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Hey Guys, Ok i know i may seam really weird but im 19 im 13 weeks pregnant and well i was all set to go have an abortion today i had the mifipristone ?? i think it was called tablet but when i got home i threw up although this was about 20-30 mins after taking the tablet and only a little bit came up .. I kinda sat and thought about it all . I didnt want the abortion in the first place. Is there any chance the tablet wouldnt work ?? or any way i can reverse it im supposed to go back tot the hospital on friday so 48 hours but i havnt experienced any cramping pains or bleeding and its almost  4 hours after i took the tablet ? any help would be greatfull guys xxx
33 Responses
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How horrific. This type of abortion is illegal in Australila. And now I know why. All terminations are surgical and performed under general anaesthetic in a hospital or specialist clinic. Counselling is also available before and after to make sure the choice was right for the individual.
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I am so sorry for all you've been through.  We're here if u need anything.  Please talk to someone m, good luck u WILL get through this
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There is hope after abortion. Please visit

You're going to need help after this ordeal and it's okay to accept that help.
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Oh sweetie, I am so sorry that you are going through this pain! I agree with Cassandrajane, please find someone to reach out to. You need support at this time. No matter the circumstances, you have experienced a loss plain and simple and you will go through the grieving process. Sometimes we need help to grieve. I wish you all the best!
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Im sorry... It was your choice in the first place... Im sorry you are going thru this, and thats something you'll really need to talk about next time around. God Bless You.
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1303813 tn?1303159362
I still have nightmares too.... And mine was a yyear ago. I was 22 weeks... But I was SOOO ill... mine was done for medical reasons!

PLEASE get emotional help!! From the doc!! Where did you have it done?? At a hosp or Marie stopes?...

Go to your doc... if not, I have a number or can get you one for an Abortion Specialist... (Emotional help) depending on where in the UK you are....

I know EXACTLY what you'r going through, cause I have been there, I am always here!!!! :)

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1418198 tn?1483277496
I'm so sorry it was too late to save ur baby and also that u had to experience anything like that, this would be a learning lesson for women who are having unprotected sex and are using abortions as birth control...

As u stated Abortions should be for certain circumstances!!!!

Good Luck n well wishes n your endeavors:/)
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awwww ((((hugs))))

I am sorry to hear this..... its not your fault...God will see you through this....Just pray
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I was in a hospital and they didnt even give me any choice the baby had already died .. x unfortunatly i now have to deal with this as if i have lost my baby .. it was the worst experience of my life i actualy had to use a bed pan in a toilet everytime i had to wee.. I ended up seeing and feeling my baby it was a short time after the tablets where inserted my waters broke .. i obviously didnt know what was happening to me i felt like i had a huge wee.. then the bleeding started and shortly after id say about 20 mins the baby was coming from me i then had to call the nurse after seeing my baby lieing in a bed pan i feel like a murderer. I would never recommend any one have an abortion only in the right circumstances and make sure that they are in early pregnancy my baby would have fitted in the palm of my hand i could see its fingers and toes and ears.. It was scary i still have nightmares ... please girls be sure its what you want x thanks evryone for ur support i apreciate it
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1303813 tn?1303159362
did you explain that you didnt want to go through the abortion?? What clinic are you in???????
are you in the hosp or a marie stopes clinic??

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Hey guys update for you all I'm lieing on my hosp bed they gave me vaginal tablets to start my labour bye bye baby I guess x
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202436 tn?1326474333
Just FYI Rellyrell and Cassandrajane:  keep in mind you two are in two very different countries where things are done differently. Cassandra is in the UK as is the orignal poster.

KLOU247:  Good luck, I hope things turn out the way you want.  Try to take it easy and not overdo yourself until you can see a doctor.  You need to make sure the first pill has not affected teh baby befeore you determine whether or not to follow through.  Let us know.
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Right i think i may have confused you all .. Im having a medical abortion i took my first tablet yesterday which gave me sickness and diohrea (cant spell ) . I have to go back tomorrow which will be 48 hours later to have several vaginal tablets inserted .. OK as a update i slept ok last night woke with a major head ache! no cramping no pain no bleeding ? Ive tried ringing the hospital ward and i cant get thro .. i have to go back to work today again 2pm-10pm I may venture to A&E and tell them i cant keep any fluids down etc so they check me over after work because im feeling really faint x x just to let you guys know where im at .. Im in the uk also x
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1303813 tn?1303159362
The best thing she can do is go to the hospital! AND This information is of a US website and even that says only 2 pills for Pill abortions. Within 48 hours or it is basically dangerous to the mother as well as the baby.

She should still be in hosp anyways and the hospital she went to CAN get sued for what they have done! As they are not actually following the medical procedure correctly anyways!!! They have performed the wrong type of abortion and it can be dangerous!

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1418198 tn?1483277496
Yes u took the words out my mouth if she was over eight weeks she should have neva been given the pill it should have been surgical... But I'm in phila pa so it mayb different...
I'm really concerned with the health of her n the baby I wish it was more we could do or say:(:(
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1303813 tn?1303159362
Medical Abortion (brand name Mifeprex) is a form of early abortion caused by the combination of two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol that is an option for women who are 8 weeks pregnant or less. Also known as RU486 or medication abortion.

During the first appointment at the clinic you receive the mifepristone pill to take orally. Then 24 to 72 hours later, in the privacy of your own home, you take the the second medication, misoprostol. Misoprostol causes contractions resulting in a miscarriage. When used in combination, mifepristone and misoprostol are 95-97% effective within two weeks. Mifepristone and misoprostol are FDA approved.

You shouldnt of taken that pill as you are over 8 weeks.

What are the different methods for termination of pregnancy?
There are two commonly used methods.

1.An abortion pill. This is for pregnancies up to about nine weeks old and involves taking two drugs – called mifepristone and prostaglandin – 48 hours apart. These have the effect of causing the womb to contract and shed its lining so that the embryo is lost through the vagina. This can be painful and some women feel sick or have vomiting and diarrhoea with these drugs.

2.A surgical termination can be performed up to 13 weeks. This may be performed under local or a general anaesthetic. A sterile tube is introduced into the womb through the cervix. Suction is applied through the tube and the pregnancy terminated. Most women leave hospital on the same day. From 14 to 19 weeks the technique is slightly different in that it is known as a surgical dilation and evacuation where the neck of the womb is stretched open to allow forceps to remove the foetus.

3.A medical termination can be performed up to 24 weeks – though such late abortions are now very rare. This involves giving the patient a course of two different types of medicine. The first medicine (mifepristone) is taken by mouth at the hospital or clinic, with the woman returning 48 hours later. She will then be given a medicine called a prostaglandin, either by mouth or as a vaginal pessary. The termination usually occurs within 12 hours of this when the woman passes the pregnancy vaginally. Pain, is often experienced but pain relief will always be available. (Surgical termination is also occasionally performed at the 20-24 week stage although this is more complicated and requires a two-stage process. The first stage involves stopping the heart of the foetus and softening the neck of the womb, and the second stage occurs the next day by surgical evacuation.)
The type of termination a woman is offered will depend upon the length of her pregnancy, the facilities available and also her personal preference.

This might help alot better!!!

And sorry I had a medical abortion! as you are 13 weeks. You should be in hosp and have a surgical abortion, not the pill!!!

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1303813 tn?1303159362
Okay, I am sorry if I got it wrong then. Just didnt seem that way through 6 hours of being in that clinic whatching people going in an out... I never saw one of them take more than one pill. I saw about 15 -20 people have the same thing.... And th information leaflet said exactly what I stated with the pills!! Might be different in different places. I am from the UK you see.
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1418198 tn?1483277496
I interned at an ab clinic. Once you take the first pill it stops the growth of the baby with the other FOUR and it is FOUR pills u put them in the jaws of your mouth. But since you said u threw up within 30 minutes of taking them there is no certain way to tell wether or not it worked/didn't work unless u get to the doctors imediately.... I'm not a doctor but as I stated I nterned at an ab clinic so I do kno much about this.
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1303813 tn?1303159362
You get one pill then 48 hrs later you get another, You dont take four pills. NEVER!!!!!!!

from experience from an abortion and being in labour for 6 hours and seeing people come and go with the abortion pill. You start to bleed and have cramps within an hour. Thats a fact... And you NEVER take four pills. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to the hosp and say exactly what you just said to us, they might be able to save your baby.

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1418198 tn?1483277496
Talk to ur boss, tell him/her your not feeln well they should understand at least u came into work rather than calln put... But the longer you wait to get to the hospital the less they could probably do for u and ur child. U should go right away
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561393 tn?1320962815
YES, thats exactly what you say.... maybe they can do something to help...
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796506 tn?1370188305
You just tell them that you realized that you didn't want to have the abortion and it just so happened that the pill you took made you sick. Be honest. They are not there to judge you... That is not their place or job to decide if you were right or wrong. I know it has to be hard on you but if you feel that you want to keep the baby then you definitely need medical attention right away to see what the effects of the pill was. Good luck!
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1418198 tn?1483277496
Hi, as others have said u should go to the hospital immediately because if I got this right with the pill you already took they also gave you about four more. Once you take the first pill it supposed to soften the lining of the uterus and then when u take the other medication it's supposed to help you expell the fetus... But I c u said u wasn't bleeding u might not experience bleeding at all ntil after you would have took the second medication. Also that medication are for women eight weeks and under. I wish u the best of luck and I hope everything works our the way u want it to...
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What am I going to say at hosp they will think I'm crazy if I say I had mefipristone at half 9 this mrning I was sick then decided I cudnt go thro with it x
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