211563 tn?1189994510

Can I ask a question? What's all this "chicken" talk?

I almost feel intrusive asking b/c there's clearly a history here... but I've seen it in several posts just in the last couple days.  Is there something funny about chickens?
25 Responses
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209384 tn?1231168306
Post #3.  Final post.
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209384 tn?1231168306
For all the seasonal allergies like weeds, trees, pollen, and grass local bee pollen is AMAZING!!  It has to be collected within 500 miles of where you live so that it contains all of the same pollens.  But if you are allergic to bees beeeeeee careful!  

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176838 tn?1211460374
You sound like one of my coworkers.  Her pulmonologist has declared her the most allergic person he has ever met.  She just had a bad allergic reaction to her allergy shot 2 days ago - the pollen & tree count is SO high right now that it was just too much for her immune system to take.  And I hear you about the cats - we have 1 and everyone in our family is allergic to her (except my son but the cat doesn't let him get close enough to her to find out); my parents have wanted us to get rid of her for years but she's special needs and needs just the right home and we haven't found it yet.  So as long as I don't pet her much, my husband doesn't bathe her and my daughter doesn't let the cat lick her then we're fine :-)  I carry chewable or melt-tab benadryl around with me - I found they work much quicker than the standard benadryl tablets and my daughter is able to use them, too (she can't swallow regular pills yet).  I also have the dust/mold/tree/pollen allergies and they're acting up right now.  But everyone in my family is suffering right now and with the counts so high right now it's no wonder.  My daughter was just started on nasonex a few weeks ago which I now have to wait almost a week to fill because she decided to play it and managed to spray most of it out of the bottle :-P *rolls eyes*.  Have a great weekend and a fun Memorial Day.

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176838 tn?1211460374
Well, it's up for debate whether or not I'm actually allergic to oil.  I am allergic to soybeans and I know if I eat anything with soybean paste or soybean protein in it I react.  However, I have eaten stuff with soybean oil and soy lecethin in it without any reaction (that I'm aware of).  According to Alton Brown on "Good Eats" people with peanut allergies can fry in peanut oil because the proteins that cause the allergic reaction aren't found in the oil.  So the same is probably true for soybean oil but I try to limit my exposure to it in any case.  Right now I'm using rice bran oil instead of soybean oil (occasionally olive oil but I don't like the taste).  It only comes from one company and is a little more expensive but it has no taste, a very high smoke point (so great for frying), no allergens and A LOT of antioxidants.  So I don't mind shelling the money out.  I'm also allergic to corn and almost everything has corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup in it so I try to limit that as much as possible; not just because of allergies but because I don't like the idea of it in my food & drinks anyway.  Then you have the allergies to apples, mustard and who knows what else.  I carry epi-pens for both my daughter and I but I've never had to use them.  My daughter had A LOT of food allergies when she was a toddler but she's outgrown all of them for which I'm grateful.  At 1 year of age she was living on yogurt, pudding & french fries.  :-P  My sister in law & her mother anaphylax from pineapples and you'd be surprised what kind of stuff has pineapple juice in it as sweetners.  As a result she and I have become BIG label readers and we're always asking wait staff and food vendors what all their ingredients are.  I'm a bit neurotic about it considering I've never anaphylaxed but when my panic attacks are centered around allergic reactions it's better just to prevent all allergic reactions if I can.  :-)
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12758 tn?1201219680
I can relate to the allergy issue...I am allergic to beestings, shellfish, penicillin and sulfa drugs...along with lots of inhaled stuff...grasses, pollens, dust, mold, animal dander...rofl...I have 5 cats...oh well..also take lots of benadryl and use nasacort daily....tested slightly allergic to lots of foods, but I would have to give up eating altogether if I eliminated all of them! potatoes, chicken, pork, rice, wheat, sheesh..there would be nothing left...so I just muddle through....used to do allergy shots...gave up on that **** after over 20 years...
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168348 tn?1379357075
What are you allergic to in the oil?  I know allergies all too well in this house ... 2 of my 4 carry epi pens but luckily it can somewhat be easily avoided as the oldest is anaphylactic to latex/plums/certain nuts and the other one next in line is bee sting allergic.  I always have a backup Epi in my pocketbook along with inhaler and Benadryl .. you'd think I had the allergy by the looks of my pocketbook but I lucked out and don't know why 2 of my 4 are so allergic like this and the one tests VERY + to latex/plums/hazelnuts, etc. thru blood EEK .. she wears a medic tag.

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176838 tn?1211460374
Sirens and little white coats :-)  I haven't seen a Bojangles in years.  I didn't realize KFC had a new formula - probably cooked in a different kind of oil to which I am allergic :-(  Same as McDonald's fries.  Oh well.  Nyxie, thanks for the heads up on not cooking a chicken on a spit.  I could see my husband trying that :-).  I love Fried Green Tomatoes, that's a great movie.
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Yall are too funny.Made my day rofl.
Love Venora
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201897 tn?1245842334
Actually the tinfoil hat comment came from something that happened in real life a couple of years ago.  A bunch of our friends got together and decided to have a real-life open fire pit dinner.  Who was the genius that suggested whole chickens on a spit?  Me!  (not realizing that it takes forever to roast a chicken on a spit over an open fire).  To accelerate the cooking process, one of my friends made these little tin foil tents to go over the chickens to reflect heat back down onto them.

Fast forward 3 hours and more than a few adult beverages later....

Drunken ramblings, as drunken ramblings tend to do, managed to go from tin foil covers on the chickens to accelerate cooking to conspiracies involving aliens that were sending beams down to our chickens to prevent them from cooking and therefore we had to protect them with tinfoil.  To avoid further alien contamination, we also made tin foil hats for ourselves.  This isn't necessarily logical as we were all pretty well cooked by that time.
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12758 tn?1201219680
hey you guys....I went back and read those "chicken" threads...and I am ROFL...gee that was funny!...chicken..hmm...roast chicken..now...who is gonna do the cooking?...nice ...hmmm...shiny tin foil...hmmm...oh sorry got distracted for a sec there...where were we?
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168348 tn?1379357075
OK OK OK ... let her in on "sorry Cheryl" ... you see, I've had quite a few ups and downs since my thyroid surgery in the scar dept (abscesses and another mini surgical procedure to remove a good sized granuloma that was infected, etc., etc. and then passed a kidney stone only 12 days post op and the list goes on and on) so since my body has failed in quite a few areas (oh 3 root canals, too) they call me Mrs. Potato Head as in the kid's game where all the pieces fall apart and need to be put back together.

And I think another Chicken joke was from me wayyyyy back .. my screename on the Internet can be seen as MaHenHere which is Ma Hen Here bcz I have 4 kids and tend to look out for all my friends like they are little "chickadees" ......so if you see reference there to chickens you know whay now LOL!!!

One last thing is that when you are a thyroid survivor we have kind of adopted this symbol  ::))  double smiles .. but they gave me a third as in this symbol :::))) bcz of my 2nd mini surgery to remove the granuloma right above the thyroid incision ..

Now my ? to all .. is the ::)) all thyroid or cancer thyroid ??  I've wondered about that .... double smiles are all thyroids if I am not mistaken, correct ?? .. better set me straight!!!

Cheryl :::)))  btw, they call me an over-achiever bcz I carry the duplicate : and )  LOL
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176838 tn?1211460374
Tinfoil hat?  Is that from that M. Night Shamylan (or however you spell it) movie?  So aliens can't mess with our brains?  Or is it a reference to something else entirely.  I still love the chicken comment, I still lol.  I prefer my chicken from KFC or made by my mom.  :-)  
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201897 tn?1245842334
ROFL!  Yup, just a plain ol' chicken club.  Preferably roasted and served with potato salad (sorry cheryl!), corn on the cob and strawberry shortcake.  Grab your tinfoil hat and a plate and belly up! ;)
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168348 tn?1379357075
So were you cooked or fried ... as in KFC ? although they say that KFC is now healthy for you I beg to differ .. I could have broken a tooth it was so tough to chew in the "new formula" with less fat LOL LOL LOL ...

No aliens here .. well, not yet .. Cheryl :::)))
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168348 tn?1379357075
Wrong person .. maybe I have the "fried" brain ?  .. OH remember the movie GREEN FRIED TOMATOES ?? Was that the name of it ? Ut oh, dating myself here !!!!

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201897 tn?1245842334
ROFL!  Oh, honey!  Get your tin foil hat on... now!  You need it. ;)

As for us at the time, well, maybe stewed would be a better word.  

KFC?  Bleck!  Gimme Bojangles anyday.  Greasy, spicy, heartburn in a box.  Oh yeah!
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209384 tn?1231168306
ROFL!!!  OMGosh, you people kill me!!  Am soooo glad I got online again.  I really needed this.

It was Fried Green Tomatoes. =)  I loved that show.  Put anybody in the mood for BBQ?  YUCK!!!

Hey, the movie with the brain cloud, Joe Versus the Volcano!  Knew I'd get it eventually.

I cooked the chicken, sorry you missed it.  It was really good. Better than KFC anyday.  Bojangles?  Never heard of it, but it sounds like it has to be Southern.  Had potato salad, too, sorry 'bout your friends, Cheryl! ;-{  They was tasty little spuds.

Picturing whole group of giggling thyroid people wearing shiny tinfoil hats laughing at jokes nobody else gets.  Oh, man, can hear the sirens now!!

Thanks, I needed this!

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201897 tn?1245842334
Awww.. Thanks sweetie! :)

I actually figured out what was wrong with me today.  Duh!  I started on Armour and that's just about when the fatigue started.  Wasn't until the dr's office appt on monday that I found I'd lost weight (13 pounds!) without even trying.  Put fatigue and unintentional weight loss together and you've got hyper symptoms.  Don't think my dosage is too high, but definitely think the adrenal fatigue has something to do with it.  Will be calling Methusalah tomorrow to find out what he thinks and will keep you posted.
Thanks again!
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209384 tn?1231168306
ROFL!!!  Not a secret chicken club, just a plain ole chicken club! =~)  Welcome fellow chicken!!!  LaughING out loud!!  Shoot my side hurts!
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209384 tn?1231168306
Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad!  Take it easy for a while, it will get better! ;)

When I read it my family thinks I'm nuts.  They just look at me like *poor thing*!  Just makes it funnier!!

Have been sitting at the computer all day!  Hubby will really love that.  Had lots of laundry needed folded so been sitting here while I do it.  Sure does take a lot longer to get it folded that way.  But who cares.

Keep wondering if I have a limited amount of time on this dial-up account I have now? :(  Guess I'll know soon enough!

Here's praying you feel lots better soon!

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211563 tn?1189994510
Thanks for clarifying!  That is funny.  I was almost afraid to ask... like there was some big secret chicken club or something. ;0)
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201897 tn?1245842334
Me too!  LOL!  And ya know, I've told honeybunny about it and he just doesn't get why we're finding it so funny for so long.  I finally got all the dishes done today.  YAY!  Btw, congrats on the new fridge! :)  I haven't been posting much the last few days.  Been feeling like poop.  And no, that's not a craving. ;P

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209384 tn?1231168306
Don't you be apologizing about the chicken!!  Funniest thing I've heard in forever!!!  When I'm having a hard time I go back and reread all of it and instantly rofl. =))

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201897 tn?1245842334
Sorry about that.  It's my fault, really.  It all started with At the End of my Rope's thread on 5/17 "O'my gosh is it Friday yet" (btw, had to go back and look).  We were complaining about our symptoms and I mentioned something about my attention span.  I think the comment was something like "As for attention span, it used to be.... oh look!  a chicken!".  Other folks commented and it just went downhill from there.

Feel free to chime in or ignore it.  :)
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