1 - 10 of 187 Posts
I do not have BPPV. ENT said it was central not peripheral. GP rx'd Antivert.. Tonight the feeling of the room being in motion has returned. My question? Do any of you take Antivert and have you had success? Is it effective if you have central relat...

I have been diagnosed through a VNG to have inner ear fluid which is causing lightheadedness. The ENT gave me a diuretic and put me on a low sodium diet. Does anyone know when I should start feeling less lightheaded? It has been almost three weeks and I...

does anyone know about treatments and or surgeries i can ask my ENT about when i go to see him tomorrow?

I undergone Head MRI with contrast and it shows small chronic infarcts, both mid cerebellar regions. My neurologist says that my dizziness might stay until i aged. There is no medication given, the only advice is I have to stay healthy. Is some has the sam...

Today my doctor called Antivert and Medrol dose pack in for me because I have been so dizzy and lightheaded. I do not know how to describe it. The floor moves when I am not. It has been super hot here in Atlanta and I know the heat has a lot to do wit...

Hi there it's been 4 weeks now that I have inner ear infection . And still feel dizzy .week into that I woke up to find that I have double vision can anyone tell me why this is . Thanks

I'm going to try to make a long story short here. Last week on Wednesday I woke up and experienced some vertigo for about 5 minutes. Just the spinning, not the nausea or anything else. I had another small episode Thursday morning and decided to go to th...

I'm going to try to make a long story short here. Last week on Wednesday I woke up and experienced some vertigo for about 5 minutes. Just the spinning, not the nausea or anything else. I had another small episode Thursday morning and decided to go to th...

I have been diagnosed with vertigo since January 22nd of this year. I have seen internest and most recently ENT. I have practiced Epley maneuver since Jan 25th which has reduced the affects of vertigo but it is still hanging on. I was informed at ENT th...

I have a history in vertigo comes and goes, recently episode I had the dizziness and falling spell, which did number on me with bruises and bumps. This went on for a good two weeks. I went to the emergency room twice, the first time they hooked me up with...

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