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1 - 10 of 1219686 Posts
Hi, Could someone explain what Free T3 and Free T4 are. I had my blood work done as advied by the board T3, T4 and TSH. Is there a difference between T3 and T4 and Free T3 and T4? Is that what is actually produced by the thyroid? Liz

what is meant by free t3 and free t4

Hi I have a hypo-thyroid and have just received my blood tests which revealed I have low FT4 (9) ref ranges (11+). My Endo has increased my T4 medication from 50mg to 75mg - I just want to know if increasing the T4 meds will get my FT4 to an optimal l...

Can someone please clarify what Free T4 really is and what it's purpose is. I just got some of my thyroid labs back and the Free T4 is concerning to me. I just however read somewhere that the Free T4 is NOT affected by medication so I am thouroughy confu...

What is considered a really good Free T3 level, my seems to run at about 227 which is in my opion low, my TSH is 1.7 and my Free T4 is 1? I am on syn.50 and cytomel 5mcg, I feel ok, all the really bad symptoms are gone, except that I tend to retain a litt...

MY CHILD (4 years old) LAB RESULTS CAME TO BE : 1- FREE T3 ------------ 6.29 pmol/l 2- TSH -------------------2.07uIU/ml appreciate ur comments as why the T3 is high and could be done thanks and regards ahmad

Hi everyone, I've been receiving treatment for hypothroydism for the past 4 weeks - 50 mg of Eltroxin. My blood results were as follows: TSH - 7.58 Free T4 - 12.45 Total T3 - 0.8 I have a few questions i'd really appreciate your help with: -...

Why is it that free t3 is so high right after we take medication..but yet we feel no hyperthyroid symptoms??

In August 09 my: TSH was .7, free T4 .55 (.61-1.76), free T3 1.8 (2.3-4.2) on 2.5 grains Naturethroid two weeks later: 2.2 .55 2.2 same time 9am but had taken Rx that am. Raised to ...

Hi! I was hoping to get some insight on my thyroid labs. In Sept 2015, my TSH was 3.28. This is considered "normal" by my doctor (range is .35-4.01) In June 2016, I had the following results: TSH - Ultrasensitive 2.50 u[IU]/mL (range: 0.35 - ...

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