
Incorrect Prescription

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Incorrect Prescription (38421)
About 2 weeks ago I was given glasses and told my right eye was slightly worse than my left...
I've been wearing glasses since I was about 15 for distance (now I'm 31). I wear contacts o...
What are the expected measurement accuracies of the spherical, cylindrical, and axis values...
I worn mono vision contacts for many years they worked great until the cataract kicks in. M...
I recently got new glasses with a new prescription. OD Sphere -0.50 Cyl -1.25 Axis 077 ...
I got a comprehensive exam recently and doubt the prescription a lot. I kept all my previou...
I recently went for an eye exam to get a new prescription for my glasses as they are over 4...
I got new glasses recently, and I've compared them to my old glasses by looking at my own c...
ive just been given new glasses by my optician that has taken my script from -0.25 -0.25 sp...
My 82 year old mother recently switched pharmacies and they gave her paxil instead of proz...