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158939 tn?1274915197

Updates? RAI, biopsies, surgeries

Many (MANY!) on this forum are having, or have just had, surgery, RAI, biopsies, etc.  

I'm anxious for updates.

How is everyone doing?

Happy, healthy holidays!
19 Responses
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158939 tn?1274915197
Your mother *shouldn't* gain weight after the surgery because they will put her on a pretty high dose of thyroid replacement.  I'm saying *shouldn't* because we're all different.  One thing some of us have experienced after thyroid surgery is the development of Type II diabetes (which is associated with weight gain).  Talk to her endocrinologist about keeping tabs on her glucose levels.

I can't predict her pain but can tell you that I've had eight surgeries - two for thyroid and they have been the EASIEST surgeries of any.  If the entire thyroid is removed (which is what it sounds like the surgeons are going for) she will experience symptoms very similar to menopause.  Hot flashes, night sweats, confusion, etc.  This is all from the endocrine system trying to balance itself out.  Staying on her thyroid replacement and ensuring that she takes it at the same time every day and without food (or calcium) for an hour before and two hours later will help.

As for the emotional side effects.  From the surgery, I'd have to say itwas minimal.  However, the cancer diagnosis was heavy.  Many thyroid patients (on this forum too) are faced with some form of depression and many of us are on antidepressants for it.  It seems when one system of the body is off it really affects our brain chemistry - that seems to be what affects us the most is the brain chemistry imbalance.

Does she have a good general physician or endocrinologist who can stay on top of all of this?  Unfortunately that silly little butterfly shaped gland can affect so very much.
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no there really is n concerns for her health. she does not have any heart propblems, just arthritus and back problems, a replaced hip. thats it. we will certainly meet the doctor before anything for sure. her concerns are will she gain weight with no thyroid, and how much pain will she have, and what are the emotional side effects.

keep any suggestions coming

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158939 tn?1274915197
I'm with bizwiz on this one.  

My nodule was tiny (4mm) and I wish I would have had the entire thing out the first time instead of going back in later after the cancer diagnosis.  The year between the surgeries was really tough, even though my left lobe (the remaining one) was nodule free I couldn't rest knowing the right lobe did have cancer in it and my chances of it growing on the left were pretty good.  It took a HUGE weight off my shoulders getting that second half out.

Your mother
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I think that's pretty standard for that size. I know my nodule was 2.8 cm and they wouldn't recommend anything but removal. Honestly, as bad as things get, in the end I'm glad it's out and I have nothing to worry about in the future. Good luck.
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saw the dr today. he said that in his opinion  take out both sides of the thyroid. problem is he is very booked up, tommorrow we will find out how booked, but he has a colleege at the same hospital who has less of a waiting list. he said any nodule over 1.5cm should be removed even if it was biopsied begnin.--you never know what can happen later. one side is 1.5cm the other is 2.9cm. so right now it is a waiting game to see who can take her. he was not to concerned about it though---he said nothing to get alarmed about but he recomends getting it out.

any thoughts?

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I have several ultrasound features that are typical in cancerous nodules such as hypoechoic including a discontinous hypoechoic ring around by biggest 8mm nodule that also has blood flow in it. So yes I'm very worried and I won't be surprised if it is thyroid cancer,I'll be surprised if it isn't!
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Had RAI on Thursday 12/14/06.
Had a couple of very rough days.
Felt very sick to my stomache .
Today is better.
Started back on Levoxyl Friday ( Yeah !!!!)
I thought I would be bored stuck in my room, but belive me
I did not feel like doing anything just resting.
Had some strange taste changes.
Been using baking soda rinse , this helps.
Tylenol helps for the sore throat.
Other than that, things are pretty good.
Doctor told me I can come out of isolation on Monday.
Whole Body Scan on the 12-20.
Take care everyone.
TT: 08/29/06
\DX: Follicular Thyroid Cancer 09/06
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I hope you get better soon! Can I ask what the features of your thyroid nodules looked like on your ultrasound?
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My ultrasound was multinodular goiter.
Uncertain nature .

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158939 tn?1274915197

Glad you made it through the RAI so well.  Good luck on your full body scan next week - I hope they got all that monster!  
:-)  It's been a months since my RAI and things still taste different and I'm still dragging.  Hope your recovery is much faster!!  

I snuck out into the yard lots too but the dogs were mad that I didn't get down and play with them.  It was nice to be outside and kept me from going stir crazy. I too wore a face mask around the house the first couple of days since I had a slight cold and didn't want to cough radiation all over the house.

I did take a few solo drives the day after just to keep me from going stir crazy and make a few quick trips to the store after 3 days.  It was just really nice to have a valid excuse for my mother NOT to come over and "help".  (evil, huh?)  :-)


They made me wait 24-hours after the big RAI dose before eating normal food and beginning my Synthroid.  I was so tired at that point I didn't care if I ever ate again.  I had my favorite foods in the refrigerator waiting on me, even my favorite bottle of wine.  NOTHING tasted good.  It was almost sad.  Things are starting to taste different now.  Don't be disappointed if your prime rib tastes like wallpaper paste.  (sorry)
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I hope you get to feeing better fast .At least you are finished with the RAI.I got one more week to go on this D!@#n diet lol
Did you fast before the rai?and how soon do you get to eat...hmm...say like a HUGE chunk of prime rib after the RaI?
Tell all about it .lol
Love Venora
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Hang in there !
I was sick the first couple of days.
However today I ate well.
Wont tell you the good stuff I had (HA HA )
I was able to go off the RAI diet yesterday.
The biggest problem I had was feeling sick to my stomach
all the time.
Much better today.
Very tired.
I started back on the Levoxyl Friday , my doctor had me
double up my dose for 3 nights.
I am starting to feel a little normal.
Doctor said I could go outside, so I waited till no one was home
and donned disposable gloves and a face mask (imagine the sight I was !!!!)and went outside. What a treat we have a very large yard so I was near no one.
I go for my body scan on Dec. 2oth.
We will see if it spread anywhere else.
Take care !
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Sorry, I am still hypo.
I accidently posted before I finished.
If you are worried about thyroid cancer please try not to be.
I don't kow what tests you have had.
Thyroid cancer is about 10% most nodules are not cancerous.
I had a partial thyroidectomy 18 years ago due to nodules and
it turned out non cancerous.
Somehow the nodules that developed on the right side turned out
this time to be follicular cancer.
Please do not stress yourself out worrying about it being cancer.
Even if it is, it is very treatable.
You can drive yourself crazy worrying about every little symptom.
I know I went through the worrying.
Just relax, trust in you medical care team, and go on with life.
Wish you luck !
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congrats on the engagement but do take it easy sis.You just had major surgery and it takes some time to heal.
Love Venora
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158939 tn?1274915197
Venora - hang in there, RAI is *tough* (not the treatment, the prep and going off the meds).  I'm glad the celexa and zyprexa is helping.  I know celexa was a god-send for my daughter.  Hang in there hon!!!  Please post if things seem out of control or overwhelming.  The depression was terrible for me and the holidays don't help - we're here for you!!  Don't worry about how tired or aged you may look, you'll bounce right back in a few weeks.  Then when someone asks you if you "had work done" over the holidays you can smile and tell them "oh, you have no idea!"  :-)

Peron.  Have the endo walk you and your mother through every step of the surgery including the risks and possible complications.  Also talk to the endo about calcium problems from the parathyroid - that could be an issue for her heart problems.  As you know the cold, multinodular (growing) thyroid is not a good sign but you and your mother need to seriously weigh the risks and benefits of the surgery with the endo.  Also discuss the option of RAI if the surgery is too risky - maybe your endo could see a benefit to killing off the thyroid (and any possible malignancy) with RAI instead of putting her through surgery.  Please let us know!

Prncsstoo2 - Way to go on getting that nasty thing out!  I'm sure you are frightened but it will be the best Christmas gift you could give yourself - and your finance!  CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement!!  How wonderful - St. Patrick's Cathedral, how amazing!  Please post as soon as you are feeling up to it and remember to watch out for calcium problems (cramps, tingling).  It sounds like you are in for a beautiful New Year!!  Oh, I'm with ChitChatNine - have EVERYONE help with your Christmas Eve meal and if you are having a hard time letting others help, have a nice glass of wine and WALK AWAY from the kitchen and let them take over.  The meal may not be perfect but the memories will. As for Christmas gifts - don't wear yourself out!  Gift cards or, better yet, a hand-made card with a wonderful, personal sentiment would be wonderful. Oh, B Vitamins are great on helping you get your strength back but nothing beats REST!!

Kiml1 - I'm so glad your pathology report was negative!  Since your stitches are out, remember to keep the scar moisturized (I swear by Aloe Vera gel) and that scar will nearly disappear.  Others swear by some OTC and Rx scar creams too.  Oh, I bet that pathology report took a HUGE weight off your shoulders and will make your Holidays even better!  I am so happy for you.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year full of peace, happiness, and HEALTH!
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My surgery is on Monday the 18th.  Getting the jitters.  I am excited to have this ugly thing out of my body but I know I will be laid up a few days.  Hope I will have energy by Christmas eve.  I have been roped into having Christmas eve dinner at my house for 25 people.  It is important to do this as my mother (who passed away on September 11th this year) always had a traditional Italian Christmas eve meal for everyone before midnight mass.  I want to carry on the tradition as it wouldn't feel like Christmas without doing it.  My fiance and children are helping but still I will be a control freak and have to get up and do everything.  I haven't finish Christmas shopping so I have to manage that as well.  Asny tips at to how to get my strength back quickly?  Hope everyone else is doing well.  I had the most wonderful moment this past Wednesday when my fiance took me to St. Patrick's Cathredal and got on his knee to formally propose.  Oh what a ring!  He said he wanted to do this before my surgery so I would be able to remember the oment and not be "drugged up".  

Well Happy holidays and I'll keep everyone updated.
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Hi there. Well, I had my left thyroid taken out last Wed. Dec. 6..I had my post op visit with the surgeon yesterday and my stitches are out now. The final pathology report was negative for cancer. I am so happy now. The doc wants to see me again in 3 weeks. I feel just about fully recovered now, however I do get a bit tired still during the day. Merry Christmas to all !!! Thanks for all the support from this board,,Kim L..
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my mothers appointment is on monday with the endo to see what we should do. any suggestions of questions we should be asking. she has high antibdies, diagnosed with hashi, has a multinodular thyroid that showed up cold ,  but was biopsied and was begnin but recently grew. she also has really bad arthritus with a hip replacement and she is only 59. what specific questions should we be asking the dr.

happy holidays
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Hey there.I am getting through.I was wondering about Mj13 and how the surgery went.
I got 1 more week til RAI.I think the celexa /zyprexa is keeping me from bottoming out. I swear though as I look in the mirror I have aged overnite.
This too shall pass.
thanks for asking.Love yall
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