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487969 tn?1249313291

Not another problem, are you kidding me

Is there a link between breast trouble and thyroid trouble?  Anyone having both?  
19 Responses
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390388 tn?1279636213
Hi.  I'm so sorry about your stress level.  Did they explain to you there finding.  

BIRAD 3 is considered probably benign but usually requiring a re-check in 6 months.  Being that yours in a BIRAD 3 do would not panic.  As of now it is prabably beingn as stated.  Being that there is no calcifications is a good thing.

It sounds like they want to keep an eye on it to make sure it is not growing.  Going up a step to a BIRAD 4 is ordinarily followed by some type of biopsy or MRI (though I don't think they are as good with this)..... though a great percentage of BIRAD 4 classifications do return a benign finding on biopsy.  BIRAD 5 were not going there.

Can't go into it much.  They should've explained this to you though and not be making you stress!  Keep an eye on it for any changes; but, don't stress it.  Your only going to hurt yourself with your thyroid isssues.  The fact that your young and they found it now and are keeping an eye on it is a good thing.  Will try to get back at you later.  

Take care.

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487969 tn?1249313291
I think I finally know what an anxiety attach feels like.  WOW - had to pull over for 5 minutes.  Think I'll take a xanax and a nice warm bath.  I am an utter mess.
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487969 tn?1249313291
Thanks Sandy - stressed is my name now :(  --- trying to stay positive - I WILL BE FINE.
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479581 tn?1317757488
I'm thinking of you...and sending you positive thoughts.  Keep us posted.

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487969 tn?1249313291
Jules - was not sure about your question so wanted to add:

My right thyroid lobe swells and never goes "down"
My right carotid artery was inflamed
My right breast has a cyst and nodule (both breasts hurt, except during the week of my cycle and my right breast seems to get a little bigger during the pain)

The right side of my body is possessed.
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487969 tn?1249313291
I did not mention it to the people doing the breast tests but did mention it to my GYN yesterday and today.  He said he would do a little research on them both to see if there could be a correlation.

I guess we will see.  I have a 2nd opinion next week and discuss with the surgeon these two problems and get his opinion.  I am thinking if they can biopsy (I don't know if it is big enough to), I am going to.  I want to know for sure and now, not 6 months from now.  I think I may request a thyroid biopsy but am unsure if they will biopsy a swelling thyroid lobe without seeing a nodule.  I really think my thyroid is hashi, but don't know how to go about that anymore, that part will have to wait for the ENT on 7/30.  

Goodness, I can't wait for vacation now.  We're off to Florida next weekend.
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534785 tn?1329592208
I don't know much about this at all, but I breathed a sigh of relief for you after reading the report...the people doing the US/mammogram have probably seen tons of different images of abnormalities in breasts, and from your report (and 6-month follow-up suggestion) it sounds like they aren't *too* worried, which means they've probably seen similar things many times in the past. I would definitely get a second opinion, but if they mean "well circumscribed" as "smooth edges", it sounds like the solid nodule may be benign. I just had a question...did you ever mention anything about the right side of your thyroid (or neck) being more inflamed/swollen than the other side, or has it been uniform (I know you have goiter but I wasn't sure about the inflammation of the cartoid artery)?

Keep us updated on what happens!
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487969 tn?1249313291
Here are my PRELIMINARY (I stress this because they did by stamping the page) Report:

Bilateral Diagnostic Mammogram and Right Breast US Dated 7/16/08:

Clinical Histroy of Episodic Bilateral Breast Tenderness with the Patient's Menstrual Cycle.  The patient report breast paind has decreased since her initial physician visit.


Bilaterial mammogram deminstrates extremely dense breast tissue.  There is asymmetrically dense breast tissue in the 12:00 o'clock position of the breast.  No spiculated masses, architectural distortion or clustered pleomorphic microcalcifications are identified.

Sonography of the 12:00 o'clock position of the right breast demonstrates and 8 x 7 x 3 MM cyst and a well circumscribed lobular 12 x 5 x 11 MM solid nodule.  

Final Assessment:

Probably Benign, BI RADS 3.


Follow-up right sided mammogram and ultrasound in six months.  Asymmetric breast tissue is noted in the 12:00 o'clock position of the right breast.  Sonographically there is a solid nodule which is thought likely to represent a fibroadenoma and a small breast cyst.
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Oh, dear.

Wish I had the knowledge to address these terms.  Also wish I had some of my mammo reports to go back over to see what terms they included.  I never had to get a biopsy but was always being told monitoring would be best.  I do know I’ve always had fibrous breast with lumpy stuff that would come and go.  (But enough on me…)

If this were me, hearing what your co-worker’s person of knowledge has to say is what I’d want to hear.

Ever curious, I did a search of the term Birad and two websites I really like popped up.  One is the hospital website of John Hopkins (enter 'Birad 3' in search box).  The other is the health blog of the NY Times (one of my favs).  Some of the reader’s comments on the NY Times site (especially #40) are interesting.  I hate to throw stuff at you, but in case you’re interested…:



I'm definitely not trying to sway your thinking one way or the other, but just want to share info.

Take care.
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487969 tn?1249313291
Thanks all, really!  I appreciate knowing that.  My doc does not seem concerning and me and hubby have no idea on whether or not to get a 2nd looking at this.  I already have seen a surgeon for the thyroid due to the absurd 1st ENT so, if I do get a 2nd, I'll just go back to him.

Sandy, TM, D- so very glad to know that yours was benign.  That gives me hope.

Thy - I am so very thankful for you!  You've been that level head that I have needed.  I think all glands are related too which is not great on the stress level, but, makes me determined to find a hint of resolution.  Will be watching everything from now on, I guess.
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455126 tn?1212432198
I have had numerous mammograms that resulted in requiring a follow up ultrasound.  Once, the results of both pointed towards needing a biopsy.  The biopsy was torture to wait for, and it was horribly uncomfortable, BUT it came back benign.  

I know this is stressful, and you being scared is completely understandable, but TRY to remember that the chances its something "not good" is small.

I'm praying for you.

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487969 tn?1249313291
The doc called after calling radiology twice and this is what he got on his second attempt....

Preliminary report is a "spot"  characterized as a "Birad 3" (probably benign)......  The "spot" measures .6 cm x .8 cm.  I am stupid with this Birad stuff so the doc explained that Birad categories are 1 (not malignant) to 5 (highest probablity of malignancy) AND I AM A 3.  This is not what I wanted to hear at all.  PROBABLY is not a word that I like nor use.  ACTUALLY is my most favorite of words when dealing with a health issue and I have not heard that word.

My doc, the GYN says I can certainly have a second opinion if I wish with a surgeon of my choosing but they probably would not biopsy it.  I love my GYN you have to know and he is saying it is most probably benign.    I asked for a copy of the report when it comes.  Chatted with my boss about this (remember we do medmal doc defense) and he says that when I get the report he will call his best friend (the head of radiology) and get a re-read and have a nice long chat to explain that I am his secretary, already have thyroid enlargement and AM ABOUT TO HAVE A MELTDOWN and then ask him, if it was your wife, what would you do.
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176557 tn?1222890311
Not sure if it is related, but I had something simlilar happen to me.  Diagnosed with Graves on March 1st.  Reluctantly scheduled the Mammo the same day they scheduled the first endo appointment.  Thought it would be a routine mammo, they said "wait here for a minute".   Several minutes later I was having a sonogram of one side.  Next thing I knew, I had an appointment for a biopsy a few weeks later.  Turned out it was a fluid filled cyst and nothing to worry about.  Had a 6 month follow up and have had annual mammograms ever since and have had nothing further show up.

So, I don't know if it was related or not, but it sure was awfully coincidental, and about the last thing I needed on top of the emotional issues I was having from Graves.

Deep breath.  Hope for the best until you know for sure there is something to worry about.
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My non-medical mind now figures everything that has glands is linked.

Just before surgery, I didn't know I had any issues with the thyroid.  The same goes for the parathyroids.  But I can say your journal entry reads exactly like something I could have written from first-hand experience (except I didn’t ‘…march my little self up…’ – you go!).

As I've mentioned before, it sounds like you have things to keep an eye on, for sure.
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479581 tn?1317757488

I have been having mammograms for almost 20 years and on 2 occassions I needed an ultrasound.  Both times it turned out to be nothing.  Let me repeat...nothing.

My mom has breast cancer and when she was diagnosed they moved fast...no waiting 'til friday.  You're lucky that your dr is thorough, so many aren't.  

I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping you get the news that it's nothing.


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550622 tn?1247656720
Praying for you!  Keep us posted.
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487969 tn?1249313291
Thanks for responding to me.  I just copied and pasted this from my journal to make it easier:


Today I had a mommogram for continued breast pain that seems to come and go with what used to be my menstrual cycle.  I really thought this would be nothing since the pain for the week had subsided with the welcomed and illusive cycle.  I GUESS I WAS WRONG.  I had the mammo and my dr. ordered the diagnostic version, which meant I get the first part, wait a few minutes for the radiologist to look.  They should come right out and dismiss me off to my regular life.  Not that lucky.  They came back out to inform me I needed an ultrasound on one breast with the ruse (sp) of saying....since you have pain in one more than the other..... whatever..... they found something.... at least 2 somethings.  One showed black on the screen and was round.  The other showed but was not black.  It looked like there could have been more to me, but I could not tell from the position I was in.  She messed with the not black one more.  So when she was done...... I sat and waited again then she came out and said the radiologist said I could go and he would try to get my results to the dr by friday.  FRIDAY???  I don't think so, I marched my little self up to my drs office and thankfully spoke directly with him and he promised to get the radiologist to give him a verbal reading.

I have to ask ---- what else LORD?  I need some prayer right now please.

I think I am going to stroke out.  Me and my whacked out hormones and body cannot take anymore.
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534785 tn?1329592208
Hmmm the only things I can think of off the top of my head--and I don't mean to scare you with these--are:

1.) A pituitary tumor that is secreting hormone(s)
These are typically benign, but can really mess with your system by secreting one or more hormones (I believe the pituitary makes about 6 really important ones, including TSH). There's a possibility that you have a pituitary tumor that is secreting both prolactin and TSH, causing both thyroid and breast troubles. If you are lactating, that would be a BIG sign that you're overproducing prolactin. If your TSH levels are jumping all over the place, but mainly in an upward trend, then you may have a pituitary tumor that is secreting too much TSH. TSH-secreting pituitary tumors are rare, interestingly enough. Treatment for benign pituitary tumors (if they're big enough to warrant treatment--typically, if you're having symptoms that are noticeable enough, then they are) includes surgery and drug treatment, I believe.

2. This is all the way out in left field, but I know that colorectal cancer (which can be genetic) can metastasize to other parts of your body; most typically, the thyroid (causing thyroid cancer), but I believe it can also cause lung cancer and maybe breast cancer (I'd have to look into this because I don't remember for sure). If you're not having any gastrointestinal problems, then disregard this comment! I've just been reading about it a bit because colorectal cancer/bowel cancer seems to run in my family, and I was worried about some of my symptoms being similar to this for awhile.

I think we'd have to hear what the specific "trouble" is in order to surmise what it might be a result of--thyroid-related, or otherwise. If you don't want to mention that here, it's fine, but it'd be helpful to know if they're just swelling, lactating, hurting, etc.

Hang in there! We'll figure out what's going on with you soon. It might even help me, given that we have similar symptoms...:)
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487969 tn?1249313291
Bumping to stay on top, I know that is selfish, but I am freaked out, I hope you all understand.
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