168348 tn?1379357075

It's TGIF at the Thyroid Pub .. Whose up to having some fun tonight? We're now open and open to all so

come on over and tell us about your week .. the good stuff, the bad stuff, and all the stuff inbetween.

We've had a few Cancer diagnoses and surgeries this week .. it's been a long week waiting for updates from our members.

Lots of people having  treatments and Dr. appts.

Many getting answers.  Some working on getting answers ...

Lots of new members, some have de-lurked ..

Stop by and have a virtual drink ... we are open for business!

34 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi all .................whose going to be coming tonight?  Whose staying late?  I'm here for a bit but will be back later ....

My week was quiet .. this is a good thing.  Last week I passed a small kidney stone and was feeling awful for a week.  I thought it was a virus at first but boy was I wrong.  

My thyroid is doing fine I think ......so that's the good news!

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393685 tn?1425812522
Baaaaadddd week

Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.....

said the thyroid woman.

but today that is exactly what she is doing :0{
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680767 tn?1254830575
I had a bad week just got test results and I'm not understanding them
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490443 tn?1236648256
I am just waiting till december to see if I have a reocc... Tg IS 1.4. hope IT IS NOT CACNER AGAIN!!! OH MY I NEED MORE THAN A DRINK I NEED A SIX PACK... Anxiety is alil over whelming but I am alive!!! Barrettsark what are your results?? POSt them here!! good place to do so!!!
Rodeo Queen
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393685 tn?1425812522

I hope YOU are doing better. Rough couple of months for you too.

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490443 tn?1236648256
Oh I am in a book!!! About Gingivitis!!! I had my teeth scaled nad stuff and this has been an on going thing for me. THe book is called "What you should know about gum diease"  If you ever had it it is a good book. By David Snape. Good friend of mine. Has some Cane rlinks in it as well. God bless.
Rodeo Queen
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680767 tn?1254830575
Oct 9 I was at TSH 56 and Free T4 1.1 they upped my synthroid to 137 from 112

Now Nov 4 th test results are

total T4 11.1
T3 1.2
TSH 0.33
T4 Free 2.4
I feel worst then I did when I was at 56 Anxiety and sleepless nights.  Depression.  I hat this.  Does this now make me Hyper?

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393685 tn?1425812522
Yes I think it does

for you - but some feel great on that too.

Remember we are not numbers - we use them as a tool to see where WE feel good at.
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490443 tn?1236648256
Yeah for sure Stella what a night mare!! BUT I say if can ALWAYS be worse!!! Where is Utahmomma!!?? I am alive.. WAHOO I AM ALIVE OH OH OH I AM ALIVE YO YO YO okay I am singing... LOL...
Rodeo Queen
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490443 tn?1236648256

Barrett: I wanted to BUMP your post I am not real good witht he labs I know womeone will post about them though!!! LOTS of smart cookies here. If it was not for this board I would be so lost!!! I LOVE you all!!!

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168348 tn?1379357075
Ohhh no .. I have to go to a wake but I'll stop back later guys ... you all need a drink .. me, too, now after reading your posts.

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680767 tn?1254830575
I just dont know who people live a normal life feeling like this.  I have seven Children and I feel like **** all the time now.  I like Hypo better then Hyper.  at least the days went by faster because I could sleep.  Not sleeping good at night is killing me.  The Anxiety attacks wake me up at night and My neck and arms will feel like they are burning and tingling. Heart pounding!  Seems to be worst at night then during the day and I can fall asleep but I can't stay asleep.
They did give me anti anxiety meds Clonazepam .5 mg for night time.  But I hate taking med's.  And I have to pump and dump my beast milk in the morning.  Which makes me sad to not feed my baby in the morning when all she wants to do is nurse.  
It's so nice to find this site I feel so alone and I think my family thinks I'm going crazy
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490443 tn?1236648256
Well you are not crazy!!! I can vouch for you there!! I am sorry you feel this way. You are not alone. I too feel just like you. I had cancer, A divorce, two surgeries, two of my dogs died (ONE FROM OLD AGE OF 17) It is hard to hear people make assumptions. Waht a hard year. I know how you feel. I feel like I could jump out of my skin any second!!! I have two kids. I am sorry about you having to pump and throw it away. BUT you have to be able to take care of you to take care of the baby. I am sorry you are going through this but that is why we are here. CHIN up.. Find the stregnth with in yourself to move forward. I know it is hard!! I pray that you will feel better soon and can get a good nights rest!!!!

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680767 tn?1254830575
Rodeo Thank you so much for the words.  I'm sorry to hear about everything you have been going through also.  

So anxiety is really normal for thyroid problem?
How old are your kids?  Mine are 10,8,6,5,3,2,and 8 months Five I gave birth to and two foster sons.
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648987 tn?1231201877
Tipping a glass of merlot as I write, thanks for the invite.

Well my thryoid is one step forward two back, but at least it's moving and symptoms are changing so I don't have the same old ones. ;o)

Here is one for you cat lovers. I have never had a house cat, and I am 51.., never. Actually kind of afraid of them. So my husband brings me in this 3-5 week old barn kitty, literally stiff and breathing is so low can't tell it is. It is cold here in Iowa and Mommy cat left her.

My heart goes out to it, so I give it a warm bath, and it starts to perk up some, dried it by the register, and he is mewing now, but still weak. I feed it with a syringe some glop mixture.......fast forward one week. He is running all around, bites your toes, claws at everything hanging in his sight, eats like a horse. Now, what to do with him, he is too little to turn outside, and I do love him, but he is full of it.

I think I am too old for this, last night I almost cried becasue every time he poops, I had to wipe his bottom. However today is better, bathroom time Is MUCH better. Took the glop away.  Any suggestions for a new cat lover with little patience.
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398079 tn?1235171132
My hat off to you barrettsark! Wow, you have way more strength than you give yourself. You will get threw this.
For me a bad week of work and if the tingling and leg pains would go away I would be a little bit happier? Is anyone serving up any kinds of drinks at this time? PLEASE line one up for me.
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490443 tn?1236648256
My Kids are 8 and three. I have a horse too. I have 40 of them but I am just unable to do it all alone. LOL..

I think that Anxiety is a BIG part of thyroid issues for sure!!!! I ahve had anxiety for a good 8 years!!! Prozac made my panack attacks so bad I just knew I was going to die!!

It is not all in your head. I think the lil thyroid is a big part of allot of big things in the body. I took Levoxyl anf it did nothing to me and I swapped for Synthroid it has me at 0.08 So that is a good thing but I am so full of anxiety it si tough that is part of the reason I got a divorce.

We are back together though. Man alive.

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680767 tn?1254830575
Well I was hoping the anxiety would go away when My #'s got better.  I did start lexapro and it seems to be helping some.  I'm only on day 8 today.  Anxiety suck!  I would love a drink if I was not on so much medication.

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For the past ten years cats just keep coming to my door, some sick, some hurt, some dying, some with kittens. I now am taking care of 30 cats. I have been where you are with that kitten. Remember if it is very young you have to stimulate it to urinate and have bowel movements. All of my cats are feral which means they have never been near a human, this kitten is lucky because you will be able to socialize it and then either keep it or find it a good home. I have been able to socialize almost all 30 cats and have spayed/neutered and vaccinated all of them. Most are indoors where they should stay especially when they are young. Goats milk diluted half and half with distilled water is good as well as meat baby food as long as there is no pork or spices in it. When it starts eating remember that you have to crush dry food or it can choke. Hope suggestions help!. By the way this has been a terrible week for me but it always helps to read everyone elses posts.
I blew up at the dr because I had a CT scan of my throat and lungs since I am so short of breath and have high BP. He said that my thyroid was compressing my trachea and something was compressing my lungs so that I can't use the oxygen that I breathe. Since I had gained 22 lbs in 3 weeks he told me I should have gastric bypass surgery and should walk 3 or more miles a day. That did it!!! I started crying and yelling and told him to look at my feet and legs I can't even bend my feet I have so much fluid in them. I also told him that I couldn't even walk to my mailbox let alone 3 miles and reminded him that I have no balance and fall constantly as well as black out.  He told me to look at him, that he had lost 40 lbs in 6months by running 8 miles a day but could only run 4 miles when he started (he is at least 6 feet 2 inches and now weighs 150 lbs). He did not know what to do when I started crying, he just looked at me and told me to keep a strict food journal that maybe I was eating and just didn't remember it.  I was simply incredulous and so angry when I left I just didn't care anymore.  I really don't know what I am going to do now but I am glad to have someone to vent to that will listen as my kids and husband think I am just complaining. Thanks for listening I think I will go drink a big glass of COKE and not diet!!!!
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168348 tn?1379357075
Have you visited the Cat Community here on MedHelp?!  It's a great place to stop by ..

I'm going to see if the CL's of Cats may want to stop by the thread and wave hello!

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A glass of white wine sounds great.  The week was kind of busy though not feeling so hot. Kind of feeling down in the dumps with holidays coming up and having a few less people around me because they have passed away all within 6 months. I'm trying not to think about it, but it just gets harder by the day. Plus the weather is getting colder here, with rain changing to snow and very windy. I think I will have that glass of wine, surf the net a bit and call it a night.
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168348 tn?1379357075
How about something warm .. like sherry ... or a warm drink of some sort .. there must be something out there soothing and warm .................. C~
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612325 tn?1220793757
Sipping on a cold Sam Adam's Winter Lager....one of the best things about fall!!!

I had my follow up body scan this week.  Doc said everything looks like it should and that was it.  No numbers on blood work or the like to report.  I should probably keep track of that, huh, lol.  Finished my first week on 0.1mcg of synthroid and that seems to be ok.  I've put back all the weight I lost while on my LID and those pounds brought a few of their friends!!  I keep thinking that I should get up a little earlier every day and start working out.  Any recommendations on a good workout DVD?

My ENT's nurse called me today and let me know "due to her own fault" my injections/body scan/RAI were not called into my insurance for pre-approval.  Yippee!!  So the claim may be denied but soon as I get my insurance explanation of benefits to call her and they'll "try to get it all worked out."  Try my butt -- I'm not paying for it!!

ALSO signed up for my companies benefits this week.  My company merged in May so my new insurance doesn't kick in until Jan 1.  Yah --- right now I pay $70/ck with a $5K deductible, 80/20 after, $12,500K max out of pocket per year.  Jan. 1 --- $15/ck, $250 deductible, 90/10 and $1K max per year out of pocket!!!  Not that I can be ticked off but omg -- all this...this **** and I feel kinda screwed!

That's it -- thanks for letting me rant.  I need another beer; my daughter has a friend spending the night and all I hear is them being goofy while watching "Hairspray"  lol
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219241 tn?1413537765
Now it is mid afternoon here in the Land of Oz on a Saturday, but what the heck! I'm having Chardonnay out on the deck admiring the views of the mountains and the birds....ahhhh....great to take my mind off my intensely busy week!
  I noticed that my fatigue is much better this week..why? Coz I can do what I want, when I want, sleep in till 10am, work slowly, not answer the phone if I choose....so all that leads me to one thing.. I am definitely suffering from adrenal fatigue...coz I still feel sooooo bleurgh anyways!
Forced my self to do 3kms on the treadmill last night..felt like I was wearing Al Capone style boots and treading through molasses....but I am determined to get down to 65 kilos before Christmas! (That's 145 lbs for you Yankees, I'm 163 at the moment. WAS a whopping 200 lbs at the start of the year!)
   Reading some others above and I am glad my kids are much older...I can recall how hard it was to do all that needed doing when I got ill and had no idea what was wrong with me...so I can empathise with you, just keep kicking botties to get the help you need, otherwise you will end up like I did, suffering from total exhaustion, still not diagnosed and seeing a psychiatrist weekly.
  Now where's that glass of chardonnay!
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