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For those with 'lump in throat' feeling...

For those of you who have that lump in the throat feeling or swallowing difficulties, could you describe what it feels like?  Does it feel like there is phlem in your throat or just a lump/swelling feeling?

I have a .08 nodule and a slightly enlarged thyroid.  I feel like I have a swollen throat/neck but I also feel like there's phlem (sorry .... gross, I know!).  I've been told it's probably Gerd but I have my doubts.  Trying to figure out if it's from the nodule pressing on a nerve or if it actually is GERD (which I have no symptoms of except some chest pressure).  I have to wonder if the chest pressure is from the nodule as well.  

Thanks for any input!!!
22 Responses
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393685 tn?1425812522
Years went by for me after RAI that I went to numerous doctors and complained of a lump - or "something" in my throat. It was the same story from them all and GERD was mostly the diagnosis.

I went on every RX for GERD there was and it never changed the feeling - in fact it brought on more problems - headache - nausea - and GI distress.  But the something stuck in my throat still persisted.

Then the tightness in the neck and chest started. AGAIN acid reflex or GERD. After two years and dozens of trips to doctors and the ER rooms ( last visit at the ER a year in a half ago) I laughed at them in disgust with their push off of the GERD DX to send me on my way.

I threw every RX in the garbage and decided to really start digging myself into the WHY's and WHAT's of what was happening to me.

BAsically I started over going back to the original DX of Graves in 2002 and then getting RAI. I researched everything I looked at and found a link to the hypothyroidism after RAI.

Both the RAI and now being Hypo -  had huge connections to acid reflex and GERD misdiagnosises. So my gut told me to dig farther into hypothryoidism.

I found out that there was a very misleading thought many doctors are under. Actually hypo's produce LESS acid then needed to digest food. I found getting a balance of my PH levels to help tremoundously with the acid and to a degree that lessened the "lump feeling" in my thought - still there but not as bad.

I also dug deeper into tests needed in addition then just basic thyroid panels for hypothyroidism and got a TPO test for Hashimoto. YEP - that was positive,

So now I know - I have Hashimoto Thyroidtitis - an enlagement or swelling of my ablated thyroid. When they antibodies kick in ( in full gear) I inflame not only in neck but upper chest and back. My nodule that grew after RAI is also in a position to make my neck feel comfortable when I lie down so it is hard to sleep and takes a while in the morning to feel like I can get through the day. Lying down - I think - puts that nodule in a position that becomes uncomfortable for me after a period of time and wakes me early to get up and let it go back to where it feels better.

Getting my Hashi/hypo condition at a good level for me worked very well. I feel 90% normal again after 6 years and have had no issues with that GERD stuff since.
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369861 tn?1306275686
I had a two nodules prior to RAI treatment.  I have swallowing difficulties.  I am always clearing my throat, sucking on throat lozengers or tic tacs.  After RAI I have had hoarseness, which has been 10 months.  My ENT sent me to a speech therapist who is treating me difficulty swallowing and hoarseness with electro stimulation.  

As for the difficulty swallowing, the food seems to get stuck right in my throat and no matter what I did, it would not move.  The therapist had me to buy Luigi's lemon ice. When eating, I put the lemon ice on the tip of the spoon to make swallowing easier.  However, so far the vitalstem has not solved the issue.

Also, eat small spoon/fork fulls and take a sip of drink  afterwards.

Take care
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Yes, I hear what you're saying about GERD.    GERD, GERD, GERD .. that's what I hear too.   Even though I do not have really any symptoms other than the phlem/throat sensation.  I was given an Rx (prevacid I think) to start taking for that but I haven't started taking it yet.  I do have chest fullness feeling.  I swear I feel like I'm falling apart!!  

I'm still confused about all the blood work I had done.  I was told everything was normal and that it's the nodule that's causing all my symptoms.  I need to get a copy of that I think.  

Well, I'm glad you feel better.  You really do not appreciate it when you feel good until you start to feel terrible.  I am so sick and tired of not feeling good and what's worse is that I have a 9 month old and I feel like I'm not being a good enough mommy.  

And blksapphire, gosh I feel for you with the food getting stuck in the throat.  Atleast I don't have that .. yet.  I hope you can get that resolved.  
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I also have this lump/phlem problem in my throat.  A few months ago I was told I have - you guessed it - GERD.  I'm on meds for it now.  I'm don't think they help, as I still have to clear my throat constantly and have fits of coughing and hacking.  Ask my husband, it can be really annoying.  He is pretty tolerant, not sure I could be the same.  I don't usually have trouble swallowing, but I do have pain somwtimes when I have my head turned to the side when I'm swallowing.  What's up with that?  By the way I have NOT be diagnosed with any thyroid problems, but feel there must be a problem there.  Some of my other symptoms that make me think this are:  excessive sweating; always hot, even when others are not; can't get cooled when I'm too get hot;  can't get warm when I get cold (which is rare);  always tired; sleep apnea; aches and pains, arthritis; IBS, and I'm overweight.  Problems that top the list are:  IBS(meds are helping}, excessive sweating (all over body), and the so called GERD.  What do you think?
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798555 tn?1292787551
You need free T3 and free T4 tested, if you have not.

Digestive bacterial overgrowth is more common that people and docs think. It can be responsible for GERD, IBS others too. And it can just make you feel sick all over. Antibacterial herbs taken orally with pobiotics (good bacterial) daily can rid this issue any where from one month to years. If you have it , the above will give you some positive results.

Get some PH test strips from a heath food / supps store. Do saliva PH in the morning before food- it tells whats going on in digestive tract. Maybe adjust PH with certain foods if needed.

Low ph,to acidic , baking soda relieves.
High ph, to akalize, apple cider vineger relives.

Not enough acid can cause GERD too. If you body cant digest, its like a pissed off blender erupting so to speak!

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649848 tn?1534633700
I had GERD for years and took every med known to man to try to eliminate it. It would get so bad sometimes, that I'd wake up in the night choking on the acid.   It was only after my hypo/Hashi was dx'd and I got on med, that I stopped having the GERD.  

Although I no longer have GERD, I *do* have the choking feeling in my throat.  Originally, when I was dx'd with Hashi, the ENT said the choking feeling was because my thyroid was swollen and inflamed.  After a while, the choking lessened considerably, though it was still there some.  Within the past few weeks, it (choking) has been really bad again; an ultra sound last week showed that my thyroid is swollen and inflamed again.   I believe this is also made  much worse by stress, of which I've had more than my share over the past few months.  

I'm upping my dose of selenium and I'm going to go back to the cool cloth on my neck and aleve - that's what helped before.

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Cannot believe you have no Dx of thyroid.....I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis...and you just described many of the symptoms I experience...especially the body temp issues!!!! I recently changed Endocrinologist and for the first time in 44 years (diag. @ 11 yrs old) have been put another med called Cytomel to help deal with T3 that can cause all the digestive issues...Larangoesophigal Reflux my Dx from ENT....different than GERD...acid in throat and causes coughing, choking, swallowing etc.
Been given Prilosec but going to discuss naturopathic possibilities with
PVP...she's very open to different modalities of treatment. I REALLY think you should have a comprehensive thyroid panel done....your symptoms are just too familiar to me....Good Luck!
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649848 tn?1534633700
You've attached your comments to a very old thread and sherrie090110 hasn't been active on the forum since she posted her comment in 2010, so it's unlikely she will respond.   Most of us are very familiar with cytomel.
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Thanks for the heads up.....glad you all know about Cytomel ...sorry I gave
"outdated advice"
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649848 tn?1534633700
Didn't mean to imply that your advice was outdated... just that most of us on the forum are familiar with cytomel.  I've been on it for over 5 years.

Have you looked into the possibility of having too little acid, rather than too much?  Some of us have found that instead of needing acid suppressants such as Prilosec, Nexium and others, we need to add acid.  I used to drink dill pickle juice or warm water with vinegar to make my reflux go away.  Now I take Betaine HCl with meals and/or drink peppermint tea.
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14587943 tn?1435324064
Can I take cytomel whilst on Levothyroxine - having awful feeling like there's something stuck in my lower throat around the thyroid gland area, which normally means my TSH is out of range.  I'm overdue a thyroid test which I'm going to organise next week when I see the Dr, but am interested on how cytomel could possibly make a difference to how my thryroid disease affects me.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Cytomel is often prescribed with Levothyroxine, if it's needed.  Typically, Cytomel is needed if one isn't converting the storage hormone Free T4 to the usable Free T3.  You can't find this out by doing just a TSH test.  You have to do Free T3 and Free T4 along with it.  

Typically, if FT4 is about mid range or higher and FT3 is lagging way at the bottom of the range, that's an indication that you don't convert well and are a candidate for Cytomel...

If you aren't converting adequately, Cytomel can work wonders for you, if you get the right dosage.  If you're converting well and don't need the extra T3 it won't do anything for you and could, in fact, be a total nightmare, if it raises your FT3 levels to the over medicated state.  That's why it's essential to test, both, FT4 and FT3 prior to starting a T3 med, like Cytomel.  Any doctor who prescribes Cytomel without testing those is bordering on malpractice.
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15792255 tn?1443037697
is there anyway to contact you direct Stella?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Stella hasn't been active on the forum for some time, but you can try sending her a private message.  You can do that by hovering your mouse over her name to get a drop down box then click on "Send a Message"... You'll get a blank form in which to type a message to her.  

If there's anything anyone else can do for you, please just ask...
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Had my throat stretched in November, having a "lump" since.  It is getting worse.  seems to have a pulse almost and when I exercise or get upset, I feel like it throbs almost.  They are doing an US soon.  No abnormal thyroid levels that I am aware of as of yet.  Any advice?  I have memory issues-short term is really bad.  I am 50.  Doc also mentioned GERD although I do not feel I have any problems with that.  Thanks!
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I have the same feeling. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis but def do not have gerd as ive had 2 gastroscopies & they found nothing. I had these terrible symptoms since sep 2014 & wasn't diagnosed till feb 2016 by a blood test. Even then the dr missed it & had i not questioned the abnormal antibodies, I'd still be thinking I was going mad. Standard blood tests will not show anything. A lot of hypo/hyperthyroid people do not get diagnosed till the thyroid is destroying itself or has destroyed itself. Im on levothyroxine & my t4 is in normal range but my antibodies are off the charts & several dr's say it's just the disease. They don't actually know how to treat it. Im finally off to a functional medical doctor who has anecdotally "cured" many thyroid patients after 2 1/2 yrs of misery. You need to push the dr's & show them your research - which their ego's obviously can't handle, but it's your life & your health so move heaven and earth to help yourself. Good luck.
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I too had a lump feeling in my throat and post nasal drip,phlem... I was diagnosed with LPR (silent reflux) I was diagnosed as having allergies at first and i thought i had a lingering cold from the flu. The lump feeling got worse so my primary Dr. sent me to an ENT. That is when i was diagnosed with LPR and given 3 month supply of prilosec. But i never had an endoscopy. The lump feeling went away on its own. But i was feeling lethargic, fatigued. Finally i begged for a blood test from my primary Dr. and i was diagnosed with hypothyroid and a stomach bacteria. All these issues can cause a hoarse voice, lump feeling ect. I was just put on thyroid medicine about a month ago, and Im still taking prilosec. Im going to be making an appointment with a GI specialist to do a scope of my throat and stomach to see if it really is silent acid reflux or my thyroid. I do not want to be takibg prilosec for any prolonged term if its not reflux. This is due to the fact that Im still having throat issues with hoarseness and globus. The lump feeling still comes and goes but its not as intense as it was. Im still trying to stabalize my thyroid dosage. Good luck to you!
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Just some info you might find of interest.  I have been hypothyroid for probably 50 years.  After finding this forum and learning about the importance of Free T3 I got mine tested and confirmed as too low in the range. even though I was taking 200 mcg of T4 med.  So my med was switched to desiccated thyroid med and after some tweaking I felt better than I could even remember.  

During the last 10 years or so I was also diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus and was put on 2 tablets of Prilosec.  About 2 years ago I started having very bad acid reflux.  Since I also had other hypo symptoms appearing I decided to increase my dosage.  In just 2-3 days the acid reflux was gone.  I decided to try eliminating the Prilosec.  I did so without any problem.  When I related this to the doctor he insisted that I stay on at least one Prilosec, to avoid any possible complication from the Barrett's.  

So when you mention stabilizing your thyroid dosage, I was concerned that you were being medicated based on TSH.  If so, that does not work.  A good thyroid doctor will treat a hypo patient clinically by testing and adjusting Free T4 and free T3 as needed to relieve symptoms, without being influenced by resultant TSH levels.  You can read about this in the following link.  I highly recommend reading at least the first tow pages, and more if you want to get into the discussion and scientific evidence for all that is recommended.  


If you want to post your thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report we would be glad to help interpret and advise further.  
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TSH is 3.3
T3 is 2.9
T4 is 1.1
I have no idea what the ranges should be. I am to return in 6 weeks to check my levels again
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Sorry, I should have asked the type and dosage of thyroid med you are taking.  Also, are those test results from prior to starting the thyroid med?  
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I only know my tsh was 22, after six weeks its now 3.3. I have to go back in six weeks again. I dont know what my T3 was prior, and prior he didnt have my T4 tested....or visa versu.
Also im taking levothyroxine .075mg
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Just to clarify.  Were you taking the 75 mcg of Levothyroxine when those labs were done?
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My tsh was 22 when i was diagnosed. I was taking .050 mcg of levo. Recently my new readings are my six week follow up to adjust my dose. It was adjusted to .075 mcg. I follow up again in 6 weeks
I was put on .050 after being diagnosed with TSH at 22
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When taking thyroid med, the TSH level will drop in response.  That then reduces the output of natural thyroid hormone.  Your serum thyroid levels are the sum of both natural thyroid hormone and thyroid med.  Only when TSH is suppressed enough to no longer stimulate natural thyroid hormone production will thyroid levels reflect further increases in thyroid medication.  You have not reached that point yet, so further increases are going to be required.  

A good thyroid doctor will treat a hypothyroid patient clinically, by testing and adjusting Free T4 and Free T3 as needed to relieve symptoms, without being influenced by resultant TSH levels.  Symptom relief should be all important, not just test results, and especially not TSH results.  Many members say that symptom relief required Free T4 at least at the mid-point of its range, and Free T3 in the upper third of its range, and adjusted from there as needed to fully relieve symptoms.  

Hypothyroid patients are also frequently deficient in Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin, so you should get those tested and then supplement as needed to optimize.  D should be at least 50 ng/mL, B12 in the upper end of its range, and ferritin should be at least 100.
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I had GERD a long time back but once I started having my dinner a little early, it resolved to a large extent. This is long before I had Hashi issue. Now, for the last 2 months, I seem to be clearing my throat multiple times  in a day. My doctors suggest that it is GERD. I also started having some discomfort in upper chest (something I used to have when my GERD was at peak).
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what has worked for your gerd?
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I always felt like I couldn't swallow which would give me panic attacks. I should also mention my issues would come and go and I never had a lump even though I had lots of nodules.
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