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URGENT - 300mcg T3

I have taken this dose split into 3 doses a day with 6 hour intervals, for 29 days.

I have recently found out it, might not be my thyroid but actually my adrenals not creating enough cortisol to push the T3 into the cells, proberly the reason im still alive...

I seen my docter ASAP on the extreme feedback i got on a body building forum. My docter has told me to get get off them and never touch them ever again!

I know im going to have a extreme amount of T3 circulating in my blood, and im pretty certain if i take any cortisol meds im going to suffer a massive thyroid dump, possibly death.

My heartrate was 49bpm and a body temperture of 95.7 - 96.1, before any T3 was given.

My heartrate is now 65bpm with a body temperture that is 96.5 - 98.6.

I have been told that its best just to take a small amount of "Armour Thyroid" 1/4 grain.

I have worked out that if a replacement dose of 50mcg T3 is given to patients with no thyroid then its going to take around 200 days to get all this T3 out of my system, before i can even think about treating my adrenals.

Is there any advice you can give me on this,
24 Responses
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213044 tn?1236527460
Well, that's a step in the right direction.

The article you found is very interesting, and may be helpful to one or two peope on this board. Still, it is rather rare and the chances that you have that condition are not very good.

I hope you get this all behind you without permanent damage.
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Im seeing an endo next week, to get my adreneline, cortisol levels checked
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213044 tn?1236527460
I think you found an obscure disease that is treated the way you treated your body.

Do you think you have this malady simply because you did not  end up in the hospital?

Are you going to get blood tests?

I think you had no thyroid problem a year ago, and you will be very lucky if you do not have one right now from poisoning your body and shutting your gland down.
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I think i found my answer , let me know what you guys think, theres even a person who was given 300mcg of T3, i have also checked with supplier and actually what i was taking due to "production fault" was 200-250mcg still high though.

Then again, your fibromyalgia symptoms may result from what we classify as peripheral thyroid hormone resistance. (I’ve championed the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral thyroid hormone resistance for some twenty years. Because of this, I possibly have more experience treating this particular disorder than anyone else.) TSH, free T4, and free T3 levels are "normal" when a patient has this particular form (the peripheral form) of thyroid hormone resistance. As a result, the TSH, free T4, and free T3 levels are completely useless for distinguishing which patients have or don’t have peripheral thyroid hormone resistance.

Many doctor and patients are confused about why the TSH, free T4, and free T3 levels are normal in peripheral resistance patients. However, we understand clearly why these blood hormone levels are useless when it come to diagnosing or treating peripheral thyroid hormone resistance. The reason is that in this disorder, the pituitary gland responds normally to thyroid hormone. When the thyroid hormone level rises, the TSH goes down, and when the thyroid hormone level goes down, up goes the TSH. This relationship, of course, is the normal interaction of the pituitary and thyroid glands.

But in patients with peripheral resistance, tissues other than the pituitary gland respond sluggishly to the normal levels of free T4, and free T3. Because of these peripheral tissues’ sluggish response, "normal" amounts of free T4 and free T3 are too little properly regulate the metabolism of the tissues; patients must have larger amounts of T4 and T3 to keep the metabolism of most peripheral tissues normal and the afflicted patients free from symptoms. Without larger amounts of the hormones, patients suffer symptoms associated with deficient regulation of the tissues by thyroid hormone—just as if they had a thyroid hormone deficiency.

For millions of patients, thyroid hormone under-regulation of tissues other than the pituitary gland causes classic (and historically-documented) symptoms of characteristic of hypothyroidism. The symptoms, for the most part, are the same as those of fibromyalgia: chronic pain and abnormal tenderness, stiffness, fatigue, cold intolerance, dry skin, hair loss, depression, poor memory and concentration, and exercise intolerance. Doctors, such as your medical doctor, typically diagnose patients with these symptoms as having "fibromyalgia." The doctors simply fail to understand that for these patients, so-called "normal" amounts of T4 and T3 are woefully inadequate to maintain normal metabolism and health.

So, if you and your medical and chiropractic physicians differ on what to call your condition, both may be right: by current convention among doctors, the term "fibromyalgia" is appropriate. But the underlying mechanism, and the real disorder from which you suffer may be "thyroid hormone resistance." Where both your doctors may be wrong is in believing that the two labels refer to two different disorders. For many patients, the two labels are simply different names for exactly them same condition.

If you do have peripheral thyroid hormone resistance, the treatment for it is pretty straightforward. For almost all patients, effective thyroid hormone treatment involves the use of the thyroid hormone T3 (the plain, non-sustained-release form). Your medical doctor can prescribe this. However, to function normally, resistant peripheral tissues must be exposed to higher than so-called "normal" amounts of thyroid hormone. Although these "supraphysiologic" doses of thyroid hormone usually free patients from their symptoms, they also suppress patients’ TSH levels. This bothers most doctors because the endocrinology specialty has misled them into thinking that TSH suppression is harmful. Nonetheless, for these patients, no TSH suppression means no improvement or recovery.

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314892 tn?1264623903
Monitoring your temp and HR is not a good way to tell what your thyroid is doing.
Too many variables.
When is your blood test?
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After over 48 hours im still the same temperture and heartrate. UPDATE
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Well can you explain to me, why my body is reacting (or lack of) to the supplement.

I have made an appointment to see a docter. Maybe you can guide him and me on this, thankyou.
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393685 tn?1425812522
I hope after all this gets fixed for you - which may take time - you consider strongly to become an advacant against taking any supplements for body building. and encourage younger people the importance of not abusing themselves for outter appearance and competition.
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393685 tn?1425812522
Who told you your adrenals are dead?

Your cortisol will not make your "thyroid " dump as you say. It is completely wrong that your T3 will release as quickly as you are thinking. You have recieved some very wrong information.

Only a doctor will be able to monitor your situation and you may end up in a hosiptol room being observed.

It doesn't sound like any thyroid patient or member here is making any sense to you - probably b/c you are recieving solid health advice from us and it is not what you want said.

You have been repeatedly told to go to a doctor and get the appropriate tests and you agrue back on your self Dx's.

Lord help you for what you did - and what you are listening too. People cry here daily b/c their thyroids are being removed - they have cancer or nodules or panic. They post fear and anxiety and every night they fear they will die from their symptoms and disease.

They never asked to get a thryoid disorder. - unforntuately you ignored your body inside to make the outside look different. What a concept???--- to have a choice like that and now find yourself in this situation.

Get a doctor --
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213044 tn?1236527460
You are the posterchild for anyone trying to outlaw people purchasing perscription drugs without a perscription.

You have a month's worth of Armour, and intend to take it if you feel you need to, with no concept of what you are doing, and little intent to follow any doctor's orders.

You don't know a thing about your adrenals, yet you claim they are dead. You are taking DHEA, ECA (whatever that is) and lord knows what else with no knowledge of how they interact or what you are doing to your body.

You are taking advice from idiots that lift weights and take all sorts of junk to "bulk up" with no concern to what it does to your body.

You are posting on two thyroid boards and ignoring everything you are being told. Try listening to a doctor. You talked to one that seems to have no clue, and now you are going to cure yourself. You are digging the hole deeper and deeper.

Go see another doctor, tell him/her everything, and let them try to undo the damage.
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The thyroid dump is more worrying too be honest as all that T3 getting unloaded at once is going to kill me outright

Which i doubt will happen as my adrenals are dead. Even though my pupils dont fluctuate at all when using the pupil test.
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213044 tn?1236527460
You shouldn't have to worry about a thyroid dump. Your thyroid may be nearly shut down right now, and not producing hormones.

It shouldn't take six months to rid the body of the additional T3, either. It will take a couple of months, though.

You do need to test your TSH, Free T3, and Free T4 as soon as possible. Then let a doctor guide you in how to go about undoing what you have done.

Not a bunch of body builders with no medical degree and little concern for drug/hormone interactions. Stop entertaining the idea of using Armour at the first sign of what you think may be hypothyroidism. Find a doctor and let him/her treat you.

I don't know much about how cortisol interacts with thyroid hormones. From the little bit I have read about it I am not sure you do either. It almost sounds like what I read is the opposite of what you are assuming. I could be wrong. I am a lot.

Let a doctor run tests and treat you.
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I understand this.

The only way all this built up T3 is ever going to come out of my system is through keeping my cortisol low, obviously the amount of cortisol i do create gets used very fast, which is why im holding back and not taking the cortisone tabs, as if i did take them i would experience a horrific thyroid dump. So basically my low cortisol is like a spoon, instead of it being like a bucket.

At this time my heart rate is around 70-80 bpm and my body temperture is 97-98 never higher, i also feel normal i dont feel hyper, maybe slightly hypo, even though i have stopped taking the T3 for a day now, which is what the docter said i MUST do!

If this continues i should be ok, and not suffer a thyroid dump, when i eventually do get cortisol treatment, is this correct?

If anyone has any information or thread with a situation related to this please link me.
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393685 tn?1425812522

What were you thinking? Enough on the lecture so here is the facts.

T3 which I assume you are getting Cytomel as the  T3 drug. It is a synthetic and doses do not move as fast through the body as a natural T3 - so you will go through a serious hypohe// and that is exactly what you will HAVE to do to get better.

Who in the world advise you to take Armour? They to need a shrink and a jail cell too!!!

The Armour is a mixture of all the T's and if you choose to damage yourself some more that would be the way to do it. Your thyroid will pick up those T's and eventually whack out your whole system and you will not be able to maintain any thryoid function normally again. - if that has not already happened. Most likely - breaking the cycle of stopping this med will cause a thyroid enlargement.  You need to complete rid yourself of these meds.

You say you don't have the money for blood tests - but you found it for 300 mcg of Cytomel. I say find the money and get the test now.

You definately need a full panel of TSH - T3 and T4 w/ your free tests included. It would be also ideal in addition to have your cholestrol, TPO and cortisol tests done immediately. The meds still in your system will be there at the time of the tests - so you will need a 3 to 4 week work up every  3 months to determine the damage you created for yourself and to find a true reading.

I am sorry for the harsh criticism here - but if you knew how hard real thryoid patients suffer for years - which you may experience now in your near future, you would of made a proper choice to keep that god giving body healthy the right way.
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How long does T3 get stored in the blood for...

Gettin a blood done next week.
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158939 tn?1274915197
Talk to a doctor and be honest with him/her about what you've been doing.  You may have damaged your thyroid so you will have to be taken off the thyroid meds under a doctor's care.  Please, do it ASAP.
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Would cutting it out completely as the docter said to do. A good idea, as normally body builders cycle up and down in small doses.

If i did cut it out completely which i think is the best route to take, and just look out for hyposymptons which as i have said means that i have no FT3 or FT4, my TSH will then jump up to stimulate my thyroid gland to produce T4 and T3 naturally.

Or would on the first sign of hypothyroid supplement on 1/4 grain of armour, as a poster on a body building forum has posted to do.

I will try to get a blood test done.
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utahmomma is right, its not worth it if you are dead!!! please keep us posted on what you decide to do.
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158939 tn?1274915197
If your TSH is near zero you could be risking your life!  Having been through thyroid storm myself (after thyroid cancer treatment), it's frightening.  My BP was sky high and I was having heart palpitations.

You need to talk to a doctor ASAP.   Do *NOT* use thyroid medications for body building (or weight loss) - it could cost you your life or, at the least, permanently damage your thyroid.

Those of us taking the medication for medically necessary reasons are under strict doctor's care and have regular labs run.  This stuff can be dangerous.  It's not worth a little extra lean muscle if you are dead!
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you are taking 3 times the suggested max dosage of this stuff and you have prob done damage that could be irreversable. you need to see your dr and get the bloodwork done. you cannot assume that your tsh and ft4 are zero and your ft3 is high. a dr needs to see the labs and interpret them to make an informed decision on proper dosage to get you feeling better again. this is nothing to mess around with even if you are using it for getting cut. if that is what you are using it for you should use clem or something else that wont mess with your thyroid/heart & adrenals. sorry.
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Have not had a blood test, dont even have the money for one as of yet. I suspect my TSH and FT4 is near enough 0, with a extreme amount of FT3.
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you did not obtain a prescription for 300mcg of cytomel from your dr, have you tested your tsh, ft3 and ft4? what are those at right now?
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First took it for body building, and suddenly brain fog and lethergic disappeared completely i looked it up and discovered hypothyroidism, it went from there...Even though i feel a lot better now then i originally did (have warm hands now), the dose is extremely high, and somtimes i will crash for 2 hours after eating (always eat low gi complex carbs and lots of protein).
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158939 tn?1274915197
Why are you taking T3?  Medical condition or body building?
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