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Rash and canker sores?

Hi! My 11yo has a rash on her bottom that doctors think is a strep infection since august(strep b). We have been on amoxicillin penicillin and azithromyacin with no cure. It doesn't hurt her. She also was complaining of stomach aches since August. She constantly gets canker sores and now has what looks like a cold sore on her lip that isn't healing. Could she be allergic to something? I'm lost as to where to go from here.
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363281 tn?1714899967
It sounds like all the antibiotics she has been on has removed all of her friendly bacteria in her system. This will cause bad tummy aches, plus, all the canker sores and cold sores. You need to add Acidophilus to her diet, this will replace the friendly flora that the drugs have removed.
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Thanks. We actually are doing that and mainly removed dairy and gluten from her diet. The rash started to go away until this morning it was red again. It doesn't itch though. She had pizza last night so I will continue to keep her on her current diet and see if it heals. She may have a gluten allergy. She does have little reddish dots and some look like pimples on the back of her arms and legs and bottom.
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