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can anyone else control there adrenaline?

the title says it all. i discoverd long ago that i could control the ammount of adrenaline in body, for example i could be just sitting and give myself an adrenaline rush at will. can anyone else do this too? colud doing this hurt me?

This discussion is related to Is it possible to control your adrenal glands at will?.
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Same thing here. It seems to be a quite rare phenomenon.  As a 19 year old Frenchmen, i only found 2 thread about this in my native language and each time 2-3 people were concerned even on crowded forums. Someone highter in this discussion was talking about the pineal gland. Usualy this gland encounters a calcification; Take a look https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pineal_gland

Maybe, for an unknown reason, our gland remains clear and have a role on  these "adrenalin rush"( it can be an other hormone indeed)
Anyway during my adrenalin rush , i feel this strange sensation : the energy comes from the  throat (thyroid?) but something happens in the middle of my head (pineal gland? or another specific part of the brain?)  , like the beginning of a headache but without pain and  only with a little pressure and disappears nearly instantly ( I know it's weird but it's very diffcult to explain)

Is there a doctor concerned in this thread ? With a MRI , x rays and blood sample , it could be possible to discover something, especially for the pineal gland who appears usally with x rays if calcified.

P: sorry for the mistakes.
PS2: i maintained the adrenalin during an hour bit par bit in order to be sure of the sensation described. I'ts 10.00 p.m.I feel very agitated. Sleepless night in sight captain.
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Curious to know if people with this ability have other “uncommon” abilities. Someone mentioned ear rumbling, which I can do to. How about ASMR?  I suggest you google this. When I hear someone sweeping with a broom I get a tingling sensation and become totally relaxed. The same thing happens when someone is explaining something to me in a soft voice. Also I can control many facial muscles independently (and asymmetrically), such as moving specific points on my lip, independent eyebrow, scalp and ear movement/control and nostril flaring. As a kid I could really suck my stomsch way in- it seemed almost to my spine; or I could stick it way out (now it seems stuck in that position lol).

Many abilities we think are normal when we are young.  We only find out we are different if someone points them out.  I thought everyone could cause the adrenaline rush. I explained it to my wife and told her I could control my bp and heart rate.  She didn’t believe me so I put a bp cuff on and sent my systolic up to 200 for her. I always thought it would be fun to take a polygraph test. I bet we could make the needle jump all over the place lol!  I also did not know the ear rumbling thing was “abnormal” until someone mentioned it in this thread. Researching that led me to the ASMR link. So there are probably other things that we can do that we still have not yet realized are “abnormal”.
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There is more than meets the eye.
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I'm 18 now and Ive been able to activate (yes, I'll use activate) this since I was 13 or 12 years old. Please let me know if you have any information on this.
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How is your breathing during adrenaline rush?  
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I can do this too! Should I see a doctor? How rare is this?
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I can do this too I think it's like it's flowing through my blood but sometimes flowing through my muscles or just through my body. When I use is it would reduce or get rid of pain in a certain part of my body. It feels like it pumps from my back and into any body part I want even my eyes. It's also can make me stronger, faster, more nimble like it enhances my reflexes , and I notice more things. I feel like I can also emit it like I can punch something and emit it into the thing I hit. It's like in Naruto when neji and hinata use gentle fist. I don't know if it's adrenaline but it reminds me of chakra.
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I can do this too - it is not emotional - like someone else says - it ;s as easy as lifting an arm. Im more surprised at discovering that not everyone can do this. When I do it, it feels like Im squeezing my insides but Im not tensing a single muscle. My pupils dilate and my heart beats faster and stronger. I cant do it for long because I feel I'm going to pop!
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I can do it. Not by thinking of something. I can just do it as easily as moving my arm.
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I'd love to know if other people can do that, and if anyone has information about it.
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I can do this too. I learned by accident at a young age. It feels like a physical chemical rush in your chest, sometimes you can feel it flow through your limbs. Its the same feeling when you score a high grade on a test, or fall in love. It feels like a possitive form of anxiety, if that makes sense. I always thought i was alone.

I also found out, that there is a muscle in your ear called The Tensor Tympani. Only 2% of the world can contract this muscle, and it causes a "rumble" that no one else can hear. I am part of that 2%. I found a Subreddit community called r/EarRumblersAssemble.

And some people can "gleek" or shoot saliva out of their glands.

I believe we have "dormant" muscles that we cant control because we dont know they exist. I believe we are the few who have learned to control them. I know you are telling the truth, because I can control my adrenal too. It may sound like the ramblings of a crazy person, but try explaining color to a blind person.....

Only us who can do it can understand, so how do we explain it... We can control our adrenal glands. This should be a subject of study, but how can you prove it to those who camt comprehend it? You can only prove the symptoms: dialated pupils, rapid heart rate, consistant with adrenalin rushes.

Very weird. Glad im not alone.
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This is amazing. I can do this too. It's like a squeeze in the chest area but not actually squeezing then a surge of adrenaline goes from my chest up the back of my neck then into my brain which makes a low hissing sound. It also goes around my lower back. I tried to explain this to family and friends but they looked at me like I were weird or lying.
I can do the ear thing too
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I can do this too. Any time I bring up from memory on my 100m races from highschool or even football games. My arms and legs start to twitch and get tingly. My heart rate can get up to 170 beats per min. Idk if this healthy but to really bring it out I take hot baths where my face is submerged just enough where I can breath out my nose. then I bring up a memory. When the rush starts I start to concentrate on my breathing, which is hard to do cuz the air around the hot water is thick. This really brings it out to a point that I get a high off of it. Very similar to a decent amount of MDMA. Don't get me wrong I only do this when life gets stressful. I think it's a great way to bring out my inner peace.
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Just try to hold your breath a bit. It works for me. I am glad to see there are other people who can do this too!
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Hey seems there are some people still around this thread anyone want to tell there way of stopping this "adrenaline" rush, because my way takes like 15 minutes. Also I can control my heart rate as while as my body tempature(kind of its a little finicky). Oh ya it also helps my general perception.
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...also watch your pupils in the mirror when you do it...they dilate.
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Yes. I can also. I am 40 and realized it a few years ago. I can start and stop it at will. Intuitively I feel it is probably not healthy for your heart to do it too often. Would be interested to see if there is interest in a scientific study on this because clearly there are others who can also.
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Hey, as far as I know it will not damage you if your using this, only certain people can do this, I am one of them and can do this for as long as I can remember and now its a basic instinct for me. You may find you can channel this "energy" to certain spots like your arm or whole body. The only problems I have with it is shutting it off. If you have any tips with shutting the "energy" down please tell me.
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Personally I have found this ability to affect my dreams. Ive been working on it, but i can partially control my dreams and the figures that show up in it, which proves very useful for handling situations that are not dealt with in everyday life. Like practicing for reality and doing what I want in life.
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I currently am a student in college who has dedicated my career as well to learning what this feeling about. It has helped me immensely in doing things and completing goals in life. Feel free to email me. I would love to talk about it and see how the medical field/biotech field can relate to it. My dream would to be to become CEO at a biotech firm with my favorite part being cutting edge research in the field of neuroscience/genetics.  
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I just realized that I've been doing this. I didn't know what I was doing before. It's kinda weird. I'd like to know weather or not it can hurt us too. I've been doing this for around 8 months, just now came up with an explanation. Did anyone else have trouble controling it at first?
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I am SO glad I am not alone!  I've been inducing my adrenaline since a year or two after puberty, I'm 34 now and have complete control of it after 20 yrs of experimenting and practicing.  When it happens...it's almost like I feel like I'm turning into the Hulk, it makes your body pulsate with power, energy and a next level strength, sometimes to the point of overwhelming.  I'm very grateful for my gift, just wish it had more daily applications. I think a group of us that can control our adrenaline should get together and experiment with this power. Perhaps there is a bigger picture....
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Could you tell me more about it please?
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I have only recently found out that I can actually control this "adrenaline rush" and was unaware of it. But I have also learned I can slow my heart down, almost to the point where it has completely stopped. I only even tried to slow it down because for some reason my adrenaline spiked over the top for no clear cause. That was the first time I experienced it and had no idea what was happening to my body. My heart was beating extremely fast, i felt as if it was gonna burst. my girlfriend was with me at the time and she put her hand on my chest and could feel it. I aslo was shivering uncontrollably, I thought if I let it continue any longer something bad was going to happen, so I had my girlfriend turn off the lights and I got in bed and slowed my breathing down slow shallow breaths, after a few minutes the shivering stopped and my heart slowed. So my heart was beating around normal rate so I went to tell me gf that I thought I was better but as soon as turned my head and opened my mouth, simultaneously breaking concentration on my breathing,  my body started shivering again and my heart sped up again. I soon noticed I had to focus ALL of my concentration to stop it. I slowed my heart to the point where it could no longer be detected by medical means for maybe 3-5min until I was at the point where I just fell asleep.  After falling unconscious my heart returned to normal. Since this incident I have discovered with some concentration I could start to increase my adrenaline but have stopped right after.  But have not tried or had to slow my heart down since.
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The Power to control your Sympathetic Response- voluntarily- is very real

I feel very bad for the people who are trying to communicate an utterly super strange ability that happens in their body/mind. However, it is like describing light to a blind person- they really don't get it.
For the guy who "flexes" to make this phenomena happen, stop describing as flexing- they don't get it. They think you are really flexing something. Like a poet or mystic trying to describe the ineffable, language fails and your effort lessens your cry for help. You see, there is a parasympathetic response triggered by "flexing" pelvic floor muscles, thus lowering heart rate, etc. So, when you use such a word, you inadvertently suggest this phenomena. Sorry, I too describe this ability as "flexing," except everyone takes me very seriously.
I have been practicing western medicine for 30 years and for a change also just completed my masters in Oriental Medicine (2014). [We] have for years used different equipment to play with [I]my [/I]"ability" while in the ER/OR/Office while no patients:
PulseOX, EEG, EKG, spirometry.The fact is, it is an instantaneous- literally as fast as thought phenomena/ability that can send my HR up to 200bpm is seconds, all while maintaining a NSR-normal sinus rhythm (PQRST remains unremarkable, otherwise); it is simple tachycardia. The pulse ox remains saturated and whereas the BP may raise to over 160/96 within seconds, the arterial pressure at rest does not substantially rise.
I have always asserted (the reason is lost with age) that I "squeeze" my adrenal glands. It does not matter that western medicine says that this is not possible. What matters is the similar reports from disparate people all around the world. We are all describing something similar. Variously, some report that they are squeezing something in their head. Perhaps this is due to the incredible electric-like sensation tingling around the neck, head, and shoulders, pupil changes.
My breathing does not change and while my tidal volume remains the same we once calculated that my stroke volume for cardiac output only begins to become effected at x ___bpm after a few minutes. Those of us who do this cannot really do this for minutes at a time; we exhaust then stop.
I often would engage in conversation, laugh, or drink water just to demonstrate to others that this is not contemplative, or bearing down on pelvis, contra stimulation of parasympathetic response, etc. In every single case I have convinced my peers, professors, cardiologists, and others that this was real. In every case they stood corrected, surprised, but did not understand.
So reserve some mystery for the unknown; these posters here are not unbalanced. We can tell, as a bona fides, others who have this versus others who are imagining it. It requires no thought, emotion, respiration, or other manipulation and it does not respond to time; its instantaneous. Oh, and when done, there will be an appreciable difference in armpit smell. This may be due to the secretion of porcine/like glands related to... fight or flight- sympathetic response!

I hope my comments serve some benefit for anyone searching to discover what is happening to them. I began searching for explanation before internet age and the medical books, as the internet now, had nothing conclusive. And yet... each one of us who does this is just 100% positive that this ability IS deeply related to something else; isn't that right?  Here is a throw away email address I offer if anyone can help me still to understand this ability. I will keep email for 24 months from Apr 14. priapus4u at hotmail. com
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Do you know how to explain how to do it, if so please do as any information is greatly appreciated.
This is a very old thread and the poster you are addressing is no longer active on the forum; it's unlikely you'll get a response to your question.
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hi i'm from romania and i can do it too but i can control it to stop at will ,i tried the test and my pupils dialate a lot, i've never had  problems with my heart though i've found out about it only 2 years ago it's a cool feeling when it happens and i'm glad too see that i'm not the only one who can do it
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Hi folks, im from the uk and i can give myself a huge adrenaline rush at will,anytime anywhere but i can switch it off or stop it vertually instantly, i can also control the level of the rush as well as my heart rate. I get a huge rush down my spine back of my legs and back of my arms plus a rush through my brain and have to arch my back to control the big rushes.For the most part i love it and find it very usefull with the sport i do. But it has got me into trouble on more than one occasion due to me going ballisitic if it use it in arguments.I am very emotional which i beleave is a part of this but i can control myself extremly well in fight or flight situations i never panic over anything.I spent a night in hospital last year hooked up to a heart machine then a heart rate monitor for 24hrs while carrying on with normal life, i bike to work and my heart rate peaked at 135, while at sleep 47 and averaged 58 while on my feet all day docs said they have no concerns with my ticker. Oh i am 30years old and been doing this most of my life.
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4431209 tn?1354484631
Hi people ... I can also do it ... never thought to check my pupils though. I just tried it and yes indeed they do dilate bigger. Nothing like a great white at lunch time but still a bit bigger than before. I heard about adrenaline building up in the body and having negative effects on ones health. My friend is suffering from this due to trauma he experienced earlier in his life. He was even given a pamphlet with exercises that might help in releasing this built up adrenalin. Wondering if anybody has heard anything more about this?
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