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Post Nasal drip, acid relfux, anxiety?

I have had this problem for about a year now. I have this problem with gagging, what seems to be caused by post nasal drip. When i wake up i tend to have a dry mucus build up in the post nasal area of my throat. The thing is when i gagg, trying to free the mucus from my throat, nothing seems to loosen up, which makes me have this feeling of vomiting. These symptoms are 10 fold when i am in any social situation, or have to tend to any type of stressfull situation. I always bring water with me, just for the fact that if i dont sip on anything while im out, i start to panic (and when i mean panic, i have had panic attacks due to this, mostly anxiety attacks now) This situation makes me wonder if i have some kind of disorder affiliated with anxiety or anxiety is just being manifested because of the mucus. My anxiety only seems to go away if i vomit, and i usually do end up vomiting due to the gagging. Usually during the evining hours the mucus tends to flow constantly from the post nasal area.
When i take deep relaxing breaths i can feel stomach muscles below my rib cage tense up and release, but i am not sure if it is my stomach muscles or posibly acid relfux. It feels as if something at the bottom of my esophegous is contracting and releasing, or rising and falling, every time i take deep breaths. Only when i take deep breaths does it seem that my stomach relaxes fully, but goes back to tense almost imidiatly. When the gagging and gastro problem combind together it makes me not want to live.I am 20 years old and have given up smoking about a month ago.Underweight due to prob
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This is an interesting story. I am an MD and as I hear your story, two things spring to mind. One, you've got something going on in your sinuses. Two, you've got something going on in your stomach.

Let's start with the second one. You're on an acid-medication, (Prolosec) so that should be controlling things; if it isn't, I would test you (via bloodwork) for H. Pylori, the bacteria that causes (almost all) stomach ulcers (no, they aren't caused by stress, as most people still think). If that's been done and is negative, then I would ask someone to scope me to see the state of my esophagus and see if there were any actual erosions present, or to see if I possibly had a hiatus hernia contributing to the problem.

The first problem's the more pressing one, especially as it actually could be the cause of the second. Clearly, you have a sinus problem - with the little I know I would say you likely have chronic sinusitis, even if the CT scan didn't show it. Many people are prone to recurrent, chronic sinusitis and the same unlucky people get it over and over again - it is probably some combination of them producing extra-thick mucous and having slightly smaller "exits" from the sinuses which causes things to get stuck. It must be a combination, though, because "sinus surgery" to enlarge these openings rarely seems to solve things on its own.

Sinusitis can be resistant to antibiotics, and sometimes there can be congestion without an infection even being present. So you need to concentrate on getting that congestion down. We already know you have allergies, so first thing I'd do is get on a regular anti-histamine (even if it hasn't worked before). Then, I would be taking a nasal decongestant (I'm from Canada and not sure what's available in the US), and would inhale some steam each night before bed. Then, stick on a Breathe-Rite nasal strip before bed and get a humidifier going in the bedroom. Stay very hydrated because hacking-up anything 50x a day is going to make you dry, and consider trying some Omega-3 capsules, which supposedly work well for chronic inflammation. None of this is medical advice, per se - it's just what I might try in your shoes.

If ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE is smoking in the house, or anywhere near you, this will all be for nothing. People with allergies who smoke, or live or work with smokers are in for a world of misery, and there's no help for that but avoiding it. You say you smoked up until 2008 (it has only been 2008 for 4 weeks!) so you REALLY need to consider this as the main cause. I am AMAZED when smokers look for "other causes" for their chronic nasal, throat or chest symptoms, as though inhaling smoke all day couldn't be cause-enough!

Interestingly, I recently had TWO patients with chronic sinusitis (one on disability) who experienced dramatic remissions (in DAYS) when they stopped drinking red wine. Don't ask me why - just try it. Foods are well-known triggers for sinusitis; it doesn't necessarily mean you're allergic to them, just that they trigger mucous build-up. Milk, cheese and bananas are known culprits, but it could be any food.

You may notice things start to settle now that you're not smoking. If they persist, consider whether something in your environment (other smokers, a triggering food, a pet, even the air where you work) could be exacerbating things. I would definitely refer you to an allergist for testing - most people are surprised by what they're allergic to (I discovered I have a severe allergy to hogs - who knew?!).

I really do think your sinuses are the main culprit here. The swollen glands, the post-nasal drip, the hacking-up 50x a day, the burning in your throat, the sinus pressure - these can all be explained by a chronic sinus problem. I wouldn't focus too much on the dental work, the move, the stress, the anti-depressant or the new baby - I doubt these have much to do with the cause - the smoking, well, that's another story!

I also wouldn't be so sure that everyone here is describing the same disorder. While it's helpful to share anecdotes, I find most people on these sites help in this way, "Yeah, I know what you mean, here's my story..." which really is no help at all (except perhaps to them).

Please stay off the cigarettes - it's the single best thing you could ever do for yourself - and give your sinuses a decent chance to recover from what has probably been many years of daily smoking. Visit an allergist and try the suggestions above, together and for at least 2 weeks to see if they help. Chronic problems often require some detective work, but if you keep at it, you'll eventually sort it out.

Best of luck!

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I have been reading so many forums about this "unknown" thing we all seem to have.  Not all the sypthoms are the same, but instead of me saying, "yes, that is what I have have, fix me."  Apparently no one know a cure.  I have had this since 2005, but the things I did around the same are as follows:  Wisdom Teeth Pulled, New Baby (more stress), moved 2 years prior (to CA), Other dental work, and son broke my nose (slightly), was also on Anti-depressant, AND I DID SMOKE UP TILL 2008.

I am just wondering maybe someone had the same kinds of things or thing that occurred in their life.

I guess I will explain why experience just in case you were wondering.

June- 2005
- I had a lot to teeth work done.
- My nose was broken late 2004/early 2005
- I took an acid based muscle enhancer in Aug 2005 (after I already had post nasal drip)

Since this time I have seen 3 different doctors and an ENT.
I have had a cat scan of my sinus and only confirms the air isn’t getting to one side.  Also, ENT stated 2 things. “Your sinus is only slightly deviated, he doesn’t see that is the case of the problem.”  “Whatever it is, it isn’t doing any long term damage, it is just an annoyance.” (2005-2006)

I also had a chest x-ray, and was confirmed that isn’t the problem. (2006)

In that time, I have had swollen tonsils from 3-6 recurring.  At the present time, it takes more then one antibiotic to work. (2005-2007)

I have swollen glands daily.
I have a burning in my throat daily.
It gets worse with “anything” I eat or drink (including water).
I get sinus pressure almost daily, and it is my hearing seems cloudy just the same.
It seems like it is hard to keep focus.
(Describe post-nasal)

When I have to swallow any mucus I have burning down my rib cage, as well with my stomach.   (Also, anything else)

I have recently been depressed only because I don’t know what is going on with my body, and the 4 doctors I have seen can’t tell me what is wrong, and refuse to test me for anything further.

Cultures come back saying it is from my stomach, but no further testing was done.

I have been on
Levaquin 500mg (didn’t work) 2007
Fluticasome Nasal sp (didn’t help) 2007
Pseudovent 120-400 mg 2007
Amox-Clav 875 mg (didn’t help) 2007
Hydroxyzine 25 mg 2006
Rhinocourt 2006
Amox – 2005
Prolosec – OTC
Sudefed (sp) – OTC
Clariton – OTC
Ocean – OTC
Nasal Cleansing remedies – Kosher salt, etc.
Ear Candles – OTC

(Do not have all records)

Since 2005, I have had post-nasal drip and on a good day only have to “hack up” snot about 30-50 times daily.
On a bad day it is anywhere from 80-100 times a day.
It is worse with I am sick, it is worse during allergy season, but I am at the point where I feel like it is affecting me worse.  This is embarrassing, it affects my job, my friends, my teeth, and maybe other medical issues.

Please help me find the source.  At this point, I don’t care where/what it is.  I can’t live like this any more, I am only 26 years old.  


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I feel bad for all of you!
Try a neti-pot, it's positive results on post nasal drip are well documented. Hope it helps!
(Neti-pot is an ayurvedic system of saline sinus irrigation. )
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I guess I'll jump into this conversation as I can relate to much of what is said here.

To give a brief overview of my situation - I've battled with heartburn, GERD, PND and anxiety for about 15+ years.  Not all at the same time, until recently.  I've noticed that one thing led to another.  

I saw an allergist about 8 years ago and he gave me Guaifenesin - telling me it will unclog my head and help with the PND.  Sure enough, it drained every bit of junk that had been stuck in my sinuses for years.  I continued taking it and soon noticed that my anxiety went away as did my PND and heartburn issues.  Hmmm, coincidence?  I believe not.  For years I've said that anxiety is tied to PND and my friends and doc have said no.  Sorry, I believe otherwise.

I stopped taking the Mucinex for a while and now I'm once again battling the PND, heartburn, what feels like GERD but could be PND, sour stomach/unwell feeling, and anxiety.  My anxiety is brought on when I get that little burn in my throat if I'm stressed or in a situation where I feel like I can't easily get away from (ie. dentist).  I also have a problem eating with other people because I get this feeling, don't feel well, can't eat and then I sit there and have to make excuses of why I'm not eating.  I'm trying some techniques to overcome it which are working but I need to continue to work at them to get a handle on it.

I'm recovering from a head cold that brought along some more PND and chest congestion so that turned up my symptoms a notch and for the past week I've been dealing with waking in the middle of the night feeling just this sick feeling and a burn in my throat - all thanks to the damn PND.

I think what I have to do is get back on the Mucinex and also get the soda out of my diet.  I drink 1 soda per day (16oz) and I don't think that's helping due to the caffiene, carbonation and acid.  I've felt bloated, gassy and just gross feeling the past few days and I can only assume it's a combination of the mucus in my stomach, the PND and the soda.  So in a way I'm setting myself up.  :(
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I want to say that being "weak" and talking about my "problems" is very difficult. I fear the call of "hypochnadriac." I haven't worked since my  "mental breakdown" in 93. Tried briefly. But all of you who are working still? That is pretty impressive. By the way i picked up a multiple vitamin with a good amount of magnesium and zinc (because of reading these blogs) and  I could have shopped around more, but supposedly, supposedly, multiples are are more useful than some of us thought at one time. And the head injury, it seems to be quite prevalent, or something that never seemed like such a big deal. Falling on ice or slippery tiles....My brother and I were
talking about depression (that contains anxiety) and how a large percentage of the heart muscle is actually neural. And last week I see this link about anxiety and heart disease. Well, i can believe that anxiety can worsen the condition of a heart but how about a heart condition that worsens the condition of anxiety? Maybe, and probably congenital. I don't see an awful lot linear truths here and isn't that just as well? And the heart burn that was quite bad yesterday with minimal blood in my urine today... i know that pork is terrible for me and I have been careless about it. One holiday 25 years ago  i had bloody bowels and our cat had a fit--like heart burn, my one brother had been feeding him a lot of that good ol' ham. Yes, pork and coffee....
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First of all, to William and the other lovely people that have expressed an ambivalence, or even longing for, death: Please don't let yourselves go! Look at this blog, we're all here with the same symptoms, and all caring about each other.

It seems absolutely clear that depression and anxiety are just as constant as the mucus! Why don't we all try the magnesium and zinc that was so kindly suggested.

I've had depression all my life (even though I'm only 24). I just started working on it (again) this time with a hypnotherapist. She said since I'm in a "safe place" now with a fiance, I'm starting to see the physical consequences of trying to survive and thus holding my healthy mental development back- I'm getting aches and pains everywhere, itching, mucus coming down my nose just barely so I can't swallow it or blow it out, chronic sinus congestion, anxiety that I think every other minute something terrible will happen. I only gag after I brush my teeth, when I have to brush my tongue with the toothbrush. It's not related to the mucus. I'm using Mucinex (since the congestion got worse because of a bad cold) and it's finally thinned out the mucus enough (after a week taking the medicine) for it to actually drip down my nose.

I just think we all need to try to have better outlooks. I'm going to talk to hypno about trying to get over the "sick mentality", and going to try magnesium and zinc (thanks!), as well as TRY to tell myself I'm healthy (I have IBS, and heartburn alot, but heck I've got both arms and legs!) and nothing catastrophic will happen to me. (Still want to do allergy testing and wish I could have MRI cause I'm freaked I might have a tumour..........................)

Anyway, I just don't want anyone to lose hope. I know I do all the time, but I don't want anyone else to feel that way cause it's horrible. Let's all have hope for each other okay??
Love to all

p.s. Great webpage
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