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vulva hot, stinging and burning


I'm posting here because I really am at my wits end and hope maybe peple will have some suggestions as to what is going on with me! For the past year, I have been experiencing burning and stinging in my vulva (which is NOT made worse by peeing), which comes and goes but can last for over a month and is extremely uncomfortable. The area looks normal, and there is no unusual discharge. The last time I had these symptoms was in March - they came on suddenly with a stinging sensation, and lasted for 6 weeks. During this time, I was tested for all STDs (all negative), tested for bacterial infections (negative) and treated repeatedly for thrush (even though all lab tests came back negative). Eventually, the symptoms eased on their own. I dont use chemical irritants etc so dont think thats the problem. My symptoms returned 5 weeks ago - again, all tests are negative, I was treated again for thrush (no relief, and lab test came back negative).

Could the repeated topical thrush treatment have made things worse? Also, I've heard of conditions called lactobacilliosis and cytolytic vaginosis (overgrowth of lactobacilli). My symptoms do not appear to be related to my menstrual cycle - there is no particular pattern - but could overgrowth of lactobacilli still be my problem? I would like to hear from anyone who has suffered from lactobacilli overgrowth.

Sorry for the long post but I really would appreciate some advice!
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Could it be a problem with the nerve endings, something like PGAD?  If you've ruled out external causes like bacterial, viral, or fungal infection, and also excluded allergies (detergent, things in your diet), you might want to consult a neurologist.
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I just went through the same exact thing for the past 6 months! It is simply terrible. I started to feel hopeless. I was trying anything and everything. It was causing incredible strain on my marriage because I pulled away from any physical affection out of fear it would lead to more which was the last thing in my mind dealing with burning lady parts.

The good news is that after finding this website and hearing about candida overgrowth, it all started to make sense. I had symptoms of a yeast infection 6 mo ago and my OB prescribed 1 dose of diflucan via phone. It did not take care of things. My vulva area continually felt irritated, hot, burning, and at times slightly swollen with no discharge issues and clean for all STDs. After crying in my OBs office about this issue twice, she prescribed me anxiety meds and told me it was likely a by product of stress. The meds did nothing but make me feel even worse because I was always sleepy. I stopped taking them after about 1 month.

I recently changed primary care physician to a subscription based direct primary care provider who actually spent an hour listening patiently and compassionately to what I had been experiencing. She said the burning sensation is classic yeast infection and suspected it had gotten deep in the skin tissues. I took 4 doses of diflucan (1 per day every other day at 50mg). Diflucan basically goes and mops up candida in your body. At last-relief! I am also doing a Nystatin cream 2 times per day for 7 days as well. I am happy to report I feel 100% better in just 2 weeks time.

After researching candida overgrowth I also changed my diet to avoid bread, sugar and alcohol eating Whole Foods to help starve it out. Coconut oil also has anti-inflammatory  and anti fungal properties and felt good to use when I still had burning there. I also eat a spoon full 2 times per day. The candida was also causing lethargy and headaches which have also cleared up.

After doing bloodwork, we also discovered my estrogen levels were below normal for my age (36). Candida also loves feeding on estrogen, so now that the candida is back under control we will address that issue as well.

Google candida spit test to see if you may have this in your body. Keep looking for physicians who want to help you and do not simply write you off because you passed all their routine tests.
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Bin 4 days and i cant sleep with ths burning....m on day 4 of the antibiotics n the burning is getting worse....wat should i use to ease the pain....
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So I realize that this post is probably dead but I signed up for this just to post so...I also gotta parrot what the other girls in here have said and say it feels good to not feel alone in this. I've considered suicide as a means to not living with constant pain and the anxiety that it causes.

With that being said, my ordeal started in December 2015 when I had a random hookup. I didn't pee after sex like I normally do so when I got vulvar burning and that wincing feeling at the end of your pee, so I safely assumed it was a UTI. I didn't have insurance at the time and so instead of a doctor's visit, I spent my money on d-mannose instead and that helped the vulvar burning for a day or so. Then it was back. So I finally said uncle and went to a doctor who diagnosed me with a yeast infection and gave me diflucan. After that didn't work, I went back to urgent care with intense burning. She said it was BV. So I was put on flagyl. Allergic to flagyl so I went off it all. Went back to urgent care and they said UTI and prescribed bactrum. At this time I was so fed up I was trying to self treat and was taking probiotics as well. I acccidently mentally mixed up the dosages for d-mannose and the probiotic so I was taking a 25 billion strain up to 10 (sometimes more) capsules a day. Which, at the time, I thought was copacetic. Most of the pain came after I would urinate, from immediately to about 10 minutes after I would get burning or tenderness in the bladder area (I think too much lacto in the bladder can cause inflammation as well, esp if you were taking as much as me!)

After monistat and cipro and more ER visits from the pain (where they could only find  lots of epithelial cells in the urine) I really started to question everything. So I went to an actual gyno in March. She examined me, said everything internally looked great. I was also very dry as this time whereas normally I am definitely not.

She told me that on the slides the only thing she could find was a lot of lactobacillus, which she said could cause discomfort. She urged to stop probiotic use and do sitz baths for any discomfort. But she said that it was good I had such a high number.

When I went home I found out about CV and LB and have ever since been trying to alkalize my body. Raising the PH of your vagina is harder than it is and all he sites I had been to before just said to do sitz baths and you'll be fine. The sitz baths were actually more irritating than soothing sometimes but I would get the worst burn right before my period and while I was ovulation for it to settle down during my period only for it to flare up afterward again, which is consistent with CV and LB.
I started drinking green juice almost everyday (2 apples, 2 cucumber, 1/2 lemon) and also drinking baking soda since the sitz bath were painful.

May I almost had no symptoms cause I was less stressed about it and I was working hard to alkalize my body. I also started eating lots of fruits and veggies. I even tried preseed, an alkaline lubricant, with little to no relief.

In earl June I got a UTI (actually this time, white blood cells, nitrates) after hooking up with an ex and not peeing after sex like a dummy. They gave me bactrum but also diflucan (I was also using monistat cause I had some itching) but the monistat burned soooooo bad I went to the ER where they discovered the UTI.
I believe that just back pedaled me cause anti finals make CV and LB worse. To top it all off, after seeing a urologist and a gyno, neither one of them (even after seeing my wet mount results) thinks it's a good idea to put me on doxy to kill the lacto!  So frustrating. So for now, I'm doing it naturally.
For a long time, I must looked at threads like these and scared myself ******** thinking I had IC or Vulvodynia.
But I was taking 10x the amount of probiotics I should have been for 2 months straight.
Went back to the gyno in late June and she said I still had a lot of lacto, so I just gotta keep trying to reduce the lacto and increase my ph. If it gets too painful I'll force someone to give me doxy as a last resort.

Also, the other night, I was ovulating and burning sooooooo bad I was in tears, I didn't know what else to do so I masterbated and orgasmed twice and the burning went away. But I also took a xanex and it was kicking in around that time as well.

Here are the steps I'm taking and I will update!

Use coconut oil on the outside because I'm also dry.
Drinking that green juice
Buy alkalizing drops for your drinks to alkalize the liquid you're drinking and raise your PH. I do body rescue oh protector drops and the litmus paper that comes with them. (I've been taking them for 3 days and so far no major burning)
Drink lots of water
Yoga and exercise
Masterbation to keep stimulation and blood flow to that area, also to promote lubrication.
Try desperately not to think about it.

I will update and responses are encouraged!!!!
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Hi there. I feel you pain...I too have undergone quite a tremulous month trying to find out what was wrong with me...finally my doctor took a swab of my vagina and tested it for ureaplasm...which turned out positive. (Basically its not regarded as an STD because we have such bacteria naturally in our system but it is transferred sexually or if youve had a UTI or BV. But basically my symptoms was that I was completely wet down there for 1 month (discharge constantly leaking/ dripping) and then the symptoms very similiar to thrush set it - and soon after symptoms of a UTI set in (with severe pelvic pain and needing to use the bathroom straight after Ive used it). I highpy recommend you get a swab for ureaplasm...and get onto treatment of Doxycycline for 7 days. I truly hope this helps.
Cool. Thanks.
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(continued from above)... I'm not sure if it's the boric acid or Flexeril that's helping, but at least with the Flexeril, I'm able to sleep through the entire night (I was waking up at 3 AM like clockwork because of the pain). My ObGyn also prescribed Valium suppositories (there's another medication mixed in with it that's a muscle relaxant). I haven't used those yet because I want to finish the boric acid treatment, but I will eventually stop the Flexeril and try the Valium (Flexeril tends to leave me feeling tired the next day and the Valium suppositories shouldn't cause that problem). But please consider that maybe some of you are experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction and the pain/burning is from tight pelvic muscles and muscle spasms. Ask your doctor to prescibe Flexeril, only if it's just a few pills to try. If the pain and burning goes away, you may have PFD.  I will keep you posted with my progress. I'm thinking of all of you... Please don't lose hope!!! We will figure this out!!!
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I'm 36, no children, and have the same pain/burning issues, but also experience periodic throbbing/pulsation sensations. I've been to multiple doctors and have been treated for yeast, UTIs, and BV, even though all tests eventually come back negative. My GP suggested that I may be experiencing muscle spasms from high tension pelvic floor dysfunction. He prescribed 10 mg Flexeril to take once per night. I've only been taking 5 mg, but it has made a huge difference and the pain and throbbing has subsided significantly. I'm waiting to get scheduled for physical therapy for PFD, and I don't know if that's the real problem, but I thought I would throw it out there. I've also been doing boric acid suppositories at the same time
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Ladies, I am 68 years old. These horrible symptoms first happened to me when I was 65 years old, so obviously in my case they are not related to my menstrual cycle. As with the majority of the women in this conversation, I have been to three doctors. I have been on more vaginal creams than I can count. Nothing has worked. At one point, I took one dose of Fluconazole, and I felt terrific for months. Now, once again, the burning is back, and Fluconazole did not help this time. My symptoms absolutely do increase as the day progresses, and I very often feel a burning in my mouth as well, but when I tell the doctors about this, they look at me like I'm nuts! I sit on ice packs when I'm alone, and believe me when I say that I hate putting on pants.......it's torture.

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16007796 tn?1444636504
Thank you for posting this thread.  I had a full hysterectomy on the 12th June, 2015, one month following I experienced for the first time burning on my vaginal/vulva skin.  I thought it may have been a UTI, so drank Urinal - it lowered the acid, but still the burn when I urinated.

It went on to itching, being uncomfortable.  The burn was/is the worst.  It took 6 weeks for me to go to the Dr,as I hoped it would go away by itself....well it came by itself :) All results came back normal.

I was prescribed 30g Micreme H Cream (An anti fungal - inflammatory) My Dr said 5 days and my problem would go away.  Seven days later no burn/itch discomfort. I stopped taking it, and 3 days later it started again.

My Dr named my burn/condition as being like a nappy rash.

I spoke with a nurse who said to take Flora Restore (Clinicians) i will continue this for general flora well being.

I was told to continue to take the Micreme 2 weeks on 2 weeks off..... I have got tired of the smell of the Micreme, and am now just putting the Micreme on sporadically.

I have read through all the comments on this page. I have written down what works, what doesn't.... I am very thankful to all for sharing their experience, because like most here have said "not alone" This is real

So tonight I did the baking soda 'bath' that felt great - relief! I read elsewhere to rub primrose oil into the skin - this has also helped tonight - no longer dry which in turn was causing more discomfort.

I have had enough of medication - and the worry that some medications can cause thinning of the vulva. I haven't had an antibiotic since I was young possibly in my 20's (45yrs now) so am reluctant and will put this one off.

I have recovered well from the surgery - a miracle- no more pain and unexplained pain. The removal of the uterus showed  Adenomyosis and fibroids within the lining... a long journey, a five year wait to get the uterus removed.  A miracle - so very thankful....... but I think it may have dropped the oestrogen levels and this is what is causing this burning pain.  (Nappy rash)

I am hoping the baking powder paste works long term - will try that tomorrow.

It is great to have all these ideas and possibilities of HOPE. I hope for those who began this thread are well now, or finding alternative ways of finding relief from their pain.  many thanks
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Really insightful reading all of this (I know its an old thread but there are a few new posts)... I (age 22) recently have been getting a tingling feeling around my genital area for the last 4 weeks, I was extremely paranoid that it was an STD although I have tested negative for everything several times. The tingling is all over my vulva, but more concentrated on the left side. A few nights ago this turned into an incessant burning feeling on the left side of my vulva, so much so that I couldn't sit down in my lectures at school. It has become almost paralytic.There is no pain during sex, nor pain to touch. It stresses me out so much that I have lost a lot of weight due to no appetite. I feel nauseous when I think about the feeling and it has really start to take over my life.

Until I read all of this I had convinced myself that it was HSV and I had simply missed/not noticed any inital breakouts. However, this makes MUCH more sense!! My gyno keeps prescribing thrush cream which I often don't bother using as I know it won't work... I don't think its due to soap/laundry products. Last night I put olive oil on it which soothed it and made it feel about 70% better but there is still a bit of burn, especially when sitting.

I'm a pretty healthy person, and the only health issues I have had has been in that area... Recurring UTIs and thrush.

Really interested as to what triggers this. Stress and anxiety? Run down immune system? Allergies? Deficiency?

If anyone has figured out something that soothes this I would be very interested! :)
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Did you ever find out what this was or found a cure? I know this is an old post, but there are many women suffering with this and we can’t get any answers as to what it may be. Please update if you can. Thanks!
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This is crazy! These are the same symptoms I have experienced. No itching, no discharge, no odor, no pain when area is touched. I had a hysterectomy at age 27 and am now 60. The stinging/burning sensation gets worse as the day goes on and I am literally exhausted from lack of sleep. I have been on antibiotics nearly three weeks, as we thought it was a UTI, but the symptoms have remained. I have also used AZO product to help with the stinging. I will say that what made us believe it was a UTI is that I did have frequent and urgent urination when not using AZO. I was able to discontinue use of AZO two days into the antibiotic each time, but within 48 hours of completing the pills, I was back to all of the symptoms.
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...after all the tests are done this is about hormonal levels and poor SAD/BAD diet thats all...use organic/ wildcrafted herbals to rev up and rev down so balance is restored...and use comfrey ointment night and morning or aloe vera gel...and vitamin E for elasticity...plantain ointment made with coconut oil for itching...huge energy in the first chakra..see Susun Weeds herbal Menopausal Years...with so much hormonal in-balance in everyone now due to dairy and meat industry fed animals hormone levels in everyone are all over the place ( seen the man boobs lately? )...get rid of the meat and dairy and sugars ( feeds yeasties and inflames the body everywhere ) and a lot of this will clear up...eat lots of greens and fruit sparingly...perhaps only grapes sometimes until this clears up...then maintain health and healing through wisdom...got to go inside to heal anything and understand the cause!...
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when did this 1st start happening and have yu changed or been doing anything like putting or cleaning in the vaginal area sense it started these mass pains?
any chemicals, shampoos, lubricants, sprays, perfumes, underwear or even stresses that have started or yu've started using right before this has started? various things that yu may have or be around may just be causing these pains, the v. doesn't always react an cause thing based off of something wrong with in it, but things around an relatively close to it will cause extreme problems.
for example that fact that there are vaginal discharges is for the vagina to cleans itself, and using things to clean it may cause it to actually react badly to this outside cleaner and become irritated an even make it hurt or itchy, just like how some creams made for things like thrush can actually cause the vagina to become worse an allergic to the creams just cause thats not what the problem is, in some cases even if it is thrush the creams can even make the vaginal area still become allergic to it causing yet another problem down there.
the fact of the matter is try not to let outside things in, close, or even around that area for a while, just let that area try to re-cooperate for a bit and see if that helps, if not there are still other possibilities, but for some people its just the simple things.

vaginal irritation an or itching along with some other things can also just be from stress, making it worse just by giving yu pains like this. for some people they can even get this burning/pinching/itching types of pain simply by wearing new panties an having their vagial area not be suited with them.

some vaginal problems of itchiness, burning sensations an more, can also seem random mostly when looking in the vaginal area but have other signs that aren't noticed because they aren't usually on or even near it.

such as, which yu specifically sound like yu (talking directly to Ubertrecker for this part) possible have; Psoriasis.. by my own opinion to what i read by yur description that is. but always look over things before believing what others think, yu know whats going on with yu an so forth here is a sight stating more about Psoriasis, and i know the 1st part seems like it wouldn't be that but its just describing the parts that are suppose to be scaly areas of skin, not the vagina though. just read to understand an see if this is the case or not.;

most people usually don't connect 2 an 2 together with things that seem completely different an seem like they have no connection at all, thats why it is important to cover all possibilities an completely understand what the problem causes an connections are to the happenings.

for others who have such a bad problem with this that it actually stops yu from sleeping etc, yu might have Lichen sclerosus. an blaw blaw blaw heres a site for just itching an irratation in that area in general for all of yu.
i do have an pinching/burning sensation in the area an it comes and it is impossable to be confirtable, i know it is nothing sexual i have never had sex, been turned on, or done anything because iam a-sexual, a-romantic (if yu don't know what that means yu can look it up but pretty much means im not sexual at all an im not romantic at all. i just don't have feelings like that or ever have) an i have known this from a very young age. but anyways because of this i have never done anything close to things that would interfere with my area other than washing it which i later found out is bad to do because obviously as i said before, it does that itself. and washing it would be the same as washing yur the inside of yur lungs or any other organ with soap or even fire for that matter... in the end its just gonna mess it up. AYWAYS this whole site is very helpful i hope it helps some of yu as well, if not then there is still a way to fix the pain yu have to deal with an no not killing yurself, but i mean really help solve the problem.

some of yu are used to seeing some of these while at least yu have the chance of seeing newer possabilities, it list a bit of things i hope all of yu take the time to read through an see if anything matches or seems to be the problem yu have.

know yur body like yu know yur name. if yu don't know yur name well at least yu have a body to live in to help yu find one, even a new one. thank yu for reading!
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I have been having these same issues for the last 4 years. I have seen several gyns, internal med dr, urologist and gastro dr yet still no results. I had a partial hysterectomy 4 years ago and thought my symptoms were related to this procedure. My gyn placed me on probiotics and replens, didn't work. My job is stressful and this made my promblem even worse. The burning was so severe my thighs were even on fire and I would place ice packs on my vaginal area to cool, no discharge but the odor was unbearable. I would leave work to go home to shower and 1 hour later the odor was back. I am a very clean person and extremely particular about hygiens so needless to say felt like I was losing my mind and was extremely frustrated. My doctor told me I am very healthy and maybe this was in my head.  I wasn't sexually active due to being embarresed that my partner would detect the odor, he couldn't possible understand. I stop being social due to the embarressment that others would smell me. Urine smell, garbage and wet animals; smell just unbearable and would lite up an entire room. When I sit down it got worse, the heat would activate the odor, not to mention the stress. I was treated for yeast infections, BV and absolute no detection of STD and no discharge of symptoms of yeast infection but a liquid discharge at times, nothing helped. I was so desperate I would go to emergency room in the middle of night, it was mentally draining me and destroying my life, thank God for excellent insurance. I am currently 43 and was wondering if this is what life is in my 40s, I dread my 50s. I started doing research for myself since doctors couldn't help me, started with yeast cleanse from the health food store, Oregano to kill bacteria, probiotics, Tree tea oil suppositories for odor and kill bact, worked for a week or so but came back even stronger.I changed eating habits by deleting sweets, high carb foods, soft drinks, coffee and increased water to 120 oz daily; nothing worked but I have lost 22lbs so something good came out of this ordeal.  I did not know what else to do until I stumbled across a website 6 days ago that was discussing everything I was going thru.  HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND BAKING SODA.  I know douching isn't good for you but I started by placing baking soda and warm water in douche bottle and cleaning daily, odor still lingered 4 hours later but still progress for me. I started washing my body with baking soda and water using no soaps, I was desperate to overcome this issue so I could have my life back. The sight I came across stated to use 50% peroxide and water solution, saok in tampon and insert for 30 minutes; no more than 1 hour. I started doing this immediately, the burning eased up, when I first did this the burning became more severe but 30 minutes later I started feeling some relief and no more odor. Still wasn't too optimistic due to trying so many remedies and no success. I placed the peroxide and water in douche bottle while in shower and felt the relief.  OMG; the burning was very little and no odor. Ok, the true test will be when I start moving around and sweating in my private quarters; will the odor and burning reappear, then another trip to the restroom. For 4 years I took a bath cloth, or wipes, soap, pantyliners, sensitive dove or natural soaps and extra panties wherever I go in the event I need to try to wash the odor away; how time consuming and frustrating. I dreaded business meeting that lasted more than a hour; the fear of my vaginal odor.  I went to work, 6 hours passed and no odor; feeling optimistic at this point. I decided to stick with this recommended home remedy, atleast until issue dimenish. I insert tampon in the am for 30 minutes to a hour and same thing before I go to bed. When I take a shower I douche with the peroxide and water. I haven't had to take a shower 3 to 4 times a day and slowly taking myself off the pantyliners. I haven't used my backup panties the last 3 day and I am gaining my confidence back.  I am now on day 6 and no odor ,Thank God! The peroxide is a healthy way to help kill unhealthy bacteria, I take probiotics daily and continue with a semi-balanced meal; lost 22 lbs since I cut out the sweets and high carbs. I hope this is helpful because I know the struggle and pain this causes to a person's life. I will continue until this issue is resolved. Good luck all!!!!
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It sounds like your symptoms could add up to be a condition called Vulvodynia.  The condition usually consists of stinging or pain in the vulva area. People usually go through many tests all coming back negative and rarely get a proper diagnoses because it is not widely know of. It is caused by inflammation. My suggestion would be to research this further online and if your symptoms seem to match up talk to your doctor. Hope this helps!
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1698774 tn?1306862625
Im having the same symptoms of you and have all negative tests from Gyno. Now on 3rd visit to Vulva Dermatologist. I dont know if she will do a biopsy. I have been wearing tampons for a few weeks and it is not helping with this soreness around Labia. Let us know what happens with your Dermatologist. Good luck!
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I have had the same problems as most of the women posting on this blog.  It started in 2004 after I had a very bad kind of bacteria colonize in my sinus's and had to go on massive amounts of antibiotics and other medications to get rid of it.  During those few months, my body broke down and I developed shingles on my hoo ha (yes you can get shingles on your vagina).  My OB/GYN tested for herpes.  The results verified that is was herpes 3 and not 2 the sexually transmitted disease (I was in a committed relationship).   The sores healed up but I was left with this burning sensation (that felt kind of like a UTI) that would get worse as the day went on and keep me up at night.  More antibiotics and yeast pills but the pain stayed.  Finally I was sent to a pain specialist and he put me on Gabapentin, what a miracle it was!  It is under the diagnosis of Post herpetic neuralgia, PHN.  Luckily, this is NOT a drug you can develop an addiction too.  At the time of diagnosis all I wanted was relief and to not be sick.  The antibiotics finally cleared up my infection and slowly I returned to health, but even ten years later I always wondered why the "sensation" would still come and go.  Was it really PHN or something else?  So a few months ago I decided to see if I could stop the gabapentin all together.  The only side effect I get from the gabapentin is being a little numb to things, it is a nerve blocker after all.   I had my new OB/GYN run all kinds of tests and everything was clear no infections or abnormalities.  I dropped all the way down to 150mg a day but that is where the irritating sensation came back.  The pain goes from the inside of my vagina up my spine so to speak hence the PHN nerve diagnosis.  My gut tells me it's not PHN so I look on the web from time to time to see what else it might be.  My point to this post is that finding a way to numb the sensation has allowed me to live a normal life and get a decent night’s sleep. Whether it is PHN or something else is to be determined.  I take my pill around 4-6 pm so that it is in my system by bedtime and sleep well at night.  BTW, before I was diagnosed with shingles/PHN I took massive amounts of Advil to dull the pain, unfortunately I became “sensitive” to ibuprofen and aspirin (ibuprofen has aspirin in it) which is really bad.  If you take too much and become “sensitive” It is like having and allergic reaction and having anaphylaxis.  So beware don’t over use Advil to dull the sensation.  Hope this helps.  
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I have suffered for 2 years with this throbbing, burning pain only on my left side and no one seems to know what it is. I will try this immediately.  Thank you for the tip :)
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I see that this is an old, old post.  However, get tested for diabetes. I am a small person and was not overweight with no family background of diabetes.  I was pre diabetic and once began losing a little weight and watched the sugars and white foods, I have no longer had the problem.  I, also, only wear cotton panties now. Hope this problem has long since passed!
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Is this true? Are you still symptom free? I will try anything. This has been such an unbearable 2 months. Lidocaine helps temporarily, but I want this to end. Thank you mydoglexi. Please reply. xoxo
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I too suffered for years with this condition.Had every test known to man and even a biopsy showed nothing.At times i thought i would go crazy with the itching and burning.Felt like worms under the skin.Just last week i was looking at another website on the subject and came upon a comment someone made.She suggested making a paste of BAKING POWDER AND WATER.i THOUGHT WHY NOT? Everyone has some in their cupboard. It was the miracle I've been looking for the last 30 years.I only used it 3 times and no more itching or burning . What a blessed relief! So simple but so effective.I feel like a new woman!!!
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Your reply is exactly what I think is going on with me. Very informative and I will begin with something like the vaginal moisturiser.  Thankyou.
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hi this is nettie1261 I so am troubled by all this I have been on anti biotics  creams candida now I am on oestrogen pessaries . I have days were I cant help myself the pain causes me to scratch till I bleed and inside I cant describe the pain so I sypathise with all you ladies. I can relate to everything you have wrote on here  dolliver60 and I feel I want to cut everything off to stop the pain. I am at my whits end now the stress in its self is enough and I feel my marriage is suffering too. I know now what it is and hormone is the problem . I am a clean person but days I get is so sore I cant even wash because of the burning. to ease my pain now I rub a bit of vasaline down below and yes it does help . I am glad I found this community
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I have an itch that reminds me of the excema I had, as a child.  I also have no odour/discharge etc.  the itching has caused bleeding -sometimes LOTS, sometimes just from abrasions from rubbing the area with toilet tissue or my bath towel.   Being 57, having had a hysterectomy years ago - everything but the ovaries taken - I was given Premarin cream.   I have great hopes for it's rebuilding the collagen for my urethra, etc., from it's vaginal application, but I think it just exacerbated the itch and inflammation when used topically.   For the past three days, I have been rubbing a generous quantity of green aloe vera gel into my vulva - from anus to mons - and I think this is FINALLY something that is helping.  I have used everything - everything !!! - and maybe something this "easy" and natural will finally stop it.   I mean, I even checked for worms with a mirror, the itching would be sooooo intense.   And I am clean - daily showers, clean linens, etc.,  have been on antibiotics maybe five times in my whole life,  active sex life with my equally clean spouse.  Um, exactly what are the names of the seven dwarves of menopause???  We women are so lucky:  periods; the "messy", receiving end of sex;  childbirth;  a yeast infection or two;  menopause;  drying, itchy tissue.   Aaaaaarrrrrggghhhhhh!!!!  So, for now I have my pump bottle of aloe vera in my washroom and I urinate or defecate, clean myself, then "treat" the whole area with my green, cooling gel.   Hormone free.   Won't thin my skin tissue, like some creams.      Hope it lasts, for me.   Hope it may help you.  
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I have an itch that reminds me of the excema I had, as a child.  I also have no odour/discharge etc.  the itching has caused bleeding -sometimes LOTS, sometimes just from abrasions from rubbing the area with toilet tissue or my bath towel.   Being 57, having had a hysterectomy years ago - everything but the ovaries taken - I was given Premarin cream.   I have great hopes for it's rebuilding the collagen for my urethra, etc., from it's vaginal application, but I think it just exacerbated the itch and inflammation when used topically.   For the past three days, I have been rubbing a generous quantity of green aloe vera gel into my vulva - from anus to mons - and I think this is FINALLY something that is helping.  I have used everything - everything !!! - and maybe something this "easy" and natural will finally stop it.   I mean, I even checked for worms with a mirror, the itching would be sooooo intense.   And I am clean - daily showers, clean linens, etc.,  have been on antibiotics maybe five times in my whole life,  active sex life with my equally clean spouse.  Um, exactly what are the names of the seven dwarves of menopause???  We women are so lucky:  periods; the "messy", receiving end of sex;  childbirth;  a yeast infection or two;  menopause;  drying, itchy tissue.   Aaaaaarrrrrggghhhhhh!!!!  So, for now I have my pump bottle of aloe vera in my washroom and I urinate or defecate, clean myself, then "treat" the whole area with my green, cooling gel.   Hormone free.   Won't thin my skin tissue, like some creams.      Hope it lasts, for me.   Hope it may help you.  
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
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