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Sky high ige levels

My 9yr old son as been suffering with fatigue, weight loss, chronic cough, night sweats, and nausea for last 6 mths. Have been under the care of a paediatrician for nearly 3 months. Has had various blood tests completed.  Eosinophil count at 1.8 , ige levels are sky high according to peaditrican (tens of thousands) but not being specific about the measurement.  He also has low anti bodies but not told which with low iron levels.

Asthmas, TB and parasitic infection ruled out through tests.  Also discounted celiacs and the most common allergies through further tests.  My son  has also been complaining of bone pain in legs and ribs the last 6-8 weeks.  Peaditrican is meeting with other specialists to discuss next steps and tests but not being specific at present.

Has anyone else come across similar issue, if it's not asthma, allegeries or eczema what can be causing his symptons.  I'm really concerned that there something more serious.???
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Hi there,
A clinical examination and correlation with test results is extremely important before confirming the exact cause of his symptoms. The common causes of elevated serum immunoglobulin IgE are allergies, infections and immune conditions like hyper IgE syndrome. There are some rare disorders associated with very high levels of IgE .Few malignancies, lymphoproliferative disease and lymphomas can also cause elevated IgE.It is suggested to get an X-ray chest and a serum LDH done. Early diagnosis and treatment will be helpful. Discuss your concerns with his Paediatrician.I sincerely hope it helps.
Best wishes and regards!
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I would really appreciate an answer if you have one because my symptoms are so bad
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Did you figure out what was going on with your son? I had similar symptoms minus the night sweats for sure and I still can't figure it out. I'm 40 years old
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