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Hello hoping to get some info please. I'm 48 year old female , I've always been a high myopic -16 which has been stable all of my life. About 5 years ago I had PVD in both eyes with ongoing floaters , these have never decreased if anything they appear more...

Hello Dear Doctors, Can straining, such as from constipation, heavy lifting and harsh coughing be caused retinal holes, tears or RD if person has high myopia? Thank you.

About six months ago I noticed a large floater in the centre of vision of the left eye. I sought advice from an optometrist who gave me a prompt referral to A&E for a possible retinal tear. The intitial diagnosis was of a retinal tear <90 degrees but it ...

Hello all, I received my laser surgery over a month ago for my left eye retina tear and right eye for lattice degeneration. I had a follow up with my retina specialist doctor a few days ago and he says everything looks fine. 2 days later, I noticed my r...

My son had just been diagnosed with. A big retinal tear, he's only 6 and was complaining of black spots everywhere,we took him to the a&e and turned out he had a giant retina tear, he is myopc In both eye 20/70 and the opthalmologist said this could be w...

Yesterday I had a small horseshoe tear at the 4 o'clock position laser repaired. I have a history of retinal tears, and a detachment in the other eye. All treated by the same retina doctor. When I asked about how this might affect my vision her response wa...

Once the gel completely comes away from the back wall of eye, do you have to worry about a retina tear anymore? How long does it take to pull loose. Why do I have to return to retina specialist in 4 weeks for a follow up check ? Jo 854

Hi, I am a teenager (female) and about a year ago I started seeing large floaters (different shapes/tints, spider-like). Then, about 8 months ago, I started noticing flashes in dark or dim lighting at times. Then, last week I saw a faint pattern of hori...

I was diagnosed PVD two days ago I've had two eye exams by an ophthalmologist, and he assured me the retina was not detached nor there was a tear! I am very concerned because since yesterday my vision is permanently cloudy like curtain like vision. Every ...

I had a pars plana vitrectomy on June 3rd. I had a tear and detached retina. A gas bubble was put in place and lasted just over two weeks. As soon as the bubble dissapated, the area where the tear was, which I regained sight after surgery, turned grey a...

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