
vasectomy failure

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on vasectomy failure

I'm Pregnant. My sig. other had a vasectomy 12 years ago. There is not a .00001% chance it...
I am just curious, I was told that if a man has had a vasectomy(fixed), he cannot get a wo...
I have not had my period since May. My husband has had a vasectomy so we do not use birthco...
Exactly how common is it for a pregnancy to happen more than 10 years after a vasectomy has...
My Husband has had a vec for seven years now, & I was wondering can I give him a child?, it...
Condom broke, vasectomy was just over two weeks ago, haven't had follow up with doctor yet....
my husbands 1st vasectomy failed one year after his surgery. We had 2 confirmed neg. sperm...
Hi my husband has noticed small lumps on his vans deferens 12 years post vasectomy. Could t...
I am suffering from Testicular Failure disease; Azoospermia. My ejaculation process is norm...
what are the odds of me being pregnant if i had a tubal almost 2 yrs ago and my husband now...
Hi I did one of the above tests this morning and there isa faint pink line. How reliable ar...