168348 tn?1379357075

Do you feel any different skipping just 1 dose on the Synthroid? I ask bcz...

I missed a day last week and felt very tired all day but now sure if just a coincidence.  The last time this happened I took the Synthroid @ 4:00PM and then when I took it the next AM I was WIRED for most the day (too much left in system) so this time when I realized I missed the dose I skipped it.

Just curious.

33 Responses
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I am on about  37.5mcg half the week and 43.5 mcg the other half, trying to level it off as 50 was too high and 25 too low.  My levels got up to about 9 before going off of the generic brand and going onto synthroid.  I notice by about mid-afternoon if I haven't taken enough, even 5mcg too little.  I get irritable and feel angry, moody, impatient and tired.  So I am just following my body for what dose to take.  Having blood test next week to check the levels
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I was looking for someone who had the symptoms of missing a few days and you nailed it for me.  Thank you so much.  The insomnia, feeling heart beat. Feeling like I have if I ate a bunch of chocolate before bedtime.  Even 5 mg of Ambien didn't help!  Can't wait to get the RX today due to miscommunication about where to which pharmacy the Dr. called it into.  Anyway, thank again.  Janet
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I've gone 4 days without my Synthroid (not on purpose) and the only difference I felt was my bloated puffy face (lol).  I looked like Mike (Tyson) and I 'rumbled' when I go without my Synthroid. Oh and a little weakness which is understandable after going without for 4 days. It's happened only twice in the 10 years I've taken Synthroid.  I think all the 'mental stuff' people describe here is 'all in their heads'.  I mean Synthroid is NOT Prozac so why freak out over a missed dose.  SMDH.
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my doctor just changed my doses and told me to stay off my last dose for 2 to 3 days then start the new lower dose, It is 36 hours later and I can tell I havent had my dose, of course my last dose of 100 was over stimulating my thyroid for months with severe mood swings, aggitation jittters, anxiety could clean my house top and bottom floor in an hour or two... lol today I feel those symptoms as well as being tired still or dizy like I am going to faint. could be just in my head and theirs tho, because it is something we are so used to taking that misssing a dose makes us think something is going to happen, so we over think it and vuala it happens lol.
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Since the majority of hypo patients taking T4 only find that their body doesn't adequately convert the T4 to T3, and since Free T3 largely regulates metabolism and many other body functions, and correlates best with hypo symptoms, I'd be really interested in seeing your Free T3 and Free T4 levels.  Free T3 and Free T4 are the biologically active thyroid hormones (not the same tests as Total T3 and T4).
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I am 38 years old I have been on 200MCG of Synthroid for about 5 years now
I had to switch from the Levothyroxine which is the generic version because it just didn't work. Pure Synthroid did however if I miss my does I start to get all weepy and very sensitive to just about anything it is horrible I suggest trying to take your meds the same time everyday.  
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My endocrinologist told me if i ever miss a dose to skip that day and take 2 the following day. You are good. Its basically based on how much mg you take for the week. For instance, i take .88 mg. For the whole week I need .616 mg in my system. When i was switching from .75 mg to .88, my dr. told me that i could take .75 mg Monday through Saturday (so i wouldn't waste a whole bottle of .75 that i just bought) then on Sunday take a .75 along with a .88. That total dosage would add up to .613 which is right around the same amount of taking .88 for 7 days (616). If you have any questions, just call the nurse at your dr office and they will tell you either way.
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Same here, although most doctors don't explain it that way. It stands to reason if it takes several weeks to get into and out of your system then by doubling up the day after you miss a dose you'll be getting the correct amount ordered per week. And since it takes weeks for it to get into your system then it shouldn't make much difference whether you take 2 doses in one day after missing a day or split 2 doses up over 2 days. If on the other hand you miss a dose completely, you'll be taking less than the prescribed dose per week. It works differently with most other medications especially antibiotics, insulin, psych meds, cardiac meds, and short acting meds.
Thanks for your comments.  I am always looking for good thyroid doctors that we can recommend to other members.  By good thyroid doctors I mean ones that TSH is useful as a diagnostic only when at extreme levels.  Otherwise diagnosis for hypothyroidpsm should be based on an evaluation for multiple symptoms typical of hypothyroidism, along with tests for Free T4 and  Free T3.  If interested you can read about this in a paper I co-authored with two people, one of which is a retired Endocrinologist who has  co-authored over 100 papers mainly on thyroid issues. I think you might find the info useful to compare with typical treatment of hypothyroid patients that you are perhaps involved with.  In fact if you know of doctors who will treat hypothyroid patients clinically, as described, you could greatly help our members.  If so, we will greatly appreciate it if you will just click on my name and give us names and location.  

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i missed 4 days of my synthyroid and i am telling you i felt like crap i did not want to do anything i thought i was going to die i would get up wash dishes and had to lay back down cause i was so tired i mean do not forget to take it because your body will know now i have to take that and pottasium cause i let my level get so low
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649848 tn?1534633700
Per my comment just above your post, when a medication is missed, you should never double up on the dosage, as you could get too much.  Since it takes synthroid a couple of weeks to in/out of your system, you shouldn't have a lot of trouble.

When you miss a dose, or even 3 just begin taking the medication at your normal times, instead of doubling up.
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I forgot to take my snythroid with me on a trip.  I missed 3 days so when I returned at 2 am in the morning I took my 50 mg of synthroid and when I woke up at 8:30 took another dose.  Now I'm concerned that I shouldn't have done that and perhaps should have waited to the following morning then take them too soon together.  Does anyone have thoughts about this?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Rule of thumb is, if you forget to take medication, just skip that day and take your regular dose the following day.  Synthroid takes several weeks to build in your system, and since it has a very long 1/2 life, missing one dose won't hurt you.

Since you took your dose at 6:00 last night, I'd probably wait until around noon, to take today's dose, then tomorrow, get back on schedule.

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I missed my morning Synthroid for the first time yesterday.  I am only on .075 so I didn't notice it yesterday, well actually I did take a late morning nap, but after that I was fine. Thought I'd feel cold and tired, but didn't.  I did eventually take it at 6pm, though. The next day I feel a little tired.  I don't want to take my usual dose first thing the next am since my last dose was at 6pm the day before.  My answer is: you can be 12 hours late for your dose if it's a small prescription like .075 or less. It won't kill you.  But I would take it as soon as possible. Peace
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I am the same way I can tell by the afternoon I sort of crash every single day at the same time. If I miss I I feel like I am crawling I am so tired!
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My body wants my Synthroid once I wake up.  I do not feel myself until about 30 minutes after I take my synthroid.  If I am off it for medical reasons I can feel the effects the 2nd day of not taking it and it just becomes worse and worse each day for the month I have to be off my medication
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1611622 tn?1300188348
and I just have to say---how sensitive that is when I am only taking .050 once a day??? For four years yes....but STILL? utahmomma I must be wired differently too. Though I sure would like to hear a story like mine so I don't feel like I am the only one who took such a harsh beating when forgetting to take this medication. :/
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1611622 tn?1300188348
I have HYPO and have been on Syntrhoid .050 once a day for about 4 years. I am with utahmomma on this one. I just happened on this website (and glad I did! I shall keep up..) as I was prescribed something and wanted to see if it interfered with my Synthroid in any way, but got caught up in this conversation. I was shocked to see all these responses stating not really anything happened when doses were missed other than being tired. I would like to share that I have missed doses on 2 occasions since I started taking them. I remember both occasions very well and hope never to miss doses again. (short of stapling that dang pill to my forehead! lol) I keep them on my kitchen counter so that when I go to make coffee in the a.m. they are there. (Coffee...probably shouldn't drink that right after taking Synthroid). I've always wondered to, does ANYONE take their synthroid with a huge glass of water? I don't ever......HOWEVER I do not think (could be wrong), that has ANYTHING to do with how my body responded by missing doses. The first time I missed 2 days. Not sure how I could forget, but just did (kids...busy lifestyle..etc). I didn't notice anything the first day of missing the dose, or even that much the next day of missing a dose. BUT--3 to 4 days in and I had already started BACK on them), I was a MESS. (see below)
These are a list of my symptoms from missing three doses (days) the SECOND time I forgot (same symptoms as the first time I forgot)--- BUT I didn't notice ANY  side affects until about the third day in when I remembered and started taking them again.  the fourth, fifth day, sixth, and seventh day (and I had already started back taking them!): extreme anxiety, heart beating hard in chest, extreme insomnia, high blood pressure, could go from 0 to 60 on the anger scale and lash out on on some unsuspecting person--even though I probably could not have knocked over someone with a feather I was feeling so STRANGE, energy and tired at same time (hard to explain), I looked DEAD to look at me in the face (from no sleep AT ALL 3 days in a row), trouble catching my breath...it felt like I was tripping on some drug or something and not a "good trip"--not that I know anything about that stuff. I'm scared to take anything really as I am so sensitive to side effects. SO...just wanted to share. My doctor explained why I didn't' notice the day of or even the day after I missed doses. He says since it is built up in your system by taking it every day, when you miss a dose, it is still built up well enough to not notice...unless you miss like 3 days --- but your body takes a while for the synthroid levels to start going down and that is why you wouldn't notice until a couple days after. ANYWAY. Having said that...I shall never miss a dose again. Considering getting one of those pill containers. My boyfriend asked me if I wanted one the other day and I was like NO! I am not losing my memory so bad that I need one! (truth is, I was just afraid to admit....uhhh...yeah, maybe I need one of those..lol --- as NOW I will take it and it's so early in the morning, that I think to myself "Did I take my Synthroid?") So now, I am pretty sure there have been days when I have taken two doses by accident---which by the way ALSO caused insomnia.
I should have made my user name on here "mess in a dress"...lol ;) Sorry so long!!!
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I was born with no thyroid 31 years ago, and the doctors caught it just in time when I was 6 weeks old.  Throughout my life, whenever I've missed taking my Synthroid consistently, I haven't noticed any difference until about 3 or 4 days without it.  Then I start feeling drained of all energy, and I become easily irritable. Once I take it again, I feel fine again within a day.
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197575 tn?1215532624
I haven't skipped a dose yet- I'm too afraid to because I am finally feeling good.  I didn't start meds. until a month after my tt in May and I just got my meds increased AGAIN just a few days ago!  I am on 250mcg of synthroid.  This is my 7th or 8th dose.  My doctor cannot believe how high of a dose I am on.
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I've taken Levoxyl for years and if I miss a dose I get a headache by mid morning.  Boy would I love to take a dose right now. 16 days off now and 3 more weeks to go till the RAI.  Man I feel great! NOT!
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I seem to be sensitive to my meds levoxl 75mcg. I have been on them for 6 weeks and have been wired the last couple of days so I didnt take it today. I feel much better. Still have really sore muscles but better.
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361979 tn?1199303850
I have missed doses, not very often as when I did, by noon I new! I would become a very diff person, hateful/short,moody,crying/THE WHOLE WORKS, lol, I always took it asap. If I was not able to take at that time, I would not double up, I was always afraid to do that.

To me tho, missin/forgettin a dose messes up my energy more than anything. It seems like it takes a few days for me to get that back even if I only missed 1 dose.

I wander if the med really does stay in the system for 6-7 days? A ? I'll have to ask my Pharm
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291645 tn?1445338570
I place my synthroid in a small bowl with my water bottle at bedside table every night. I wake between 5 am or 7 am each morning...and go back to sleep. i always know (for sure) if I took it or not. some set an alarm clock each night, a good sure fire way to know . I don't trust my memory, so have to set up these prompts.
Question? what are some of the symptoms if missed a dosage.? Margie
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Thank goodness for these posts!  I am caught in a snowstorm and am unable to get to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription (I am totally out!) of Levoxyl.  But after reading all of your comments, it seems like I should be fine skipping one dose.  I have never skipped a dose in eight years, but like Linda, I don't want ANY of the symptons I had before I was diagnosed with thyroid disease so I was a little scared about missing.  Hopefully the snow will let up and I can get to the pharmacy tomorrow!  Many thanks! Kate
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200220 tn?1361951554
I keep a notebook and write down the time which is usually around 7 am, and how I feel.  I got this from my husband who faithfully writes his meds down and then he knows exactly what and when he has taken them.  I keep the medicine and book together so that it is handy to write it down.  I find that with my memory (?) I don't always remember so I have a record.   I also am sensitive to my meds and can feel about an 1 1/2 later the effects of the pill.  My endo said I am the most sensitive he has.  I am like that with all meds.  Am glad to know what to do if I ever forget to take it though.  I went to my daughters and forgot to bring my meds.  I paniced and called the pharmacist and begged them to give me a pill.  They put a call into my pharmacist in Balto. and he verified my prescription and they gave me 1 pill which broken in half gave me the 2 I needed until I got home.  I was too afraid not to take one as the symptoms I had were severe and I don't want them again - not even a little bit.   linda
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