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500 Cal diet w/HCG verses 500 Cal diet without

Since I've been on both diets:  500 cal without HCG and 500 cal with HGC, thought I'd relate my experiences for those Naysayers who keep saying 'Anyone can lose on a 500 calorie diet, HCG is useless'.  No one disagrees that you can lose on a 500 cal diet with ow without HCG, but you have to look at the whole picture. How do you feel on the diet?  Can you stick with the diet?  Can you maintain your weight afterwards?

3 months ago, before I heard about HCG I attempted a 500 Calorie diet to reduce the affects of RA(Rhuematoid Arthritis). Actually I wanted to FAST because having been under a 14 day medically supervised fast (water only) 3 years ago, I knew what miraculous results I got. I was close to wheelchair bound when I checked in, but came out 24 days later with no Arthritis symptoms at all (and I lost 16 lbs).  I couldn't Fast this time because I couldn't take off work, so I opted to do a 500 Calorie diet so I could still go to work.

500 Cal diet, NO HCG:  I originally intended to do this diet for 14+ days, however I was so miserable I didn't last but 7 days even though I was highly motivated. I was having another severe episode from my RA and needed relief.  Losing weight was only a secondary reason for the diet.  I was hungry all the time and it was extremely difficult to stay on the diet.  After work I would go home and crash on the sofa from exhaustion. I started cheating a little on the 5th day and by the 7th day I made the decision I could not do this diet any longer!  I only lost 3.3 lbs during that time.  My food composition was very similar to what I'm eating now, but I had more veggies and fruits to choose from.  I gained those 3.3 lbs back plus 2.5 more after I came off the diet.

500 Cal diet with HCG/Simeon Plan.  This is my 7th day on the HCG/Simeon diet so I figured it would be a good time to compare them (since I made it 1 week on the non-HCG plan).  I have felt very well the entire 7 days, no hunger pangs until the end of the day when I took no shot (yesterday). I am not miserable like I was on the diet w/out HCG.  I have lost 5 lbs (net), even with the 2 loading days, and I'm pretty excited about how this is going.  I haven't had any inclination to stop, whereas on the non-HCG diet I couldn't stand it any longer by the 7th day. I do have some loss of energy, but not as bad as when I was on the non-hcg plan.

Summary: In my opinion the 500 Cal diet with HCG has so many benefits over doing the diet without HCG! (feeling of well-being, no hunger pangs, not miserable).  In fact, I got some added benefits on the HCG diet. The swelling in my ankles, knees, and elbows went down drastically by the 3rd day on HCG. It didn't go down at all on the non-HCG diet and it took 10 days fasting before the swelling went down 3 yrs ago.  Another benefit I experienced on HCG: I quit coughing.  After months and months of 'fuzzy irriated throat' and coughing, It just stopped after the 2nd day on HCG shots!

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I, like so many of you, have tried to lose weight on several different diets, including the "healthy way of eating right and exercising". Yes, some weight comes off, but inevitably comes back as soon as I go back to my old ways.  I started the Mediral HCG homeopathic drops back in February '10, I was only strict with myself the first two weeks and lost about 12lbs, after that I cheated here and there and still lost a total of 17lbs, it just took longer. I rode bicycle for exercise but not daily.
For those that have questions, read the entire protocal by Dr. Simeon (easily found online). It says that HCG causes the body to access "abnormal" fat, which is fat that we have gained and is not suppose to be on our bodies, this is where the extra calories your body needs to exist and shed come from. Interesting thing I would like to point out.... I did not lose hardly anything from my breast area, which is usually one of the first places to go (sadly), at least for me.

I have allowed myself to eat junk all summer and have gained back about 13 lbs and am therefore starting another round of HCG tomorrow and plan to keep it off this time.  I really enjoyed getting into clothes I haven't been able to wear in a few years.
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i am on the 5th week and was always hungry. i would cheat  very little then if i did cheat i would  just add an extra apple. i was always hungry and the wieght loss said somthing is going wrong and wants me to stop the hcg and maintain the weight i have lost. i lost 20 lbs so far. then after 2 weeks of maintance i will restart the hcg and try again. so far i have never been burning fat as i was supposed to. maybe when i restart it will actually work. good luck to you also.  just hang in there.
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This is straight emperical observation--using myself as a guinea pig.  I started the hcg diet @ 201 lbs, March. I stayed on it for about 4-5 weeks (cheated a couple of times) and lost a little more than 20 lbs (ending at 179 lbs).  I did not follow the maintenance protocol and in two months, I had gained 10 lbs back.  I did another round for 4 weeks starting at 190 and ended at 172 lbs in middle of June.  This time, I followed the stabilizing/maintence to the letter, and today (6 weeks later) I weighed in this morning @ 171.8.  Changed the way I think about food and is eating healthier (really haven't started exercising, yet... but I intend to).   You can follow my daily journey from start to now at:  


But, now I am curious...did I lose because of the hcg or the 500-cal diet. Sooo, I am going to try an experiment.  Begining in September, I am going to try the "hcg" protocol (loading days, very specific 500-cal diet)--but without the hcg.  I am a believer that I can "re-train" your appetite (it happened with me), and I am as pleased as a Junebug in a watermelon patch with the results; I am just not convinced that it is due to the hcg injections.

Having said that, I have had NO ill affects from the injections (other than the cost).  I was hungry the first week, but the 2nd week it subsided.  I don't crave carbs (sugar, bread,...) and when I do want someting sweet, I actually desire fruit over cake.  

Check out my blog in September to follow my attempt to do it WITHOUT the hcg.  And I will check back here in October (right before the holidays) and let  you all know how it went.
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Hello i am 21. 5'2 and i started at 136lbs. Before i got on the HCG diet i was extremely hypoglycemic. I was nervous to try the diet because of this, but told myself if i couldn't do it i just couldn't do it,

So i started. First two day i gorged on my favorite foods! EASY.

Now on the diet. I was completely surprised when i was NOT hungry at all.NOT shaky(which is rare on a normal day) I have steadily lost a POUND every day! I am NOT hungry, actually i barley have an appetite!

My mom and sister both did it and both lost over 20lbs. They are off of it now and still losing!

FACTS: >HCG is the hormone produced when your pregnant, which supplies your body with over 2500 calories a day! Meaning you are tricking your body into supplying you with all the nutrient you would ever need!
>This diet WILL work BUT if you continue to eat by your regular habits when you are on the maintenance part you will gain the weight back(as with any diet)
>This diet is YES to lose weight but most importantly to change the way you eat. So you crave salad and not pizza or an orange instead of a brownie.

The only people who i've ever heard bashing on this diet have NEVER tried it and stuck to it! it is NOT a starving diet but a way of life!
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Kathlean, You sound like you are doing it right. keep up the good work and good habit! sashman these people aren't "claiming," they are actually losing it and you are right, a pound a day is not necessarily a pound of fat a day. But it is mostly fat and for many, it is all fat. This is not a linear thing. The average patient loses about 1/2 pound a day overall. To get into the physiology of this would take pages of explanation. But it works and body fat analysis and metabolism studies using Bod Pod and water tank analysis shows it just plain works. But only IF it is followed strictly. Yes, there can be muscle loss but that is minimized and even eliminated with exercise. Yes, you can exercise on the protocol. As I have always maintained, this MUST be done under physician supervision.
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Read Pounds and Inches by Dr. Simeon- he's the one that developed the HCG Protocol.  I'm on my first round of HCG, and currently in P3- that's where you maintain the weight you've lost for 3 weeks while staying away from starches and sugars.  In 23 days on the HCG shots I lost a little over 23 pounds and almost 24 inches from my body.  My BMI dropped by 3.22.  I still have a long way to go, but I believe in the HCG protocol.  

My good friend, who like me is obese, has so far dropped over 100 pounds since January (partly through the HCG and then continuing to lose during p3 and p4).  I know HCG works because in the short time I've been on this protocol I've already changed my eating habits.  I gave up soda, and I no longer obsess about food.  I eat for energy and fuel, not just because I like the taste of something.  I haven't once had acid reflux since starting in early June, and I used to get it at least once a week.  I feel better, I feel empowered and for once I'm really watching what I eat and knowing I can keep on eating healthy once I lose the weight.  
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