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Went to my doctor today..I have probs =/

So I go to my family doctor as the advice of my Endo. I explained to him what the Endo said, everything looks fine, but I still suffer from symptoms. My Fdoc says a few bad words then he started looking for my reports, needless to say he has none on me from that darn Endo's office, grrr...Now since it;s been a few weeks since Ive seen the Endo, I now suffer from my voice not there, Im raspy now. My doctor gave me a water pill to take along with an anti~inflammatory I have to take and he did his own blood tests, then he wants me to go for a sonogram. He says I am hypothyroid. But he wants to see why Im all swollen in the neck. It hurts, Im not feeling good feels like I swallowed a bouncy ball. Now I have to wait for more blood tests to get those results...I am fer sure going to call that darn Endo's office monday and demanding my records. Makes me so mad that he would put on my blood work "CC" to my family doctor and not send him the results. grr..But now on the bright side I hope Im on the right track. Now I have to suffer until I get the right meds, I think there;s a lite at the end of the tunnel now =) thank you for everyone that has read my venting posts.  
19 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
I've read back over the thread... you don't necessarily need an endo.  What about your primary care doctor?  Maybe you simply need to get another of those.  Did you ever get any copies of blood work or imaging reports?  

You should give each of your doctors a written request for copies of your records, as they are required by law to provide, then find another primary care doctor.  
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Would anyone know of a good endo in the trumbull county area of Ohio? I would be so grateful. Thank you!
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I probably shouldnt post anything but im guna ....I went to the ENT today. He sees nothing at all wrong with my thyroid that he felt...He put a hose in my nose to check things out. I have never been so violated with hoses before. If its not down my throat its in my nose. He wants to get a CT scan done to see what is going on elsewhere from shoulders up, Oh joy that will be fun..I think after this Im done...Who knows what is wrong and Im at the point if it doesnt go away on its own...oh well..Im discouraged and frustrated...I have to get another ENDO now...I will probably never get those blood test results I have asked for many times...Im so tired of this...4 doctors and different procedures with no answers...Im done..A big thank you to everyone that has talked with me about my problems...thank you...  
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649848 tn?1534633700
Have you asked, again, for the copy of your labs?  There really isn't a whole lot we can tell you until we see those and as was pointed out above, you're entitled, by law to have a copy of them.  

I'd suggest that you call your doctor's office and request a copy to be provided within the next 48 hrs.
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aww thank you ! I go to the ENT Tuesday, this will be the first time seeing an ENT. I hope to get some answers. Thanks again for stopping by.
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I have a question...what causes a rash on the jawline with a puffy face and swollen thyroid both left side? I am waiting to get an appointment with an ENT. Thank you.
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Hello, I just came home from getting an endoscopy, (camera down the throat) of course the surgeon didnt find nothing but a small ulcer that I told him that I have. Then he goes on to tell me that there is nothing at all wrong with my thyroid...I say really?? OMG..thats all I have to say to him. Now I have to make an appointment with my family doctor and tell him that just because I had this test done today doesnt mean that the lump is not still in my neck..its visible now and the nurses seen it at the hospital and everything..I think I need to go doctor shopping or something. I just dont no. Now I dont just have the lump, I now have a sore throat and my stomach is sore because the surgeon took a biopsy..ugh..What is going to become of me???? I have to recovery from this and pull my boots up and start being strait forward with all these doctors, or just try and find someone that cares.
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Hello, my family doctor said I was hypothyroid before he did his own blood tests that they are suppose to send me, due to them being so busy they couldnt just give me a copy, grrr... Anyhow when I went back to see him just last Friday, he said that my blood tests were normal and them he just out of the blue wanted me to see the surgeon that removed my right side of my thyroid. Oh and he did say that my left side was alittle swollen.
Now just yesterday I went to see the surgeon, he looked at the sonogram results and said that I was not swollen, but he could not figure out why I had no voice. I told him everything that the family doctor said along with my Endo and what he said. He shook his head and said he wants to take a look down my throat. He did look with a stick, but didnt see anything.
So now I go in this Thursday to the hospital and be put to sleep for him to look and see nothing that I am thinking.

I feel like I am being bounced around with no results. I am now taking steroids, antibiotics , water pill, anti~inflammatory pills. I dont know if any of these meds will help me. I just dont know .

My neck is real swollen this morning, but Im ignoring it, cause I just dont know what else to do. Going back and forth to doctors is costing me alot. I am at my wits end.

Thank you for posting and talking with me about this. =)
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I don't understand, if your family doc said you were hypothyroid, why would s/he recommend removing your thyroid? I would hold off on surgery until you get those bloodwork results. It sounds to me that you might just need some thyroid medicine to start feeling better. By law you are entitled to receive copies of your tests, so if they promise to mail them to you, they better follow up on that promise!
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Just a small update....
I went to the surgeon today, he doesnt think that I have thyroid problems, even though my sonogram came back as my left thyroid being swollen. I have no voice now its very hoarse when I talk. Now he put me on steroids and an antibiotic. He is wanting to take a camera and look down my throat. So I am having this done Thursday. ( Happy 4th of July to me ) =( I still dont no what to think now. He said that with thyroid problems your neck isnt suppose to hurt. I told him that my neck feels full and sore and my collar bone is sore. I just dont know what to do. I honestly thought it was my thyroid. I have no tests to show or give you, as they also told me that they were too busy that they will have to send them to me. ugh..
Im getting the run around?? What do you all think? thank you!
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My family doctor is sending me to a surgeon to have the rest of my thyroid removed. I wanted to get my reports an things but they said they were so busy they will send them to me. I honestly can not wait to feel better.

Thanks everyone for being so kind to me. I will not be on here for awhile, all I want to do is just lay down.


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Oh thank you so much, you made me feel better this morning. I woke up and I have no voice yet again. =/ The doctor told me that I have to bad to see him this week, we are going to talk about my sonogram and the blood tests he took. Then go from there. I will be getting a copy of those ones for sure as for the Endo doctor he's avoiding me. So Im just going to stick with my family doctor for now. I feel like I dont have the strength to fite with the Endo at this point. Maybe when the pain goes away and I get a voice again.

I was just looking up the foods that are healthy for me in this condition. I went to the store yesterday and bought all kinds of different fruits and veggies as I only get a few before. So I'm going to eat more of those and change my diet completely no more processed foods. I really dont have an appetite tho. I jus drink alittle coffee an be done. My neck is really swollen. Do you know of anything I mite be able to do to get the swelling down alittle? I am taking anti~inflammatory meds, and water pills.

Thanks again for making me feel better.  
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I understand your impatience. Make sure you are eating health, not a lot of processed, more whole natural foods like veggies, eggs, fruit etc but not raw broccoli or kale or spinach hence foods that make hypothyroidism worse. You may want to google that. Plenty of info online.
Just take it easy, pace yourself, and don't try to be superwoman until you get on  meds and blood test come back...it usually only takes a day for test to come back...did the dr tell you when they would be back. And if you get  the other test from dr, take it by your new drs office and/or post on here.
You may want to call the nurse Monday and ask her when test will be back and stress that if it shows you are hypothyroid, you would love the dr to call in a prescription of thyroid meds asap so you can get on the road to feeling like a real person again hence it will take a while on medication to feel better .
We are here for you to exhale, so just breathe knowing that it is just a matter of  days before you are on meds.....It is always so shocking at first and a little scary but many of us live with it and it very common so just know....you are not alone and it will be okay.
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Yes, that's it. Back when I was diagnosed with it, that's what they called it. It's also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I have had it since 2003. I was injured at my job, I just sprain and strained my hand and wrist. I have alot of treatments for it, very painful treatments and finally I asked for Ketamine treatments which is just infusions not the coma kind. It put me in remission. I do go every year for a set of 5 infusions, just to stay in remission. I was even at one point contracted in my hand, it was stuck in a fist. I overcame that thank god. But yes that's what it is. My thyroid is still swollen this morning. How long will it stay this way? Has yours ever swelled like this?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Please define RSD; from what I can find it's Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy but it's no longer called that; it's now called Regional Pain Syndrome. Are we talking about the same thing?

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Thank you Barb, I will be getting the reports from the Endo come Monday.

I am sorry for using so many threads I will keep it all on one when I post again.

That's what my doctor said is he's thinking that I have hypothyroid like you said. I just cant wait to get some treatment, I have never had this much pain before even with the nodule that was on the rite side of my thyroid that they removed, it never hurt as bad as this does. I didn't sleep at all last nite an my head feels like it's goin to explode along with my neck. I just hope that I get the right kind of treatment.

Thank you so much for responding, and being so kind.

PS. I'm kind of a baby when it comes to pain, even though I have RSD and that is very painful. At the moment tho, I've been in remission since Nov. So to have pain with anything else is taken alot out of me.
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649848 tn?1534633700
You've started too many different threads and we can't keep track of what's going on.  

Hypothyroidism causes both fluid retention and inflammation.  Hashimoto's causes inflammation in the neck, so I can probably diagnose that right here without the sonogram...

You need to pick one of your threads and keep all of your information together, because it's getting too confusing to keep up with and we can't keep looking from thread to thread to figure out what you've had done and what you haven't had..

A word to the wise --  whenever you have a doctor's appointment make sure you get a copy of whatever labs/tests that doctor did, so when the next doctor needs them, you can provide him with a copy - always making sure you records for "down the road". You should have gotten a copy of the reports from the endo, also, "just in case"...
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Hello, he thinks I am retaining water for some reason, and the anti inflammatory meds is because Im all swollen in my neck. Until he gets the blood tests and the sonorgram test results back he wants me to take these. He did say he;s thinking its hypothyroid tho. See he;s wanting the sonogram also because I have just the left side now and he wants to make sure that it also doesnt have a nodule like the right side had.
I hope I am making sence, I didnt get any sleep at all las night cuz of my neck throbbing. =/
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So what where diagnosed with? I know you have symptoms, but why the water pills and anti inflammatory without being diagnosed?
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