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I could easily get a prescription for Topamax as I have migraines and my doc and I talked about it at our last visit.  I would also LOVE the weight loss side effect.  Anyone that has or is taking Topamax - does it make you feel nervous?  Does it make your heart beat faster and/or palpitations?  I have anxiety so I can't use it if it will make me more nervous.  Anybody have bad side effects from Topamax?
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DO NOT take Topamax. It can cause permanent brain damage, and it would be stupid to take it for weight loss- I didn't lose any weight while taking it. While it seemed like a miracle drug (it stopped my chronic vertigo from my migraines), after about a year and a half of taking 50mg (which is considered a low dose), I began turning into a vegetable...I developed a severe studder and my mind was a blank slate- I couldn't have a simple conversation; I felt tired, like my body was shutting down. After gradually stopping it (if you stop it suddenly you can have a seizure, and you have horrible tingling and spaciness when starting and stopping it), those symptoms all went away, thank God; but my memory does seem to be worse since then.

Neuros hand it out like candy now- a doc gave put my friend on 150mg because her head hurt when she ran (which is most likely congestion). During the year or so that I was taking it they added about three warnings to the Topamax label, including one for brain damage. I later saw a neuro who denied that the Topamax could cause the symptoms I have, because it's "not documented"...but if you search the net, many people complain of and many docs warn against such severe side effects.

If you want to lessen migraines, go an organic diet and get rid of sodas and other triggers- most migraineurs are heavily affected by trigger foods. And if you want to lose weight, start an exercise program, not a drug regimen.
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I am just taking myself off Topamax after 10 months. I have been to the doctors and had bloodwork ran more than once because of the way I have felt. I wake up feeling like I havent gotten enough rest more days than not. I feel drained...tired all the time, weak. I was sure something was wrong with me. The doctor told me my results were fine. I even asked if it could be the Topamax, he said no. I have also experienced a great amount of hair loss. After researching Topamax on the internet...website after website, I found out there are MANY people experiencing the same thing. I am absolutly convinced it is this medication. I am cutting down from 100mg to 50mg, then off it completly in hope after time I will become my normal self again.
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I was on topomax. I had to stop taking it. My face ,hands,and feet felt like something was on them all the time. My Doc. did not know what was wrong with me. I went to all kids of docs. and one told me it was the tomopmax. I stoped it cold turkey.That they say you are not to do. But I did and now all the side effects I was having sre starting to go away.As far as weight loss I had none. Everyone was saying tingling in hands and feet. Mine was more like a numness.
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i am also new to taking topamax i just started taking 100mg this week i have a 10 lb weight loss in 10 days so far it is helping me with my migraines ,it seems to be helping me cope and get out of whatever depression i was in anybody have any suggestions ??
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When I went to my doctor, he also didn't know about the tingling in the hands and feet.  He did some research on it and then realized it was the medication.  I can deal with that issue ok.  My biggest problem with the medication is being so tired and run down and the weight loss.  After this weekend, I weighed this morning, I'm now down to 99 pounds.  I'm 5'4, so I'm looking pretty bad at this point.  My husband is starting to complain, as well as everyone else around me.  

I also take tramadol once a day.  It gives me enough energy to make it through my work day.  I really don't like taking pain pills, even though this one is non-narcotic, because I'm afraid of getting addicted to them.  I have to do something because the topomax makes me so tired I can hardly stay awake without something else.  I don't feel like doing anything.  All I want to do is sleep and be grouchy :)

One good thing is I don't have half the problems you do though.  I hope you get to feeling better and get your problems under control.

Good Luck!!
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I take Topomax. I didn't realize that was what was making my hands and feet tingle.
Glad I found this site. My doctors didn't know it either. Now I can tell them. I have had
Xrays and blood tests. I am on 400mgs. I have had migranes since 1983. Topomax and Botox is the only thing that works for me. I will put up with the tingle. I also have
fibromyalgia. No thyroid. Breast Cancer. You name I have it. I have Shingles again right now also. The good side affect is the weight loss. I have trouble sleeping so that is another reason they put me on it. Plus Rozerem. I used to take Flexeril and it made me gain weight. Good luck, As long as I know what is making my hands and feet tingle I can hadle it. They gave me something for the pain but it made me to tired and gain weight.
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