1351082 tn?1479840132

Constant burning pain in left front side of chest

I have had a severe constant burning pain in the left side of my chest  (front about a inch in from the center) for 14 mths now, I have had all heart tests done by a cardiologist (echo, nuc stress test, cariac cath) and ct scan of chest and lungs everything has checked out ok..CRP blood test showed high level of inflammation,.The burning, sensation in my chest never goes away and it is so intense,  the Gastro Dr said he wanted x-ray of my thoracic spine before he did a endoscopy because my symptoms did not seem gastric to him, had another chest x ray, MRI of thoracic spine, ct of chest again, Nothing....the burning, pain, heart feelin like it is thrusting through my chest just a horrible feeling it is so hard to explain,, Tried the Chiro she didnt help at all ten mths later still in severe pain. Has anyone  ever felt this before?? If so please shed some light on this it is making me crazy I am at my wits end...
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Hi, I am 20 years old was over weight most of my life and in college freshmen year was diagnosed with gerd after chest pains and sour taste. They checked my heart out and all things fine. I took a medication for a week then got off. Going into summer break things were fine until the pain returned. My PC gave me new medication and I have horrib  side effects I got off and was left with lingering headaches and just feeling horribly unwell. So I decided to change my lifestyle I ate really healthy and became a pescatarian with slight physical excercise, got rid of diabetes type 2 and lost 89 pounds. As I tried to get to the root I had more heart exams, brain test, blood clot test, endoscopy, celiac test, Nd thyroid. Everything was okay. I then started taking vitamins, lowering stress, and feeling better. Until i developed pain on my upper left side of my stomach. It was dull and there after I ate. My bowel moments were normal so I was just confused. That eventually went away and I saw that it was accompanied by what looked like a bump which got smaller. The pain kind of went away then constant burping started like every second extremely uncomfortable little burpes especially when I push on my body. I went to GI and she gave me meds to very rid of bacteria in intestines and it did nothing. now I have Lower Stomach pain and shoulder pain. It’s so horrible having to either burp or push to burp 24/7. I am at a lost and I just don’t know what to do.
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1351082 tn?1479840132
I'm happy to hear your test came out good, Thank God for that....Nothing new with me but more intense constant pain as usual, just gets worse everyday ;( I called my Gastro's office and they said 1100 for the endoscopy with 550 down......I told them I cant do that right now so she is gonna talk to the Dr as see if he will work something else out with me so I can get it done...He's pretty good so I hope he will if he does I'll be getting it done in the next couple of weeks, I really dont expect much to come out of this test but its the only thing not ruled out....... I dont have a heartburn type pain or any other stomach discomfort, its a nagging pain in the center left of my chest in one main spot and its feels real tight and hurts its a burning type pain but not that of heartburn.......Im so tired of it and now my left shoulder has been killing me....feels like tension cause the chest pain is so bad I have been tensing up, its kinda hard not to do.....I just pray everyday that it goes away....Im a lil scared can't lie that the Dr's are missing something. I'll keep ya posted....shine
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@ Sunshine. Have you found out the source of your pain. I'm having the same type of pain and it's getting worse
1661778 tn?1307049902
Had my endoscopy done today. All it showed was GERD (lvl. 2). No gastritis, no ulcer, no strictures, nothing. They took a biopsy of my esophagus, even though it looked normal, "just to be safe". Not expecting a whole lot from that. Very happy everything turned out ok! Any new developments with you?
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1351082 tn?1479840132
Ok thank you and good luck to you....I would love to get the endoscopy done but with no insurance its so expensive........keep me posted............shine
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1661778 tn?1307049902
I actually am getting an endoscopy done next week on Tuesday (06/21/11) to see if any of my problems have to do with my upper GI. I get burning sensations in my chest/upper abdomen, but I was diagnosed with GERD back in May. I will post on here after the procedure to let you know what they found, if anything. Maybe it will give you some answers, or at least a point in a direction to a possible answer?
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1351082 tn?1479840132
The gastro Dr didnt think it was that at all I have no other symptoms but the burning chest pain but since we ruled out all other stuff I am supposed to have a endoscopy but its so expensive and I have no insurance, the other tests about drained me. They did mention Costochondritis but Im just not sure..........it started over a year ago as a slight burning in my left chest and now it is just getting unbearable from the moment I wake up until I finally pass out at night and the constant feel of my heartbeat it just drives me insane...I have Mirtal Valve Prolapse but they dont think that is the cause either......I dont know what to do but Im so sick of these Drs and I sit here just miserable, I am a active fun loving person who loves to do things and this is dragging me down so bad I just need answers..Thanks for replying and one day I'll get the endo. done..........shine
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1661778 tn?1307049902
Hi sunshine! Did the gastro doctor ever mention GERD? If so, was it ruled out? If it's not GERD, you should read up on a condition called Costochondritis, and see if that matches your symptoms at all. Good luck!
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