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epicardial coronary disease

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on epicardial coronary disease

My aorta valve has shot blood clots to my other organs 2 yrs ago. What is the techinical na...
I recently posted a question here regarding chest pains with exercise. To quickly sum e...
My husband has coronary heart disease and will not take his medications. What will happen?...
Why does a calcified 100% blockage of a coronary artery result in tissue damage the same as...
Every year I had a physical and was always told my health was excellent, good colesterol, b...
how quickly does coronary artery disease develop? Do heart attacks occur without coronary ...
Sir plz HELP dadz age is 66 years.he is asymptomatic bt i insist him to go for TMT t...
I am male 46 years old having severe health anxiety &mitral valve prolapse since 12 years w...
I am an overweight female, 61 with 2 artieries containing substaintial amount of placque. H...
what are the symptom for microvascular disease, has anyone ever heard of this disease? what...