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bad body odor anyone - help!

I need to get in touch with people who think that other people might be allergic to them or people who think/know they have bad body odor. Please email me: samantha.***@****
94 Responses
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I get bad body odor from the rectum area only and doctors gave me çlean bill of health. I shower 3 times a day and have the cleanest clothes.
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17791698 tn?1460137230
Ever heard of Fecal Microbiota Transplant?
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Hi. Are ur problems still gone and how often do u make the tea now
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Dear rosewood, do you eat grains, such as corns, rice or noodles? I really need your help.
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I can definitely help.
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I do have a product that can help you.  Please contact me at ***@****.

I can seriously help all.

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Univ. of Nev. School of Medicine, Family Medicine answered:
Gluten intolerance or celiac sprue can cause some part of your diet to not digest properly. This, combined with the bacteria that are present in your gut, can cause foul smelling vassos discharge from your anus. do research on celiac disease
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Am 33 years old male, Africa immigrant, live in California. i quit my part time job(driving taxi) today bcoz of bad smell. i have been with this problem(bad smell coming out from every holes, i can empty a room) for the last several years. i bath everyday, i am not wear my clothe more than once before laundry. anybody out there who can help?????
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4844439 tn?1359938418
I have had similar experiences. I am white, 43 and female. Your experiences closely mimicked mine. Should I get tested for malador?
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Are you implying that you are some type of supernatural being since you are of Sumerian (Iraqi) descent? Supposedly the men of renown were supposed to have an extremely over powering and unbearable odor. It has been written that their odor was so bad that there scent would travel for 200 yards. Do you have a widow's peak? Rh negative blood? Above average pattern recognition? Able to manipulate your peers?

Also, being of Korean descent does limit the possibility of this a great deal.  
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quite possibly you have a faulty or overloaded or mutated or missing emzyne - try searching about FM03 and Rhdanese -- best of luck
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   omg  - I forgot VERY, VERY important :  L-glutamine powder, i put in my daily smoothies
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CORRECTION:     FRUITS AND VEGGIES  (smoothies and/or salads is what i like)

the "9" is the typo error
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go over to this thread  "people are allergic to me (patm)" for more info and help

what causes our problem is what we put in our mouths !!!!!   to remain patm odor free my regimen is :

fruits and veggies 9smoothies and/or salads) , stevia, Natrene's healthy trinity probiotics, prebiotics (asparagus), grapeseed oil, black seed oil, vitamins, coconut oil

NO SUGAR, NO DAIRY, NO MEAT, NO GLUTEN  - i do eat shrimp almost everyday,  NO FRIED FOODS

of course lots of water and also go to the sauna as much as you can to release toxins out of your body

hot water with fresh squeezed lemon before breakfast - also I add lemon to my water that I drink through the day

God Bless you always - u can do this !!!!!!
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I have been suffering from this odor problem for 5 years now. It is absolutely driving me crazy. I have stopped doing everything but working. Even at my work, people walk in and they get sick. But I cant believe it, something has finally given me some relief. I cant believe that this tea formula you gave really works. I pray it continues to work. It has only been a few days but it is the first relief that I have had in 5 years. Thanks so much for the info on the tea.
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yeah i've been suffering almost half of my age ;,now im 25 still suffering for it i dont kl now what to do i have a low esteem, i dont want to get a job because every time i went to a job hiring im easily wet and i smell bad please help. i take a bath 2 times a day but nothing happen im very clean person, im so shy having it.
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how did u solve it.
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Hi I know how you feel have the same problem ....I too am looking for a cure . sighned ...... Elaine330
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Can i still eat fish? Eat meat?
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I have been researching many things recently around diet and experimenting in the kitchen with whole foods. When I removed dairy foods (milk and cheese) from my diet all my odour disappeared within about 2 weeks. I hate my own odour but now I don't even use deodorant - even when I exercise. For me it was definitely dairy, however I am sure a nutrient rich diet helps a bit also.
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I have suffered for 6 months now from a similar odor issue however i am Mexican descent, I notice 99 percent of people sneeze or cough around me and I bathe 2 times a day, I use vanilla purfume just on the wrists and behind the ears and I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and I do cleanses such as teas and water with lemon. I feel that my condition may be caused by genetics as Ive notice my aunts and uncles sweat alot. Its terribly annoying to have to biy special soaps, shampoos, laundry detergents just to make sur that Im not causing any type of chemically induced reactions.

I have a question for you, did diet every change your smell? and do you have candida?

Bianca -from Los Angeles
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Please tell the solution for the foul smelling body odor
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Continued form 1st part, Sorry it was to many words

Also at the same time as all this happened the doctor gave him some wierd blood pressure that made him feel so bad that he stopped using it after a week

2 years ago he would eat like 1 bite of food and said he was full and lost like 50 pounds in 4 months and he was sleeping like 18 hours a day, he would wake for a hour or 2 and go back to bed, then about a year ago he started drinking like (4) 2 litre bottles of diet coke, I also said how can you drink so much liquid, wow, and again about this same time he gave up caffine all at once but does drink a little once in a great while, Then a bout a year ago he started eating and saying he just cant get full no matter how much he eats, just strange stuff I thought i need to mention

My questions are like how can every hospital say your thyroid is working properly when the thyroidneck is the size of a bowling ball, and I cant believe he has to wait 4 months for them to test it, I dont think he will make it that long

Now for the last 3 months he has been taking his pain meds so he can go walk around stores, ect., seems to me like its getting worse

Another important thing, I know this sounds really weird and strange but his head looks like it turning ROUND like a basketball, I know its probably me but it seems really really wierd, I cant seem to find anything on something like this so its probably me

You work hard your whole life and you do good for a lot of people and then when things go wrong and you dont have insurance everyone turns there back on you, so sad what the world has become, I just wish there was something I could do

But These are all the problems that started at that same time and that he is still having and getting worse every day
No.1 Picks his nose 100+ times a hour
No.2 Has to spray nose 5 times a day minimum now, its not allergys
No.3 body odor is SO BAD I have him spray lysol on his body, otherwise I cant take it and smells from 10 feet away
No.4 Neck swelled up like bowling Ball
No.5 Cant poop for 5 days at a time, then 5 times in 1 day, ongoing long before norco use
No.6 His blood pressure has been down the last 2 months to 135 over
No.7 His nose seals shut more when his blood sugur drops to low 100 or less
No.8 He is totally losing it as being able to think/concentrate, yoiu can repeat urself 5 times and he dosent hear
No.9 Now for 4 months he sleeps alot on a chair on the floor instead of bed unless he uses Afrin
No.10 He CANT sweat even 1 drop for the last Year
No.11 His thing to PEE with hasent got hard in a year
No.12 His one leg now swells up off and on, probably from sleeping in chair
No.13 He just dont seem to care about his health no matter what you say, He worries about his nose but just dosent
         seem to want to like call the appointment for his neck scan/biopsy to see about it being sooner
No.14 Last 6 months he has to shop or go to cheap movies every day, he buy stuff thats pointless when he just
         cant afford to
No.15 He says that after 5 days not pooping and then he chits 3 times he can breathe better for awhile
No.16 He has Floaters in his eyes 24/7 that he says dont go away for the last 5 months
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