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Poll residual Hypothyroid symptoms

I like to start poll to see how many out there who has normal TSH level but still have lingering symptoms . I have been in Thyroid medicine for about an year or more but still my symptoms are completely gone .

My current TSH in Oct 24th  1.10 FT4 1.68


Musceles /Joint pain . Specially in the morning when i wake up i feel achy   after i take bath it get better.Pain in fingers /foot/calf muscles cramp .

Fatigue , not like before when i feel tired even at 12:00PM but now i get tired in the evening  which could be normal but i was not like that before.

Headaches,Not very day but  i do have headaches more often then before i diagnose.

Hives/Pimples:- I notice some small pimples  which could be represet mosquito bite kind of thing . Those are in head and here and there in my body . Dry skin which may cause itchy and leave red patch that can be Hives.

Very Dry mouth , that can even leave white tongue doesn't like to be thrush but not sure.

Kind of sleep apnea , very hard to sleep. I am writing this post at 5:31am PST :-)

Please every share your current symptoms even when your level are normal  and also if you feel good how much time you wait after your tsh level got normal.
21 Responses
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200220 tn?1361951554
I went for a blood test today to see where my tsh is.  For the past week and 1/2 I have had anxiety in my stomach and head.  I don't know why.  I awoke this morning with it in my head.  I am embarrassed to even tell anybody how I feel.  Everything seems to be overemphazied in my head at times.  I am very irritable and have to really focus.    I think that my dosage needs to be lowered.  I am presently on 37.5 mcg of levothyroxin.  This is very scary as it seem weird and I don't like it.  I also was just diagnosed with celiac disease and haven't gotten a handle on this yet either.  I hope it is the dosage that is causing this.  I guess I will find out in a few days.  Please is anybody else has had this answer and let me know.  I guess I haven't explained it very good but it is a feeling of uncontrolled thoughts, I think.    I don't know if that is exactly what it is but thats the best I can do.  Here I go again, I am embarrassed to tell you all this but I need some encouragement.  Maybe the fear will diminish.   lol linda
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The whole purpose of this poll that every one vent here and share their symptoms which not only help us but also it can raise  sound in front of  endos as we are not crazy there is something going on.
I pray for every one and hope one day we find a way for good living.
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I am so glad to hear that I am not going crazy because I thought I was for awhile.  I have all the same symptoms.  I can barley get out of bed in the morning awful cramps in my legs at night also I have carpel tunnel my neck in the back at the base of my spine feels like someone it hitting me with a baseball bat.  Dry eyes dry mouth and I also had my ra factor come back high at 21.  I had to have a total hysterectomy about a year ago for endomet.  So I am also on hormone replacement.  I have had two cat scans in the past three months I have a ton of swollen lymph nodes all over have to repeat in three months to make sure there is no change they tell me it could be the start of lymphoma amd maybe not.  You cannot get a clear answer about anything this day and age they only tell you what they think you need to know.  I am so tired of all this I would just like to feel better again.  Sorry for the rant but It feels better to vent thanks for listening.  One more thing on top of all that I have psorsis.  I think I spelled that wrong.
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no i have not tried T3. i think because it is hashimoto's, my endo needs to up my dosage - i have been struggling with the fatigue and brainfog the most. i have started taking extra b-complex and hoping that would help. my HR is about 60-65, but i am an exercise freak, and i run and swim, so that seem to help. but my fatigue and brainfog have definitely increased as my tsh went up from under 2 to 4.7. when i get back to 1 - 1.5 i feel better - still have symptoms, but at least i can focus a little bit... has anyone experienced that kind of fatigue (i actually think i might have chronic fatigue and need B12, but my doc has other ideas, such as prescribing prozac??)?  
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171791 tn?1358214381
coming off the cymbalta-even tappering off sent me for a loop.  I had to go back on it.  I feel better so that is one med that has helped me and I am told I have Graves.  TSH .55 I have the constipation, fatigue, and like you said the sleep dont help.  tingling in my hands and wrists.  Poor memory,dry mouth.  Good Luck
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Well i didn't just stopped cymbalta i tapper down for a month and then stopped but still it made me zombie.
I do have complain with less energy/muscles cramp/muscles pain.
I personally think i have to leave with those symptoms now. Whenever i think about doing some exercise because of muscles cramp i didn't do but i think i have to push myself and bear some pain . My weight is also increased as well.
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Do you think the cymbalta withdrawal could be making you feel worse and aggravating your symptoms?!!!! That's a heavy duty med to just stop taking!!!  Have you tried Wellbutrin? I don't take an antidepressant, but I have a friend who has done very well on Wellbutrin. -- I'm still too new to the world of hashi hypo to know what to expect next. My diagnosis was in April '07. And even though I still have many annoying, persistent symptoms (with tsh now at 1 for  2 months), I'm lucky to still have pretty good energy. Have your tried a to alter your diet and to engage in physical activity everyday. I've noticed that my symptoms aren't as severe if I stay active, especially the morning "weakness" in my arms. I guess we just have to hope for the best and believe we will heal!!!!!!!!!!! And find the right MDs!
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My doctor added T3 (Cytomel ) about 15 % of Levoxyl  i felt good for couple of weeks and then way down , found my TSH dropped down to 0.0001 which was way low at that time heart rate was 122/min , so they stopped T3 completely since then i am struggling with ping pong TSH :-).
Well i also think i have to live like this for ever as thos lingering symptoms are now stay .
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That's interesting, that for some people hypo symptoms persist even when tsh is "normal" for a long peroid of time!!! I feel like that is what is happening to me!!  Honestly, even though my MD has been telling me to "give it time" to recover, my GUT INSTINCT has been that certain symptoms of mine like tingling/neuropathies, heart palps (when laying down), and constipation, (and what's left of the carpal tunnel) are now part of me and here to stay!!! The only symptom that I can say completely vanished is my mind fog/short term memory problems. Have you ever tried adding T3 or taking Armour??? I'm wondering if either of those can help relieve persistent symptoms??? ANYONE  HAVE ANY INSIGHT?  -- Geeze, this disorder is sooooo frustrating!!!!!!!   Thanks for posting that! Good luck!
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My doctor test my TSH/FT4 every 6 weeks and make dose adjustment , in my last test done on Oct 24 my tsh was 1.1 , FT4 1.68 so he kept on me same 100mcg levoxyl  but after couple of weeks i started to feel Hyper , they ran my test again last week and found my TSH drop down to 0.407 and FT4 1.8 . I was not feel good so they drop my levoxyl to .88mcg.

Another change my medicine is i stopped cymbalta completely after 9 months of 30mcg /day . That medicine also have incredible with drawal symptoms .
I hoping to feel good , spend some good time with my family , these days i am moody and very upset so my family try to stay away from me :-) rather understand me . This is the only forum i have where i can vent.

PLease every one share your symptoms so it will give relief to very one that they are not alone.
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hi, i have hashi and been on meds for about 2 yrs now. i still have terrible hypo symptoms even though they call my "tsh" normal - fatigue (gets really bad, my mind is blurred, cant focus on anything), headaches, unable to control weight. i have a stressful life (very!) so that doesnt help the cause. constipation and bloating.. sometimes need to sleep 10+ hrs... they just upped my meds last week. will let you know how that goes. started taking extra b complex for energy.
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Is there anything you can do to keep your tsh "normal" or close to 1 for SEVERAL months? Is your MD willing to test your blood/tsh every 6 weeks, in case you need frequent adjustments in your synthroid dose, especially if your levels go up and down frequently. As I said, MD told me some symptoms (like neuropathies) may require a normal TSH (or tsh of 1) for  6 straight months to recover!!!!! Also, if you're hands are falling asleep, that's carpal tunnel (which is a symptom of being hypo). Don't rest or lean your arms, wrists or elbows  across a desk, table or chair. Don't put ANY pressure on your arms, wrists, or elbows. You may have to put a small pillow on your desk to type/use the mouse. My orthopedist told me that and it helped!!!!! I've also noticed that my symptoms are milder on days when I'm active, so I try to walk as much as possible. Best wishes!
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Your symptoms are very close to mine . I have done all kinds of testing but they could not find anything accept this Hypothyroid /Hashi. I used to be very energetic strong person but now my weight did increase quite a bit but i don't done same level of energy, started to have muscles weakness when i wake up in the morning my hands fall sleep  all over the body achy.
My level are up and down it is still not adjusted . I am hoping one day i feel like the same way before.

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My TSH finally got down to 1 in mid September but I still have lingering hashi hypo symptoms:

NEUOPATHUES!!! (tingling in mostly feet, but sometimes in body)
HEART PALP (when I lay down, but not as often or severe as when tsh was high)
CARPAL TUNNEL, numbness in hands (improving, but not gone)
WEAK MUSCLES IN ARMS in morning, mild aching (disappears after I'm out of bed and moving)
DIER SKIN than before I was hypo
CONSTIPATION (never had this problem until I was hypo!)
GERD (need a daily a PPI for heartburn since I became hypo)

MD told me that it takes as much as 6 months with TSH in normal range/1 for symptoms to recover. However, I'm at the point where I don't expect to ever feel 100% normal again!!!! I don't want to be negative, but this seems to be my REALITY!!!!!!! I'm just hoping to minimize my symptoms as much as possible. --FYI, I've had extensive blood labs, brain and spine MRIs, neuo exams, orthoped. exam, ophthamology exam, etc. etc. - all normal!!! ONLY cause for LINGERING symptoms is hashi hypo!! I'm 40 and have ZERO stress in my life, only this!! -- Good luck to all.

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My TSH finally got down to 1 in mid September but I still have lingering hashi hypo symptoms:

NEUOPATHUES!!! (tingling in mostly feet, but sometimes in body)
HEART PALP (when I lay down, but not as often or severe as when tsh was high)
CARPAL TUNNEL, numbness in hands (improving, but not gone)
WEAK MUSCLES IN ARMS in morning, mild aching (disappears after I'm out of bed and moving)
DIER SKIN than before I was hypo
CONSTIPATION (never had this problem until I was hypo!)
GERD (need a daily a PPI for heartburn since I became hypo)

MD told me that it takes as much as 6 months with TSH in normal range/1 for symptoms to recover. However, I'm at the point where I don't expect to ever feel 100% normal again!!!! I don't want to be negative, but this seems to be my REALITY!!!!!!! I'm just hoping to minimize my symptoms as much as possible. --FYI, I've had extensive blood labs, brain and spine MRIs, neuo exams, orthoped. exam, ophthamology exam, etc. etc. - all normal!!! ONLY cause for LINGERING symptoms is hashi hypo!! I'm 40 and have ZERO stress in my life, only this!! -- Good luck to all.

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Where to start....
I am not normal yet, I have  a long history of hashimotos and graves, took RAI treatment 6 months ago. For 18 yrs I swung back and forth. I actually have only felt good about 3 yrs of this, at which time my levels must have been ok. Symptoms have been numerous from extreme exhaustion, dizziness, heart problms, muscles, mind confusion, anxiety , depression, messed up periods, muscle swelling, messd up blood sugar levels, weight loss gain, and pain in my whole body, mostly shoulders and muscles swell, swelling thyroid on ad GI problems , constipation and diareah.
I'm unsure why dr's don't believe us when there are so many of us going through the same stuff.
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Thanks Linda for writing your symptoms here . The main idea of this poll is to know there are people out there who are suffering similar and we are not making it up when giving those symptoms to our Endo.
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200220 tn?1361951554
I am waiting to have another blood test as my tsh is the lowest it has been in 2 years since this all started.  It was 2 weeks ago 3.5 , t4 I believe is 1.6.  I don't feel ok and I am concerned it could have gone below normal in the last 2 weeks.  I have been having anxiety for over a week and my thoughts are weird.  Things that I usually can handle I am not handling very well.  I am weak in the legs, arms.  I haven't had headaches for 30 years - I am having slight ones now.  I get terrible muscle cramps in my legs top and bottom.  I woke the other morning with tingling in my upper arms and head.  My eyes are dry and I have to use drops and my vision is not as good as it used to be.  I have spasms in my back - I don't have back problems, my cholesterol is over 300.  My appetite is compulsive -  I have gained 20 lbs and stuggeling not to gain more.  I have tried limiting my calories, low carbs.  I just have trouble doing it.  I have also been diagnosed with celiac disease, candidia - am still being checked for that - going to make an appointment with GI doctor.  I have been going to a holistic MD.  I am struggeling with fear of all of this and I am not that young.  I feel the Lord has told me to give Him a year so that does give me confidence that it will eventually get straightened out.   I have nodules on my neck that interfer at times with my life because they pain me and make me cough and if I turn my head they sometimes interfer with my breathing.  It is hard to get answers for all these things.  Prior to getting hashimoto I hadn't been to a doctor in years.  I was periodically getting my thyroid checked but otherwise I was healthy - at least I thought so.  Sorry for all the complaints but to answer your question - I am in the normal range now but have all of the above symptoms left.  I donot have the brain fog as much and I donot or didnot have the anxiety like I did but certainly donot feel the confidence in myself that I used to feel.  I also have the leg problems at times, sometimes both legs and tonight only my left leg.  I find that if I stretch it and put pressure on it it helps.  I wondered about the restless leg syndrome.   Obviously at the time I am writing this I am still up.  I usually sleep but do have times of not sleeping.  I try to stay busy when this happens and then usually early in the morning I fall asleep.  I can't sleep late as I have to be up at 6:30 but most days I can take a nap if I need to.    I am sorry that you are having problems  but I believe that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord God delivers me out of them ALL.  Thanks for the poll -  It helps to know I am not alone.  I forgot I am fatigued which is different than being tired.  Sleep doesn't help it if you know what I mean.   praying for you in Md.  linda
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No one is interested in participate in this poll.Please vent here what symptoms you have with your current level .
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Another symptoms i want to add in my list of symptoms not sure that is common in Hypothyroidism .

vibrating feeling in legs when in bed that give me hard time to sleep , could it be Restless leg syndrome ?.

Please guys share your symptoms , i am going nuts with these symptoms and think i am the only one.
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