural) medication, I don't have nearly the symptoms I had on synthroid. I won't use that stuff again unless I absolutely have no choice for months!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Oscar has not been active on the forum since this thread was begun in 2012, so it's unlikely he will respond.  

Yes, Levoxyl has had a recent recall and I believe most doctors are switching over to Synthroid.  If you're having constipation, either your levels are not right for you (just being in range is not good enough), or you're reacting to the Synthroid.  You might ask your doctor to let you try Tirosint, which, as stated above is a gelcap and because the only ingredients are water, levothyroxine, gelatin and glycerin, there are no fillers.  It's virtually hypoallergenic.  I've been on it since shortly after it was put on the market in 2009 and it's done great for me.

If you have your most recent blood test results, you can post them with reference ranges and members can comment further on your situation.
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There was a recent recall of Levoxil so they put me on Synthroid. After 3 weeks I got severe constipation. I had recent blood work done and my levels are good. I never had this problem with Levoxil. I really do believe it's Synthroid.
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If constipation is caused by the disease and not Levo (generic synthroid), then why wasn't I constipated prior to taking the Levo?  It's not possible that the disease appeared the same time I was diagnosed?
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4721809 tn?1358368812
Are you celiac or gluten intolerant?  I had IBS symptoms and digestive problems for many years, left undiagnosed. Then I discovered by an elimination diet that I was gluten intolerant (including corn).  I am celiac. My pharmacist said that celiac, digestive problems and thyroid all go together.  It was kind of a relief to know that.  My GP still denies that there is any tie between them.   My health is so much better now. I'm taking synthroid and am completely gluten free (and cow's milk free too).  :D
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Pleasedont stop your medication without talking with your Doctor. It can have serious side effect. Constipation is one of the side affect of your disease.  Talk to your Doctor  .. IF you have facebook   look at THYROID SEXY facebook page she is awesome
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I am beginning to have suspicions if Levo causes bloating/gas/constipation, I had symptoms both hyper/hypo, mainly bloating, and recently discovered my digestive system is severly backed up and moving slow from urgent care.  I made contact with Mylan, whom manufactures Levo, rep contact me back but I wasn't home, should be in contact with them on monday.  

Barb is correct too, noticed each time I had med adjustment is when bloating symptom occurs, usually last for 2 weeks then goes away.  I'm hoping the same this time too.  Lot's of meds can cause symptoms, due to filler ingredients.

Metformin works well for majority of population, but I was one of the unlucky one's, med caused pancreatitis for me last year, which was very uncomfortable, Glipizide has worked a charm :)    
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I was on Nature Thyroid for 2 months and all was well with my digestive system.  My doctor found the T3 number to be too high, so she switched me to Synthroid.  I've had MAJOR constipation and digestive problems for the past month since being on the new Synthroid medication.  The symptoms were severe enough to send me to the ER.  Everyone is telling me just to drink more water and eat more fiber, but doing so has not solved the problem.  I'm going to stop taking Synthroid and tell my doctor we need to try something else.  
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