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Posts on fleas

HELP!!!! - Cats Community
- Aug 24, 2008
I have a long haired female cat who has fleas REALLY bad . I have given her a bath there s...
My cat has a kitten that is now 3 weeks old and they both have fleas. I have tried to get r...
I googled this but i wanted to see if any of you ldies ever had to bug bomb your house whi...
k I guess I should say I started noticing bed bugs when I stupidly took a second hand bed f...
I use Frontline on my little Chi-Pom and I use the appropriate dose, given to us by the vet...
My dog does have flea's just recentally, I have hep-C, and my family lives in the same hous...
We are desperately in need of help. About 5 weeks ago, our diaper wearing 20 month old beg...
Good Morning All- I am looking for natural flea and tick remedies. After a lot of researc...
How to get rid of fleas in the house. Have 2 cats that are strictly indoor cats, so not su...
Hello, My Cairn Terrier keeps getting these small black bugs on him. They do not attach...