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sinus rot & solid discharge

...i have had pieces of off-white solid discharge come out of my sinus off and on for years ...these pieces resemble tiny pieces of cooked califlower and when i smash them between my fingure and thumb they mash out similar to the core of a boil (like a build up of dead tissue cells?). ...these pieces smell very bad like "toe-jam" only much worse (if you've ever had to clean the huffs of a horse the odor is close, only more rotten)... the odor is ALMOST like the smell of human excrement. ...to clarify, these "pieces" are found (when i sniff hard to clear sinuses) in my spittle not from the nostrils, and are not present every time. ...but the "rottenness" in my breath and sense of smell is pretty much constant  ...also i have had a sour-fungus smell in (at) my nostrils (like when picking my nose).

by way of background:

chronic sinus problems since child (as a child i was always afraid of taking naps because when i woke up the sinus pressure and pain was terrible--i would rub the roof of my mouth with my tongue to try to relieve the pain till it went away); smoked cigarettes (((stupid!))) from age 11- approx. 18 (obvious probable cilia damage!?!?!); allergies since child (though i didnt then realize it--wasnt raised "knowing" i had allergies/asthma); asthma (supposed "adult-onset" -- never used an inhaleruntil mid-to-late 30's)

thanx for your time
5 Responses
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242588 tn?1224271700
What you describe suggests that you have a fungal infection of your sinuses or a condition called allergic fungal sinusitis.  Either way you will probably need treatment with an anti-fungal drug.  You should see an ENT doctor and will almost certainly have x-rays or a CT scan of your sinuses.
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wow, i have almost the same problem, except my discharge is yellow and it comes out of my throat. it starts as almost a choking problem and i have to kinda force it up my throat and eventually out. they're small pieces, but you're right... TERRIBLE smell! it's disgusting. if i mash them up, the texture you speak of is spot on. it's been happening more lately than ever and it's becoming both a little alarming and a nuisance.

i'm 21, i've been having terrible sinus headaches the past month it seems, and i never made the connection between that and the sudden increase in this discharge. i don't smoke, i've had asthma since childhood.

anyways, it's really gross and i'm hoping someone could shed light on all this.
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A related discussion, fungal sinus infection was started.
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