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My dog (cavalier king Charles spaniel female 1 year and half) was spayed exactly one week ago. Soon after the spaying we noticed a lot of fresh blood in her urine. So we went back to the veterinarian who said it is probably a UTI and prescribed antibiotics...

Her private part is swellign

My 6 year old boxer isn't eating, she getting really thin. I cooked chicken and rice, which she was eating but now she's stop eating that. Three weeks ago I took her to the vet., for wetting herself when she was sleeping she was aready taking porin for the...

Just got my dog spayed like 6 days ago due to supposedly Pyometra. After we payed 805 dollars the vet told us there were no signs of it though it still baffled him that she had all the signs. She was in heat in January and went in again this month not even...

I have a 3 year old Chihuahua and when I leave her, she ***** her 2 bottoms breasts and she's got them all swelled up and milk keeps coming out of them. She's never been bred, or anything. She hasn't even ever had sex. I think it's anxiety, but I'm not sur...

Hello all, Our 7 month female dog had a spay surgery 5 days ago. She stayed at the hospital overnight and we picked her up the next day. Ever since we brought her home she pees blood and can't control herself - trying to pee every 20-30 yards when we're ...

Just got home from vet, have a 14 year old schanuzer with uterine infection. Vet gave antibotic shot and amoxi. and said only options were to spay ( did not realize it was that inportant to spay, no breeding or male doag and she always had silent heats) or...

Hello!Please tell me which medicines to use for treatment of pyometra?My female dog is very sick.Thank you!

Our DAWGs--Domestic Animal Welfare Group has a FREE to Dog owners, Spay & Neuter Clinic as many times per year as we can afford it. The question is, Why do some Dog owners, who otherwise have the money, only Spay or Neuter their animals when it is FR...

my female lab was spayed today,and I noticed blood while she was laying on my bed,so naturally I got scarred,she had bright red blood coming out of her incision down her belly and a mark on my bed oh about the size of a half dollar...not sure how much caus...

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