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Extremely Itchy Bumps on Hands, Elbows and Knees

I recently developed these unbelievably itchy, slightly raised, red bumps on different parts of my body. They seem to appear mainly around the hard-jointed parts (not the folds) of my knees, elbows, wrists, knuckles and feet. Sometimes they appear on my buttocks, also near a hard joint.

This is the second time I experience this. The first time was several years ago and it went away within about 2 or 3 days. This time it seems to be more persistent. It has been a week and they are still recurring.

Antihistamines (Benadryl) make them go away for a few hours. Heat/humidity seem to intensify the itching, although I don't believe that is the cause. Scratching also intensefies the itching and brings on a burning sensation.

The bumps gradually appear in clusters of 3 to 7 per joint, but don't always affect every joint every time it recurs.

They are definitely not blister-like. They look more like mosquito bites.

They don't hurt unless I scratch them... a lot. And they don't get dry or crusty/scaly.

I haven't made any changes to my diet lately. I did change the laundry detergent I use, but that was several weeks before the onset of this rash.

Could it be that I developed a food allergy?

I understand that some people who have gluten allergies can develop a condition called Dermatitis Herpetiformis which is a type of rash that affects the same hard-jointed areas of the body. But these are actually blisters that break open when scratched and crust over with time. So I have ruled out that possibility.

The only other symptom I have right now is a dry cough that developed shortly after the rash. But that could be a side effect of taking antihistamines or it could just be a coincidence.

Can anyone shed some light on the possible cause(s) of this rash?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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have you found a diagnosis yet, i have the same condition, and kept going back to dermatitis herpetiformis, the only way to confirm that diagnose is a blood test and skin biopsy to check for specific antibodies. I have itchy bumps on both elbows, on the outside, but they are symmetric and only appear towards the tricep area, however i ve been getting hives and rash like lesions elsewhere on the body.
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Only answer I have been able to find on the same issue I am having is a gluten allergy. I was tested and diagnosed with Celiacs disease. Check it out. It can get serious and lead to wheat crisis and land you in the hospital. Research has shown that it is a genetic condition and is wise to get others tested if there is anyone in the family who has been diagnosed..... several of my family members are full blown celiac while others are just intolerant. Worth the testing.
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