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Thyroid removed in 2002 - Panic attacks/anxiety

I had my thyroid removed due to nodules in 2002.  I started on synthroid but got really sick on it.  Had to go to another Doctor to be changed to levothyroxine.  To make a long story short, I've had years of problems with regulating my dosage.  Very costly getting blood work all the time.  Have changed doctors numerous times.

The last few years, I've had trembling, extreme fatigue,  muscle aches, heart palpitations, hair loss, severe anxiety and panic attacks.  Those are just a few of my symptoms.  I've told my ENDO these symptoms and she said they're not due to my thyroid issue.  I'm borderline diabetic and my adrenals are the same.  It's hard to work every day when you're shaking and feel like you're going to have a heart attack.  Is it necessary to take antidepressant to suppress the anxiety?

Also, I developed high blood pressure the last year, so I'm on blood pressure meds (Norvasc - generic).

I take vitamins - B12, calcium, magnesium, multi-vitamin, D3 but they don't seem to help.

Family/friends don't understand how I feel.  

I would love to hear from those who have found foods, vitamins, alternatives that help with the anxiety, especially.  It's debilitating.

I also wonder why a meter hasn't been developed to read at least TSH.  They have meters for everything else.  Why not thyroid? It would be easier to monitor dosage needs for thyroid meds.

Would love to hear from those especially who have had their thyroid removed.

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Thank you for responding.  It's hard living without a thyroid as you know.  I've tried antidepressants for the anxiety but have problems taking meds.  I took zoloft for four days.  On the fourth day, had to go to ER with heart palps, shaking, trembling.  They gave me something to calm down and all I did was sleep the next day.  The anxiety is extremely hard to live with especially when you work.  It's hard for me to sit still.  I'm nervous and have the shakes all the time.

I'm going to doctor in a few weeks and am going to tell him I'm tired of feeling this way.  I was some lab work done to see what's going on.  I'm borderline diabetic and adrenals also.  I have problems catching my breath.  I'm on a low dose of blood pressure meds but I think they may have to increase those cause my blood pressure is always up.  I bought a meter to check it daily.

I wish these doctors would sympathize with all these symptoms we have.  All they care about is the tsh.  I've been to three doctors and am tired of switching doctors.  The fatigue is also hard to live with.  I take B12 every day.  If I didn't take that I think I'd be laying down all day.

Hope you feel better and find a doctor to help you.  I know what you're going through.  Family/friends don't understand.  My body seems likes it's struggling to keep up no matter what dosage I'm on.

Thanks again for your reply.

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1202943 tn?1347840652
You should post your last couple lab results.  What dose meds are you on?

Many members say they feel good when FT4 is at midrange and FT3 in the upper part of the range. Often having a suppressed TSH without having any hyper symptoms.

I can't wait for the medical community to wake up and see that TSH does not always correlate with symptoms. I know there are good drs out there.  They are just hard to find.  

I have an appt with two new drs in March. The first one is a GP and she is going to run a full blood panel to make sure nothing else is going on.  The second appt is with a holistic MD who doesn't take insurance.  I'll have to pay $425 for the first appt and then $75 for follow up visits. It's expensive for me, but my health is worth it.  If the first dr is good I may cancel the second appt.  I am determined to find a dr who is going to pay attention to my hypo symptoms and let me try armour thyroid.   I am going to bring pictures showing changes in symptoms(facial and eye swelling) and a list of my continuing hypo symptoms.  


Good Luck!
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Hi Lori, did your medical issue ever resolve? Your condition sounds similar to what my husband is experiencing and we would be curious about how you are feeling now.

Hi Terri... This thread is 7 yrs old and the previous posters are no longer active on the forum so there's a good chance they won't respond to your question.  It might be in your best interest to post a new thread with your husband's current labs and your own questions so we can respond without getting confused with the other posters...
929504 tn?1332585934
Your story sounds very similiar to mine. Before Surgery for TT, I had HBP and was Anemic. Year Post Surgery I had to increase med's for HBP, Developed a Heart Arrythmia, Carpotunel, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Shoulder pain, Muscle Spasms, Arm and Leg pain, Border line Diabetes, Worsening Panic Attacks/Anxiety, Extreme Exhaustion, Memory loss..etc, etc...My Psycologist suggested some over the counter vitamins for each issue that i have and i must say that instead of feeling bad everyday, I have some good days. I also take Zoloft for the anxiety in which i felt that i needed to control my symptoms. It's very difficult to find a doc that believes in treating patients for their symptoms and not their lab results. TSH seems to be the main factor in which Doc's go by. Can't wait until that changes, if ever!. It's not easy living without a thyroid and I have learned that no matter what dosage of Synthroid i am on, it doesn't replace the function of my thyroid.
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I've had two ENDO's that don't prescribe T3. I've had Adrenals checked and they were borderline and ENDO didn't choose to do anything.  I'm going again for some blood work because it's getting quite hard to live with the trembling, heart palpitations, anxiety, etc.  I also am borderline diabetic.  I've never had high blood pressure but I feel so stressed, especially when I'm sick or upset about something.  I feel like my body can't take any kind of stress.  I still feel my adrenals are the problem.

Thank you so much for your reply.  

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I thought of switching to natural brand but it's more expensive and there aren't many doctors where I live who prescribe it.  I take my blood pressure meds separate from thyroid.  My ENDO does test freeT4, freeT3.  

Thank you for your help.

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1202943 tn?1347840652
I had RAI to zap my thyroid 2years ago and had ALL those symptoms when Hypo and only on T4 meds(150 synthroid).  I think the anxiety, heart palps and shaking has to due with the adrenal glands being taxed due to low thyroid and low FT3. Levothyroxine is a T4 only medicine.  Many of us find we need to add a T3 med.  I asked my dr to add Cytomel(T3)  to my synthroid and have had much improvement of all symptoms. My blood pressure is now normal.  I still feel hypo and am trying to find a dr who will let me try armour or another natural brand.  

If I were you I would find another dr. to give you a second opinion. Before you make the appt ask if the dr prescribes T3 meds and if they test FreeT3 & Free T4.

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535882 tn?1396576685
have you tried switching to natural brand.  do they test your numbers? free t3 free t4 tsh,  it sounds like your hyper?    post your latest labs if you got them . people can help .  some blood pressure meds. interfere with thyroid  absorption. are you taking it separate? Kevin
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