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Blood red Ear infection that wont go away

I have been tolerating a bad ear infection for many months now. And believe it to have originated about over a year ago. At the time I was completely unaware since I cant see into my own ear to notice whether it was red even back then, but i certainly remember having lighter yet similiar symptoms as I do now.

Alot of these symtoms seem to involve a throbbing sensation of the jaw and temple region as well as severe migraines from time to time. However I can go for months were I feel none of the symptoms aside from the occassional heaviness that sets in before a mini migraine takes hold. The one constant symptom is some heavyset saliva and the need to swallow constantly this has been ongoing for over a year if not close to two.

I approached my GP after my symptoms worsened 2 months ago, I woke up with chills and the final straw was when I had a few bouts of severe migraines that did not subside for 3 days, on top of that I felt drowsy and my right side of my face was partially numb not to mention increased nausea. I also became increasingly dizzy and for 4 days running I almost fell over when climbing out of bed with extreme vertigo.

My GP checked my right ear noticing what he called a severe blood red infection put me on soframycin drops for a week, this did nothing but aggravate my ear and migraines tremendously, I relayed that info to him and he told me to continue that the meds were taking effect on the infection. I returned after a week and when he checked again was surprised the blood red ear was unchanged. Prescribed me 500mg of cephalexin for another week. Again the symptoms worsened, my whole temple region and jaw hurt excruciatingly and my migraines worsened. After that week, he looked and told me it was slightly better and that he wanted me to remain on the meds for another week. I felt that it was torture the 1st week so I asked to get some bloodwork and other tests done instead to see what the hell it was. This took 2 more weeks to process. So when my tests returned I was clear for sputim and urine results. But my bloodwork was showing 3 enzymes in my liver.

He told me that I had tested positive for Hep A but that since I had gotten a combined vaccine for Hep A and typhoid recently for travelling overseas, that it may be within reason, and not a Hep A infection. Told me that another retest was necessary after 4weeks minimum or 8 weeks recommended. In the meantime he put me on more antibiotics, this time doxycycline tablets 100mg for another week.

I am now taking these but feel terrible, the migraines are intense and my jaw hurts to my temple and feels it penetrates into my brain. Last night I dreamt I was having a seizure, and was surprised that I couldnt wake myself, when I did I was still shaking for a few seconds and couldnt think and felt like I was not in control of my body. It was so brief that I cant be sure what it was, but my whole body felt odd for minutes after.

Anyways I have no idea whats going on, but I feel that from the material I have read that my ear infection could be fungal, and I have had a persistent nail infection that I took 4 months to cure. I also read that antibiotics actually aggravate the infection. But my GP doesnt seem too interested in my suggestions.

Hope you can shed some light on this.
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You are asking questions that are answered on the 'newbies help links' on the medical formum of the discussion group at LymeNet.org  .

Regarding the rash, from what I've read about other Lymie's experiences, it can vary widely.  Some people never get it, others get a bulls eye rash soon after a bite, and some have reported that it comes and goes, sometimes with antibiotic treatment.
Most people say that it wasn't itchy.

Regarding the blemishes on your face, I can suggest three things.
First is the 'Face Doctor' soap and lotion that I mentioned before.  
Next is fish oil capsules or liquid, which will help the skin oils to drain, instead of clogging up.  This is an oral supplement.  I found that the Carlson's brand with lemon flavor is the most palatable.
Last is taking supplements to support your immune system.  

Many Lyme patients have reported chronic problems with urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis, groin pain, and inflammation of the prostate.
A few people reported that it was their only symptom of Lyme.

Regarding testing, it is difficult to find the Lyme bacteria in the bloodstream or the cerebral spinal fluid, as it goes into the tissues and nerves.
One of the better screening tests is the Western Blot IgG and IgM, which tests for antibodies to the bacteria.
This needs to be done at a specialty lab, like Igenex in California, or MDL in New Jersey.  See Igenex.com  
If you ask your doctor for the Western Blot for Lyme, it will get sent to one of the other labs, which use a different test kit and only test for one strain.
Test results report which "bands" are positive, with certain bands being specific for Lyme.  You need to know the results for the entire list, not just get a "positive" or a "negative" from the lab.

It has been shown that the Lyme bacteria can be present in the gut of ticks and nymphal ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, and biting flies.
The species of tick that carries the bacteria lives on the "White Footed Mouse," which nests in trees and rock walls, and is carried by migrating birds.
If you sit on a rock wall, a log in the woods, or lean against a tree, you are unwittingly exposing yourself to ticks.  
Several people at LymeNet.org have reported that their family members had a tick on the top of their head after being outside, under the trees.  Ticks live in birds nests, and can drop out of trees.

Dark urine can be a symptom of Babesiosis, which is another infection carried by ticks.  
LymeInfo.net has a good page about the coinfections.

Regarding eradicating the disease from your system:  you may not be able to, but you can force it into remission.
If you go to LymeNet.org, you can post to find a doctor who treats Lyme, usually with antibiotics.  Long term antibiotics can cause many problems for the patient, and it may take a long time before you see results.
There are a number of supportive therapies and alternative methods of treating.
This varies from herbs that are natural antibiotics, to others that increase the number of white blood cells.  
Lyme Disease treatment and diagnosis, from LymeInfo.net

I hope you'll decide to post a query on the medical forum at LymeNet.org.
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Carol I have looked at the Canadian Lyme Foundation site and none of the photos resemble the kind of rash I had. Im goin on a limb here to say that photo 12 (row 4 2nd photo) appears the closest to what I had. But mine was quite irregular following no distinct patterns, more like the measels and didnt have the pinkish hue, but rather just scabs when the pores became irritated and were scratched too much. The one thing I never forget is that the itch was unbearable and I didnt stop until the itches blistered which resulted in bleeding.

Tell me does the rash itch incessantly with people who have lyme disease? And if so, does it follow a particular pattern (ie when its most likely to reoccur) I just know that in the times I came down with the rash I had to tolerate unbearable itching for almost 3 months before they subsided (and only on the limbs not the abdomen/back or face at all) My rash went away for almost a year before returning the 2nd time. But after that date it never returned again. I sometimes though get the odd itch during spring time, but only in isolated areas ie hands and wrists for no more than a few hours at a time and then they will go away and maybe return months later. But I put that down to my allergies.

Another thing Im curious about is that you seem to have your condition very much in control, do the doctors now have a better idea on how to treat your lyme disease with the focus on totally eradicating the virus from your system? And if so, how is this achieved? I ask because I dont wish to be stricken for decades with this condition and find my current situation quite frustrating, every time I look in the mirror I see my face has a few more blemishes and there are a few more raised bumps I notice, that never go away (do you have anything you recommend for keeping the skin in better shape and free of blemishes?) I just feel that I have aged 10yrs in the last 4.

Anyways I am glad your experience is shedding some light to my own.

Can you also tell me if there is any particular test that irrefutably proves the presence of Lyme spirochetes, so far my blood test are negative, anything that can fast track the detection of this condition would be a bonus to getting me better treatment rather than a skeptical GP suggesting a more passive approach, meanwhile my condition progresses steadily. And do you ever get Urinary tract infections/sore bladder/or a runners stitch(ie unhealthy liver function) the thing is I noticed the other day looking at my urine being darker than usual in the mornings, which is a classic example of the liver struggling to completely process bilirubin.

Im also curious as to whether Lyme infection is caused exclusively by ticks, and if so, does the tick have to be your common garden variety tick or microscopic ones can be just as effective?


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Each time that you write, I see more symptoms that are common to Lyme Disease.
Lyme patients are notorious for being able to spot the disease in other people, and I see it in you.  Some people are highly offended by this, but since the tests for Lyme are not at all reliable, the diagnosis is made based on the patient's symptoms and his history.  This is called a clinical diagnosis, as it is not based on lab tests.
Most physicians are reluctant to make a Lyme diagnosis based on symptoms.  They order the blood test and when it comes back negative, tell the patient he doesn't have Lyme.  My docs told me I didn't have Lyme for fifteen years, without ever making a clinical diagnosis.

You need to put together a timeline for the progression of your symptoms.  
You also need to get copies of the tests and results, for your home medical file.

Regarding your knee problems.  Continue the glucosamine for at least three months.
You may find it helpful to buy an elastic knee brace for the days when you feel the need of more support.
Joint problems are very common for Lyme.  I know of a number of people who have needed joint replacements, usually by late middle age.
The Wobenzym acts to reduce hypercoagulation by reducing the surfeit of fibrin in the blood.   This may increase blood circulation, but I don't know if it will help your knees.

I'm not all that surprised that your liver enzymes are elevated.
When the Lyme bacteria are killed, they release neurotoxins that cause a number of Lyme symptoms.
The liver detoxifies the poisons that the body accumulates, including any alcohol you may drink and medications that you take.  Dead spirochetes add to the burden.
The liver uses Glutathione in detoxing, and this is often low in people with chronic illnesses.  You may need to do things to increase your level of glutathione; this would help the liver enzymes.
You can take sublingual glutathione tablets, or you can supplement the precursors to glutathione.  From what I've read, this latter way works better than just taking oral glutathione, as the liver makes what it needs when the components are available.
Non-denatured Whey Protein provides Glutathione precursors.   I've been using the ImmunoPro brand;  iHerb has competitive prices.

Taking supplements that modulate the immune system is helpful, as it helps increase the white blood cells that "eat" bacteria.
Doctors who treat Lyme usually advise their patients to take one or more of these.
I can provide more information if you're interested.

About the light sensitivity.  Photophobia is when your eyes are sensitive to light, and is a common neuro symptom of Lyme.  Wear good sunglasses whenever you're outside, especially when you drive.  The glare off the road can be brutal.
Although my eyes are very sensitive to light, my night vision is poor.

Did you look at the symptoms list and the rash pictures on the Canadian Lyme Foundation site, at canlyme.com ?

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I got the results back from my liver function test the other day and the doctor reported a drop in my elevated enzyme that have been showing in my blood since July.

According to the latest figures, my AST level dropped from a previous 120 to 66. And my ALT numbers have also halved from 266 to 132. Of course the recommended and healthy AST & ALT levels in a normal person with healthy liver funtion is no more than 40 to 50. I still have quite a sore and tiring pain on my right upper side that extends from my appendix area to my ribcage. This comes and goes but almost always never goes entirely. At the very most it will subside to just a light runners cramp sensation.

The doctor has recommended I get retested for liver function in 2 months time. But since I experience quite abit of discomfort he is suggesting I get a CT scan just to be sure. Although he is quite happy to let time do the healing. He believes that something quite innocuous and insignificant caused a slight jump in my AST & ALT levels, ie bad diet, alcohol, prolonged sleep deprivation (im a terrible insomniac for 4yrs now) and some of the antifungal tablets I was on earlier this year.

So apart from suggesting an improved and balanced diet, there is no real prognosis on his part. Aside from lets wait and see. However Im in a way hoping a CT scan reveals something more concrete as to why Im so rundown, and why my left knee joint feels like its about to snap off. It hasnt improved yet, but I am taking glucosamine 1500 strength. I hope this doesnt have any adverse effects on my liver. The doctor assured me there is nothing to worry about. But my worsening knee is a source of continual frustration. To a lesser degree but also of concern is my ear infection which according to my GP has gone away and is looking healthy. I still feel the swelling but much less, although it is still uncomfortable enough to bother me and cause the occassional migraine.

The curious thing is that my bloodwork still shows me as testing positive to Hep A. And there is nothing that I can recollect giving any reason for this. I did travel abroad but I was immunised, although does that mean I am completely immune to Hep A? The doctor who immunised me in 2003, said that the shot was good for at least a 5yr coverage against the Hep A infections. But then again I have also read that for every innoculation there is a small degree of obtaining the virus but in a very mild form, as vaccines work in someway infecting the recipient in a very minor way so as to develop antibodies against the disease.

I will see if I can get a CT scan for my infected ear as well, since I might as well kill 2 birds with one stone and take advantage of the visit there.

Anyways Im interested if Woenzyme has any real benefits to chronic knee joint pain. Since it seems to be getting progressively worse as the months roll by.
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I have bought a few supplements to aid me in the treatment to my symptoms. Omega-3 pills, as well as some magnesium tablets, I read about deficiency in magnesium and if i do have a drop in magnesium in my system due to mites or whatever, it goes a long way in explaining why Im so fatigued. The 1st signs of this in fact occured to me back in 2002, when I was sitting in the dentists waiting room and just felt so puffed out for no good reason. I believe this was so inexplicable to me that all I could think of that day was "what the hell was all that about" I had not felt that way ever, and pondered about it because it really felt like I was having heart palpatations or something, real scary at the time for a back then, healthy 25yo. That from memory was some weeks before coming down with my severe rash that persisted for 9 weeks.

Since then I have come to get used to my fatigue, and really dont have an answer for it. But taking these supplements will hopefully help me quite abit.

I read that detecting Lyme disease from a blood test is something like 30% and even then the reliability of those tests are flimsy at best. Is this true? I was cleared for Lyme when I asked my GP the other day, he almost sounded irritable when I kept prodding him about how my ear infection still feels tender. On top of that I read that even when detecting the disease, its hit and miss when treating it, some Lyme variants respond well to antibiotics, while others go into a dormant phase almost in an attempt to evade being wiped out of the bloodstream. This is quite disheartening to learn this.

Anyways I have been doing ok with my probiotic pills, and have no unusual digestive issues, which is a welcome change because I remember weeks ago that when taking 500mg cephalexin 3 times a day my bowels were very affected.

And Carol you have given me renewed hope in regards to the Seabuckthorn oil, Im happy to be applying this as a countermeasure to the spread of these little critters, I do feel that my forehead tingles and itches quite abit, but always dismissed the burning sensation to the antibacterial shampoo I have been using ever since my scalp started itching a year ago and subsequently making my hair brittle and abit thin of late.

Come to think of it, when reading about Demodex mites the symptoms began to hit home, I do notice that my skin is alittle sensitive and I do have patches of red crop up if i scratch myself. But its a very distinct red, like someone applied lipstick to my forehead. I have a very pale white complexion so it really shows when I have these red patches appear. Interestingly enough I could rub alittle part of my forehead right now and it would light up red in a matter of minutes and stay that way for upto an hour. My skin has never reacted that way ever that I can remember.

Today while driving to work I noticed that the sunlight reflecting off the road, was intolerable. I kept thinking back to what you wrote about sensitivity to light with the meds Im taking. I read that Lyme can also make one sensitive to light? I just remember not being able to look in the direction of the light, and when I looked around everything appeared to have a tinge of pink to it and seemed dull. And from what I could tell it was not too bright, my friend at the time didnt feel the same way about the light. I kept saying "You see that glow buddy? Man is that light bright" He just looked at me perplexed and said, "Its not that bright actually". To which I responded "Your telling me that light doesnt seem like its shimmering like crazy to you?" I had to really concentrate in order to still see where I was goin.

Anyways I'd be happy if only the itching and spots ceases, and my inner ear infection completely goes away. I have a sneaking suspicion that the doctor probably just say the tip of the iceberg when looking at my progress. Sure the outer ear is better but I still feel my inner ear quite tight and swollen.

Well I'll check back with him in a weeks time.


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Omega-3's are definitely to be taken orally.
That's why you don't want a form that may contain mercury.
Seabuckthorn oil in a soap or lotion is applied to the skin, to kill the Demodex mites, although I have seen it available as a capsule, for ingestion.
Omega-3's will improve cell wall integrity throughout the body, and this also helps with anxiety and depression.
The oils in the skin pores will liquefy more readily, so you should have fewer pimples, and the blocked pores on the backs of your upper arms will clear up also.

The sensation of "bugs on your skin" would not be caused by the mites that live within the skin pores.   This sensation is called a paresthesia, and results from a deficiency of magnesium.   (Low Vitamin B12, if I remember correctly, may also cause this.)
It is common among people infected with Lyme, as the Lyme bacteria uses up the magnesium within our cells for its own life processes.  We need magnesium for all enzyme processes, and its depletion creates havoc in the body.  The nerve cells go nuts.

I don't think that a pink eye infection would be caused by the mites.  "Pink eye" is caused by a bacteria that can be spread by contact -- that's why you always wash your hands before touching your eyes, and you never share towels.

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