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Bypass 2 SlimBall

I was wondering if anyone has ordered and received the bypass2 slimball and if it seems to be working? I am very interested in it but scared to spend that much money if it doesn't work.
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I ordered the Slim ball 2 and I am here to say it does work, I started a week ago wednesday and have lost 5 lbs, now what it seem to do for me is fill me up enough to eat low calories, so what I have done is intertwined these with weight watchers, with these Slim Balls I can stick to my 30 pts. easy, I started at 255 lbs on 9-10-08 so we will see what I weight this comming wednesday, I weight once a week. I think these are great, the only problem I see is that I have to make myself drink water, I just don't seem to be thirsty on these pills. I know the add read 7 or 14 lbs in a week, but I'm still happy with 5, I was considering a bypass or the band, but even if I have to take these for a year, $1000 is cheeper then the surgery. I'll keep you all updated, plus the paper I recived said free 30 day trial, so if I don't lose 30 lbs I'll send them back. Thanks bye for now.
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I actually got this info on the slimball about a month or so ago and just opened it yesterday when going through an old stack of mail.   I was amazed at the results on the paper and even told my husband about it (and I dont tello him much unless I am REALLY thinking about purchasing something!)  He told me that I am too easily fooled and should read about it! Boy am I glad I did!!  I am not going to waste my money on this ****.  Thank all of you for posting your problems with these idiots!  Good luck in your weight loss search and I hope all of you who bought this product get your money back!
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so after 8 weeks after canceling i finally got my money back, it came as a check that was through some bank in canada.  i cashed it and am holding the money until my bank says that the check has cleared, because i eas a little worried about that.  anyway i hope that everything clears and i can be done with that stupid company.  I hope no one else orders this product.  if you are looking for something similar i heard of one called the "fill pill" on the news. and it says that it has worked for people. and it is a legitimate company with real studies, and safe ingrediants.
good luck
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hey guys . I ordered the slim balls and I should be geting them soon . I need to loose about 30+ lbs  and am diabetic.  I ordered even though there are alot of bad posts on here but the way I see it is, people are more likly to rite about somthing thats bad then they are good experences. besides I'm sure that  the people that it did work for... if it did .. are to busy buying smaller clothes  to wright on this.  so I'm going to give it a try for my self and let you all know what happens.  I'll keep you all posted!
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I am so glad that each of you took time to post.  I was considering this product.  It did sound too good to be true. Like everyone else I wanted a quick fix.  I have been considering gastric bypass surgery for the past 6 months.  I have gone through most of the classes and requirements by my health insurance.  But after long thought the surgery scares the h*** out of me.  
I have a LOT of weight to lose.  I guess this will be my alternative.  Thanks for the post.  Good luck on trying another alternative to this SCAM.
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Like all the others who have posted,I too received the "information" package today, 8/29. #1) NO WEBSITE..red flag #1...#2) It was sent to my DOG.."Missie" !!!!  Must have entered a contest or something, because I ALWAYS use her [Precious] name to designate between REAL and "fake". Yes, they sent it to my Precious 13 year old !!! Tri-colored Pomeranian.  It SOUNDS too good to be true, and it is ! Folkes, I am a Retired Banking Vice President, and have seen [I thought] EVERY scam coming down the Pike until this. THEY ARE "SLICK WILLIES" for sure :{  Cannot figure out WHERE they got her name...all of the [allegedly] SECURE websites who "don't sell their lists" obviously DO ! We ALL want to lose so BADLY...we are "prey" to almost
anything. ** Want something that DOES work ?? I found an article on Johns Hopkins and Walter Reed studies which TRIED AND TRUE have the 10 foods to eat EVERY DAY: Mushrooms, Garlic, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, tofu,KALE, beans,and I forget the other 2. Yes, it has taken me 6-7 months, but I have lost 32# and KEEPING IT OFF, and still losing!  I am DISABLED..with problems you cannot imagine..but I SWEAR to you this change of lifestyle has given me MORE energy and "get up and go" than I have had since my husband DIED..can't believe it's been FOUR years already this 12/15. Seems like yesterday; and at the same time a million years ago....Let's face it Ladies [and gents] there is NO "magic bullet", except they ARE now doing Gastric bypass lapriscopically !!!! So its non-invasive, except for 2 teensy holes where they go in. Soon as my Medicare is viable (June 2009) I am having that, so I can continue [trying] to get back to "myself".


Good Luck to everyone out there ! And, guess what...One of my brother's BEST friends is the HEAD of "Security" [Scams and such]
of the FTC !!!! No lie. He is being sent the "stuff" I received, so hopefully those *&&^%&^% can be CLOSED DOWN !!!!  There is HOPE !!!

rocky racoon
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