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21 - 30 of 1074 Posts
So I have tried Clomid, leterzole, with no luck!! Doc wants me to try follistim with an HCG.. Has anyone had success with this.. I am kinda scared to try it!! I don't want 3 my first time!! LOL just one to start off with.. me and the Hubby have been trying...

Anyone else have this type of protocol? I am looking to compare notes..... I live in Alaska and with only one RE up here, it is hard to get a second opinion..... Thanks in advance to all those that respond. Sam

Does anyone know the difference between Lupron and Follistim? I've been taking Follistim and Menopur and started Ganirelex last night. My re told me today that they might switch me to Lupron, any of you know why maybe? I have plenty of follies.

I've been on injections for five days now. Today was my first ultrasound and my RE saw 4 follicles on one side and 5 follicles on the other. I was a bit disappointed. I was really hoping for more than that! I am on a much higher dose of follistim than I wa...

I had my insemination today after 9 days on follisitim. Forgot to ask the nurse whether or not to take the shot tonight-I had my novarel shot today too. On my fus it looked like I had already, or was ready to, ovulate, so she did the iui today instead of W...

Lets see... I just finished up my 2nd IVF cycle. My R.E. up me on lupron, gonal f/follistim, & menopur. I also have severe endometriosis. While on gonal f, with my 1st IVF cycle. I got 7 embryos & cysts. With my 2nd cycle, my dosage of follistim was in...

What type of side effects have you all experience while taking the Follistim Pen?? Just wondering what is normal, and what is abnormal. I am on 75 IU's... today is my third day of taking the shots. I have noticed a little nausea, and some heachaches. ...

Hi everyone. I'm curently on CD 18. Im going to be starting my first round of Follistem Injections with af. I was just wondering if anyone has used this and had successful pregnancies. We've been TTC for about 2 1/2 years now. Had 2 miscarriages with clomi...

Hi there I have a question regarding the timing of HCG shot. I had 4 failed IUI and one unsuccessful IVF. I am taking the medicine this time without any doctor's help. I am on Follistim 150mg from day 2 to day 7 and I have a 30 days cycle. When I was doin...

The title pretty much says it all! My estradiol dropped from 155 to 78 in two days...but in those two days 2 follicles on my right side grew from 10mm to 11mm. Why would my estradiol drop with growing follicles? My RE did up my Follistim dose.

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