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im 14 and idk if i have athsma

Hi, im a 14 year old boy and if i'm sitting down for more than, say, 20 mins or so, it gets very difficult to breathe - though my chest doesn't hurt.  If i'm playing hardcore soccer, for instance, i have no problems - do i have asthma? i don't want to go to the doc's without the probability that i have it.  Thanks for your help!
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942934 tn?1268108382
Well, if you can exercise without any problems, then good odds are that your lungs are good and healthy. Asthma also is a disorder where certain air born triggers will set off an asthma attack, such as cigarette smoke, cat dander or pollen allergy. Exercise is also commonly a problem for many asthmatics, as it is often the first sign that asthma is out of control.

You state that your breathing only becomes a problem when you are sitting down that perhaps you are becoming self aware of your own breathing, something that happens normally automatically and we don't have to think about. This is something you still should discuss with your doctor, who can decide what is the best treatment for you and if any tests are necessary.
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I’m a 14 year old girl, and I don’t have asthma or allergic to anything. Since yesterday I have had a chest infection I think, and my throat keeps wheezing I don’t know why could you help me find out my answer please. My head hurts as well, and it’s making me breathe ever so quickly.
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