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Pain in top of head and intermittant Tingling in face and body

Hello!4 mos ago I was a healthy 30 year old male,and now I am a confused wreck.I started getting chest pains with no real rhyme or reason.I went to the ER about 5 times,and each time did some blood,ECG,urine-said all OK,sent me home.They said that I am stressed.About 2 mos ago,I started getting this bizzare pain in the top of my head.It is not a normal headache.I haven't been able to figure out what exactly it is, and it comes randomly (daily),and varies in intensity and precise location.It usually located around the crown area of my head.Went to the hospital-did a CT scan,said all OK,sent me home.Then,for about the past 5 wks or so,I have been getting weird, random tingling sensations and numbness all over my body-in my face,toes,back,arms,fingers.It is usually short duration, and has been getting worse.It goes away briefly if I sand up and wipe my skin/crack my neck.This tingling has been accompanied with rather severe back pain in my neck and middle of my back.My GP sent me to a Arthritis speclst,who prescribed a MRI head/neck scan.I just got the results from that, and have an appt with a neurologist in a few days.Many doctors have suggested MS, but I went to a chiro as well who believes that it is pinched nerve/compression syndrome.Is this possible?

Oct05-Feb06,I worked a bad shift at work and ate poorly.Some say this can manifest itself months later.

I take Propecia for hair loss(for 3 yrs)-never had a problem before.

Could this be checmical? Vitamin/mineral deficency?

I can barely focus on anything,am sad/confsd all the time,and need help..I want my life back..
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Did you ever get a good diagnosis? What was the cure or did it help? I am going through about the same thing with exception four times I had a problem with my left eye. The first time I had a sharp stabbing pain behind my left eye which caused it swell quickly, caused vision problems, and several hours later it was mostly gone. The doctor dilated it, did not see anything, gave me a shot for inflammation, sent me home. The second time, the nurse put a drop in my eye. I went to the eye doctor. He gave me a round of tobradex eye drops. The third time, the doctor said I needed to go to an eye specialist but my eye doctor would need to refer me. And at the same time, the eye doctor disagreed with the doctor and said I needed to go to a neurologist, but my doctor would not refer me. My doctor said I am having a seizure in the left eye. Humm. The eye doctor disagrees. Can you have a seizure in one eye? I asked my family doctor if my hypoglycemia can be causing this, he said no. I have several blood sugar drops daily, usually dropping to 50's or so. This makes it impossible to live a normal life and I have to eat about every hour, but still having the drops. My family doctor food is the only way to control it, I need to eat more often. Eating is not controlling the sugar drops. But the eye problems, feels like pain behind it, when it starts to swell suddenly it makes it very hard to move the muscles to move my eye, causes a droopy lid, causes blurriness and redness in the eye, and goes away after a few hours. I take aspirins when this happens. The eye feels dry, and it has never been dry before. It feels like something in the upper right area and upper left area...above the left eye is wrong. It uncomfortable to rub, and definitely different than it should be.

The pain in the top of my head, at the crown area, comes and goes, pain with cracking and grinding in the back of my neck/head, where my neck rotates with my head. My eyes are being bothered, the bridge of my nose, sometime pain in my forehead and a couple times my cheeks below my eyes. If my nose gets cold which causes it to hurt terribly, then I am usually cold all over, and I must get under the covers to warm up even though it is 70 in here. I should be warm, I have a t-shirt on, a long sleeved shirt, a sweat shirt, a thick scarf around my neck, jeans, two pair socks, and thick house slippers. Sometimes a heating lamp on my legs and feet.

If you ever had your leg fall asleep, then you know the sensation I have at times on my head, especially the right side. It also causes confusion, the pain makes it hard to focus, do tasks, etc. Finding a comfortable position to hold my head is hard to do. I sometimes wonder if sitting makes this worse. If I hold my head down, and my chin against my chest, this helps elevate the pain and sensations. Aspirins are not controlling it, sinus meds does help but not curing it, and my doctor does not see the severity of this. I am a firm believer that if it rules your life...then it is severe. He refused to send me to a neurologist when I requested it, saying it is not as bad as it seems. Does anyone have an answer on what this is, to help cure this?
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Thanks Carol. I will look into that. I'm not in love with the neurologist who ordered the results anyway, so I'm going to seek a second opinion and I will ask specifically about Lyme.
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If you have these symptoms, you should read up about Lyme Disease.
The test may have been negative, but the tests are not accurate, and only test for one strain of Lyme...there are hundreds of strains.

Wild Condor's Lyme Links:  http://www.wildcondor.com/lymelinks.html
If the url is removed, you can google for that title.

You can also ask questions over on the Lyme forum, here on the Medhelp site.

Wishing you the best,
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I am 48 years old and a few years ago I thought that my head was going to combust. I started one afternoon when I was rushing around probably squeezing 12 hours into 2. I felt extreeme heat in my head that was so intense, in addition there was numbness and tingling and intense pressure. This continued effecting my head, neck and down my spine a ways. I have had headaches and cronic back pain for the last 10 years with a very high pain tolerance, but, have never experienced anything like this. It lasted around 4 months and usually began in the morning and continued all day untill it was unbearable by the evening. Every day I woke up wondering why I was still alive. It felt like a torch was inside of my head in addition to the other symtoms. I could not even hear people talking because it was so overwhelming. A few days during this time it would completely disappear.
I went to emergency a few different times and was sent home with tylenol and told it was a migraine. They did not understand how severe it was. I finally called someone I knew who is a nurse practioner, who told me to take this more seriously because she thought it was temperal arteritis. Finally, I went for tests and everything came up negative. I went to see another neurologist 6 months later who told me that it was a combination of a migraine that turned into temparal ateritis. After that, I experienced random pain, tingling and hot spots in weird places all over my body. I have had a spinal tap and MRI's to test for MS that came back negative. My back is very bad condition, and sometimes my right leg drags a little bit because of the sciatica. It has become much worse even in the last year.
During the last month or two I have noticed a spot in the top of my head, near the back slightly to the right. It is maybe an inch or two in diameter. It is very sore to touch {like a bad bruise) and I get a severe headache with it. Lately, I feel very lightheaded with tingling and heat when it happens. I also feel alot of pessure near my ears. It feels like something hit my head, but it has been re-occuring for quite a while. When I touch my head around the area that always feels bruised it doesn't hurt. I am afraid and I guess I'll wait until my next doctor's appointment to discuss it and feel like a broken record, but, this is not normal. It takes an awful lot for me to go to the doctor's office. I am beginnig to experience all of the symptoms I had a few years ago.
If anyone has something to mention, please feel free. I'm not sure if anything else could be wrong.
Thanks aw1
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I have to tell you that it freaked me out when I read these posts. I have been having the same thing and have had the same kind of tests. It's so hard to explain to the doctors and they tell you your crazy or give you a blanket diagnosis of fibromyalgia, which means they don't know what it is. I even had a painful nerve test to rule out bad nerves and my nerves were fine.

I had it for about 3 months and then it went away. then all of the sudden it's come back. ONe minute I was fine, the next I was having the random pains again. Never had it in my head like this before though. I was tested for Lyme disease and it was negtive. Help!

Did anyone else find anything else out?
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I have similar symptoms to those described; have you got a diagnosis yet Mikk?   Hope that all is well, I sympathize greatly.  nv13
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Hi, I completely understand what your going through.  I have had all of your symptoms and more.  I had an mri which was fine and had blood tests for just about everything including lyme and all was normal.  My family doctor decided a few appts ago I was suffering from stress and anxiety and prescribed paxil which I haven't yet taken.  I was a healthy happy 30 year old mother until this all started months ago and I have a hard time believing this is anxiety out of nowhere.  I have made an appt with a lyme specialist in B.C. for this Saturday and I am hoping to get some answers.  Not really hoping for lyme disease but to know for sure would be better than this.  Good luck to you!
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Thanks very much Carol.  I am going to see a neurologist tomorrow morning.  He has my CT scan and MRI results.  We'll see what he says - hopefully everything checks out OK.  Following that, I am going to push to get tested for Lyme.  

My sister is a nurse and she was saying that I should also get my Magnesium, Potassium, B12 and thyroid (T4 and T3) levels checked.  My mother had thyroid cancer when she was 27 and had it removed.  She is also diabetic, as was both her mother and father.  My father also has hypothyroidism.  My siser is on B12 shots - but she was saying that her problem was more tiredness, absentmindedness and a general feeling about not caring about anything, as opposed to tingling, numbness, heart palpitations and weird head pain.

Is anyone from Canada?  The Toronto area in Ontario more specifically - I wonder how long it will take to get these tests, and have them interpreted.  

Also, what if my family doctor just interprets them and tells me everything is fine?  It is sometimes difficult to push your doctor - you feel like a pest... when they say everything is fine.  The bottom line for me is that I will be fine when I feel better!

Lastly, when you embark on a journey to try to figure out what the heck is going on... is it best to go after these different things step by step (i.e. check for MS, then check for lime, try pupping B12 and Magnesium)...?  People are also telling me to take B12 and Mag now, but I don't want to start and have it randomly mask anything else that may be going on.  I must sound like an idiot...

Thank you all very much for your help and suggestions - it is so comforting to hear what you have to say.  I have been to so many doctors who could seem to care less about how I feel - they give me 5 minutes and tell me there is nothing they can do and to go home..
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Compare your symptoms to these:

Depression, difficulty concentrating, muscle twitches, internal vibration sensation, can all be symptoms associated with Lyme Disease.
Symptoms of pain or tingling may vary from day to day.

If you would like to locate a doctor who is very experienced in diagnosing Lyme, you can post a query at LymeNet.org.

I answered your post from March 8.

I'm glad you were able to find a doctor who was able to diagnose and treat you.

I too had crawling sensations on my legs after wearing jeans.
When walking, the fabric would brush against the skin, and then when I'd sit or lie down, my skin felt just like there were worms crawling.

I also had the internal vibration sensation that Mikk76 described, it about drove me nuts.
Much later, I found out that I have Lyme.

I also found out that low magnesium within the cells can cause twitching and parasthesias. (A skin sensation, such as burning, prickling, itching, or tingling, with no apparent physical cause.)

I take magnesium glycinate and I eat almonds, which are high in mag.

Take care,
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I can sooo relate to your current situation ... I was completely engrossed with "what the helll is wrong with me" that I couldn't do anything .... go get tested for lyme and find a dr who UNDERSTANDS LYME b/c most doctors do not know anything about this disease.  get a western blot test not an ELISA test as latter is fairly inaccurate.  and don't let a dr tell you that since your test results are negative that you don't have lyme because even the CDC says that lyme should be a clinical diagnosis with blood tests used to determine but not rule out.   I probably had exposure to lyme about 6-12 months before my symptoms got very noticeable ... some people with exposure get floored immediately, others it takes a while to hit them.  I hope this helps.  also, try taking magnesium taurate to help with the twitching - it works.
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If you don't mind asking, how long did you have your symptoms?
I've had facial tingling, started on one side, 6 years ago, now in the last week went to right side, crawling sensations in leg tops, no numbness, clothes seem to irritate these feelings.  I'm going to have a MRI on wed, did you have any MRIs, did they find anything, I'm concerned about MS or Lyme, thank you.
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Thanks so much for the suggestion - I am going to follow up.  Should I propose this to the neurologist?  

Funny you should mention the twitching - I coudn't fit it into the space!!  I have had twitching in my arms, mainly biceps for about the past week. It happens on and off throughout the day.

Another weird sensation I have been having is when I lay down and close my eyes, I feel "shaky" inside.  I can't explain it - I'm not twitching phyiscally, but I feel a very uneasy shaking - kind of like when you are very upset or something...

These symptoms have been so worrying I can't tell you.  I can't think straight.  I sit at work and try to focus, but then come the symptoms and my day is blown.  It has been like this for months.  I have so much to enjoy right now in my life - I'm getting married, we bought a house, I just got a wonderful promotion... yet NONE of this even excites me.  I am so preoccupied and confused, I can't even be happpy when I have so many good things going on.

It sounds so pathetically immature, but I just want it all to go away.  I was such a relaxed and easy going person last year - I want to be that person again!
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this very much sounds like what has happened to me in the past 6 mos ... chest pains, body aches, then tiggling and weird head pressure on top of my head ... then i started twitching a lot (hope this doesn't happen to you as it is really freaky!!) -> bounced around to my general practioner who said stress/anxiety and here take some meds, then went to a neuro who said stress/anxiety here take some meds ... did my own research and learned that much of my symptoms were very similar to LYME DISEASE -> went to a lyme specialist, got tested and now being treated for past 3 weeks for lyme ... and I feel A LOT better!!!

I have pulled off several ticks from my body (i live in tick-prone CT) so I had exposure but many who have lyme never even know they were bitten by a tick ... go get a western blot blood test by a reputable lab and see if this might be it.    good luck.
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