215905 tn?1214501401

Hyperthyroidism and weight gain???

I'm new to this and just hoping to get some good answers from some of ya'll with thyroid disease.

I had my first and only child in Dec '05. Developed hyperthyroidism April '06 and have been ever since even to this day. I have gone to several Endo's and got answers like Grave's Disease, Hashimoto's, thyroid going to fail, etc. Not one of the same diagnosis from any Endo. I have a new Endo appt. next Thursday at U. of Penn and I got some great references so I hope he is the one.

My levels have gone down considerably. Here are some of my results:

Thyroglobulin Antibodies   93 High     (<20)
Thyroid Peroxidase         >1000 high  (<35)
T3, Total                  473 high    (60-181)
T4, Free                   3.3 high    (0.8-1.8)
TSH                        0.01 low  

The TSH has been bouncing between 0.01 and 0.02 low. The t4, Free had been at 10.6 but has come down a bit. The T3 is slowly but surely increasing a bit every time I get a new blood test. The Endo that thought I have Hashimoto's said it was becasue of the antibodies. The other Endo said that I was going to crash and be low, Hashimoto's. Another one said that I had Grave's and the last one said it was Post-partum thyroiditis with hyperthyroidism only and that in time I would recover.

As all of this is going on, I have gained 20 lbs. and I'm very sad, I just can't get it off and I'm only eating about 200-300 calories a day now. This is something that is confusing doctors too.

Along with the thyriod, I suddenly developed PCOS. My gyno thinks it's from the thyroid levels being high and the Reproductive Endo tells me its not. Now I'm one birth control which makes me nauseous all day long. I've tried almost all brands on the market and I still get nauseous all day long.

I live outside of Philadelphia and we are lacking in good Endo's in this area so I keep searching for the right one that seems to know what is going on. This has turned into a nightmare, I'm supposed to be enjoying my life as a new mommy and I'm so sad all of the time, I keep getting fatter and fatter!!

Maybe someone else has a similar problem, heard of it before, knows someone with the same problem or can give me any advice as to what is going on with me. I will be so absolutely grateful to you.
72 Responses
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I have been suffering with the same problems for the past year in half. I have been on Synthyroid since December. One of the biggest problems is that I am loosing so much hair and I just found out that one of the side effects of Synthyroid is hair loss. I am so frustrated. Just thought I'd let you know I feel your pain. Good Luck! I hope you find a a good doctor.
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that sounds like thyroid treatment revealed an iron deficiency, which causes hair loss... this is actually quite common.
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My Doctors are keeping me hyper to inhibit tumor growth and I have gained 30lbs and can't lose it. She told to to stop trying, I'm just fighting my body.  I am hungry all of the time but I don't eat a lot because I don't want to gain any more weight.  They told me that a small percentage of people who are hyper for a long time can exhibt some of the symptoms of hypo, such as weight gain...lucky  me.

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I just posted something so similar, I have the same problems just had a baby 4 months ago got blood work retest and TSH is still low. I am always tired, no sex drive, irritable and weight gain.  No doctor has yet to tell me how to fix the thyroid problem or what to do.  It figures I have a thyroid problem where I should be skinny and keep weight off of me but no I have to be one of the those people who gain not lose. It seems alot of people have the same problems, is thyriod problems that difficult to deal with, doctors dont seem to have any answers.  So hang in there I'm in the same boat.
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215905 tn?1214501401
Thanks to everyone so far. I thought I really was the only one. I just wonder now, if I did get treatment at this point, would I lose any weight. I was told by a friend that she know someone with Grave's Disease that gain weight and lost weight when she started treatment.
The Endo that I am going to see next week is supposed to have dealt with hyper and weight gain. I will definitley post and let you know what he tells me. In that way, we can help each other.
From my experience so far and from what I hear, there are not many good Endocrinologists around anywhere. That's why I've seen so many and still can't find one that can help me.
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215905 tn?1214501401
By the way... anyone having a lot of water retention like me??
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Having been a hyper w/ TSH levels that read <.01 which meant to little to read , i have had w/ meds .02  and although I felt horrible I was not crazy. Being hypo is a drag, it is more difficult to adjust.. keep looking for the best endo in your area.   Hair loss is something that happens when levels are drastically altered. I found out the hard way.  and the weight gain as well. (again i was a hyper,  and 10 pounds is alot to me) but keep drinking water and take your meds 4 hours on each side from any calcium and 1 hour from food.) I learned when I was very sick from graves that cheese helped absorb the thyroxine.It made me feel better.  my dr. agreed that calcium interrferred w/ thyroxsine absorbtion.  Try to get a med regime that allows the med. to absorb properly. good luck
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Thank God! I went to the doctor because I thought I had postpartum depression, and after blood tests found that I had an overactive thyroid.  It was confusing to me, because I've been struggling to lose the baby weight and have even GAINED since giving birth.  The doctor said weight gain with hyperthyroidism isn't uncommon - but I thought she was just being nice! I'm so glad that I'm not the only with this problem. It's just depressing to know that I've been struggling to lose it for 5 months, and my body was working against me the whole time.  Good luck to all of you!
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198187 tn?1190634330
I will tell you that my endo told me that you have to eat and excerise. more than before when we have thyroid disease. Eating 200-300 calories a day may not be enough to get the fuel going in your body. She gave me this web site and it is great for me you might try it and see how it goes...www.yourweight.com remember you have to eat to burn calories.  She told me at least walk around the block three times a week is better than nothing..that is easier said than done when your legs do not want to move. I feel your pain as I'm fighting the same issues but we just have to keep our heads high and give it all...Yes, easier said than done..you are talking to someone that has been trying for over 3 yrs to loose weight lose a few then gain 10 back...it is a extreme emotional roll coaster.

Please us posted. I will keep you in my prayers.

Take Care-Pam
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I feel your pain with the "hyperthyroid with weight gain".  I have the same problem.  I was told that my thyroid problem hits my metabolism so I feel like eating.....
I also have sinus problems that drain into my stomach, back problems and heel spurs that limit my exercise at the present.
Some tips-well, watch what you eat and try to get SOME exercise.  I learned that protein makes you feel full longer because it burns off slower.  I eat alot of fish and chicken.  I eat peanut butter, but it has fat, so be careful how much.  If you eat because you feel depressed, try popcorn and also go for a walk! The natural light outside really lifts up moods!  Try a walk on a beach or go on a trail with a friend.  Exercise also helps you feel "happy" so you need to find something that you can do that helps you burn weight and feel good-what about an eliptical glider? I put one in front of my television. Do a little more each day.  Take your baby for a stoll with a friend along a public track.  
Whatever you do-keep your chin up!!!  I know it is hard and I get sad too, but when you get sad-get on a treadmill or walk! It will take time, but don't weigh yourself daily as you may feel depressed.....stick to a diet and a routine and weigh yourself at the end of a month perhaps.  Even if it is only a couple of pounds, remember it takes time and just don't stop trying.  I am presently getting back on my feet from a back injury.  I have watched what I ate even though I could not exercise much and I have only fluctuated by 3 pounds.   Oh, and if no endo seems to help-read and look up some info yourself.  The library has alot of good thyroid reading.  Just don't give up!!
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369861 tn?1306275686
I understand what you are saying.  For about a year, I tried to get someone to listen to me.  I gained about 60 pounds in about 4 months.  Something wasnt right.  I weight always flucutated between 5-6 pounds plus or minus.  

At the same time I was on predisone for asthma/allery related issues and hyalagan for my knees.  So walking was kind of out of the question.  My best friend kept saying it was my thyroid (hypo).

Everytime, I did the blood work, everything came back normal and they kept stressing the losing of weight.  I kept saying that nothing has change except I feel tired and for some unknown reason had a taste for sweets, which I never have.

Anyway, I started walking on the bad knees. I had knee surgery on both and injections since the knee surgery on one knee.  Watch what I ate and drank plenty of water. Nothing happen.

I go for the annual rountine check up and walla... my labs are out of whack. The numbers just happen to read hyper in stead of hypo.  Then endo just said, "you should be losing weight".

I have tried everything and to no avail.. Now they are listening just a little..

Don't give up... I haven't....Lord knows I have wanted to.
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I have hashi's (hypo) & gluten intolerance/wheat allergy.  Even with extra meds, I have not been able to lose weight, even tho I was eating tiny quantities.  I asked my nutritionist as I was feeling faint, shaky & extreme tiredness & craving sugar even tho eating lots of fruit & the right celiac food. (couldn't understand how I could gain weight & get so bloated when I hardly ate anything, especially any fats/meats etc)  Turned out I needed much more protein (meat, eggs, dairy) which I had removed from my diet pretty much as I could not digest them well (except eggs ok).  I have reduced my carbs & now following higher protein diet & taking bpep (hydorochloric acid) to help break the protein down.   Have been able to reduce the bloating and fainting feeling and got back a lot of energy & can do a lot more activity.  I didn't realise that I was focusing too much on gluten free & energy food to boost me and was adding to the weight/energy problem.  Nutritionist says body won't release its storages if not eating enough protein.    It seems to be helping a lot.  The first rule is to eat protein for breakfast, & some more every 2.5 hrs thru the day. I don't know if it might help anyone else, but it is helping me (Ps still eat lots of fruit, but after a meal instead of being the meal!)
Cheers Maggie
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Please, please people, have your adrenals checked.  Adrenal fatigue has the same symptoms as thyroid disease and if you are not getting results from thyroid treatment, chances are that your adrenals are not functioning properly, either.  I had mine done through my naturopath.  It is a saliva test done over a day and takes 10 days for the results to come back, so the longer your wait, the longer the problem exists.  It might be something as simple as taking DHEA once of twice a day that will start to get you back on the track to feeling better.  It did me.  So, please, have them checked.
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only one difference here i am male
i have had hyperthyroid most of my life[from what i can remember it started  at age 14] unknowen till around 2002
i started with tapazol 25.mg once per day[i think] but droped to 5mg/ day with in a year
2 years ago i decided to ask questions in canada they [the experts] like to keep the tsh level as close to 25 as posiable
i was as most tired weight gain and all the rest 1 year ago i hit 300lbs  
i figgered that at tsh level 25 my thyroid was acting like hypo so i cut my pills in half i have and still take 1/2 pill per day
i have a bad addiction to sweets and when they hit i eat like a pig
for what goes in i gain little weight[when i do this i fill the toilet 3-4 times in the moring food sweets go through me in 12 hours what should take 48 hours] i have lost 120 lbs[i would have lost more but addiction=weight]
i know when i am tired and deppresed[this takes awhile to clue in to the clues] that indacates lower dosage
if running around like a 5 year old [nervous] increase dosage
i like to keep my tsh level at 17 not 25 i feel better at 17[tsh]
it is hard to morerate but better then depresed and all that goes with it
ifupleze though is good to do as well
i will have my doctor do that tomorrow
ps: i lost my hair top of head at 25years old it is growing back now
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I have been Type I diabetic for 20 years.  I am 38 soon to be 39.  I have just recently gained 15 pounds.  I have been eating like a pig, alot of sweets and junk.  I was in for my recent endo check up, I told him about being so tired and irritable, shaky, suddenly irregular periods.  I was told I am hyperthyriod Graves Disease.  I started on tapazole, have been on for 4 weeks, still can not lose a pound.  I just began itching all over uncontrollably.  Called the Endo. He called in a new script but said not to start taking until I stop itching.  I feel like a fat mess.  Everyday I add another pair of pants into the pile that recently fit but don't anymore.  It is very depressing and wasn't diabetes enough to begin with?  Thanks for listening!!   Michelle
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11852 tn?1216841443
I too have had problems with weight and hypethyroidism due to Graves originally, now due to levothyroxine level for thyca supression.  Before I was diagnosed with thyroid problems, looking back, I had all kinds of hyper symptoms EXCEPT the weight loss....just my luck too!!!   I fought like he// to lose 35 lbs over the course of 1 1/2 years (only 4' 11 1/1" tall).  Even though I was hyper, I had to literally exercise my butt off to lose any weight.  After TT and RAI I got kicked into menopause at 46....again....just my luck.   All this hormonal inbalance has caused insomnia for over a year and chronic fatigue.  I haven't been able to exercise for over 6 mos.  My endo thinks I'm depressed....hmmm.....I call in being crazy from menopause and being hyper.  It's all been rather frustrating....don't know what to blame.  Oh, yeah.....my love of food doesn't help with the weight loss either.   Talk about a rollercoaster.  I've gone from a size 14/16, down to a size 8, and now am back to a 14/16.    Just know you're not alone.  There are lots of us unfortunate ones that has Graves and can't lose weight.....we can lose our minds....just not out butts!!!!
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Wow!  I thought I was the only one! I found out by accident my T4 was high and I have been referred to an Endo.  But I too had a baby last year and gain 30 lbs after she was born.  Working hard to loose it and yet nothing happens! I probably consum 2000 calories a day but I am on my feet from 7 Am till Midnight every day I am a very busy dog groomer with a 1 year old and 9 dogs of my own I should be skin and bones with all the running around i do all day but even with diet and exercise nothing comes off and stays off.  My chiropractor has warned me about possible side effects of common treatments for Hyperthyrodism and suggested I talked to someone who specializes in homeopathic treatments, any suggestions?  my email is ***@****
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215905 tn?1214501401
Thanks for everyone's insight and help. I haven't been able to post much lately. I have had a lot of stress in my life since August 07.... my deaf white boxer, Haley, passed at 7 years old from TCC (Transitional Cell Carcinoma - Bladder), my mother committe suicide on Oct. 4, 2007 and my father is going through an emotional rollercoaster ever since. For him, the Grave's Disease came back and he is on Tapazole again. For me, I moved to a new town about 45 mins away, have a new Black Boxer, Skyler and between her and my 2 yrs. old son, Michael, they keep me active and busy all day and night. So now, as I thought that with having so much trauma in my life I would be hyper again but I am now Hypo instead, saw my endo today and she is giving me Amour Thyroid 15 mg starting today. I still am not eating as of yet, even gained a few pounds somehow but I am looking forward to the water and weight to come off and give me some relief. If it doesn't by June, they are going to search for other possible problems. I'll keep everyone updated as I try out meds for the first time ever!!

I have been so interested in homeopathic treatments but haven't gone as of this day even though I do plan on it. I have heard mostly good and a little bad but in my opinion, go for it. They do tests like a specialist looking for problems that you have so that they can treat you and from what I have heard so far, they aim for health and well being so you will feel great each day and be healthier. Just know that sometimes the homeopathic treatments might not cure or treat you without traditional medications but they can make a combination for you that works well. I have heard from others that they had their meds reduced with homeopathic treatments. Let me know how it goes for you if you haven't already done so.
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hi, im 20 and was diagnosed  with hyperthyroidism this year!  at first i lost abt 7kg in abt 3 months and now i have been gaining weight.

the thing is tht i have stopped taking my medication since abt march and wen i retook the blood test again last month i found that although mt tsh was still zero the t3 and t4 levels have improved...wat should i understand by tht?...im i only the right path and is the medication nt tht important?

please i need an answer soon
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Hi,just like everyone,I' was diagnosed with hyper few weeks back.I'm losing weight since last month and had all the symptom relating hyper.
After seeing the doctors, she prescript me with medicine to be taken for 2 months.Responding to lovely0314, by taking medicine will result in gaining weight? Is that true?
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It's great that I saw this blog because I have been puzzled about my huge appetite and weigt gain even though I have hyperthyroid. I felt horrible because people with hyperthyroid are suppose to loose weight. I am going to see another endo tomorrow. Has anyone will my problem started loosing weight after getting treatment? A doctor at a clinic said that I won't gain weight if I eat more vege and less carb, but I think it's easier said than done. I tried to job but my heart felt uncomfortable. I feel so horrible because I have gained 7 kg so far. Does anyone have some solution or suggestion to offer? Does appetite depressant bills work?
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I  have learned from years of dieting that it is possible to eat too little which may be the case with you.  Your body thinks you are starving and will hold on to what you do eat for that reason.

I am recovering from TT due to thyroid cancer and fighting the weight gain which seems to be part of the program from what I am reading.  
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I have had every symptom of hyperthyroidism except I put on weight even on 2,000 calories a day and if I cut down to 1,500 I can just about maintain the same weight.  I was told I was hyperthyroid when I got heart arrhythmias and tachycardia, and my T4 tested at 13, and my TSH was low.  I get very thirsty but there was nothing wrong when they tested my blood glucose.  I get breathless even/especially lying down, tired, hot, sweaty, insomnia, heart tachycardia, arrhythmia and angina pains, and loss of periods.

I have noticeably swollen ankles, and a doctor pointed out that it is non-pitting, which is supposed to mean it isn't caused by heart disease.  Doing a bit of research on the internet, I did wonder if the jelly-like cellulite which I have never had before in my life is what they call myxedema, and if that can be caused by hyperthyroidism as well as hypothyroidism.  I noticed that I have that all over, most noticeable on arms, and that it is all subdermal and the least affected place is round my waist - thankful for small mercies.

I am taking bisoprolol, a beta blocker, for heart arrhythmia and tachycardia.  I feel so ill all the time, I actually wondered if I have early dementia because sometimes I can't think or read, let alone do anything, and my memory doesn't work, it is as if whatever is causing being out of breath is stopping enough oxygen getting to my muscles and brain.  For the past couple of years I have felt so tired that if I go swimming I just give up after a couple of lengths sometimes, from a feeling of exhaustion, faintness and heart pains, and not being able to breath properly.

I suppose all these symptoms might be due to hyperthyroidism, and the weight could be myxedema?  I have tried reading books on the subject, but it gets so confusing with theories about thyroid resistance and all kinds of other things that don't make sense.
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I am 64 and have been HYPOthyroid since I was 18.  This summer I changed the time I took my synthroid -- to the evening.  It was the only time I could get it in the "window" of no food two hours before and one hour later.  And I started to gain weight, and weight and more weight.  Had a complete panel done last week, and found out I was now hyperthroid!  The meds were not binding to anything anymore, so my appetite increased.  I was working out, gardening, walking, but at the same time, gaining weight, and losing muscle mass.  I am now taking less synthroid and we will check it out again it two months.  It is so nice to know that the hyperthroid could be a cause of the weight gain.  Now I am going out for a walk.  Judy in very dry November Colorado.
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I have been hypo for many years and was on Armour during most of those years.  Several months ago I was having horrible anxiety (worse in the morning) heart palpitations, sweating, exhaustion by late afternoon and not sleeping well at night.  My family doc said he thought my T3 was too high (he didn't do bloodwork) and promptly put me on a comparable dose of levo.  I've had 2 blood draws and three medication changes and I know that it is still not right.  I am due for another blood draw in about 2 weeks, but I made an appointment with an endocrinologist.  I feel I need some direction.  I am also gaining weight mostly in my mid section and I haven't changed my eating habits.  My family doc told me that sometimes our thyroid gland decides to start working and it throws everything off.  So now I am hyper.  Is this true?  Am I doing the right thing by going to the specialist?
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