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Stomach cramps from eating pineapple

I have a 13 year old daughter and all of the sudden she is having stomach cramps after eating fresh pineapple.  I was just curious if this is common and why would it all the sudden occur?  This has happened twice in the last couple of months and she was smart enough to link the cramps to eating fresh pineapple.  Could you help me to understand this new allergy?  Thanks!  
22 Responses
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It is a possibility that she is allergic to pineapples, or this could even be a c co-incidence that both the episodes of cramps occured after taking a pineapple.

It would be best to take some OTC antispasmodic medications and consult a doctor about the symptoms and possibly tha correct diagnosis too.

Let us know about how she is doing and if you have any further doubts.

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573050 tn?1217238351
My husband and I had slices of a fresh pineapple last Wednesday and we have both been suffering with stomach cramps since.  We have had fresh pineapple before with no problems.  Could you tell us if this is a common problem with fresh pineapple?  Can you suggest anything to help with the stomach cramps which come and go?  Thank you
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There could be a couple of causes of the symptoms you are having including - gastritis due to the pineapples being washed in contaminated water by the fruit seller ; food poisoning due to ingestion of some chemicals or substances along with the pineapple; etc.

You should take some over the counter antispasmodic medications like - mefenemic acid, buscopan, etc and also some antinausea, antireflux medications and see if it helps with your symptoms.

Consult your doctor if the symptoms still persist.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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Hi, I did a search of 'pineapple stomach ache' and this discussion has come up as a result. Did you ever find out what it was with your daughter? I have exactly the same thing and it's definitly not a coincidence. Almost exactly an hour after eating pineapple I get a stomach ache. Is it an allergy or just maybe too acidic for me?

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I have the same problem with pineapple.  I was being rechecked for allergies recently and brought this matter up with my allergist.  He checked to see if I was allergic to pineapple and the test was negative.  That explains why I can eat canned pineapple, just not fresh or frozen.  We are planning a trip to Hawaii in a few months...is there any over the counter medicine I can take to prevent this abdomial pain as a result of eating fresh pineapple?  I tried Tums, they do not work.
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I have the same problem (suffering right now, as a matter of fact!) and for me it's an enzyme issue.  That's probably why some people can tolerate canned or cooked over frozen.  The canning and cooking kills the enzymes present in the fresh pineapple.  I've done a number of fresh pineapple juice fasts and I'm fine with ONLY pineapple.  If there is anything else in my digestive system it's painful for me.  So, just my observations in case it helps anyone.
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Sorry!  I meant "tolerate canned or cooked over FRESH" not frozen.
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I have the same problem , now i am 34 and still have it , i ct eat or drink any pineapple ,fresh or canned, and everytime i forgot and have a so painful stomach cramp
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I have this problem too. Only discovered it after eating fresh pneapple yesterday and today.   Interesting to read this thread
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Do you know what the enzyme is?
I'm suffering as we speak and your theory makes sense although it is surprising to me that you are ok with pineapple juice fasts, I wouldn't have expected that
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757137 tn?1347196453
I would blame the stomach problem on the heavy use of insecticide on pineapples. It is one of the most poisonous fruit for this reason.
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It's likely the Bromelain enzyme in the Fresh Pinapple that is causing the reaction.  Processes or canning the pineapple breaks down that enzyme s you can eat the canned variety or drink the processed pineapple juice without the reaction.  
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I am too having this now. Severe stomach distress bloating as if needles and knived are shoved in every inch of my stomach from top to bottom. The pineapple is part of the cactus family containing the enzyme bromelaine. This, apparently, causes hell with some people. It is now 36 hours later and I am still in agony. Not even morphine has helped. Never again will I eat a single inch of pineapple. Never
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just wondering if you people have the same problem with eggs? Not in cakes, etc, but scrambled or sunny side up?
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yes i do have a problem with pinapple , eggs sunnyside and scrambled not really any other....what is causing this. i have had this all my life and was told by the doctor to stop eating eggs when i was 18... so i dont eat them.  please shed some light i really would like to know what this is.
I do. Pineapples, eggs and ibuprofen causes a severe bellyache for me
I do too. Started with eggs (scrabbled or fried) about 3-4 years ago.  Now it’s pineapple and watermelon. I’ve enjoyed all these foods all my life until now. I’m 46.
Pineapple and eggs for me too. I can tolerate scrambled eggs but any other way makes me very sick.
Eggs and pineapple for me too! I'm just discovering pineapple gives me an upset stomach. Spinach is another food that gives me an upset stomach. I have food allergies to seafood, brazil, hazel, and macadamia nuts. I wonder if there is a link with any of the foods.
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would washing the fruit off get ride of the pesticides?
i normally dont wash pineapple because you are taking off the skin
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I have this problem too! I first noticed it in my late teens; pineapple juice caused the stomach cramps, but I could eat tinned pineapple cooked with food. Later I discovered fresh pineapple caused the same reaction, and in my 30's I developed the same reaction to tinned pineapple too. Alas, pineapple and chicken was always one of my favourite dishes. Thanks for your explanation Shue22!
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no problems with eggs or anything else so far, except fresh pineapple!!
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I've been having almost exactly the same problem for the past 5-6 years, being 34 now, and still not sure why there was no disturbance in digestion before that and which substance of/on pineapple started causing this!????
I don't have any similar problem with other food, nor the gastritis or abscess!!
This explanation: "gastritis due to the pineapples being washed in contaminated water by the fruit seller or food poisoning due to ingestion of some chemicals or substances along with the pineapple" sounds most probable in my case cause in my medical history of irritations I have: rash caused by laundry softener in early childhood, periodical light diarrhea after eating stone leek and water-melons (probably treated with to much pesticides) during past 2 years, one jaw spasm and strong head pressure incident after eating typical noodles with meat and vegetables dish in Chinese restaurant!!!
If only food sellers would give us info about what chemicals exactly they use to treat the goods!!!!
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Omg. I am so sick right now and it was almost immediately after eating fresh pineapple. I have never had this problem before but I will never eat it again.
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Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme (an enzyme that digests proteins) found in fresh pineapple.
This is the one and only reason pineapple causes stomach cramps. By starting to digest the walls of the stomach and even the tongue can be come sensitive. The stomach acid then has sensitive areas that as an acid, will harm - creating discomfort.
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As a digestive enzyme, bromelain has a ton of health benefits, for those who tolerate it well.  I ate about a cup of fresh pineapple last night for dinner (eating light these days; I’m 61), and mostly the fibrous core.  I’ve never had any pineapple-related digestive problems before, but I sure suffered through this time.  All night.  Cramps and bloating, gas and burping started almost immediately.   It would just not move past my stomach.  Eventually, long story short, I had to purge (not something I take lightly) and then I felt much better, … ~nearly 10 hrs later!  

Could it have been the mold that grows on some pineapples as they ripen?  I normally ignore them but this was a bit more “mature” than most I’ve eaten.  In any case, I'm switching to pill form of bromelain just to be safe(r).
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I ate small bowl of fresh pineapple not wuitebripe. 1 1/2 hours later flood of diarrhea and sour upper mid stomach. Diarrhea 1 1/2 days but sour stomach for 1 month. No vomiting or pain just sour stomach and tired prob from light diet. Dr. Said irritated stomach light diet to follow, covid test and it was negative. I lost 4 lbs in month and now stomach is just not right but at least I can eat more comfortably now. I think I need colonoscopy?
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You should also post this in our Gastroenterology forum - https://www.medhelp.org/forums/Gastroenterology/show/68

I think you should follow up with your doctor, if you haven't already. If you aren't still having diarrhea, I don't know if you need a colonoscopy, but maybe an endoscopy instead.
Thank you so much. I did post on gastroenterology forum. Can’t wait to read responses.
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I used to love drinking pinacoladas was my favourite drink. The past 3 years nearly every time I have pineapple juice I get bad cramps. I avoid having pineapple. I haven't been to the doctors. Strange as I used to be fine having pineapple.
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