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Weight loss and Topamax

My doctor has prescribed Topamax for weight loss... I was also on Zoloft ( 100mg) for aniexty.. however after being on Topamax for over a month now I must say that I feel wonderful!!!! I have lost a total of 16lbs.... which is great b/c I'm 5'7 and 195 lbs.. I'm weaning myself off the  Zoloft....the only side effect that I am experiencing with the topamax is I feel a little goofy at times and my spelling and overall loss of words at times can be bothersome....Can anyone tell me if the weight loss  and loss of appetite will decrease.... I am on 100mg a day... does anyone think I should increase my dosage? ( of course w/ my drs. permission)... this has truly been a great drug for my mood swings as well..... I'd appreciate anyones comments
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I take topamax to control seizures and I must say that I am surprised doctors prescribe it for weight loss alone, and that you are willing to put up with the side effects of it just for weight loss when there are other weight loss drugs out there.

The "goofiness and loss of words" bothers me tremendously. I have been taking it since April and that hasn't abated any. Unfortunately I did not experience any weight loss or loss of appetite from it like everyone says. I take 200 mg a day. But if the other side effects haven't gone away, those proably don't either, and increasing the dose would probably make them worse.

You could try phentermine or Bontril for appetite control if you wanted to try something with less side effects. I started Bontril in June, along with B-12/ hcg injections, and have lost 19 lbs.
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thanks for input, but please remember its not that easy for everyone. Some of us have over 100 lbs to lose and have been trying to lose it our whole lives. If we could just eat a little healthier and drink water (which I am doing) we would have done it a long time ago.

I have done a lot of research on the plan that I'm on and the benefits of losing the weight far outweigh any risks that might be involved.
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Thanks.. for your comments... I have struggled all my life with my weight.. ( I do eat well ... and exercise... I have 6 children and I hate to throw leftovers away... I think thats my problem) Last year I had a hysterectomy and now have to deal w/ estrogen injections that put and extra 30lbs. on me... before Topamax .. I started on July 28th at 220lbs... as of today I'm at 194lbs.... To me that is  A MIRACLE....
That Phen stuff does not work for me... Adipex makes me grumpy when I come off of it.... and my doctor said Xenical and Meridia cause really horrible bowel problems..... so Topamax was a good choice ... and as far as the aniexty is concerned and depression...I feel like a new person... I have more energy and I just can't explain it... everyone at work says...oh, did you color your hair... or did you get a makeover or something ?... have you lost weight... what's different .... I LOVE THIS DRUG !!
To all of you who have never been fat and depressed ... I'm telling you I feel great and I will put up with the side effects of this drug as long as I can continue to feel good and lose weight!!!!
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I think people now a day are using many things that can affect their health to lose weight. If I were you I would go to a naturalist, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, white meat, and very important drink a lot of water. Cut down the pasta, grease and "don't eat after 7:00 pm."
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I started topamax a month ago @ 25mg and now I am up to 100mg.  I was put on it for sever migraines.  I also need to lose about 80lbs. Pop has just now started to taste like ****.  I was wondering how long it should be before I see some weight drop?  I will not be going any higher regaurdless of the weightloss.  I have started to see an inprovement in the migraines.  I think I may have lost a few lbs but its kind of hard to tell on the chear kmart scales.  I use to sit and eat all day cuz I was bored but now I don't have the cravign but at the same time I am too tired from the meds to go out and do much...
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I've just started taking Topamax 3 days ago (25 mg).  I'm supposed to work my way up to 100 mg.  I too gained weight on anti depressants and can't seem to get it off no matter what I do.  I'm hoping this helps.  It's encouraging to see that someone has had some luck with it.  I've been having severe migraines for the past week though and it doesn't seem to be helping with those.  I'm thinking that maybe the dose is just too low right now.  Any ideas?
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I am taking Topamx for migraines and I am in the middle of my second week of taking this medication. I did not feel any difference the first week.  I go to see my doctor tomorrow.  I can feel my appetite decreasing, my mood getting better, and my migraines decreasing.  My world seems to be crisper this week. I too like this world a lot better than the old world.  It is a lot better place to be.  I am also taking Xenical for weight loss because I too have 100lbs to loose and have been struggling to loose it my whole life.  I have been taking this medicine for the past three months.   It gets frustrating trying to loose weight.  I try to be happy.  That is enough of struggle believe it or not for me.  I take two anti depressant medicines now including Topamax because I have Insulin Resistance. This does not count all the other medicines I have to take.   When my IS is out of control, my whole system is out of whack - I feel sluggish, depressed, headaches, can't think, etc.  I can't seem to loose weight because everything I eat turns to sugar even lettuce, so I am praying (after reading your comments) this Topamax will work for me and I can go off the Xenical.  The Topamax seems to be the answer to keep my migraines in check, my mood balanced, and help with my weight.  The doctors want my weight down to keep my IS under control.  This may help.  I will keep checking back.   Thanks.
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I am currently on Lexapro for anxiety at a dose of 10 mg.  I also have migraines...I was told Topamax could help.  I am considering dropping Lexapro, as I don't want to "overmedicate"...is there anybody out there who has been on Lex along with Topamax?  Any advice to give the dr..I want to see him soon, as my headaches are getting worse.  I heard about the possible weight loss which could not be bad, but am concerned about the other side effects.  I would love any opinion.  Thanks!

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I took Topomax a few years ago for migrain headaches. One of the bonuses was that I lost a lot of weight. It took about six months for me to notice any weight changes.  About a year after being on the drug, I got kidney stones (another side effect). After this episode, I quit taking the drug. You shoudl not just quit, you need to ween yourself off of it. Ever since, I have gained all of the weight back and then some. I think this medication triggers something in your brain that makes you stop doing obsessive behaviors. (I also quit biting my nails) All of my previous behaviors are back with avengence! My headaches went away while taking this and they stayed away for two years. Now they are back. I am considering going on this again. I completely forgot about the pins and needles thing as well. I think it's an all right drug. Just remember to drink an over average amount of water to prevent kindey stones. It's painful and I do not wish that upon anyone!
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I'm so sorry to tell you that where weight loss is concerned it is very unlikely it will work a second time. I came off it, though I was seizure free, then to my dismay had another one. Got put back on it in early March and I have been binge eating. I'm patiently waiting to see a specialist and keep phoning to remind them of my existence , desperation and severe depression. I'm on 250mg a day.
I'm so sorry to tell you that where weight loss is concerned it is very unlikely it will work a second time. I came off it, though I was seizure free, then to my dismay had another one. Got put back on it in early March and I have been binge eating. I'm patiently waiting to see a specialist and keep phoning to remind them of my existence , desperation and severe depression. I'm on 250mg a day.
First time I was on it I lost heaps of weight I went down to 140lb. Have never felt better in my life. Wish I could turn the clock back. I'm now 206lb. That's a lot of extra weight. The topomax just isn't making any difference. I don't know if being on topomax will make a difference to the seizure side effect that comes with welbutrin or not. Does anyon on here know or tried it.
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I have comments to many of the past posts. First, Topamax is also used as a bipolar drug. That is why many of you are finding you can get off your anxiety/depression meds and why your mood swings are evening out.
Second, it is quite often used as a weight loss drug. My sister-in-law is on the med, being treated by bipolar disorder, and has lost about 40 pounds in a little less than four months. She looks awesome, but the medication isn't doing a whole lot for her moodiness.
There are a ton of side effects to this drug, just as there are with all drugs. My sister-in-law has experienced diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, tingling in the fingers, and a few other minor ones. I don't think any of those have gone away for her yet, but my doctor tells me they will.
My doc has put me on Topamax for migraine headaches, and I think the weight-loss thing would be a big bonus. I have about 50-60 pounds to drop, and think it would be nice to have an appetite suppressant to help me a long. I am also on Paxil currently, but am switching over to Lexapro. It will be interesting to see how all this works out for me. I hope to see lots more information on Topamax in the future, but apparently it does a fair job of warding off the migraines, so that's good.
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I suffer from PMDD, and have for 3 years been on prozac, cymbalta,wellbutrin, and zoloft. I have gained 43 lbs in this time. During this time, I also suffer migraines. My doctor has just put me on topamax, for migraines, weight gain and mood swings. I was wondering if anyone has had relief on topamax with
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I have been on topamax for about four years now. At one time, I probably would have coined it "the wonder drug." I lost weight, stoppped getting up for the late-night snacks, no more headaches and made it through my divorce. I was glad to be done with the MANY, MANY anti depressants that the doc experimented with...when infact this "new drug," a mood stabilizer, worked its wonders. However, I ignored the numerous side effects--esp since my PCP prescriped it and also increased the dosage X1 when I needed. So, I have ignored the tingling, unsteady gate and coordination problems and called it clumbsiness--laughing it off, despite my many bruises. Conversations have now become more and more difficult because  of the confusion, slowed thinking and loss of words (I think the loss of words drives me more crazy than anything)...and in my profession, I am required to chart on patients...this task has become increasingly difficult because spelling even simple words is difficult. So My question is--which is more important, vanity or mental clarity?
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I was wondering about how much Topamax those that are using it for weight lost are on.  I was put on Topamax a little over two years for migraines and my daughter is on it for complicated migraines which can lead to seizures.  We both lost weight I lost 16 lbs. and she lost 12 lbs which she couldn't afford to lose and had to gain back 6 or her doctor threatened to take her off of it and for her it is the best drug so far for it has the least side effects.  She is on 150 mg. daily and I am on 100 mg.  I was having 7-8 migraines monthly and it is a god send for me.  I am not having any most months these days.  She is doing well unless she misses a dosage or loses sleep since she is now in college.  She should be on 150 as she is very small and petite.  I did notice about six months after taking the drug that the weight loss plateaued for me and her both and she has an extremely high metabolic rate as her topamax is never at theraputic levels and that is why is is higher than me in an attempt to keep as much of the drug in her system.  She never gains weight she struggles to keep it on with this drug but even she has stopped losing so much after almost two years so I wondered how it was working for those just using it as a weight loss drug as I have a friend who wants to lose weight and has struggled.  I didn't know doctors would prescribe it for weight loss only.
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I recently started taking topamax again, after my migraines returned. I previously took 200mg daily for 2yrs I just got tired of paying $50.00 per month for the medication w/ insurance of course. I have noticed I am really slow and dingy since I started taking the medication again I am only up to 50 mg daily so far? I dont remember it being like this before? I do remember having tingling in my hands and feet, also yall are right Diet coke or any carbonated drinks taste like ****!
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Like I said I previosly took Topamax for 2yrs I never lost any weight on this medication in fact I was @ my highest weight since pregnancy, however my daughter has lost 16lbs in 8 months. She only takes 100 mg daily she just turned 18 yrs old
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I am taking this med for migranes..not so much for weight loss....started off on 25mg and now up to 100mg.. my doc told me I would lose about 17 pounds initially...I am 5'4 167lbs....  but I havent really tested the scale yet to see how much I have lost...I said I would at my next follow up which is in about a week away so we shall see...I will keep you guys posted...one thing that you mentioned that I agree with is my mood..I feel great...!!!   I have tons of energy after work...to actually go out and do things...my mood is good...one side effect has been a lot of itching....I think have lost a couple of pounds I really have not even cared to notice though because I just feel so good....it has given me that extra "umph" to go out and walk and exercise...!  Anyone know what I can do about the allergic reaction this is obviously why I am itching I am waiting to go to my follow up to discuss with my doctor....I also have the tingling in my feet.
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i always was thin even after i had 4 children. but when i turned 37 i started to gain wt. (i call the middle age spread) i now weigh 194 but i was up to 237 and believe me that is huge when only weighing 118-122 . I had a hysterectomy in 1990 when I was 33 I never took estrogen because of cancer risks. I am a nurse and I refused to take them. I am now soon to be 51, so estrogen really has nothing to do with weight gain, it is the lack of exercise and eating healthy.
my doctor has started me on topamax for seizure disorder and he said it may help with wt loss. I am 5 ft 3 in tall so you can imagine how fat i look. but good luck to you with topamax. let me know how you are doing.
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I went off of Topomax after 5 months because of the incredible loss of hair, and the hair that was left turned frizzy and unmanagable. It felt dry and strawlike, very thin, plus I had the tingling.
I lost only 8 pounds, 5 of which come back during that time of the month, and my periods were all mesed up.
Not worth it as a weight loss drug! Plus, I already gained back 3 pounds after being off of it only 2 1/2 weeks, the carbo craves are back!
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I was on topomax before for my migraines.  I used to get them atleast 4 times weekly.  I lost weight, felt great, but starting getting stupid and feeling the tingling.  I am now on amitriptyline, have been for a few years.  It seemed to help(not as well as topomax)  but latley the headaches are coming back.
I'm crabby lately and have gained about 15 lbs.  I am also on beta blockers and epilepsy medication--all for the migraines.  My question, as anyone been off the topomax then put back on without the same side effects they had before.  And is it possible for your body to get adjusted to the medication and not help as it once did?  I'm going back to my dr. next week to see about getting things changed up.  But i was looking for on hand advise.  thanks
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I was on Topamax and lost 30-40 lbs about 4 years ago.  After having two more babies(4 total) I just weened the last one in order to go back to Topamax(and because he was biting me).    I heard that weight loss with Topamax the second go around wasn't going to happen so easily.  Does anyone know anything about this?
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I am currently on Lexapro (40mgs- kind of a high dose) and Topamax (75- I was on 100/125 but i started binging and purging so they had to take me off because it messes up electrolytes) but now I'm back at 75 and have been for 3 years +. My psychiatrist obviously thinks its fine since she prescribed the meds to me and I have had 2 different psychiatrists since her and they had no problem with it, so I am sure it is fine that you take Topamax along with Lexapro. Hope I helped
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I just started Topomax 2 weeks ago and so far so good.  My dr. started me on the lowest dose possible 12.5 at bedtime. He wants to get me up to 200 mgs but if my migraines go away at 100mg then I can stop there.  I'm only taking this for migraines, not for weight loss; although it's a plus.  The main thing to remember is that you must be weened off this medication.  Topomax is used as an anti-convulsant, therefore stopping it will result in seizures.  Work with your dr. if you decide to get off Topomax.  Good luck.
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My doctor wouldn't prescribe me Topomax :(  I have a lot of headaches and finally narrowed it down to smoking!  I quit smoking and bam almost ZERO headaches.  I would've loved to take Topomax to lose weight but was unsuccessful in getting a prescription before having head scans and all sorts of expensive test.  Hmmm...you guys are lucky your dr. got them for you.

Good luck and may you lose lots more lbs :)
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i am starting topomax tomorrow and i begin on 25 mg twice a day. all ant-depressants have made me do is gain weight. hopefully this will help my mood swings and epilepsy. i cant stand being this big. i dont sit around and eat all day and i get exercise. any advice, please give.
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