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393685 tn?1425812522

Well folks... I this time am looking for your prayers

Hi everyone.  I have been off the board recently for one particular reason... I have been hunting high and low for my thyroid meds. I have very little success with anything besides Naturethroid and my options of finding this available are slim to nothing lately.

During this whole hooplah of this shortage I helped many people find their meds or something similiar to get them by - or keep them well. I on the other hand have left my personal situation slip through my hands and only have 2 weeks left of meds until I am totally out. I have no thyroid... I will crash in 48 hrs without proper doses. That scares me alot. Thyroid hell is not pleasant - as Sheila669 knows recently - I fear that will happen very soon if I just don't get through this situation and find my meds to keep me going.

I have weened down 1 full grain to try to stretch and salvage whatever I could in hopes that the stash of meds I had would last through this glitch of production issues.

I ran short...  I cut myslef too close and now may crash hard.

so, not sure what to do - this time for me... I am trying to get through to other forms like Canada's brand ERFA thyroid and as we all know - am running into snags on script definations and dosage differences between the US and Canada guidelines and cooperation with doctors writing the script to fit Canada's guidelines. He// I just dropped $140 US dollars in a script that I think will be denied by a Canadian pharmacy. Not sure if I will get that money back if it doesn't flyeither.

I will say my friends..... I am exhausted... not with thyroid levels being off, but down right tired of the fight to keep me alive and well. I am thankful to be well. Don;t get me wrong. It just takes alot of dam hard work and I - am tired of fighting  allllllll           the                time.

Maybe a good nights rest will help me see things different. Right now - I am just looking for prayers to help me fight more to get through this situation.

Thanks for listening...

22 Responses
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910435 tn?1296748610
I just read this...I haven't been on much lately.  Wow, I'm sorry to hear this.  Did they stop making Naturethroid?  I've never heard of that...only Armour (sp?).  Well, good luck!  You are in my thoughts.
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393685 tn?1425812522
I got one script in from Arizona that covered me for 3 months. Now I am waiting for the 8 months from ERFA Canada. Should see this - hopefully this week.

PRAY it comes please...
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390388 tn?1279636213
Stella.....fingers and toes crossed for you.  ;-)  
As for Canadadrugs, they are great!  I used to get cellcept and mestinon from them because their prices were slim to nothing compared to the USA prices.

Smilerdeb....I hope your Robert is feeling better and crossing fingers and toes for you too on good news.
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1013194 tn?1296459481
Sorry to see your Roberts not well, hope things turn out good for him :)
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649848 tn?1534633700
Deb, I'll be praying for you and Robert.  
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Glad to hear you will be able to get yr meds Stella...big sigh of relief here.
Roberts been given a saline drip every 2 days because of the loss of blood and the diabetes but is doing better today after having an endoscopy done.
The results showed that he has severe ulceration of the bowel...dunno what from but biopsies have been done and are due back next Tuesday.
Cancer hasnt been ruled out so keeping fingers crossed here .
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499534 tn?1328704178
Don't forget to ask for at least a 6 month supply like I said on the phone. One Dr I know here, gets hers filled a year at a time! :)

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773755 tn?1328119777
oh my gosh mate, that is terrible, i can't believe that situation... what a bender. i will spend some time in silence now, as are we all who are here. @}--%-----
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231441 tn?1333892766
Stella,  glad the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight.  Which brand did you get?  The erfa?  I have dropped the thyroxine part of my dose and added in additional dessicated so now I'm on just the dessicated.  Have to say I feel better than I did with a combination of T4 + dessicated.  Don't know what the blood work will say, but actually don't care, as long as I feel good!

Let us know when you're finally breathing easy!

Deb, sorry to hear about hubby.

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649848 tn?1534633700
Deb, I'd been wondering about you too --- I'm so sorry for what you are going through now.  

Stella, I'm happy to hear that you have your situation in control now -- but I'd sure feel better if you had the med right in your hand.............

Please keep us posted so we know how it goes...........
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393685 tn?1425812522
Thank goodness you messaged me - Deb - I asked Gimel this morning if he heard from you.

I send you a message.

Everyone else...

I took the entire day off today from work ( darn!!LOL)  and I think I have my situation under control. I do not have meds "in hand" but I believe in a week or two I will be set for some time. I am still nervous - because I don't have them right at my side at this moment - but I will say - I have faith they will come and I will be able to deal with all this .. once more. One place I will be receiving my script from is  Canadian crossborders. There is a website and it is an actual pharmacy. I was going to use a place called canadiandrugs - but my doctor already faxed the script to crossborders before I could get it. The owner of canadiandrugs Sue is a dream and I hope to call her again with more information on canadian drugs.

I can't believe how many people came to "my" rescue.. Lord - thank you everyone for all your support. I sure needed all those prayers. I must have gotten a ton of them to have .... one day feel like the end and the very next day - a new beginning.  

This is what it is all about for me - to give what I know and to receive yours.

Keep your fingers crossed for me in the next few short weeks and hope I don't run out of thyroid medication before they come!
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i have just come across this posting and am deeply saddened.
If I can gert some Aussie Thyroxin to you to try if that is any help...let me know asap and I can post today,
I know you are on dessicated but without a prescription...cannot get it for you here from the compunding pharmaceutical Pharmacy
If you have a prescription then I can try and get it for you.
Message me urgently as today I am at the hospital all day with Robert who thery think has bowel cancer and is being tested once again (I have spent the last 10 days at the hospital with him getting every test done possible on this earth).
Just message me Stella...I will use the laptop and skype to telephone around for you here this end.

Hugs xxxx
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649848 tn?1534633700
Stella -- there's not much I can add that others haven't already said.  You've been a huge help in getting me where I am today -- (well, no, I'm sick with the flu now, so you didn't help with that - but you know what I mean).  

I will pray for you to find the med you need in time to keep you from crashing.  Is there nothing your doctor can do?  I know you didn't do well on synthetics, but is it possible you could go back on them for just long enough to get over this hump?  Just a thought.  
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734073 tn?1278896325
God is going to work this all out for us somehow. I am standing in faith here that RLC will work this all out somehow, and that our meds will be there SOON for all who need it. We have to remember that nothing and I mean NOTHING is too big for God! We all love you Stella. We can't give up. I really feel in my heart that it will all sort itself out. The questions of how, why and when are still up in the air, but until those answers are revealed to us we must not despair. All we can do is keep doing what we can! We must have a PLAN B and C ready so that we are prepared as to where to turn next when and if our first option runs out. Lets keep in touch no matter what!

Isaiah 41:10  "Do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
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793305 tn?1493925518
Stella, I know you don't like synthroid or Abbott Pharmeceuticals but wouldn't it be better to take it, even if just for a short time?  I know it's awful to need something and not have any options...It makes you feel that you have no control over your own health and it's all political...I hate that.  but I'd rather keep  you around than the alternative.  You want prayers?  You got em...You need a shoulder...Mine is here.
Take care.
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599170 tn?1300973893
We have no shortages in MI...atleast of synthroid..sorry your going though this, it would seem the gov. would recognise the need...its not like running short of the flu shor..beyond ridiculous.  feel better...
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219241 tn?1413537765
Oh bugger woman! That is NOT good! I had a similar thing with my anti-depressants a few years back when they suddenly decided to not make that brand any more! I was caught short too. I had to ring heaps of pharmacies around Australia to get some more, but by the time they came I was well and truly on the path to visiting Mr. Belzebub.
   I TRULY truly feel for you. You have been a wonderful support for so many here and I think now you need to get rest! If it gets truly bad, go to ER! Explain the situation and they WILL get you some. Believe me!
  Big hugs!
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have you tried out of state stores?  Maybe someone here in Utah will have something to get you buy if you could find it and get it figured out I would be more then happy to help any way I can if possible I can get it and mail it to you??  I don't know if any of that is possible but its an idea anyways.
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I am so sorry Stella I wish I could help in some way you have been so helpful to me.  I am to running into problems here getting armour not sure what to do.  Hang in there something has got to give. I hope this works out for you.
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1013194 tn?1296459481
Hi Stella, you will be in my prayers through this for sure..Is there other meds that you can try, or you have been down that road? sorry for your suffering. xxx
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi Stella,
I am not on the forum that often, but know how much everyone here benefits from ur care and knowledge.

I pray u find the meds in time b4 a major crash.....and I wish there was some way I could help u....I know how tiring having health issues r and I understand ur frustration.

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865758 tn?1285952904
Stella I feel your pain and frustration as I too have gown dowhill as of today and I actually told my husband to just screw it all forget the meds I am done with this, just let me die.  I pray for you and all of us suffering that we find the courage to keep trying even if it is just day by day or even hour by hour.  You have come too far and have helped so many people to stop now.  Stay strong and hit your knees and talk to the Lord above.  Forever in my thoughts and prayers!!!
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