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5386835 tn?1368540815


I am in medication of depression i have TSH 29.6 and T4 0.8 what type of sympots should i supposed to be in and how many time it will take symptoms to disappear after medicine thyroxin?
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This link lists 26 typical symptoms from hypothyroidism.  Which ones do you seem to have?


As for symptom relief, that tends to lag behind changes in blood levels of thyroid hormones, and is also dependent on severity and length of time you have been suffering with hypo symptoms.   It also depends somewhat on the current levels of your biologically active thyroid hormones, Free T3 and Free T4 (not the same as Total T3 and T4), and what amount of thyroid med will ultimately be required to increase your Free T3 level enough to relieve symptoms.  And of course you cannot just start with a large dose of thyroid med.  You have to start with a small dose and increase in small increments about every 6 weeks, until you achieve symptom relief.  

Sorry I cannot give you a more definite answer, but it will take a while.  For best results, people with hypothyroidism have to make med changes  slowly and be very patient.
51 Responses
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5386835 tn?1368540815
hie sir how r u?after long time i have message you please see it thank you.
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welcome to this forum sites.here you see a lots of things. Thyroid is a small gland likely butterfly
[url=http://www.dieseaseofthyroid.tk] Hyperthyroidism [/url]
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5386835 tn?1368540815
Okie sir
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With the changes in meds/supplements I think it would be wise for you to test for Free T3, Free T4, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D in about a month.  
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5386835 tn?1368540815
1500 mcg B12 DAILY DOSE.
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So what is your daily dosage of B12 supplement?
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5386835 tn?1368540815
Thank you sir now i dunt knock the doctors doors,as your suggestion i will take to my vitamin B12 to upper limit and vitamin D to 65.now how much days it take the supplement so that i again go to lab and test again to see the level,i have completely wean off my resperidone its been 4 days and the dose of clomipramine to 50 mg as your suggestion along with gibbon sir,i feel little clear .sir will you please tell me i have some pressure with my vision like cloudy and blury how it can be removed i take my spectatles of -2.0 power at both eye i felt diffcult to take spectatles.i will say i am little well than how i was a month ago,and i am weak i think its due to low level of vitamin B12.
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Yes, most doctors we hear about seem to practice what we refer to as "Reference Range Endocrinology", by which they will tell you that a test result that falls anywhere within the range is adequate for you.  That makes it a lot easier for them to decide about treatment, but it simply doesn't work for a lot of patients.  In the case of B12, where the range listed for you test was 200 - 1100, recall from Red_Star above that in Japan and Europe they are now using 500 as the lower limit.  What sense does it really make for someone with a B12 level of 200 to be considered as "normal", same as someone with a B12 of 1100?  The upper range limit is over 5 times as much as the low limit, which makes no practical sense.  .

So what does that really say about ranges?  To me ranges should be used as guidelines within which to adjust as necessary to relieve related symptoms, not as a pass/fail decision for treatment based on whether you happen to fall within the range or not.    
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5386835 tn?1368540815
hello sir r u there?i have gone today for new doctors i was thinking he could maintain my vitamin B12 and vitamin D.he just told me your B12 is within normal range you if you are having symptoms they are just tingling of hands and feet.and vitamin D is well in level.again test for both of this the symptoms you are having might be due to stress do some hormonal test and we will see then.i dont like his suggestion so i didnt said anything just returned back to home.
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5386835 tn?1368540815
B12 deficiency – what the numbers mean
May 3rd, 2013 by B12anemia
I just need to take a minute and discuss what the results of your B12 blood tests mean.  Recently I have had 2 people from my personal life who have been diagnosed with B12 deficiency anemia and I am shocked at the difference between my treatment and theirs.  They weren’t informed of the severity or the potential dangers associated with this condition.They are both women in their late 30′s and were both diagnosed with B12 deficiency anemia.  Let’s assume that they had their homocystine and methylmalonic acid levels checked and they came back elevated.   They both had B12 levels in the low 200′s and they were both treated with a “mega-dose” shot and told to take supplements.  That was it.  What worries me the most is that they are from different parts of the country, have different doctors.  This should not be a standard treatment for B12 deficiency.

According to both my doctor and my neurologist ( and I have read the data myself as well) once your B12 levels fall below 400 you can start to feel symptoms and the lower the number goes, the worse those symptoms get.  Officially if your B12 results are 200 or less you have B12 deficiency.  Again, both my doctor and neurologist have said that number should be raised to 400.  Based on my experience I would definitely agree.  I had lots of symptoms, and as my levels were falling I got worse and worse.

It usually takes a long time for you to start feeling the effects of B12 deficiency, which means that damage can start to occur in your body with out you even knowing it.  You need to get your levels up as soon as possible so you can start to heal any damage that may have been done, if it’s even possible.  Sometimes the damage is irreversible, so the longer you are deficient the worse it can be.  You also don’t want your B12 levels to go up and down.  You want to get your b12 numbers high and your other numbers low and keep it that way so your body may begin to heal.
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5386835 tn?1368540815
do i need any additional test,i have told my these symptoms to psychatrist doctor they always gave me psychatrist medicine.one doctor have given medicine of Alzemeir disease but no one have tested me for vitamin B12 what shoul i do do i need additional medicine.i have low down my psychatrist medicine i will not take resperidone today.
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5386835 tn?1368540815
ya i have memory loss disorientation and dementia it becomes difficult for me to learn new things,i see game but it becomes difficult me to pick which player score goal such as.it  seems like that a layer covered a brain making me difficult to see(vision) and do activity.my dose is 1500 mcg will doct. increase my dose knowing these symptoms.These symptoms are making me depressed and think.i have pale skin to weekness light headedness sotmach upset constipation i have all the symptoms if i take medicine will i get better here i am worried.I will thank you very much because if you havent told me i would  have never done vitamin B12 test our doctor test medicine on patient want to get extra experience without knowing much more i think they even dont update on new medicine and news ideas.
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Just to emphasize the importance of getting your B12 into the upper part of its range, here is a list of typical symptoms of B12 deficiency.

"A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. A mild deficiency may cause only mild, if any, symptoms. But as the anemia worsens it may causes symptoms such as:

    weakness, tiredness or light-headedness  
    rapid heartbeat and breathing
    pale skin
    sore tongue
    easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums
    stomach upset and weight loss
    diarrhea or constipation

If the deficiency is not corrected, it can damage the nerve cells. If this happens, vitamin B12 deficiency effects may include:

    tingling or numbness in fingers and toes
    difficulty walking
    mood changes or depression
    memory loss, disorientation, and dementia"
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5386835 tn?1368540815
Yes i know some pharmacies people they give me any medicine without any prescription i work here in reputed company that  they believe on me.psuchatrist have tride me almost every antidepressant and benzodiazapine none of work good for me lately doc tried me for clomipramine it shows me little improvement on mood.i think depression is just a symbol of something might be not well for body we have to cure body not just only a depression.if gibson sir gave me suggestion on psychatrisy medicine i will be very thankful to him at present i m in high dose of psychiatrist medicine i have many side effect from it.thanks sir for ur cooperation and single bit of support.
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Finding and suggesting a good thyroid doctor from Kathmandu would be a very difficult task for us, being so far away and (I am sorry to say) having so little knowledge about Nepal.  You might be the best one to try and find a good thyroid doctor.  One place to start would be to ask around at pharmacies that provide thyroid medication, if they know of such doctors.  Also ask them if they can tell you of any doctors that prescribe T3 type thyroid meds.    Of course you can also ask around among your friends and people you work with if they know of any good thyroid doctor.

As for your question about weaning off the clomipramine and risperidone, perhaps Gibbon can help with that question.  

One thing I am curious about is whether you can buy thyroid medication yourself there in Nepal without a prescription from a doctor.  
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5386835 tn?1368540815
Thank sir,do any member of medhelp know the best thyroid doc from kathmandu..,nepal .i have heard pychatrist medicine should be wean of on supervision of psychatrist doc making does gradually decrease n then wean it of is it true.?
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Hard to even imagine it could be related to the Vitamin D.  My best suggestions are to continue to supplement with the Vitamin D, and also B12.  Your B12 needs to be in the upper part of its range, Vitamin D around the midddle of its range.  When both D and B12 are adequate, then you can evaluate how you are feeling and determine if tweaking of your Free T3 level should be considered.  Also, don't overlook the suggestion from Gibbon about weaning off the clomipramine and risperidone.  
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5386835 tn?1368540815
after taking vitamin D for two days i felt very tired today and difficult to walk.is it due to vitamin D or something else?i just scared.what is it?it become me very difficult me to wake up in morning.is there any harm with vitamin D.please suggest me.thanks for your support.
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5386835 tn?1368540815
after taking vitamin D for two days i felt very tired today and difficult to walk.is it due to vitamin D or something else?
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TSH level is 26.9 and FT4 of 0.8 certainly means you're suffering from hypothyroidism.  And that is the mostly cause of your original symptoms.

I would suggest that the clomipramine and risperidone may be causing some of your symptoms. From what you say taking them didn't help much. Clomipramine and risperidone, if you don't need them, they just make you feel bad. You should work with your psychiatrist to ween yourself off them.

Good Luck.
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5386835 tn?1368540815
thank sir for your reply,i have just short story actually sir 3 years ago I was depressed i went to consult psychatirist he gave me psychatrist medicine didnt felt well with any medicine,but with one medicine  for 5 hr my head become clear as i slept and wake up next morning i have same fogy mind i dont know what was wrong with me doctor tested TSH and found TSH  6.17 with normal  FT3 and FT4  he tries on different psychatrist medicine but i was not well i just told him i have very fogy mind he just give me all psychatrist medicine i changed doctor doctor prescribed me thyroxine i tried it for some month but same fogy mind i had changed alot of doctors i didnt find well now recently they gave me clomipramine i find some improvement on mood slowly slowly i was taking pychatrist medicine i becam sluggish and too tired recently doctor told me to do test my TSH was 26.9 and FT4 0.8 gimel sir suggested me to test vitamin i tested and found low on B12 and some low on vitamin D if these are making me fogy i am praying for god this time please medicine work for me during treatment i had very aamazing different symptoms and pychosis so i doctor gave me risperidone.Thank you sir suggestion highly appreciated.This site has given me some self confident which one i have lost.
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Um... why are you taking risperidone?

Just want to mention that is very common for people with hypothyroidism to be diagnosed with a depression and placed on medication. If you're on risperidone for 'depression' you may consider weening off it, since depression in you case may be a symptom of hypothyroidism.
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5386835 tn?1368540815
Hello sir, i start taking vit D cholecalciferol 50 mcg 2000 iu. i expose to sunlight for 1hr to suppliment naturally.,to raise vit B12 i take 1500 mcg cobalamin in addition i cook 200 gm of chicken daily and take it on study . i found b12 found mostly in liver. I m feeling good little day by day.now my doct didmt tried T3 medicine.hope within 2.,3 weeks i get the desired result thanks for ur support.
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5386835 tn?1368540815
currently i am taking  100 mg clomipramine morning and 100 mg at bed time and 1 mg Risperidone at bed time, thyroxine 50 mg and methylcobalamin 1500 mcg.
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