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414223 tn?1202527024

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....about my 23 year old son. Some history... as a teenager, he seemed to be withdrawn at times, he taught himself guitar, played alot of video games, made decent grades and was obsessed with wanting the girlfriend relationship just out of his reach. Ten days out of high school he joined the Navy signing a 6 year contract to be trained as an Electronic Technician. He was assigned to a ship after several years of schooling and developed a friendship with a shipmate that was accused of rape. He defended his friend believing him to be innocent of the accusations. The pressure was on, the girl was also on the ship. After several months of investigation no one was charged. He was pressured alot during and after this tense situation. On 1.10.08 he was hospitalized for a week, a board of doctors diagnosed him with major depression with a psychotic break, he was kept there for 7 days on 30 mg of Abiify. In the phone conversations I had with him while there he verbalized thoughts that he had crossed the line, with a girlfriend from high school, while on a date and thought he date raped her (he recently contacted her to get the truth to allow him to "let it go", she assured him that their relationship was a very normal teenage relationship even in the area he was concerned about and that all was consensual). Upon release the Abilify was lowered to 20mg. He was not able to concentrate, was all over the place with thoughts that he couldn't explain, ie: the Captain of the ship was behind the whole thing, it was a set up to drive him crazy, he had hurt in some way everyone in his past that he felt close to, he wanted to contact everyone he had ever felt close to and apologize, he felt he was being drugged by any drink he purchased, he paced and paced and paced, etc. His twin spent that first weekend with him and let me know I should go the next weekend, he really needed us. The next Psychiatrist visit was on the 23rd at that time his drugs were changed to 1mg Resperdal and 25mg Zoloft (Still no counseling at that point, just bloodwork). I arrived that Friday, he was not reachable emotionally, just drugged... but the symptoms were still there, Saturday was heartbreaking. That night I had him lower the Resperdal dosage to .5mg, Sun and Mon he was at about 85% normal and relaxed. By the following weekend he was doing very well when his twin brother visited again. about the middle of the next week we started seeing the symtoms again, he called me one night with a plan for his future once his military release was complete. He crammed all these, well thought out plans into an hour and 1/2 conversation that exhausted me. He was racing from one thing to another and everything was detailed and really a very good plan. The next day he was exhausted and when he went to his scheduled Dr. appointment the doc raised his dosage back to 1mg Resperdal and 50mg Zoloft. He called the last 2 days (that's 2 days of the increased meds) focused on thoughts that he had solved this or that and set it aside and then the first mention thet he had a monster inside that was telling him to hurt himself, followed by "I know, it's part of my conspiracy theory". He later called to say it was the ship's captain. We advised him to keep those thought under control, moving his mind to more positive thoughts and know that we will see that he gets to medical care if needed. He does not want to be overdrugged so hates the idea of being hospitalized again. I am reading all I can get my hands on, trying to help all that I can, I am 1200 miles away. I am concerned that the Navy is only concerned about processing him out and he's not getting what he needs right now. Please explain why the process of Resperdal as a blocker and Zoloft as a seratonin releaser can work together and not fight each other and any other advice you could have to help me with him right now. I'm worried that from what I've read he is not on drug treatment that will help him. Thanks so much.
16 Responses
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414223 tn?1202527024
Thanks for your concern. He is much better now and has stabilized on 50mg Zoloft, benadryl and 100mg Sequel at bedtime (this has been a period of almost 3 weeks). He is in a group therapy on the base (3 times a week) and has has 2 one on one appts. also. When I talk to him he seems himself almost completely now ...just sleepy and tired before noon. This is such a stressful time for us but looks like when he gets his release from the Navy he will be able to function just fine. He is extremely intelligent and wants to pursue a degree in electronics (his field in the Navy) and also music. The biggest thing for my concern now are his social skills, which have always been weak, he is so lonely and doesn't have a clue how to change that.  
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Becky, I'm so sorry about your son. It sounds like he's intelligent and perceptive and I think that'll make a difference in his recovery.

What's the difference between Cronic Uni-Polar Depression and Dissorder/Severe Depression, dysthymia/chronic depression and chronic major depression besides the weird caps--'depression' isn't a proper noun. Neither is 'severe' ;-) --and spelling? Webmd says chronic depression is this: "Dysthymia, sometimes referred to as chronic depression, is a less severe form of depression but the depression symptoms linger for a long period of time, perhaps years. Those who suffer from dysthymia are usually able to function adequately, but seem consistently unhappy." The website says there are no blood tests and: "Dysthymia is a serious but treatable illness. Some people with dysthymia may do well with psychotherapy or "talk" therapy alone. But in some cases that is not adequate and your doctor may prescribe antidepressant medication as well." Chronic major depression seems to be major depression that lasts a while. So if you feel better on meds or in therapy do you stop having chronic depression? How do they know you still have it if you're not depressed on a.d.s?
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quote,' I guess there is a blood test avalible that can help doctors determine what meds to use, or if meds are even needed. I don't know why it's not used. Maybe the test has not yet received FDA approval. " Hensley

Iv read that here too, but Iv not heard of anyone having it done.. I hope your right that theres one out there that just needs to be more widely used.

*With respect and apprication* Jennifer
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Thankyou for the reply Hensley, I just wondered because iv read several of your posts and I definatly got the impression that as you said you've had positive experinces with some of these medicines and seem to be fairly aware of the potential helpful aspects of many. Its good to see there are, as I suspected, atleast a 50% rate of people helped as verses people who are harmed by SSRI's. You dont generally hear from people the meds are helping though because theres no concern or cause for complaint. This confirms my belief that a blood test or something must be found to decide who will be which though and GP's really shouldnt be prescribing these,, a pharmacudical psychologist should who is up to date on all the latest information about each medication.

*Much apprication*    Jennifer
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Something I wanted to add about SSRI's.  In people with undiagnosed bipolar disorder, SSRI's can induce a manic state.
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Btw,, just read this over on the anxiety board by anouther poster and felt it may be helpful.... it may have something to do with the odd behavior and thinking if he is being kicked into 'hyper' mode..

by spade 22 on thread "zoloft side effects?"
When I was on Zoloft I became VERY energetic (prehaps even slightly manic) when I first started to take the medication and had trouble sleeping.  This lasted a few weeks.  If you still suffer from these side-effects after a month, you should talk to your doctor as you may need a medication/dosage change.

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  According to what Im reading on Resperdal, the action of the medication is understood but not why it works... so if he isnt getting relief but rather increased symptoms its probably due to whatever they just withdrew him from rather than the Resperdal itself which should help with abnormal thoughts and anxiety as it has a benzopine action.

Zoloft would be my first suspect since its an SSRI,,,Its possible the reaction (or lack of) he has had this time to it is due to earlier exposure,, so this time all he got was the side effects. Most likely thats why the doctors there are changing his meds trying to figure out what if anything will work. The Resperdal is it looks like, the docs way of trying to get control of the abnormal thoughts and such, which means the doctor knows this isnt normal and he is trying to use a drug to control it. The problem is,, the comination of these meds may be the actual problem its hard to guess though without being the person its happening to or close to him. I feel so for you as a parent at not being able to be there,,I just cant imagine.
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414223 tn?1202527024
SSRI's.....is that the Zoloft?  He has taken it one other time for anxiety for a 6 month period about 5 years ago and got better, as many do he thought all was fixed so he stopped taking it then and here we are now. I do wonder if all of this is due to the drugs. He was depressed, easily distractible, easily stressed and had low self esteem that was about it. Now he is over analizing everything and is paranoid. I can't get him home until they release him from the military, that's why this lack of treatment is so scary for us and him, no one explains anything and if they do he is not able to retain it to help me to understand and help him. The Resperdal is the scary drug for me, I wonder if the racing thoughts and obsession with every detail of his past is brought on by these drugs and how can I tell. He is on the phone with my husband now and is back in his teenage years over analizing every friendship he ever had. I am so worried.....
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Are you a doctor or pharmacist? I ask because you seem to have alot of knowlege about these medicines, but by your comments it sounds like most of them have in some way been beneficial for you. Unfortunatly thats not the case for everyone. I am always glad to hear that not everyone is negatively effected though,, because if you only read the reactions on this board when people have a problem with the meds,, you might get a different idea. I know Im tending to lean twords concern because an awful lot of folks here seem to have a really hard time getting off and on these meds due to the physical withdrawls and side effects that make them feel worse than the original reason they began taking them was.

Becky, my own experince with an SSRI 15 years ago was horrible. I had an almost out of body sensation, like I was watching myself from a distance, dilusional thinking, intrusive thoughts that didnt feel like they were my own such as to kill myself ect. I NEVER experinced ANYTHING like that at all until I started taking SSRI's,, and scientists as well as doctors are starting to stand up and say that in some people SSRI's can cause worsening symptoms due to the brain becoming overloaded with seritonin. SSRI's in people like this (like me) act basicly the same as LSD by flooding the brain with seretonin and not letting it break down the excess thats already there. This can cause everything from anxiety to hallucinations and paranoid dillusional thinking.

Is there ANY way to get him out of the military hospital and home to a trusted local doctor or pharmacudical psychologist? I think somone with a better knowelge of how the drugs work might help figure out whats causing the problem. Many of the drugs your son has been switched off and on from in such a short perioud of time provoke ALL the symptoms your sons experincing.. just read this board to see what others have said and I assure you its all here.

*With much respect and apprication*
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414223 tn?1202527024
Thanks so much for your input and suggestions, we are researching continously at this point. I don't know what the diagnosis will end up being but at this point the med changes are rough for him. I don't believe he is bipolar from what I have read. He has accepted that the treatment will be continuous and lifelong. I am here looking for just what you have suggested, what will work for him. My biggest concern is determining what are side effects from meds and what is the real state of his condition, it's hard to determine.
Thanks for your input!
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414223 tn?1202527024
Me either, he sounds so lathargic today, I have spent hours on the phone with him today just so he wouldn't feel alone, he has a cold too and I guess is adjusting to the increased dosage of meds. This is so hard......
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I for one dont believe for a minute that your sons nuts,,, its got to be the drugs making him feel crazy. They did me!

*Prayers for Ryan*
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242912 tn?1660619837
Just hopped over to anxiety and I see what you did.......perfect!   I thought I just had my forums mixed up......anxiety you know : )

I hope Ryan answers soon.....
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242912 tn?1660619837
Yes, right, I saw your post over there, but the different title threw me off.  I THOUGHT I had initially read your story on the anxiety forum and even went and scanned the forum before I posted to you here, but I was looking for the same heading......funny.  

I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.  I'm glad your son is feeling better today.  He must be so scared and confused about what's happening to him.  I hope each day brings him more peace.
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414223 tn?1202527024
Ryan did post to me last night but he had much less info, I posted this same message back to him there and am waiting for his response, keep him in your prayers. He's better today, one day at a time right now. Thanks for caring!
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242912 tn?1660619837
Oh your poor son!   I don't have an answer for you, but I do have a suggestion.  Please try posting this on the anxiety forum.  There is a young man on there named Ryan who knows alot about medication and frequently answers posts of your type.  I can't guarentee he will answer you, but it's worth a try.  

Your son is so lucky to have you

Thinking of you........
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