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Search Results for "Tanahist D"

1 - 10 of 82162 Results
Well girls, after 9 months of stalking this app through the sleepless nights and the paranoid moments seeking advice. In a couple of hours I will be gowned up and awaiting my ceasearen delivery. It's feeling very surreal right now I feel like I am in a li...

hello , i made a video of me and my bf and our daughter kat. thers a short video sonogram of her if youd like to see it.

What are somethings you are craving??? I'm mostly craving anything that has STRAWBERRIES... And lemons with lime salt Mmm Mmm Weird huh.. lol not together but but I do crave both. With my daughter I really didn't crave much of anything but with baby ...

Well all I wanted is to share my happiness... I found out I'm having a baby BOOOOOYYY!!! My fiance and I are thrilled even though everybody else wanted a girl.

Omg 87 more days!!!! Feeling scared and excited! Lol :D

9 weeks and 2 months to go till I see my baby :-D xxxx

Who else's baby's head at the bottom I'm 31weeks :-D

Ahhh im so excited I have only 7 days left one more week until my baby is here with me im so excited!!!

Yay so excited I wanted to share. My baby boy is head down and im dilated 1/2 cm and doc says my cervix is softening im 36 weeks and cant wait to meet my little angel ! :)

Can I get a :) comment for all of us who are teen or once were teen mummys and proud and dont care what people think!!!!

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