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Should I continue pursuing thyroid diagnosis or go in another direction?

I honestly don't know where to start as my symptoms are seemingly all over the place. First, I will be 19 in just a few weeks and I am a natural worrier - I worry about a lot of things, even when there's no need. Not chronically, by no means. But, I do worry. I had my thyroid tested about a year and a half ago due to missing periods (3-4 months), being tired, etc., as I have a family history of thyroid problems. My doctor told me that as long as I wasn't pregnant, she wasn't worried about me missing periods since my CBC was fine and my thyroid levels were in the 'normal' range. She told me I was probably depressed - something that I'm pretty positive is not the case here. My periods started up again and were fairly regulated, so I kind of just chalked up my missed periods to me stressing out about my last year of high school, college plans, etc. However, being tired DID persist. I blamed that on my full days of school + the CNA program that I was in. Over the course of the past year I guess, me being tired all the time is growing more and more. Within the last month, I have begun having periods where I just get SO hot. Sometimes to the point where I feel like I'm having trouble breathing. When this happens, I can have fans blowing on me on the highest setting - I feel the air blowing on me, but it doesn't cool me down. The temperature is definitely an internal thing. I don't seem to sweat when this happens, but I'm also trying to wear the most lightweight clothing possible. Along with this, I'm having random chest pains throughout the day. Usually it is on the left side of my chest, I honestly don't know how to best describe this pain. Along with this, for several months now I have been experiencing mood swings. Sometimes, I will get so angry over the smallest thing and just freak out. (I'm a very sensitive person, so rage etc. is not like me at all). I am honestly embarrassed by the way that I act sometimes. And when I know something is getting to me, I try to keep from getting angry but for some reason I just can't control this. I also have times where my legs feel really weak and tired, or achey. Headaches are pretty persistent as well. I have also begun to have troubles with my periods again - only this time they are heavy and cause major cramping. I also am experiencing a bit of insomnia - I can be extremely tired, but just cannot sleep. When I do get to sleep, I do not wake up feeling rested and I seem to get my best sleep during the day time, from like early morning hours to about 12 pm.

I went to the doctor after I started overheating once my parents were sitting in a room with me and I could barely stand to just SIT there because I was so hot. After describing everything to the doctor, she said that it definitely sounded like a hormonal thing - and agreed that testing for hyperthyroidism was a good idea. She also referred me to a gynecologist, and prescribed a birth control pill as a way to try to regulate my periods and some of the moodiness. My CBC came back fine once again, and my thyroid results were fine. (TSH, T3, T4). However, my doctor came and felt my neck and said "oh yeah, your thyroids huge!" they scheduled an ultrasound of the area, and everything came back fine for that as well..?

I have encountered many, many people that have had their thyroid tested with 'normal' results, yet it turns out through further testing or other ways, they are finally diagnosed. I have been really thinking that my problem was due to my thyroid, but I honestly just don't know what to think anymore. The doctor referred me to an endocrinologist, but couldn't get me in anywhere until the end of August. I DO have an appt at the regular doctor in a few weeks to see if my levels have changed enough for them to speed up my appt there.

I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has anything that just sticks out at them - some place I should start. I don't know if all of my symptoms are related or if there are other things.

This may not be needed, but I was diagnosed with acid reflux when I was younger. While I do struggle sometimes with this, it is nowhere near as bad as it could be. My main issues are usually nausea, but there aren't any specific foods that I can really tell trigger anything for me. I had a really hard time back when I was diagnosed with this - no doctors could figure out what it was...I'm remembering this experience now and I'm beginning to worry that this is going to go on and on and I'm going to have a really difficult time finding out what's going on now.

I have read many places that anxiety can cause the weird feeling in the arm - I don't feel anxious when this is happening, though. I mentioned it to my parents, and they suggest carpal tunnel.

I know that I need to go back to the doctor and really try and figure this out. I'm just feeling really bummed and since there are so many possibilities, I'm feeling pretty helpless as to where I should begin.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry this is so long and scattered!
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I'm sorry to hear that you were feeling yucky!

So, no depression! But they do feel that I'm anxious.. which, I really am when I get worked up about something. But for some reason, I don't think that is entirely what's going on here. She did prescribe something for when I'm feeling kind of anxious.. however, it makes me sleepy! (which I certainly need NO help with)

I have an appointment with an endocrinologist but the doctor I saw really doesn't seem to think that's going to do much good. So I'm really wondering if I should see a cardiologist. Hearing about your daughter really makes me wonder...

They switched my birth control pill to something much more consistent than what I was originally put on. It's been about 3 days now.. call me crazy, but I kind of feel like it has already made a bit of a different emotionally. I also don't think that my episodes of getting so incredibly hot are anywhere near as bad or as often!

Maybe I should switch back to the acidophilus. I just can't bring myself to take the stool softener every day - mixing it with drinks and all.

I'm having less chest pain as well. I think I went a day without any at all - but I did have a bit last night. I don't know whether to contribute that to the acid reflux or to something else. My arm tingly actually did go away for about a day as well. It was still sore, but not tingling. But today, it's back.

I'm also wondering.... maybe I have a sleeping disorder of some sort. I don't really have trouble getting to sleep, maybe you wouldn't even consider it trouble staying asleep. But I do think that I'm a pretty restless sleeper. I wake up a lot trying to get in a comfortable position, and I'm always so tired when I do wake up. I'm wondering if something about the way I sleep is putting a strain on my spinal column or something? May be far fetched, but I think that that could explain the arm pain.

And back to what you said, zinc huh? I've never heard of that! I'm using the clinique acne solutions line (except for the wash - I use a neutrogena wash) and it has definitely helped but I'm kind of feeling like I usually do - like I've gotten to a standstill. It worked for a while but I've kind of reached a stopping point. I do need to give the birth control a chance to kick in and hopefully make a difference! Right now, I'm taking biotin (which I have taken for a while now, don't think it makes a huge difference) as well as fish oil. I've head a lot about fish oil helping to clear up skin, so I started taking that to see if it'd make a difference. How much zinc would you recommend?

Thank you so much for taking your time to talk about this with me. It truly means the world to me! You are so sweet and I'm very thankful that you are taking your time to discuss this and suggest things and tell me about yourself! :)
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     How frustrating for you!  Doctors don't know everything and if the Acidophilus was working for you take it!  I take 4 Billion active cultures and I give our cat 1 million.  I take so many because I don't know how long the bottle has been sitting on the shelf before I buy it.  So some of the good bacteria die and we need more than "prescribed".     Probiotics are always a good idea, they not only prevent fungal infections, but sometimes they can cure it.  Whenever we take antibiotics, we need more probiotics than ever before as the antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria along with the bad.

As for the cat, he was on laxatives and hated it - I had to catch him to force it down his throat!  Now I just put some powdered Acidolphilus in his food and he loves it!  No more laxatives and he "goes" just fine.   Probiotics DO regulate you... and do a better job than taking a stool softener. And if it stops your pre-menstrual itching, so much the better!!  Good for you!

As for the acne, I am a firm believer in Zinc.  I had a friend who was getting married a month later and had terrible acne.  I recommended Zinc to her and although she was insulted and offended, she tried it.  She was acne free on her wedding day and thanked me so much... LOL    (My second husband also had terrible acne and I gave him Zinc - cleared it right up.)

        I think I would ask the doctor for a print out of my EKG and take it to a cardiologist to let him determine if medication is necessary.    If your heart is okay, we can celebrate... if not, at least you can start taking care of it now.    My youngest daughter was put on Lopressor when she was 5 or 6 ... she outgrew her heart "problem" and is fine now.  Just saying....

           thanks to your Mom and Dad for being so understanding of you - really.  

         i took another Evista last night and am feeling puny... yucky actually.  

       Please take care and thank you for updating me.  I truly do care and apparently so do your parents!  <3
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They actually checked my orthstatic blood pressure/pulse again yesterday and she said that to her, the difference really isn't enough to make her feel like it is something that we should pursue.

I'm really wondering if I need to see a cardiologist, though... Even though the EKG there was normal. If there's something going on with my heart, it's certainly possible that that is what's causing the fatigue. I truly think it's hormonal - worsening acne along my jawline, these temperature irregularities... I just don't know, since all of the testing they have done so far has come back normal.

As for the leg pain, I had something going on that we thought was nerve related a few years back. Doctors never figured it out - even went to physical therapy. I got to the point where I knew it just wasn't doing it for me, so I stopped going. It has given me problems off and on ever since, but I learned to live with it. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with my legs bothering me, possibly along with a poor circulation issue? And maybe other pains can be attributed to the fact that I'm really not active anymore.

And certainly my moods could be affected with my heart rate being irregular.. I don't know, I just feel like we're missing something.

Something else kind of strange (sorry, kind of TMI) -- the end of April, right after my period I thought that I had a yeast infection. I have never been formally diagnosed with one, but my mom got me the monistat 1 day treatment. I treated myself before bedtime and within a few hours, I woke up because I was extremely itchy and it burned. I finally got back to sleep, and within a day or two I was no longer itchy. The next month, the same thing happened - but right BEFORE my period this time. I had read about a girl that swore by lots of acidophilus as a yeast infection cure. I took 3 daily for a few days, along with topical itch creams... and the itchiness was gone! Within a week or so, I decided that taking the acidophilus would be a good idea to try and regulate my bowel movements. Soooo... I started taking one daily. This was June. And you know what? NO ITCHINESS BEFORE PERIOD! (I didn't even think about it then, though!)

Probably about 3 weeks ago now, I visited the dr that is now discussing depression. She told me that while it wouldn't hurt, she really didn't think the acidophilus would help regulate me. I stopped taking it, and surely enough.. right before my period this time, I got itchy.

I know that many times, women can get itchy before/after periods because of the changing hormones.. I wonder if all of this is related to all of the other things going on though? The temperature irregularities and such.
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PS  Was thinking about the Tachycardia - maybe that's what makes you feel so warm... it can't be "relaxing" to have your heart beat so fast...  Didn't the doctors put you on any medication to slow down your heartbeat?  Or do they figure it's okay for you?  Just wondering.
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         You touched my heart!  <3  I hope the new birth control pills really help.  Be sure to give yourself at least 3 months to adjust to them.  Each kind is formulated just a little different because all women are not created equal!  Ha ha... We are equal, just not the same..

I do hope that it is just a hormone issue - and I sincerely hope the Previcid works for you.  Eating pickles and sauerkraut also helps with acid reflux - believe it or not.  Hope you get it under control soon.  It is so frustrating to belch and have the pain follow it!  

           I feel for you... Best wishes
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Wow, that sure sounds like a lot going on for you as well! I've read a lot about the hiatal hernias and know they can cause a lot of problems.

I don't blame you for not taking something your body doesn't agree with - I wouldn't want to either!

I hope everything works out - let me know how all of this goes.

The doctor ended up not prescribing anything today except for prevacid to help with the acid reflux. She's supposed to consult with the gynecologist and then go from there - mentioned switching me to another birth control pill to see if that helps in any way.

And you're right - that is how I want to be. That's how I've always been, so it's really hard adjusting to this new person.
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