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AntiDepressant Medication?

Does anyone know a good anti-depressant that works well with hypothyroidism, that does not cause weight gain (or minimal weight gain)and has few side effects?
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How can you be sure that your symptoms are not related to being hypothyroid, since you have Hashi's and are on a low dose of thyroid med?  Please post your thyroid related test results and their reference ranges shown on the lab report, so that we can assess your status.  
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Have you tried getting counselling? Cause Antidepressents are really hard drugs to deal with while on and even harder to get off. I am on Paxil only 20mg, mainly for Anxiety and Depression. I have been on it since June of 2005. I was on it when I was younger a couple of times, but never took it faithfully like I did this time. I am now trying to get off it, cause my new doctor tested my thryroid since I have been gaining weight like crazy. He said that depression can be caused by my hypothyroid. I also want to get pregnent next year, and really dont want to be on Paxil anymore. I started going off it a few months ago and have had the hardest time. I went down too much at first and was having really scary thoughts, that I have never had before, I now have to go down very little and not go down again for weeks at a time. I am not saying dont go on them, cause everyone is different, but they are not a miricle pill, even though I am on them, my symptoms only started improving when I started therapy. I wish I had done that to start with and never touched those pills. Your doctor is the best person to talk to, but they are over prescribed, and often the first thing to be recommended. You pharmacist will know which one will work best for not gaining weight. Good luck
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Thankyou much!
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You are welcome, Cat, and thank you in return for sharing some information that is helpful to me in a way you would not have anticipated. The weirdness of my hypothyroidism symptoms and their patterns has been unnerving to me. It boosts my morale to see something that I could have written. I also lived everyday life for what turned out to be quite a long time (three years after having had a TSH of 3.93 with a reference range of .32 - 5.0) with no depression and a fair bit of energy. Then when hypothyroidism symptoms began to have an impact on my life, it soon became a wallop. Maybe that part of my experience, at least, has not been so weird after all.

I remember reading that Synthroid seems more likely to cause hair loss than other levothyroxine brands and that switching brands often helps people who are losing hair...or am I just imagining this? Have you looked at Mary Shomon's website (www.thyroid.about.com)? I am sure you could find out there whether I am correct or just imagining things.

In regard to venting: Although I am a newbie at this forum, I think I am safe in saying that there is NO such thing as venting too much here!

Three cheers for you for planning to assess your family doctor to see whether he has a partnership or a dictatorship approach to your care. Pink slips for physicians are a wonderful thing. I have handed out more than one of those myself, and I have benefited immensely in the long run.

Good luck!

With hopes that you send us an update,
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The active ingredient in Synthroid and the other replacement hormones is chemically identical to our body's own thyroxin (T4). They are chemically absolutely the same and our bodies are designed to use this chemical, every day of our lives. The synthetic product is the most "natural" of all our treatment options.
The side effects would be the same as for hyperthyroid or hypothyroid because the meds are two high or two low, therefore causing symptoms.  However people can have a reaction from the fillers and binders which normlly the most common symptom is a itchy rash, and the remainder symptoms; difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Not all mfg use the same fillers and binders (as shown below) so one brand can be replaced by another, but you will need to be retested after 6 weeks.

Synthroid Tablets contains cornstarch, sugar, lactose, magnesium stearate, povidone,  talc and
contain synthetic crystalline L-3,3',5,5'-tetraiodothyronine sodium salt [levothyroxine (T 4 ) sodium
Levoxyl Tablets contain Microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium and magnesium stearate

To know if you are getting stable; you go for thyroid blood test on a regular bases - normally every 6 to 12 weeks until you are stable with no med. dose change for a year.  Then every 6 months for a year, then once a year, every year thereafter once stable.

If things get too bad or unbearable for you, you'll do whatever it take to be better, especially when you start hurting the ones that you love.  You'll make the right decision for yourself.

There is help out there, even if its in a form of a little antidepressant pill.
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Thanks Jenny and others for your insightful words. Up until the past few months I have felt like one of the lucky ones: except for the mood swings, I have not had any weight problems (actually lost a lot) had a fair bit of energy, and had no problem with depression. My symptoms have gotten progressively worse around the time the increase in darkness outside started (not 100% certain of this)? They are having a significant impact on my life.  

I have done some research about synthroid on the net (some people have adverse reactions) and am wondering if I should change brands? (I started it after my RAI mid-february 2006).

One concern about anti-depressants: how would I know if I am really getting stable on my thyroid medications if an anti-depressant is relieving some/all the symptoms but not the underlying problems?

Sorry to drag on with this...perhaps I vent too much. My family is worried as they just want the old Cat back (so do I), as we haven't seen a lot of 'me' lately.  

I will do as utahmomma suggested: this Wednesday I will be seeing my family doctor with a long list of symptoms to see what we he do. If he is not willing to work in partnership, then we will have to see about handing him a 'pink slip?'   :-)

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I am hashimotos also... I have tried zoloft, lexapro, and now started 2.5mg of prozac today...it causes me to have terrible headaches and I can get manic. Never had anxiety until my last pregnancy when I developed thyroid problems. Its been 2 years and I finally started managing my thyroid properly after 4 meds later I settled with levothyroxin 50mcg, no t3.. everyones body is different.  I am assuming taking depression meds is the same. I am on number 3 right now.  With thyroid meds. Change in homones caused anxiety and hair to fall out... It happens everytime I try a new depression med also.  ;-(  prayers to you.. if you need support my email is ***@****. good luck. -Shantel
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Dear Cat,

If you were to describe the weird spacey feeling inside your head in detail, I feel certain that I would say, "Oh, yes, I know that one." Actually, if you were to say, "It is very difficult to describe," I definiteyly would say, "I know that one, too." I have had quite an assortment of weird sensations that either are inside my head or obviously are in some way coming from my central nervous system. I had my "wiring" thoroughly checked out six years ago, and the results were clear-cut. I do not have a neurological disease or a neurological condition that will worsen. What I have is simply a nuisance.

Sometimes it helps to describe a symptom to a physician and hear him or her reassure you that it is nothing to worry about, but be sure that you are not dealing with an over-reactor who will put you through a bunch of tests for no reason. Just know, on the basis of my experience, that you can have some downright bizarre sensations that are nothing to worry about at all. Never underestimate the wackiness of the ways in which a malfunctioning thyroid gland can affect you.

As for antidepressants, GravesLady's comment of "Remember, this doesn't have to be forever" was immensely wise. I do not know how severe your depression is, but since the depression itself will not be forever, is it a realistic option to wait it out? Quoting another of GravesLady's wise thoughts: Not everyone is the same. We vary in our feelings about taking an antidepressant. I would rather not add another drug while I am adjusting to levothyroxine, but other people do not think twice about taking an antidepressant, and neither viewpoint is right or wrong.

Also, for some people, an antidepressant is like a life-line while they get their hypothyroidism under control. I am sure that there are other people like me, for whom depression is only one of the thinking/emotional problems caused by hypothyroidism. Furthermore, the ones that interfere the most with everyday life are the ones for which a medication is not available.

It is difficult to find a balance between competing factors--the symptom relief you need and the possible problems with some of the cures.  If you are ANYthing like me, decisions are doubly difficult because your thyroid gland's struggles are affecting your fundamental ability to think.  Isn't this a fun-filled affliction, though? ;o)  I wish you good luck and excellent clarity as you make decisions about what to do (or not do).

Best wishes,
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I am getting this weird spacey feeling inside my head which concerns me.  Anyone else felt it?

I have not tried any anti-depressants yet.  I did some research last night on some of them (paxil, wellbutrin, prozac) and was concerned about their side effects.  

I am also still looking into possible natural helps as well?
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158939 tn?1274915197
Hey Cat,

Everyone is different with antidepressants, that's why there are so many of them!  I was originally prescribed a SSRI but what worked best for me because of my fibromyalgia was a tricyclic.  

The best thing you can do is take the LONG list of health problems, medications, aches and pains, etc. to your doctor and let him/her take it from there.  You might be on one for a few months then need to be switched to another.  Or be on more than one.  Brain chemistry is even more fun than thyroid labs!  :-)

The important thing is to get started on the medication because it can take quite a while to build up to effective doses.

Hang in there!
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Not everyone is the same nor are all meds equal, so what works for one may not work for another, therefore you might have to try a few before finding on that works for you. Combining two different brands/types works well for some. I tried several including Wilburton, well only one pill, when I broke out with a rash from the brown color/dye so could not take anymore, wasted two full bottles.  I also tried Paxil and a few others. Right now I am taking Lorazepam.
If you take one for a period of time, two months or longer, and you quit, wing yourself from them no matter what the direction say or your doctor.  I found out the hard way and I tried to tell my sister but she didn't heed my warning and she found out the hard way too.  Its no big deal if you wing yourself!

Remember, this doesn't have to be forever, for most of us just long enough to help us get over the rough spots and get well from thyroid.

SSRIs Serotonin uptake inhibitors They have fewer side effects than the tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), which are discussed below. SSRIs do not interact with the chemical tyramine in foods, as do the MAOIs. Also, SSRIs do not cause orthostatic hypotension and heart rhythm disturbances, like the TCAs do. Therefore, SSRIs are often the first-line treatment for depression. Examples of SSRIs include fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa), and fluvoxamine (Luvox) and Effexor.
Serotonin uptake inhibitors are perscribed for uncomplicated depression.  However, they  cause increased metabolism of thyroid hormone and you might have to raise your thyroid med. dose, so get retested once you start taking.  They also take from a month to six weeks to produce their full effects.

Hope this helps and good luck!
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Have you tried any yet?  And if you did hwo did they affect you?
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